#TLAP is a weekly chat for educators who embrace author, keynote speaker, and moderator David Burgess' approach of teaching like a pirate. Burgess is author of Teach Like A PIRATE: Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, and Transform Your Life as an Educator and co-author of P is for PIRATE: Inspirational ABC’s for Educators.
Roman from Ontario, Canada. HS Teacher/Student Success Leader/Agent of Transformation. Checking in for my weekly #tlap boost. Hope everyone is great and ready to set sail!
My words: kind, humble, learner, father, husband, friend. #TellYourStory
Hey #TLAP- Stella from KY here. I am adding a new class to my bio! I am now a 7th Grade Science AND math teacher. :-) happy to be here with you all tonight.
I'm Todd Nesloney! Elementary Principal and author of #StoriesFromWebb and co-author of #KidsDeserveit and #SparksInTheDark
My 6 words: energetic, thoughtful, empathetic, reader, learner, questioner
Hi #tlap! Lisa, K-6 teacher librarian from Bucks Co, PA here. Words for today: learner, reader, friend, enthusiastic and rocker-mom (my kids have been in a ton of music performances these last two weeks!)
We believe every student has a story. YOU can point it in the right direction.
Let us put your story telling data in one place.
Hit GET STARTED for a quick demo on how we can make your life easier!
I’m Laurie! Here for a few #tlap questions before I head out (the #FOMO was REAL tonight!) My six words? Passionate, kind, determined, impatient 😉, creative and loved. ❤️
Hi #TLAP! I'm looking forward to tonight's chat!
I'm Aaron Hogan, author of Shattering the Perfect #TeacherMyth! Can't wait to hear more about #TellYourStory tonight.
Lindsey from Columbus, OH! Currently a first grade teacher but moving to third grade next year!
•spontaneous, positive, creative, curious, determined, learner #tlap
Hi, #tlap ! Checking out a new chat tonight and dropping in! I'm Katie from PA - I teach 7th grade Social Studies in an online setting. I'd describe myself as quirky, caring, passionate, inquisitive, offbeat and a traveler
Hi! Wendy Hankins, 2nd Grade from @KirkElementary. Spreading positivity & thoughts via #HeardItFromHankins ♥️
6️⃣ words: positive, passionate, life-long learner (that may be 3 words 😆), mother (both at home & school) & wife
HI, this is Marley from North Carolina. Im a Digital Integration Facilitator — Energetic, passionate, meticulous, scatterbrained, feisty, intrigued #tlap
A1: Sharing more with teachers and students, engaging in new ways with co-workers, and stepping out of my box to try some new things professionally. #tlap
A1: My podcast and blog at https://t.co/DacioI4EWA! In fact, I just released a podcast earlier today on reflecting about the first day of Standardized Testing and how there has to be a better way. #tlap
A1: definitely Twitter, just started library instagram (thanks @GwynethJones!), monthly newsletter, school website… still feel like I need to do more! #tlap
A1: As a new teacher, I am telling my story on the blog that I made this past semester where I have been documenting my journey as a student teacher. I just got "A Teachers Journey" by @btcostello05 and am inspired to tell my story. #tlap
A1: I tell my story through my blog at https://t.co/WJUz3SPJlp and through Instagram. I love to share my reflections and historical happenings going on in room 303. #tlap
A1: I'm working on a book that I want to finish this summer. I also blog at https://t.co/L4l26z4BBx but I need the school year to wrap up so I can dig back into writing!
A1 I love using social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. I also do virtual collaborations to tell my story. I blog (though I need to write more). My goal for next year is to also use YouTube to tell my class story with my students. Watch out!!! #tlap#TellYourStory
A1: I tell my story through my every day interactions with teachers, students, parents, and other stakeholders. Relationships. Relationships. Relationships. #TLAP
A4 Students collaborating in a digital space requires digital citizenship to be taught and modeled. Ss need to know how to interact online, and they don't come to us already aware of that! #edtechchat
A1: My blog, twitter, and I also share info on my @voxer book group. For my school, we have twitter, instagram, and use @SmorePages for our newsletter #TLAP
A1- Blogging, but don't do it near enough! Face to face is a very powerful way to still #tellyourstory- edcamps, conference presentations, google hangouts! #TLap
A1: I'm doing my best to get back into the groove blogging at https://t.co/ItObpvKc4Z. Trying to get everything organized to share more of my thoughts from this year. #TLAP#TeacherMyth
A1: My blog, twitter, and I also share info on my @voxer book group. For my school, we have twitter, instagram, and use @SmorePages for our newsletter #TLAP
I have a journal I write my memorable school/work moments in. I love to share these stories w/ friends & family. I have also noticed I keep in much better constant contact with my friends who are educators as opposed to other professions. Always telling our stories! #TLAP
A1: Yes! I’ve really started to open up a lot more with others that I’m not directly teaching with everyday but know hat I have a lot to learn from them and them from me. #tlap#TellYourStory
A1. Howdy #tlap crew from Barbara, school counselor and author of What's Under Your Cape? in Friendswood, TX. I wrote our story in the book and blog about school & counseling at https://t.co/lTqNP7bYv0 and on our school website. We also use Facebook to share pictures and news.
A1: I am fortunate to sit on the #NELMS18 Board of Directors which allows me@to interact with so many New England teachers and share my story & of course Twitter #tlap
#TLAP The authorities also have to catch up...currently teachers get recognition for learning and professional development as "x amount of hours at that organization getting this certificate"...when will they get recognition for learning from #PLN and twitter etc.? #teachers
A1: I have found Facebook to be really powerful because that is where many of my parents already are...Instagram has been great because I post there and it shares to Facebook too! #tlap
oh duh - more A1: also on Facebook - but that’s for my own stories… I was thinking school-related ones! Not that those aren’t my own stories too! #TLAP
A1: Great ways to tell your story:
- Twitter
- Voxer
- Blogging
- Face to face at EdCamps
- Face to face any chance you get
Just remember, tell the whole story, not just the great parts. Others need to see the struggle, too.
A1: Besides Twitter, I have a blog where I try to do weekly entries (thanks for inspiration @meagan_e_kelly ) https://t.co/0GpU9aHgAj
I've also been working on a website (not ready ... yet!)
A1: I recently made this 2017_2018 rewind board for students, teachers and parents to see. I have also started blogging recently to tell my story. #tlap#TellYourStory
A1 I will be telling my story in my new Twitter chat starting June 3rd with my friend @MrCoachEli Twitter chats have been a great learning journey for me, I wanted to make sure to keep the learning going with #bekindEDU to start the week off right! #tlap#TellYourStory
A1 I share my story on my “days of learning blog” where I reflect on something each day of schooling at https://t.co/8OMeVTEFOi
It started as a dare and has now become part of my day (though I don’t suggest any blindly taking this challenge) #TLAP
Russell, FL principal. A1: Instagram and in person. Anytime I have a captive audience I try to take it as an opportunity to tell our @NBFelem story. #tlap#knownova
A1: I’m telling my story by blogging and I recently stepped out if my comfort zone and was a guest on a podcast thanks to @coolcatteacher !I’m trying to strike a balance between telling my story with the professional world & families in my classroom! #tlap
#tlap A1 Between my CrV, the Eisenhower Interstate Highway System and a collection of flying cameras I share ideas, media & the occasional digital story..
A1: Besides Twitter, I tell my story through my students. They can tell countless of stories about me and their experiences in our class home. ♥️
Also, via my quotes #HeardItFromHankins (although I suppose that’s Twitter).
I’ve also started presenting at conferences.
A1: I love book chats/coffee edu/blogging/speaking/Voxer... if the opportunity arises I put myself out there otherwise I create the opportunity myself 😉 #tlap
A1: ever since I took the leap and started blogging a year and a half ago, it’s become my escape and my favourite way to tell my story. https://t.co/hgmIe3ZVgp#tlap
A1) Instagram is a game changer. No more newsletters. Classrooms have Insta-Managers responsible for choosing the best pics of the week to help synthesize it all. A great review and great communication tool. A pic is worth... a lot...of words:) #tlap
A1: I recently started a blog that is helping me share my thoughts. Definitely out of my comfort zone but allows me to share and be open to feedback which will help me grow. #tlap#LoveLiteracyLearning
Here’s my 1st entry 😉Let me know what you think
I think it’s powerful to tell our story through our daily interactions with the people we serve. This day in age there are many platforms, but face to face matters most. #tellyourstory#TLAP
A1: It's great to have a lot of ways we tell our story (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, blogs, etc.), but we have to remember that we tell our story just as loudly in what we talk about, complain about, joke about, & brag on our schools about.
A1b: I also do podcasts and guest posts when people invite me to share our story. Here's a #storiesinedu interview I gave a week ago talking about how I use puppets as a hook: https://t.co/vWV5Fcb5zB#engagement#tlap
A1: Tell story through staff, students and pretty much anyone willing to listen. Would love to try a more online presence like blogging but I'm just not there yet. #tlap
OOOOOMMMMMGGG! Finally plane wifi letting me connect! Thanks to @TechNinjaTodd for steering the #tlap ship....so glad all of you are here! Thankful to be joining...at least for now!!
A2: That was the ENTIRE reason I wrote #StoriesFromWebb. To amplify the voices of adults down in the trenches every day who don't get the recognition they deserve. Like many of you!! #StoriesFromWebb is the voice of all of us.
A1: It's great to have a lot of ways we tell our story (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, blogs, etc.), but we have to remember that we tell our story just as loudly in what we talk about, complain about, joke about, & brag on our schools about.
A2: Recently, I had the Ss on my team submit a written shout-out to a teacher of their choosing for teacher appreciation week. We surprised the teachers in homeroom with the messages! I loved how involved and stoked my Ss were! #TLAP
A2: We created Student Advisory Boards for each grade level. They speak with admin about what's going on in the school at least once a month and we also focus on building leadership skills with them! #TLAP
A1 I share my story on my blog. Mostly my gamified classroom experience. Sometimes mix in personal moments. My latest post has some personal history...
A2: I am always looking for ways for students to share their reading and writing lives. These are stories that live inside us and we connect to each other through literacy. We share their work over Twitter, throughout our school, and in spoken word poetry slams. #TLAP
A1b: I submitted a proposal & will be presenting at my first conference next month!! Can’t wait to share my #globalcollaboration journey with others!! #tellyourstory#TLAP
A2 sharing in school, social media, in the blogs we sometimes co-write, or in my posts, also have Ss present at conferences about how they learn, and most recently a few Ss moderated the #bunceechat#tlap
A2: Started asking teachers to not only present with me (and w/o me at conferences), but have them share their successes and strategies via blogs.
A2: Trying to get a school podcast going, created by Ss, and broadcasting all the good they do on our social media channels. Also connect them globally where possible. #tlap
A2: Presenting at conferences with my colleagues @PHausTech@SarahCaseyPE and @misskoplin. Also sharing some of the awesome products my students make out with others so students can see how their work can actively contribute knowledge to the world! #tlap
A2: At a staff meeting next week, ever teacher is sharing something they are proud of that they've done in their classrooms this year, so we can celebrate one another! #tlap
A2: we can’t amplify voices without listening. Giving people a chance to speak is the first step. But honouring their voice is the next. Choices in learning, PD, Assessment. All important. #tlap
A2: Next you I will be experimenting with @Seesaw and @Flipgrid. Otherwise I have gotten Ss involved in their community through special projects and by having a classroom Facebook page. #tlap
A2: Sharing S work when possible and letting them connect with other classes (in and outside our school)... @Flipgrid etc Try to highlight great things colleagues do at any chance via any channel #tlap
A2) When you give Ts credibility and authority they want to tell your story because they own it. When they are leaders in the midst, they are your cheerleaders. Get them to weigh in and there’s no need to buy in. #tlap
A2 #tlap try to tweet the work of Ss and colleagues (do we call them Cs on the twitterverse?) and retweet the cool stuff I steal ... I mean find as influential from my PLN. No surprise - when I have the time, they come from this chat
A2 I have a class Twitter & FB page so Ss ideas & work get out that way. Also use @SmorePages to update Ps & share Ss work. Started using @Flipgrid this yr, & looking forward to using that more. #tlap
A2: I amplify my coworkers voices by sharing their stories through media. I love to share the awesome things they are doing! I also share as much as I can about kiddos through our class dojo account as well as twitter! #tlap#TellYourStory
A2: I amplify the work and voice of our students and staff by sharing what I notice on morning announcements, on the blog and when I lead learning sessions. I also invite them to speak, present & lead whenever opportunity presents itself. #tlap
Q2: Trying to stand up for them, to present their side of the story, to give another perspective, to join into some of the ideas co-workers and students come up with, and asking co-workers to join in groups to start new endeavors. #tlap
A2 I search for authentic audiences. For our @NationalHistory projects we created a school museum for our Family Night. We displayed for the other students and then competed #TLAP
#tlap A2 More often than not, through some serendipitous meeting. Like when @davidtedu said my Instagraming imagery was like creating a stock library for oneself. Or @jesush1979 and a team of students designing a solution for a problem my drone has..
A2: I love amplifying student voice through Twitter by sharing their creations. In class I have Ss sharing collaborative Google slide presentations, flipgrid creations, and reflections through digital portfolios. #tlap
A2 Ss share feedback with each other and me, show what they are doing on @Seesaw, helped me purchase flex seating for next year and give them a chance to talk freely #tlap
A2 I follow co-workers on Twitter and comment or retweet. Our class uses Seesaw to share with families. I am hosting weekly Seesaw chats for staff to assist in implementing Seesaw in their classroom #TLAP
A2: We make videoes using @AdobeSpark to post on social media. Our Ts and Ss also use @Flipgrid and @Seesaw in some classes. Ts are also given a voice during reflective convos, meetings, and surveys. #TLAP
A2 I try to celebrate others constantly. I listen, encourage, uplift & celebrate the great things others do. I also try to celebrate students and all their work with cards, surprises, time, words, phone calls. Next year is all about empowering student voice! #tlap#TellYourStory
A2: By providing opportunities for students to have authentic audiences beyond parents and Ts. Also, by sharing student and teacher successes via Twitter. #TLAP
A2-Awesome question - started a student news show two times a month posted to our Facebook page- and Screencastify to connect in new ways!
Will say Facebook has been great for my school @MrPStrunk@TechNinjaTodd@DisruptedTv#tlap
A2: my firsties share their voice through seesaw! they can see each others' work and thinking, and so can families at home. they love the feedback through likes and comments from parents! #tlap
A2: Lately, I’ve really had a passion for getting Ss to advocate for themselves & getting them to realize they have a voice that matters is the 1st step so def trying to build up Ss confidence!I use #flipgrid and blogs and passion projects. I try to motivate Ts to speak up! #TLAP
A2 we use Twitter in the classroom and tweet to a class hashtag #jmsshpa10#jmsshpa11#jmsshpa12, Ss connect with each other and community members and anyone who will listen so that there voices are heard. I try to engage as many of my colleagues via Twitter as well. #tlap
A2: Listening is key! Then open doors and step out of the way! Students are empowered to use their voice and create opportunities for themselves! I love sharing a great read with Ts and having side-bar chats that grow in volume. #BetterTogether#tlap
A2: This year we started a student twitter account and would like that to really take off next year. I’d like to see our Ts involve our Ss in the messages that are sent via @ClassDojo and through newsletters. Let’s give our Ss voice to share! #tlap#LoveLiteracyLearning
A1: I started a blog recently and have been struggling with this. When teachers don't publicize what they do, no one gets to see the changes we are making. We should all be proud to show how we are 'doing school different' #tlap#TellYourStory
A2: definitely giving more voice to Ss this year as we've increased our tech - @flipgrid, @Seesaw, @Flocabulary - getting more Ts on board and they are sharing with others! #tlap
So good. When I present, I try to always bring someone who has lived and breathed it. I also seek guest moderators for my own chat. When they step up and have to explain their work, they are now the authors of the story. #tlap
A2: I 💙 using @Flipgrid to amplify Student Voice!! It has easily become our favorite tech tool this year! We’ve used it for #globalcollaboration learning challenges & daily within the classroom! Every S is heard & has a relevant audience! #TLAP
A2: Using @Flipgrid for some in school collaborations, giving control to our students with some guided social media posts and community collaborations within our #Kindergarten classroom. #tlap
A2: I amplify student voices by sharing my twitter account with them. If they have something they want to share, we tweet about it together. I also tweet quotes of their amazing thinking— they know their thoughts and words matter. #tlap
A2: So many AMAZING things happen when working with kids and those that empower them - Always excited to share the stories, present at conferences, and find the authentic audiences. #TLAP
A2: Love giving authentic opportunities to students to contribute to the school story. Could be done in school vision infographics, creating a recruitment video for prospective teachers, making a welcome video to new students, positive tweets of affirmations. #tlap
@JWMSGoCougars Cougar News is a great way for the community to hear from our students, know what is going on at school, and "meet" the teachers who pour their hearts and souls into their kiddos each day! #tlap
In reply to
@ERobbPrincipal, @TechNinjaTodd, @DisruptedTv, @JWMSGoCougars
I try to have my teachers “take over” grade level meetings and/or PLCs while I just am the facilitator so they can take it in the direction that they feel best suits them. I think it is powerful for them to learn and engage in what’s purposeful in their eyes. #TLAP
Allow for student story time or sharing circles. This allows students to share their thoughts and opinions on a daily basis. Makes students feel that their voice is important enough to be heard. #tlap
A2 We use @flipgrid@ClassDojo Putting projects on our class website, Skyping, posters, contacting real world connections via email, letters, & phone. #tlap
A2: Twitter !! It’s the best way to amplify my Ss voice. I am also able to keep up with my co-workers using #Hosplearns ( check out the amazing things happening at our school 😀) #TLAP
A2: I’m a go getter and a goal I had this year was to step back, slow down, and listen... it helped to get other voices in the room! My Ss voices have been hugely amplified this year as well.. they are in charge of their learning! Guiding the ship! #tlap
A2: Twitter Thursday at school. Our students Tweet what they are proud of for the week or the upcoming week using #SennettShines. I love reading their on Thursdays
When I was in the classroom several years ago, my Ss created our newsletter every week using Glogster. They were so excited to sign their names at the bottom! #tlap
In reply to
@CristinaDajero, @TechNinjaTodd, @ClassDojo
A2b: When I MCd the National Forum on Character Ed, I brought this student with me to share our story via this video clip. Afterward, many schools asked to FaceTime with him. So powerful! https://t.co/pmEsk1N85F#tlap#kindnessmatters#kindcoins
I try to start our day by sharing "something good" that is happening in their lives! Love hearing about the great things they are doing that they don't always get to talk about #tlap
A3: I just finished two great books. I just read "Goodbye Days" by @jeffzentner and "Endling" by @kaaauthor. Both so different but moved me in many ways. I shed a tear in both! #TLAP#TellYourStory
A2: I am amplifying student voice through @Flipgrid and #GridPals. Also, global connections through @Skype with @bmilla84 and @hayes_melisa . I hope to connect with many more classrooms in the upcoming year! #tlap
I try to have my teachers “take over” grade level meetings and/or PLCs while I just am the facilitator so they can take it in the direction that they feel best suits them. I think it is powerful for them to learn and engage in what’s purposeful in their eyes. #TLAP
A2: We created an “executive cmte” of student leaders that meet 2xs a month and plan service events and plan school-wide initiatives. Our vulture & climate cmte is led solely by the staff whose obj is to make school a frat place to work & learn. #TLAP
One of my favorite ways to give students VOICE is The Pecha Kucha, 20 images, 20 seconds per image, tell your story in 6 minutes and 40 seconds.
A2: by giving Ss more voice as they make their projects. 5th grs making memory boxes abt their Elementary lives. By showing us what was important to them. #tlap
A3: I still often think about when I read "Far From the Tree". That book has stuck with me so deeply. I ugly cried for sure in that story of what family really means. #TLAP#TellYourStory
A3: I LOVED "Ready Player One" partially because students recommended it, and partly because the story fits in that whole Matrix/The Giver/Harry Potter realm!
Have you tried @Sli.do I love flipgrid and use it tons but a colleague introduced me to this one and within the class it creates a new platform for Voice! Super cool #tlap
A2: we can’t amplify voices without listening. Giving people a chance to speak is the first step. But honouring their voice is the next. Choices in learning, PD, Assessment. All important. #tlap
A3: Loved Collaborative Intelligence by Markova and McArthur! I'm reading Turn the Ship Around by David Marquet and it's great for anyone who leads people! #TLAP
A3: I just started to read "Kind is the New Classy" by @candacecameron and love that it emphasized the power of kindness. I also enjoyed reading "Tell Your Story". #tlap
A2: As an @NBFelem I'm given a lot of freedom to try activities and Implement solutions that I feel are best for my Ss. In turn, I do the same thing for my Ss where I provide them with a lot of choice when selecting learning activities, learning environment and products. #tlap
Yes! Please only speak positive words about your school! If you have some complainin’ about, you better have some explainin’ about how you’re going to fix what you’re gripin’ about...
A3 I would have to say that the last book I read that really spoke to me was Odd One Out by @getnicced Being able to have honest stories and conversations, exchange with the author; I know my students will love this book. Get yours in October! #tlap#TellYourStory
Using and presenting @Flipgrid to students and peers. Also working with principal on school Twitter page showing the great work @Shatekon#TLAP#TellyourStory
A3: The Poet X by @AcevedoWrites. The main character’s drive to find herself reminds me of my own journey, one of self-discovery and understanding. #TLAP
This year, we began using google drive for all GL collaborations and created team drives. Ts were given the task of creating their own agendas & sharing with specialists that way they could lead the discussion & we could provide assistance as needed. #tlap#LoveLiteracyLearning
A3: I read #learnlap and it connected with me because I have read a lot of books and have tried many new things this year. Learnlap has tied up a lot of loose ends and provided me with some ideas to start next year. #tlap
A3: I just started to read "Kind is the New Classy" by @candacecbure and love that it emphasized the power of kindness. I also enjoyed reading "Tell Your Story". #tlap
A3: A Monster Calls, the mom is dying of cancer and I lost my mom just over a year ago. It was so easy to connect with the main character for that reason alone
A1: Instagram has been a great way for me to share snippets of life and my story. I also started blogging during the Slice of Life Challenge in March... need to get back to it! #TellYourStory#TLAP
A3: Braced, while I did not have scoliosis, I related to feeling out of place in MS and just trying to be a "teen" and what was counted as normal. #tlap
A3: oh man...connection would probably be The Truth as Told by Mason Buttle. That is a wonderful book. Helium by @RudyFrancisco is beautiful. #tlap But for real PD books often speak to my soul.
A3: Outside of education books, probably Psalms. King David's words strike a chord with me frequently when I read through them. Need to go over them more often. #tlap
This year, in our building we all took on morning meetings and this has had a huge impact in building a sense of family and community within each classroom. #tlap#LoveLiteracyLearning
A3: Great Q! I really enjoyed The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell. Hoping we are reaching the tipping point on some things in edu that need to change. #TLAP
A3: My last book that I truly connected with was One Thousand Gifts by @AnnVoskamp It stopped me in my tracks and changed the trajectory of my life! #tlap#Nan3EDU
The Secret by Rhonda Byrnes. Just a great way to refocus your thoughts and actions on focusing on the positive. Always remembering to be grateful for everything #TLAP#TellyourStory
3) Trick question. Every book helps me develop, but in 2017 I read The Gift of Failure by @jesslahey GAME CHANGER!!!!! #tlap Now I am finishing up the newest @dbc_inc books.
A3 @ThisIsSethsBlog Poke the Box (Seth Godin). I loved everything about it and carry it around with me so that I can grab it to remind myself of the words that I want to live by. #tlap
A3: This beautiful graphic novel anthology in response to the Orlando Pulse shooting. These stories live on in honor of the 49 lives lost too soon. #tlap
A3 "How to REACH Youth Today" by @ManuelScott It encouraged me to look deeper inside myself to prevent stereotypes/prejudices. Today I had a Ss tell me Im not white but Mexican. #BeTheONE Ss need #tlap
We can't build kids who love to read if WE aren't reading books too!! PD books are great but we need to be reading books with diverse characters to grow ourselves and empathy!! #TLAP#TellYourStory
A3: FISH IN A TREE! Man. Such a good book and it was fictional, but basically PD for me! It really helped me have a new perspective on Ss and what I should be as a T. Loved! Loved Loved! #TLAP#fishinatree
A3: Eeeek! This question makes me realize I’ve ONLY been reading for PD! But! At the start of this school year, I read @MichelleGielan ‘s Broadcasting Happiness. It really made me think what side of the story I’m sharing with those around me. #tlap
My dear friend gifted this to me a couple years ago during a time when my youngest was being evaluated for autism and I was struggling. It changed my perspective 110%! #tlap
A2: I try to bring ideas from outside in to the T's I support. This year, many T's agreed to let their 1st graders share their work w/parents via Google. (Awesome connection to home!) And the Ss were SUPER pumped ... some asked about sharing to G'ma, Aunt, etc
A3: I read The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles by Julie Andrews every year. It has such a powerful message about utilizing your imagination and creativity. It makes my heart happy every time I read it. #tlap
A3b: lol totally didnt get the ?'s but I am reading the land of stories. its a great book about the backgrounds of fairytales that you dont know about. #tlap
A3: Leading with Sir Alex Ferguson. Great insight into the leadership style of arguably the greatest coach in the history of team sports. #ggmu@ManUtd#mufc#prayforsiralex#tlap
A3: Last week my class participated in a #tagteamreadaloud w/ @SkyBillingsley’s Ss for “We’re All Wonders”! It sparked great convos w/ my Ss & lead to reflective sharing vi @Flipgrid!! Love promoting #kindness & empathy! #TLAP
A2: Trying to connect them via Social Media. I was super frustrated earlier in the year when having a classroom Twitter and Instagram were shot down by admin. I have my kids write to authors and then send it on their behalf. #TLAP#TellYourStory
A3. I've been reading quite a bit of journal articles for research purposes, looking forward this summer to suumer book studies which are offered to be involved in! #tlap
Not PD - Like just for fun? "North of the Tension Line by J.F. Riordan is so fun. Her quirky characters are endearing and I loved the setting - Washington Island in Door County, WI. There is poetry, a ghost story, lots of coffee, and a goat - what could be better? #TLAP
A2: my 3rd grs are creating Public Service Announcements based on something they got in trouble for at school. And giving others, more options for what to do if in same situation. Videos/ posters/ brochures. #empathy#tlap@peterhreynolds@ideo
A3 insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus by @Dusti_Bowling Great book! I also just finished Orbiting Jupiter by Gary G Schmidt another great one. Two totally different age groups. #tlap
Q4: How are you stepping outside your comfort zone as a reader? How do you encourage your students to do the same, regardless of what subject you teach?
We can't build kids who love to read if WE aren't reading books too!! PD books are great but we need to be reading books with diverse characters to grow ourselves and empathy!! #TLAP#TellYourStory
It truly empowers us to change our own mindset! Love that it impacted you too! Did you start your own journal? Did you take the challenge? I only got to about 400, but I’m determined to make it to 1,000 #tlap
A3: read this along with my 5th graders participating in Battle of the books. ALL of the Ss absolutely loved this and it definitely tugged at my heart strings. #tlap#LoveLiteracyLearning
A3: I know I know...question was none-PD books, but I’m a rule breaker! #InnovatorsMindset and #tlap are for sure at the top of my list! And just started reading the #Path2Serendipity today and am in love already! Relatable books... that’s the key! Tell. Your. Story.
A3 cont: I just remembered that I didn’t “read” it BUT I listened to @Trevornoah ‘s Born a Crime on the way to spring break. Talk about perspective taking and tugging on your empathy strings. #tlap
A4: I am horrible at finishing books that don't pull me in as soon as I begin. I have moved toward British Historical Fiction lately and I am surprised that I enjoy that as I despised history in school. #tlap
A4: I've been reading about characters I wouldn't traditionally pick to read about. To push my own thinking and give me a broader group to advertise to my students and colleagues #TLAP#TellYourStory
We can't build kids who love to read if WE aren't reading books too!! PD books are great but we need to be reading books with diverse characters to grow ourselves and empathy!! #TLAP#TellYourStory
A4: Well I used to pretty much only read Star Wars books and presidential biographies. This year I expanded my reading horizon with #tlap, then Culturize, and more from @dbc_inc that have helped me grow as a teacher.
A4: I do not think I am stepping outside of my comfort zone as a reader, although, I used to not read PD books, but that changed once I discovered @burgessdave. Those books are now my favorite. I try to show my Ss that healthy risks can pay off. #tlap
A3: I can’t pick just one... #MGLit is so powerful! Refugee rocked my world and Be Prepared has been awesome! On a personal level, #girlwashyourface by @msrachelhollis completely changed my outlook on pretty much everything! I’m also loving 100 Days of Brave #TellYourStory#TLAP
A4: I am reading books with characters who are different than me. Also, exploring a Minecraft Zombie book currently! Not my thing...but its opening great conversations with KIDS! #tlap#TellYourStory
A4b: Hoping that by talking with students about the books they are reading and offering recommendations help inspire them to check out more books that they maybe hadn't thought of before! #tlap
A4: Reading books outside my normal genre. I love fantasy books. Taking the journey into other areas has been wonderful. I try to model that with my kids as well. #tlap
Q4: How are you stepping outside your comfort zone as a reader? How do you encourage your students to do the same, regardless of what subject you teach?
A4: I typically hover around Instagram to see what @teachermantrav and @TechNinjaTodd are recommending...that's how I found and absorbed The Hate U Give and All American Boys...
Q4: How are you stepping outside your comfort zone as a reader? How do you encourage your students to do the same, regardless of what subject you teach?
A4: With students, it all begins with voice and choice. Once I learn their tendencies, I guide them towards choices they don't normally gravitate towards. #Tlap
Q4: How are you stepping outside your comfort zone as a reader? How do you encourage your students to do the same, regardless of what subject you teach?
A3: This book really struck a chord with me. @bloomberg_paul and and @BarbPitchford substantively explain the power of collective efficacy and how it brings out the best of leaders and learners. #TLAP
A4: I was a librarian in college and HS, so I tend to grab anything I can pour through quickly and enjoy the "brain break" from. Want to challenge myself to read more classics! I'm rusty. #TLAP
I kept a journal for all of about a week - I'm horrible at journaling (thus the reason my blog is so intermittent). I do better writing 30 pages at one sitting than one page for 30 days. 400 is IMPRESSIVE! #tlap
A3 #tlap LOVED Scythe and Thunderhead by @NealShusterman - read the first on suggestion of a student, waited patiently for #2 - opens up great discussions about life, justice, right and wrong ... so great!
I try and challenge myself with the content of the books I read. I tend to stick with books that are familiar and that I know I will enjoy. I am trying to break this cycle and explore new and challenging topics/contents. #tlap
A4 with kids there is little time to sit,read and process. Scrolling through Twitter is easy. I am trying,to redidicate myself to,reading actual books. I am 5 chapters into "Grant" bio. #TLAP
A4: Honestly... not very! I like to read (or listen while I workout) for enjoyment, Sometimes I try something new, but typical stick to my same genres. Students though, I encourage them to reach out! #tlap#TellYourStory
This is my son's favorite book - he has overcome his quirky dyslexia glitchyness to read it at least 3 times! Love hearing him talk his friends into reading it too. Music to the ears of a reading teacher mother! #TLAP
A3: I LOVED "Ready Player One" partially because students recommended it, and partly because the story fits in that whole Matrix/The Giver/Harry Potter realm!
A4: I read a book called Autism Uncensored and it has a little profanity. Not something I'd normally care for but it's a first-person narrative by the mom of a son with autism and her struggles to socialize him. So out of my comfort zone and raw. https://t.co/MORQmvdGr1#tlap
Q4: How are you stepping outside your comfort zone as a reader? How do you encourage your students to do the same, regardless of what subject you teach?
A4: I wasn’t really into reading about teaching, but now I love it b/c I found the right kind of books. As an IC, Ts are my “students” and I encourage them to read more by talking about books, authors, and Twitter. A lot of my sentences start with, “So I was reading in...” #tlap
Q4: How are you stepping outside your comfort zone as a reader? How do you encourage your students to do the same, regardless of what subject you teach?
My comfort zone by telling myself I HAVE to finish the book I start... often times I’ll start a book and never finish it.
Kiddos by giving them options, encouraging them to explore what they normally wouldn’t pick up, and giving them TIME TO FREE READ EVERYDAY. #TLAP
A4: I joined a book club and am reading ones I wouldn't normally. I also am trying to read fiction, as well as something that can broaden my spiritual and emotional side as well. I try to encourage the students to read, read, read, and hope to start an SSR next year!!!!#tlap
A4: Ss suggest books & I'll read them with them, and I even let my novels class decide the criteria for novels we'd read, select the novels, then found ways to get the books. #tlap
A4 In the last few years between teaching and family I had not been reading for pleasure, in the last month I have worked to not only continue PD reading but also reading just to enjoy reading! Two books down a million to go! #TheLimitlessSchool#TheNightengale#TLAP
A4: I was so awed by last year's Reading without Walls campaign. Encouraged all Ss - and still do - to read books that are windows, not just mirrors. Different type of setting, characters, genre etc. I shared my journey with them. #TLAP
A4: ALL educators, regardless of title or subject teaching, should be reading and diversifying their classroom libraries. The resources are out there. We HAVE to make the time. #TLAP#TellYourStory
A4 I read a whole bunch of books that I probably would not normally pick up. Since I am going back to HS English, I am devouring so many different books that my students might like. It is all about getting any book in their hands and suggest powerful ones. #tlap#TellYourStory
Q4: How are you stepping outside your comfort zone as a reader? How do you encourage your students to do the same, regardless of what subject you teach?
A3: Twitter has introduced me to a great selection of books that I connected with and some that I'm hoping to read over the summer.
#KidsDeserveit#BeTheOne for kids
Shattering the teacher myth
The y in you
I want to reread an old fav. Three cups of tea
A4: we do SSR at the beginning of 5th period for 10 minutes. If I notice a student isn’t reading, I have conversations about how I wasn’t much of a reader until I found books I connected with. All it takes is one book, and I have read A LOT this year. #tlap
A4: I try my best to get new books for my kids all the time. I always tell them about the new books and why I was so excited to get them! I feel that modeling my excitement towards new books encourages them to try something new! #tlap
A4 I am the adviser for our school book club. Giving group more choice of selections def outside my comfort zone as reader as they often choose scifi/fantasy. #tlap
A3: I read about what I want to understand more. Sometimes it is complicated, sometimes it isn't easy to relate to, but I want to griw, so I push myself. #tlap
Q4: How are you stepping outside your comfort zone as a reader? How do you encourage your students to do the same, regardless of what subject you teach?
A4: There is a running joke that I don’t read. Always been a math/ science person and I just didn’t find time to read. So reading is stepping out for me🤣 I often encourage them to keep trying new things. Outside of your comfort zone is where you grow. #tlap#TellYourStory
A4 We have a sign outside our doors saying what book we are reading and a list of the books we've read throughout the year. I need to do better to motivate Ss and engage them in the joys of reading. #tlap#TellYourStory
Q4: How are you stepping outside your comfort zone as a reader? How do you encourage your students to do the same, regardless of what subject you teach?
I have always tried to include fiction and non fiction to be part of the supplement to my Science classroom.
Exposure opens so many other doors.
The book was wonderful! Have you seen the movie? I keep putting it off because the characters cast into those roles are not really what I envisioned in my head. #tlap
A4- You are killing me Todd! Dang do I feel inaccurate here! I read a lot of non-fiction! Articles, informational. Stepping out of my comfort zone would be fiction! ugh. I'll take recommendations- but they better be good! LOL #Tlap
A4: By providing a variety of books that aren’t “obvious” choices. Old, new, well known, not so well known... I push us to read books that help us think out of the box! Our recent favourite is “Bollygum”, a beautiful book from our friend @cathwilliams05 in Australia! #tlap
Try an exercise where you tell students to choose a book they would never normally choose. Next, explain why they would not normally choose this type of book. Explore these reasons further. #tlap
Do you find it changes your mind or just gives you new avenues to argue against? I try to do this but find myself looking for the arguments weaknesses... #tlap
A4: I’m trying to read genres I have avoided. I always avoid fantasy. Once I get started, I’m in love with the story. But it is almost like jumping a hurdle. Trying to do better. #teacherman#tlap
A4 I actually wasn't able to concentrate on a book for a lot of years then I bought Teach Like a Pirate and I devoured it 😀☠️😀 I've since bought about 10 different @burgessdave books and ❤️ them all #tlap
A4: ALL educators, regardless of title or subject teaching, should be reading and diversifying their classroom libraries. The resources are out there. We HAVE to make the time. #TLAP#TellYourStory
A1: Instagram has been the true story teller for us! I have a widget built into my page on our school website that pulls all of the #OwnYourImpact posts for everyone to see! #tlap
A4: I am diving into diverse books, different cultures, LGBTQ, historical fiction that focuses on Holocaust or Civil Rights...I want to know more so that I can be more. #TLAP
A4c: Should also add that the parts of Innovator's Mindset that I have gone through (especially learners leaving more curious than when they entered) have pushed me to think far outside the box and create positive, authentic learning moments for Ss! So good! #tlap@ERobbPrincipal
A4: I choose a class read aloud with my Ss. They love to come to the carpet and hear a good book. Nothing better than hearing Ss say “I can’t wait to hear what happens next” #TLAP
Q4: How are you stepping outside your comfort zone as a reader? How do you encourage your students to do the same, regardless of what subject you teach?
A4: Education is not a business, but I've been stretching myself to read a few books in the business section of the bookstore to help me grow. Here are a few favorites:
A4: I’m reading a lot of pro-school choice literature. As a #publicschools advocate I need to understand & respect the “other side.” ... even if I disagree. #TLAP
A4: I encourage Ss to step outside of their comfort zone and explore new genres just as I do! I share my apprehension of historical fiction. I read Making Bombs for Hitler this year. It’s important for them to see your struggle with new things. #tlap
Q4: How are you stepping outside your comfort zone as a reader? How do you encourage your students to do the same, regardless of what subject you teach?
A4: Most recently I have followed a few blogs outside of education. Ones that challenge my thoughts and at times make me super uncomfortable. This in-itself gets my mind going in a different direction! #tlap#Nan3EDU
A3: I am reading Wonder with my two kids, (10 and 7). It is an amazing experience when it is understood through the eyes of a child. The discussions we have cause me to reflect as a parent and educator. #tlap
A3: #TellyourStory#TLAP A Pirate Looks at Fifty by @jimmybuffett is a great getaway read and one of my favorite books. I’ve read it like 5 times. I always take a little perspective from it and dream a bit of flying off to the tropics! But only during #stateTesting
A4 I have been adding more diverse picture books to my class library. I read everything before it goes out for Ss. The stories are wonderful. My husband loves biographies, so I have been trying to read some of his. #TLAP
#tlap A4 For the adult audience whose PD I support a good solution is going beyond a spray & pray approach & wrap the learning experience in a story to be read, engaged with and repurposed. The problem it contains is perceived differently by all, so..
A5. I love reading books. I help out in the library. If a Ss is having problems reading, writng, spelling, we help them out. Finding different books that interest them! To keep the reading alive and interesting! #tlap
A4 In my classes Ss are allowed to learn material whatever way they want. Some have taken it upon themselves to read books such as What every BODY is saying, Sapiens & 1 S who hates reading read The Good Gut this sem to push herself to try new things. #tlap
A4: honestly i love fun stories so for me ive tried to change up what ive been reading. I have started magnus chase by rick riorden and then the land of stories as well. I've been giving my S's little snippets of certain books kind of like a book tasting #tlap
Q4: How are you stepping outside your comfort zone as a reader? How do you encourage your students to do the same, regardless of what subject you teach?
A4: I’m very transparent about personally only enjoying reading non-fiction! BUT I recognize this weakness and look forward to aquatinting myself with new literature as I transition to third grade. #tlap
A4: I’ve never taken away so much from 📚 as I do now. I’d read for pleasure/leisure, now I do that & find things I can take away and apply in my own life. I excitedly share what I’m reading and get Ss hooked, then tell them to read it. I hang up what I read so Ss ask Qs. #TLAP
Q4: How are you stepping outside your comfort zone as a reader? How do you encourage your students to do the same, regardless of what subject you teach?
A5: I don't believe in the term "non-reader". It's just someone who hasn't found the right book that moves their soul. When you get to know someone you can easily recommend books, IF you're also reading! It's so easy. Make the time! No excuses.
A5: Try to find characters I think they can connect to or events similar to their experiences and give those ideas. Students like relatable books! #tlap
A4: Within the last 2 years, I rediscovered a 💙 of reading! It started with #KidsDeserveIt & has continued with every DBC book @burgessdave I’ve read since! I model reading with my Ss & encourage them to explore different genres! Keep reading till you find what you 💙! #TLAP
I think it is important to share what you are reading with your students. It is important to model reading to your students and share your reading experinces with them. Help your students get excited about reading! #tlap
A4: I’ve used @Scholastic F & NF short reads which come in a variety of levels, genres, & appeal to ALL Ss. I have found that by sharing texts with Ss they may not have selected previously, many are going to the library to want to read more! #tlap#LoveLiteracyLearning
A4: I’ve also done the yearly book reading challenge by @POPSUGAR and try to check off one of the books each month. i.e. read a book with a red spine. #tlap
Q4: How are you stepping outside your comfort zone as a reader? How do you encourage your students to do the same, regardless of what subject you teach?
A2. We have done global weather project, global math project, #mysteryskype all 50 states, #gridpals and booktalks with a New York class using @Flipgrid#tlap
A5: Pop culture instead of books. When I have students hashtag their learning, I have them generate hashtags to create content to real life connections. #tlap
A5: This starts with knowing our students - listening to their stories. From there, book recommendations usually come easy. But it always starts with listening. #tlap#TellYourStory
A5: I love connecting student stories and interests to books I believe they would enjoy. The book choices get better as my relationships strengthen. #tlap
Hey #tlap and #6thchat friends! Please watch this short video to see how awesome our school is! It will help us win $10000 to put an art installation in our school! https://t.co/OysfnT04BB
I do look for the weaknesses, but I also look for their point of view. Why do they think that way? Why do I think they way I think? Am I missing something?
More importantly, I think reading books I disagree with has helped me round out my edu philosophy. #tlap
Do you find it changes your mind or just gives you new avenues to argue against? I try to do this but find myself looking for the arguments weaknesses... #tlap
A5 I spend so much time getting to know my students. That is my number one priority and always has been. Once I know their story, I can help them discover other stories that will keep helping empower them as people, as learners. I also want to suggest stories for fun. #tlap
A4: Trying to read books that I normally wouldn’t pick! Taking recommendations from Ss this year has really pushed me! Modeling different reading experiences is where it all has to begin! #tellyourstory#TLAP
"We're all fighting a battle. Some are bloody & do damage. Others go unseen by the masses. But they're there, & sometimes they hold a grip over our hearts that feels inescapable"....via #StoriesFromWebb
Get your copy today: https://t.co/BZdU8Wqa6Q#TLAP#TellYourStory
A5: I once had a Ss who I had a hard time connecting with, but this Ss loved sports. I went to the library and checked out a few, and he was excited to see that I cared enough to find a book that he would enjoy. #tlap
Completely agree! My husband never read...no one ever affirmed his comic books were literature until we married...my son was thought to have a reading disorder...he went from "not reading" to devouring chapter books...had to find the right fit. #TLAP
A5: I try to take what I learn from their story to find areas of interest or things they have questions about to focus books on to encourage them to learn more or read a story that is of a similar interest. #tlap
A4 I choose one huge classic I hadn’t read — over the past few summers. VANITY FAIR in 2016; BROTHERS KARAMAZOV in 2017; this summer TOM JONES (1749).
This is MY line! I always say that - and as a teacher librarian, that is one of my favorite parts of my job - matching books to readers as I get to know them! #tlap
A5: So tricky, I don’t want to type cast my readers. I suggest what I think they might like from what I know but I also suggest the opposite. We never know what might spark that interest. #tlap
A4: I started doing literature circles with my kids and it's pushed them to choose more challenging books during their independent reading. My local library is always getting in new picture books and students are excited when we do a read aloud! #TLAP
A4: I have four kids and try - in addition to reading my own pick - some of what they are interested in too. I love sharing it all with my students and then weaving some of their ideas into my reading life as well! Between that and my PD book addiction... #TLAP
Q4: How are you stepping outside your comfort zone as a reader? How do you encourage your students to do the same, regardless of what subject you teach?
Oh goodness! With the way GRRM is taking his PRECIOUS time finishing the series, you may never get to watch it! The plotline of the series and books have diverted so much that it's really like two different stories! Ha! #GameOfThrones#tlap
It's contagious. I think it helps when the teacher truly doesn't know the answer as then he/she becomes as excited as the students to seek out answers or ask more questions. #TLAP
A5 I try to bring books in that they can connect with & I also try to bring in books which will open &/or broaden their horizons. Picture books wonderful for that. #tlap
A5-We talk about making a relationship with our students and their learning. We then need to also help the students make a relationship with their reading #tlap
A5: Sometimes students want to connect with their stories and some students want to take a break from their stories and disappear into a new world. I think its important to listen to what them and make recommendations for both types #tlap#TellYourStory
A5: That my friend is the key to success! You have to know their interests, along with their humor, and goals to be able to match them with the right book. From there the spark is lit and they themselves light the world on fire! #tlap#Nan3EDU
A5: I have a student who doesnt like reading because it wasn’t on his reading level. He didn’t want something childish. We talked and found civil war related books and Newsela articles that he enjoyed. #tlap
A5: If I know they like something, I find a way to connect it to what we are doing. Pull in books that relate to my kids! In morning meetings, we read a book that they can imagine themselves inside. #tlap#TellYourStory#KidsDeserveIt
A5 I try to make sure all of my students are represented in characters, plots, topics. Race, religion, LGBTQ, picture books, biographies. Striving to make sure my library is as diverse as my Ss. #tlap
A5: Really a matter of knowing what Ss like & what books are out there. Like to pair them with books that push them a bit too, not just a perfect fit book, but one that can challenge their thinking, boundaries, or perceptions. Fantasy like LOTR is good for this. #tlap
A4: #TellyourStory#TLAP I have always #ReadAloud to my classes. Now I am reading more animated and silly books- not afraid of being silly- it’s helped build relationships and tear down walls. I’ve become very humble- the wallflower. It’s really freeing.
A5: I think it's important to note everyone reads differently for this answer. Blog posts, graphic novels, comics? Let's consider them all to relate to our readers. #TLAP
My Literature page https://t.co/TEZJ2IimWM has Literature Circle links. Good way to get students to open up. We should start where our students are at and what their passions are. #tlap
A4: I started doing literature circles with my kids and it's pushed them to choose more challenging books during their independent reading. My local library is always getting in new picture books and students are excited when we do a read aloud! #TLAP
A5: Get to know your students' individual stories.
Get to know how their stories compare to their reading selections.
Talk about what you notice w your students.
Challenge them out of their comfort zones a bit.
A5: I have a student who doesnt like reading because it wasn’t on his reading level. He didn’t want something childish. We talked and found civil war related books and Newsela articles that he enjoyed. #tlap
A5: When I was in the classroom I would have them make text to self connections. I also had to know Ss interests and popular trends, etc. to make reading more relevant to them. #tlap
A5: Next year I will def start out sooner asking Ss about their passions and interests so that we can make those connections and challenge them to read something that they’re curious about. #TLAP
A5 By getting to know what my students are interested in. When you know their interests you can find books they should be interested in 😀 You also show you care by choosing books for them 😀 #tlap
A5: I had my students fill out a “wish my T knew” type questionnaire about themselves as a child, student, etc. I used information from that to make book recommendations & project suggestions. Ss seem surprised that I actually read them. #tlap#LoveLiteracyLearning
A5 #tlap find by asking what they r passionate about or their story connect them with the right character. Teach them the love 4 reading first! @TechNinjaTodd
EEEK! And, I'm so happy to have you cannonballing in the #Booksnaps pool, Wendy. :) Have you seen the #BookSnaps2018 Challenge?! It's happening right now. EEEK! It's going to be awesomesaucy. Just sayin... #tlap
In reply to
@MrsHankinsClass, @KimSnodgrass, @SteinbrinkLaura
Read Rules by Cynthia Lord and found out I had 2 Ss who had family members with autism. It was interesting to hear their perspective. Even cooler when she visited the school and 1 student had the chance to have lunch with her #TLAP#TellyourStory
A5: Getting to know my students DNA (dreams, needs, abilities) makes providing books they love much easier. I have gone in search of books that will appeal to their DNA. This week? Sharks, rainbows and Australian animal books are on our shelf based on some of their answers! #tlap
A5: I use their interest to help show them I care and listen when I find them books! They feel special that I picked out a book just for them, and I get to give them indp reading level books! #tlap
A6: I teach biomedical science. So I am stocking my classroom library with books with medical plots. Right now, I only have "Still Alice" and "The Shift: One Nurse, Twelve Hours, Four Patients' Lives" #tlap
A5: The more you know your students and have rapport with them, the better you can connect with them. I remember my 5th grade T and I exchanging book recommendations. When your T asks for a book recommendation, it empowers the S reader. #tlap
#tlap A5 I’m blessed with three grand kids.. they bring ‘em & I reads ‘em. The oldest one, 4 yo, has lately been making the effort to read with me coaching. Adding character voices helps with smiles which invites play..
Q5: This one is tricky because sometimes they want to find themselves in the books and other times they want to escape in their books. I try to listen and honor their choices. #TLAP#TellYourStory
A5 I have beginning readers, so I try to have a lot of variety and different genres. I have a ton of comic books and superheroes. Ss are so excited when I add new characters based on what they like. I also have a lot of nonfiction, animal books💕 Ss need to fall in 💕#TLAP
My older daughter LOVES this book because she sees so much of her sister within it! It helps her know she's not the only one with a sibling on the spectrum. #tlap
A5: Connecting Ss stories (and my own) with books is THE BEST PART of reading in my opinion. It’s what draws us in and helps us become part of the story, helps us to visualize and make the story real. THE BEST PART. #tlap
A5: I’ve really tried to bring in more diverse titles so my Ss can relate to the books in our classroom! Additionally, I do interest surveys at the beginning of the year to help in purchasing new books for our classroom library! #TLAP
A5: How I choose the books that fill our clasroom library or the books that are in our reading groups directly relate to what my kiddos are interested in and what they ♥️. That’s what gets them excited about reading! When they make connections with books—they are hooked!
A5: I use students’ stories to influence my choice of rich texts for close reading. The rich texts are either chosen to ‘act as mirrors’ so students can see theirselves in stories or ‘act as windows’ to help students see into someone else’s story. #TLAP
A5: Getting to know my students DNA (dreams, needs, abilities) makes providing books they love much easier. I have gone in search of books that will appeal to their DNA. This week? Sharks, rainbows and Australian animal books are on our shelf based on some of their answers! #tlap
A5: You have to know what they are passionate about. Students are all about relevance and instant gratification. What stories are going to resonate with them? Get them reading. It doesn't matter if it is a car magazine. If they are interested in it, they can learn from it. #tlap
A5: One book I find applicable to my high school students’ journeys through life is #theAlchemist by @paulocoelho... there is a metaphorical connection to all of us seeking something and encountering the unexpected along the way. Self-discovery happens along the path. #TLAP
A4: #TLAP I read A Long Walk to Water in one night. It was a mesmerizing & powerful book on a subject I am both uncomfortable with & ignorant of. After reading it I found a deep & profound compassion for the struggles others face that we take for granted & counted my blessings.
A5: We have morning meeting were students share stories about their lives. I take this info and recommend books they might be interested in. My students also share books they are reading during morning meeting and that gets other kids interested in reading those books too! #tlap
Interest surveys, sitting beside students and talking with them about their reading lives, past and present, connecting them to books with similar narrative threads. Rosenblatt said we seek connection in the things we read. Start there. #TLAP
Earlier today I asked my tweeps to tell me what they would add to my presentation about costumes in the classroom. Here’s some of their responses. #TeachSC#ditchbook#tlap#teachersleading
A5 Our district ELA guides connect our texts to themes ie. Heros. Then we have Ss make connections. I still need to fund a way to be more explicit when doing read alouds #tlap#TellYourStory
A5: Recently, we had a discussion about autism. So many students shared stories of their family members that are autistic. Their stories added so much to our discussions and created far more awareness than what I thought was possible with my fourth graders. #tlap#TellYourStory
A6: Everyone has a story. It's what makes us more human, more approachable, more real to others. It also creates a level of empathy for the stories of others & helps us become not only better teachers, but better people. #tlap
A5: I start simple with @EpicKidsBooks. It helps to connect my Ss to all types of books. My Ss are able to build a library based on their interest and no longer have to feel embarrassed about what level they are on . #TLAP
A6 From the beginning of time stories have been the way we learn and connect. We need to build our relationships with students and use these stories to empower us and others. We need that authenticity and vulnerability. We need to be people, a community. #tlap#TellYourStory
A6 everyone has something to offer, our experiences, our challenges, our WHY, someone else may be going through the same thing, or can be the support that we need, or that our Ss need, relationships first #tlap
A6: Stories are how we learn. They're how we connect. But they have to be REAL and HEARTFELT. They have show the true side of us if we really want to connect to them. #TLAP#TellYourStory
A6: Why share your story?
Sharing your story kills shame.
Sharing your story opens you up.
Sharing your story makes you relatable.
Sharing your story let's others know they are not alone.
Q6: You will never know when something you have to share will resonate with someone else, reach them, encourage them, provide a connection and hope, or result in them finding the strength to do something they may never otherwise have done! #tlap
Yup - it was my first summer read last summer. After this chat I now have about a dozen "firsts" (not even including @dbc_inc PD books!) to add to this year's list! #tlap
A6: Our stories connect us...our experiences let others know that we are not alone on this journey...
Your story is a way to invite others on the adventure...
A6: We never know when our story may be exactly what someone else needs. Vulnerability is hard, but worth it. Always. #BetterTogether#tlap#TellYourStory
A6: There is power in being vulnerable. You don't always have to be super specific on every failure, but being vulnerable makes you relatable. It makes others more likely to flock to you and learn with you. #tlap
A6: Life isn't easy. If we only share easy it never lets anyone see the work we put in to get there. Mistakes are learning. Others learn from our mistakes. We learn from our mistakes. Ss and Ts need to see the work we and others put in #tlap#TellYourStory
A6: Many do not know this, but I was born a few weeks early. I overcame that obstacle. As a soon to be 1st year teacher, I know I will have doubts and uncertainties, but as my professor said, I understand that teaching is about winning the war and not all the battles. #tlap
A5: #plagerism. We steal from books all the time and twist and contort the stories to make them our own. Sometimes it helps to start with someone else’s words to find your own voice. We take methods, ideas, patterns, alliteration and model our@own writing after them. #TLAP
A6 We need to connect with the heart; stories help us do that. Often times people have smiles but hide their pain, their story. We need to care, to love and to be there for one another to empower each story. It is all about heart. #tlap#bekindEDU#TellYourStory
A5: I had a student who said he hated reading and didn't like books. He loved basketball, so I bought several fiction and nonfiction books on basketball. The "nonreader" started to enjoy reading! #TLAP
A6: Bravo on a great question. I feel like when my students know my story, they realize I am just a person like they are struggling to make it in this crazy world. It creates a wonderful connection. #tlap
A6 It allows ypur Ss to see that you are human. They will be able to relate to you more, the rapport will be solidified even more, colleagues will trust what you share because you live it. Authenticity, it’s solid, it’s powerful! #tlap
A5. For example, my Ss came in telling me she just got a parakeet for a pet. So we encouraged her into lokking for a book about parakeets, teaching them to talk, what they eat, their care, etc. #tlap
A6: It's critical for us and for those who receive our stories. We are on the human journey together and connection is what we all seek. Bless someone with your story and with hearing theirs - so important! #TLAP#TellYourStory
Aaannnddd... again. You’re on fire @aaron_hogan I couldn’t put it better, so I won’t. I’m retweeting this amazingness and hanging it on my wall instead... 👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼 #tlap#TeacherMyth
A6: Why share your story?
Sharing your story kills shame.
Sharing your story opens you up.
Sharing your story makes you relatable.
Sharing your story let's others know they are not alone.
A6 it’s hard to vulnerable and share our deepest sometimes sad stories but we have to tell them and ask our ss to do the same so that other will learn from it #TLAP
A6: one of my favorite (of MANY!) Kate DiCamillo quotes is "Stories connect us." When we share with each other, we learn compassion and make connections. Nothing can replace that. #TLAP
A6: It's important to tell our story because of the impact it can have on others. We do have things to tell. It is important to share. We can't know the reach or impact until we tell it. Share. Your. Story. #tlap
A6: Our story, any story, repeats itself in time...if we share we give someone else the opportunity to learn from our experiences and ultimately change their outcome. #TLAP#TellYourStory
A6 We need the connection. We can’t teach in a bubble. It also helps us to be more reflective. The ideas and support we receive when we open up and share make us better at our craft. #tlap
Sharing even the hard stories, like of my mother's passing two months ago, connects us and let's people see who we really are,.
Here story is here: https://t.co/obSgVYmlRk#TLAP#TellYourStory
Others need to see that you are trying out new things and that change in ed is messy. If we want our Ss to take risks and learn from failure then we need to model it. I want others to see me fail, pick myself back up and see everything that I learn from it. #TLAP#TellYourStory
A6: it is important that we share our stories because it makes our students think that we are more real to them. we become more then just their teacher #tlap
Stole this from @AngelaMaiers
Passion Hearts, What do you love? What breaks your heart. Find your passions where those intersect.
Helping students to find what they are passionate about.
A6: Our story was meant to be told... it is our blueprint to the sequel we are writing. Through our story we connect with others and allow others to hold on knowing they are never alone. Be someone’s hero... tell your story! #tlap#Nan3EDU
A6: We are all unique and creative in our own ways. At the end of the day we all have a great story to share with others. Sharing these stories can help us be reflective and help others take the same rrisks in theithe classrooms. #TLAP
A6: We should share our stories because others need to see that it's safe to share. The only way they may learn that it's safe to share is to see someone else share first. Be the one who starts this movement where you are. #TLAP#TellYourStory#TeacherMyth
A6: I’m a believer in verbally processing information including my story. It’s an act of reflection and growth. When others are listening, they might grab a nugget as well. Challenging Stories = Undeniable Growth both personally and professionally #tlap
A6 We r #differencemakers & #changeagents. R experiences can catapult others further than we are , build them back up when they r broken & encourage them to keep pressing forward in tough situations #tlap#TellYourStory
A6: it is important that WE tell the stories that are happening in our rooms and in our lives. If we don’t, someone else will... Thanks @mcconnellaw for sharing that with us #tlap
A6: Find my dif stories are ones that open doors for Ss to open up and be okay being themselves/know that they’re not alone. They don’t have to hide behind things they can’t control. Ss see me more as a human. we build better relationships when Ss make those connections. #TLAP
A6: Sharing our stories make us human and therefore create a sense of vulnerability, a predecessor to trust. We must have trust in our classrooms, on our teams, and in our buildings in order to accomplish anything. #TLAP
A6: Stories from the heart,even when we share mistakes are what make everything we do real and authentic. Share the REAL and people will see your heart #tlap@TaraMartinEDU
#tlap A6 I think shared stories remind us we’re not alone on our life’s journey.. it connects us. My youngest daughter told me a while back she prefers reading because it’s a closer connection with its author..
A6. That is the way our Ss can connect with us through both the good times and bad times. We need to model empathy for Ss to learn to feel for others, and by sharing our experiences, they can learn too. #tlap
A6: I think it’s important to share our stories to show Ss that it is okay to share theirs. More so with writing, it’s great for them to see their teacher take risks. #tlap#TellYourStory
A6: by sharing, we help others with similar stories of their own. Others see they aren’t the only one & maybe even new connections are made. When we trust others with a piece of ourselves, they are more willing to share with us. #tlap#LoveLiteracyLearning
The Hate U Give
Dear Martin
Simon v. The Homo Sapiens Agenda
I’ll Give You the Sun
Orbiting Jupiter
Winger & Stand Off
All the Light We Cannot See
Chasing King’s Killer
The Poet X
Bronx Masquerade
The Nightingale
A6: ouch. I should be telling my story. Relate to kids. Show them we all have pain, joy, fun, sadness, all kinds of things happen that are out of our control. It shows how we deal. And that it all turns out okay. #tlap#TellYourStory
Weekly Challenge:
Take 15 minutes this week to sit and listen to someone share a piece of their story they’ve never shared with you before. Truly listen. How can you accomplish that?
A6: my 4th gr did self portrait drawings, poem raps( based on the musical @HamiltonMusical ) it was so amazing for Ss to tell how they see themselves. Was so amazing! #tlap
A6: How many people have been brought into your "community" because they faced a common hardship. Easier to eat a whole birthday cake with friends than by yourself. #tlap
A6: Stories connect us. They help us elevate #empathy which then leads to #compassion and ultimately to #kindness. Head. Heart. Hands. Stories bring us full circle and that's a powerful way to connect. #tlap
A6: There is someone out there that NEEDS to hear what you’re sharing!! We all have a unique story... filled with trials & triumphs! You might be just the inspiration that someone else needs! Our story tells of our journey & empowers us to celebre where we are! #TLAP
A6- Our story can inspire, lead & give hope to those going through the same thing. If we've made it throught the rough parts, look back, someone else is coming up & needs hope! #TLAP
WC: Creating an environment that encourages others to open up and share their story. I'm looking forward to this challenge this week! I can think of several opportunities already! #tlap
I agree ppl want to see the real us and connect with other telling our story makes us stronger my condolences, last my to cancer it’s still hard and it’s been 2 years #TLAP
A6:Our stories are how we connect with others. We are able to inspire and awaken potential by sharing our story . Don’t be Afraid to live out loud ! #TLAP
A6: A good story is truly a gift. We connect through commonalities even when we believe initially we are so different. A circle of viewpoints come into play and you begin to emphasize because we can relate. #tlap
A6: It is essential to lead students so that they can see us as grown versions of themselves... we must share our failures, lessons, victories & defeats. By sharing our stories we can inspire HOPE & ASPIRATIONS, not pipe dreams or worse allow low expectations to fester. #TLAP
A6: Sharing our stories makes us more relatable to kids (& others). When kids see that we make mistakes, we are not perfect, we have likes/dislikes, hobbies, a family—they are more likely to connect w/ us. When we connect w/ kids, they respect & want to learn from us. ♥️ #TLAP
Weekly Challenge:
Take 15 minutes this week to sit and listen to someone share a piece of their story they’ve never shared with you before. Truly listen. How can you accomplish that?
A6: catharsis. Stories keep memories alive and allow others to live in your skin and feel what you felt. As a writer it’s the most powerful tool I have. As a teacher it’s my bridge to the souls of my students. #TLAP#TellyourStory