Hey everyone! David here (former special educator & current Formative community builder)! Glad to be hear with you and excited to chat about student self-assessment! #formativechat
A1: My fav ways to encourage self-assessment is through Google Slides where Ss are asked to do self-reflection of Ss reading, writing, and mastery of skills & show it in several ways. Not just writing. What meme or emoji describes how you felt during your writing? #formativechat
A1: Some of the best ways to encourage self- assessment is by allowing the students to know what their goals are and to have open communication. The biggest thing is being a leader in the students having goals, communication and self respect. #formativechat
In reply to
@goformative, @kispypniko, @Rdene915, @davidwkwan
My name is Megan and I am an education student at Cedarville University. I have not had the opportunity to see the students perform self-assessment in my own class, but I find it very important to incorporate. #formativechat
#formativechat I love when student get rubrics in advance of their PBL and then use that rubric throughout with feedback to see growth. Thru feedback they know where they achieve before they even turn the project in.
A1-I send a Google Form to my students after every summative. They reflect on the unit and self-assess their summative before I display their grade. #formativechat
A1: A simple question at the bottom of a @goformative or a @flipgrid may suffice as well. Ss can reflect and self-assess simply both ways. #formativechat
A1: I am still a student so I have not seen first hand as a teacher but as a student, one way to encourage self-assessment is to have questions that students are used to answering about their work/ethic and have them answer them for each project they do #formativechat
A1 The best way to encourage self-assessment is to make it part of the normal routine When Ss use a process & see a process they will utilize the process #FormativeChat
My favorite way to encourage self-assessment is to allow my future students to redo or correct their work for extra credit on that assignment. Then, they will be encouraged to review their work and assess the mistakes they made and decide what to correct/change. #formativechat
A1 I encourage self-assessment by helping students connect their school assignments and relationships to sources of meaning in their lives. #formativechat
A1: Encouragement, a source of student motivation, stay positive, create a safety zone for failure and facilitate a #growthmindset Offer assessment choices!😊 #formativechat
A1 I likely have students make a prediction before an investigation and then respond to the same question after and then we talk about the change in the response #formativechat
A1: I believe Self assessment is important for students to reflect on how to improve. As a student a great way to self assess is by review games !! #formativechat#CEDUC1352
A1 I like to ask Ss to reflect daily on their learning. What is something you’re proud of? What is something to work on tomorrow? What did you learn today that will help you complete your bigger project? #formativechat
A1 By modeling it, sometimes in class I will share something I have done and go through some sample feedback, a strength, an area I could work on, a suggestion, 1 to glow on, grow on, go on, read this in a book #formativechat
That is what I love about rubrics. Do you set a time/place to have them go through? I find that my Ss often "forget" unless I direct them specifically. #formativechat
A1: My fav ways to encourage self-assessment is through Google Slides where Ss are asked to do self-reflection of Ss reading, writing, and mastery of skills & show it in several ways. Not just writing. What meme or emoji describes how you felt during your writing? #formativechat
A1 - My favorite way is to use @goformative as a place to explore concepts and reflect upon them. Ss are becoming more aware of their learning & have more choice in communicating and self assessing. Use goal setting & relationship building to get in #growthmindset#formativechat
My teachers never did any type of self-assessment when I was in high school, mostly just written tests and projects. Is peer editing a type of assessment? #formativechat
A1: something I know I need to improve. For each math standard, Ss have a DOK 2/3 task. Once they are ready for a 1st check, they rate themself (A,P,B) before turning in. Helps me to see what they think of themself. #formativechat
A1 One of my favorite ways to encourage self-assessment is w/ @flipgrid. I have my students peer assess and then self-assess. By doing this the Ss are encouraged to reflect on their responses to the topic but also to their presentational skills. #formativechat
A1. Most favorite way is to ask them where they are in their comfortaith a topic. It forces them to be honest about it. I also use reflection prompts. #formativechat
A1: My favorite is using a Google form for the students to reflect on a lesson or a writing assignment for what went well and ways to improve. #formativechat
A1: Love using post its for exit tickets at the end of a lesson. Ss have to answer questions, define terms, list steps, etc and then attach to door as they exit. 👍🏻#formativechat
A1.2 I also have students create portfolios of work based on their own definitions of what makes school meaningful. #formativechathttps://t.co/sQ9DwyrLJE
A2: when trying to get students to be more mindful of what they are working on and why learning is important; it breaks them from mindless busy work. Some students like the easy consistency of having mindless work so it can be hard to break them from it #formativechat
A1B-I started something new this unit with my Gr. 9s...an Evidence sheet that they have to fill out as we go through the unit. Not sure how it will go but it works great in my head. #formativechat
A1: An interesting strategy is to require self-assessment before the Ss product is assessed (either formative or summative). Ss drive the learning narrative of the WHY behind the academic exercise. #FormativeChat
@BKd204Sci@MarianaGSerrato the routine is key. Having the feedback and self assessment always available instead of buried in their folder, Google Drive or OneDrive...#formativechat. @BKd204Sci so right...it has to be routine.
A1 The best way to encourage self-assessment is to make it part of the normal routine When Ss use a process & see a process they will utilize the process #FormativeChat
A1b - The Best method I’ve ever seen is so simple. Ask students what they think of their work. I use amazing, very good, good and average. It helps kids really think about if they really did their best. #formativechat
A3: The key to an effective rubric is that as a teacher you set realistic goals for yourself and your class. Keep it interesting with challenging but fun work but don't set too high of goals. #formativechat
A1: Anytime you can get Ss to create work for other Ss to see, they will self assess. Why else do they take 29 selfies before posting one to social media? #FormativeChat
A1 I encourage self-assessment by helping students connect their school assignments and relationships to sources of meaning in their lives. #formativechat
Oh I love this. Isn’t that how we use memes anyway—to assess our own feelings? So brilliant to have students use them to assess their feelings about their learning and their work. #formativechat
A2 getting Ss to rate themselves realistically. I have many who see themselves as more or less capable than they are and this makes moving along the rubric difficult #formativechat
I have that as an option (differentiation). For some it is an always occurrence. I do make sure that at least one is written every term (6 weeks) so we can talk about spelling and grammar. #formativechat
A2 Some students are so caught up in their own need to look cool, sounds smart, and be right that they struggle to be honest on self assessments. One strategy is to help students notice how their behaviors match their values.
A2: Challenges for Ss to self-assess is for them to be okay with failure and see it as a way to establish true growth. I still have Ss who do not want to give an answer because, “It may not be right.” #formativechat
#formativechat@mikaylarhand or even regrade so that's part of the fabric of the class. Redoing an assessment doesn't have to be extra credit, it could be just credit as the teacher regrades to showcase learning growth.
My favorite way to encourage self-assessment is to allow my future students to redo or correct their work for extra credit on that assignment. Then, they will be encouraged to review their work and assess the mistakes they made and decide what to correct/change. #formativechat
A2: Reflecting often with students helps get over the hurdles that may arise, talk about the learning, help Ss know themselves as learners, encourage reflection & feedback often! #formativechat
#formativechat A2: I can see a challenge being the honesty of students when they are self-assessing. They may want to just say whatever they need to say to get it over with and move on
Small steps to bigger things. Maybe you should checkout YouTube live streaming with your Ss. May take it up a notch. I want to try to do more with podcasting as well. #formativechat
In reply to
@Rdene915, @noel_hoffmann, @MarianaGSerrato, @Kidblog, @Flipgrid
A1: something I know I need to improve. For each math standard, Ss have a DOK 2/3 task. Once they are ready for a 1st check, they rate themself (A,P,B) before turning in. Helps me to see what they think of themself. #formativechat
A2 My ELL Ss are not used to self-assessing. They come from cultures where the T determines what is good and what needs improvement. I ease them into self-assessing by first just commenting on each other’s work and then moving to self-assessing. #formativechat
I have relied on Google Forms a lot more over the past two years, great for assessments and also those reflections, especially when we do #pbl#formativechat
A2: Good question. I usually do a quick 3 question survey how confident are you on this topic (I'm a boss, meh, help, ect) THEN give them the exit ticket with immediate feedback. I helps them put perspective on their self assessment. #formativechat
A2 - Just getting them used to reflecting. So often we give them everything. Once they see how reflecting can really help and also benefit their grade, they want to do that. #formativechat
I do have to say, though "Beware the blogs". For me it is a weekly assignment so reading through all 250 every week is a chore. I tell them you hate the blogs on Fri and I hate them every weekend, but the blogs are not going away. #formativechat
#formativechat A3: I try to create rubrics that engage students by asking them to provide input while creating it. If the students suggest criteria of their own, it tends to give them more ownership of the final product!
A2: For my students, poor self-awareness of their own skills comparatively and struggles in effectively communicating their thoughts/feelings-in general, an unwillingness to admit our mistakes & wanting to always be right #FormativeChat
A2: start off by sitting side by side with them and modelling for them through good Qs - show them the process and then release it to them gradually. #formativechat
A1: I am still a student studying to become a teacher, so I don't have many helpful strategies, but I am looking forward to hearing yours! #formativechat
A2: students tend to be bias self assessing as they may see themselves as more or less, an honest way to have them self assess can be through reflection of journaling, a journal they keep to themselves with guided questions #CEDUC1352#formativechat
I definitely agree with this challenge! I think this is why it's important to switch up the method of self-assessment and give students multiple ways of reflecting. #formativechat
A2 My ELL Ss are not used to self-assessing. They come from cultures where the T determines what is good and what needs improvement. I ease them into self-assessing by first just commenting on each other’s work and then moving to self-assessing. #formativechat
A2: I remember as a student I struggled with this as once the assignment was finished I would move onto another task and my mind was not on the previous project. One way to combat this would to have ongoing self-assessments rather than after the assignment #formativechat
#formativechat A3: I try to create rubrics that engage students by asking them to provide input while creating it. If the students suggest criteria of their own, it tends to give them more ownership of the final product!
A2. Honesty - when I used papers (and even in the intro to my portfolio final) Ss tend to write what they think I want to hear or they lie to hide it. That’s why I switch to on the spot questioning. They are more honest when they don’t have time to “think.” #formativechat
A2-At first, getting some Ss to be honest/realistic. Coaching Ss along the way is key and being honest with them about what you are asking them to do as well. Don't just tell them "What do you think you got?" is not sufficient. #formativechat
A2: Perhaps if we want Ss to value and practice self-assessment, it must be woven into the pedagogical approach of the instructor. It can't be an activity that's done haphazardly with no meaning. #FormativeChat
A2 Fear of failure or disappointment is a hurdle Ss still have trouble knowing that "failure" is a step stone to success Ts need to model failure & grow in front of the Ss #FormativeChat
A2 - Ss that have #fixedmindset and don't see the point in self assessment - need to keep encouraging and planting the seeds for a change to #growthmindset Ss focused on grade rather than learning process - don't make answer the most important part of learning #formativechat
A2: I find students are often more critical of their own work when self reflecting than they need to be. It’s important to teach goal setting instead of failure finding... #formativechat
A2: Making sure that whatever it is they are self-assessing is quantifiable in some way. Much like with rubrics. Otherwise they (like we all do) tend to see themselves through "rose colored glasses." I try to overcome this with opp to also discuss what went well. #formativechat
A2: One of the biggest challenges to self-assessment is the student not understanding themself well enough to assess their own understanding. As teachers, we can help the student by encouraging them to think introspectively through personal essays. #formativechat
A2: sorry I’m joining late! I find students get so worried about the grade or number of problems correct as opposed to the error, which is more important. I have recently started highlighting where the error has been made and also do more error analysis problems. #formativechat
That is something I hear often from Ss, so afraid to fail, or cover their paper and dont want me to see mistakes, I say I make mistakes all the time, it's how we learn and grow #formativechat
Agreed! I think this is why peer assessment is important. Through this experience, they can learn how to self-assess and get a more accurate picture of their progress. #formativechat
A2: #formativechat we have to teach students how to self assess because this doesn't come naturally to any one, but helping them see the growth overtime rather than equating success to a snapshot in time helps them understanding how learning doesn't mean the same as grades
A2: A major challenge: Ss may have no experience with metacognitive practices. This is unfortunate since metacognition is such an essential skill all the way to college. #FormativeChat
A1: I love for students to see their own progress. I want to implement a way for them to keep track of skills they know they have mastered and have actual writing that shows their amazing skill at work. #masterychat
A1B-I started something new this unit with my Gr. 9s...an Evidence sheet that they have to fill out as we go through the unit. Not sure how it will go but it works great in my head. #formativechat
A3 I build the rubrics before I design my learning tasks. The rubrics help rate what they are supposed to learn and the tasks that I create help get Ss there. I also only use positive language, as can do, this set even the novice level up for success #formativechat
A2: Reflecting often with students helps get over the hurdles that may arise, talk about the learning, help Ss know themselves as learners, encourage reflection & feedback often! #formativechat
A2: start off by sitting side by side with them and modelling for them through good Qs - show them the process and then release it to them gradually. #formativechat
A2B: Dunning Kruger theory supposes that we can’t know the stuff we’re worst at since we’re too bad at it to accurately know-it’s why companies can have huge failures because no department will admit they’re behind or they don’t understand until-CRASH #FormativeChat
A3: The key to an effective rubric is to thoroughly explain what you expect from the students with many details! If you expect a lot from the students, but do not provide them with the tools to succeed, you cannot be disappointed if they fail. #formativechat
It provides a space where the student can speak relatively freely (relatively since they do know that others can see what they are saying). The stduent is videotaping their response to the prompt and can discuss their own groth. #formativechat
A2b. Make sure that the forms or journals you use for kids to reflect on their work are not given a grade. They should also be private between you and the student. In that way, they are more comfortable to discuss ways to fix issues. #formativechat
Very true. Modeling it is a good first step, but then we need to have the courage self-compassion to model vulnerability. Not easy when we’re expected to be the experts in the room and get criticism from all sides if we make a mistake. #formativechat
Very true. I have tried to make it clear that finding a video/clip on the web does not suffice for their evidence. It needs to be their work. They can create a video about it if they want but they cannot use someone else's. #formativechat
A2: I think being totally honest with oneself! Even adults struggle with this! Model self assessment with your students. Show them how you handle the process!#formativechat
A2: A lot of my Ss have different LDs that make them work extremely hard to get the product, let alone revisit it. I let them see research about how/when learning happens, and relevant examples of learning from mistakes.#formativechat
Agreed, I think what can help with this is focusing on process over product, creating opportunities to value mistakes that they make and that others make. #formativechat
In reply to
@seanmarnold, @goformative, @kispypniko
A3 My rubrics have the same items every time: thesis, imagery, poetic devices, organization, editing in consideration of the reader. Students learn what’s important in writing and how to use strategies to improve. #formativechat
A lot of this comes down to the relationships and also modeling it for Ss, building that structure or guiding them through it, have to break through the fixed mindsets, show self-assessment is positive and necessary for growth #formativechat
I love how the answers are all put into one form so that you can see issues across the class without having to flip between pages.They really are terrific; I agree. #formativechat
A3: Student input! Give the choice and voice to Ss regarding what mastery and the check points leading to it will look like; and, collaborate on creating the rubric! Win/Win! #formativechat
It was really freeing the first time I admitted to a class I didn’t know something-so we could find out together. Now I purposely throw in errors to model positively correcting them & learning from it. #FormativeChat
A3 I start w/a simple straight forward rubric Then have the Ss develop their version in their lang. w/shared targets Have not done this much, but want to develop better rubric use over the summer #formativechat
I think the most important aspect of a rubric is clarity. Put everything that is required in the rubric so the students can look at the rubric as a checklist. #formativechat
#formativechat A3: It is important for a rubric to be thorough and explain clearly what the expectations are. It should be so clear that the students have few questions, if any questions at all. The students can have some say in it to make it more engaging.
A3: I must admit that building effective rubrics are not my speciality, but allowing Ss to build rubrics makes it more engaging for Ss and their learning. #formativechat
I have not had to make rubrics for my class yet, but I am excited to see what other teachers do to make engaging rubrics. Rubrics are helpful to let the students know what they need to accomplish, but it is also nice to give some flexibility for creativity. #formativechat
A3: an effective rubric should be easy to read and follow, maybe make the format more engaging and interesting to encourage students to actually read it, or perhaps go over it in class #CEDUC1352#formativechat
When I started, I found some sample ones or looked at some from colleagues and then tried to develop my own, also asked for feedback from PLN #formativechat
I think you’re right & that just shows why best practice is self assessment couple with peer/expert reviews or both students and teachers #FormativeChat
A3: A nice strategy is to ask Ss to "interpret" the rubric by placing the criteria or performance objectives in their own words/language. Great opportunity to discuss the learning standards and how they should be understood. #FormativeChat
A3: I will admit that i don't involve Ss in rubric creation often enough. Working towards it and hopefully with some practice it'll get better. #formativechat
A3 unpacking standard together and determining the learning target so students know the goal and together figure out how demonstrate understanding #formativechat
A3 - Keep then simple and on point. Its easy to have 8 rows, with long sentences. That won’t embrace kids to really understand what you want. A rubric is a guide, you’re the teacher. #formativechat
#formativechat what if teachers provide feeback (writen or verbal) to students & while we confer w/ them, students interact w/ rubric & see how feedback & rubric coincide. Now students understand the expectations & set goals for future projects/essays using same learning targets
A3 Give #StudentVoice on criteria give enough details where they know what to expect but not to much where they limit themselves to 'covered' that review them and assess the effectiveness of the rubric each time you use it and adapt to make it a more effective tool #formativechat
I like this idea of unpacking the rubric with the students. Perhaps a good palce to start, for me, would be doing this in order to teach how to write an effective rubric. Good idea to ponder. #formativechat
I see that, but, at least in writing, students will come to me and say they know something is wrong with a certain section of their essay but don't know how to fix it. This happens when the reflection form they have been filling out guides them to attend tutoring. #formativechat
In reply to
@seanmarnold, @goformative, @kispypniko
A3: it must be clear and understandable. If it’s complex I include examples-also, since I try to allow for a lot of choice and differentiate lessons-some rubrics can be broad at first-but over time I created more defined rubrics for each student option #FormativeChat
Sorry to be late.... A3 I love single point rubrics. they give enough instruction to provide focus but leave some up to students' preference #formativechathttps://t.co/jWyEEGQFwC
A3b - Much of rubric building is dependent on your goals. If it’s about spelling out all the details, then more explanation may be needed. Personally, I like for students to explore and be creative. If the process gets confusing, they ask another student for help. #formativechat
A3: By centering them around multimodal ways for students to demonstrate proficiency and by ensuring that they provide opportunities for actionable feedback not just a number that essentially ends the learning experience. #formativechat
Thanks for another great #formativechat. Thanks @kispypniko for moderating! Sorry for the quick departure. I have to go pick up my son from a friend's house. See you all next week! #formativechat
Self-assessment is a nice entry-point into inviting Ss to share in the assessment process. Important for them to consider it as something shared and not "done" to them. #FormativeChat
One way I improve readability, interest of a rubric is with examples & related images-to help students take it in visually-for some it will even link to example videos created over the years #FormativeChat
I like this idea of unpacking the rubric with the students. Perhaps a good palce to start, for me, would be doing this in order to teach how to write an effective rubric. Good idea to ponder. #formativechat
I also think that not only giving single points, but also focusing on a single skill or area of mastery. Look at the Ss from one angle for an assignment versus too many. #formativechat
As we wrap up #formativechat , we'd love to give a HUGE shout-out to @kispypniko ! He hosted nearly two year ago and it was great to have him host again as a Formative Certified Educator!
Perseverance and willingness to take risks are essential skills for success and those efforts will make it both more meaningful when they succeed and more likely they will retain the information #FormativeChat
A3: I don't! I let Ss build them! I hold up a general narrative that our school uses to describe different levels of achievement......Ss translate that in the context of the particular project. My standard line: "Wow...ok...I like that!" #formativechat
Fastest 30min ever Another quality chat with quality people thanks for making me a better teacher much appreciate time to do a self assessment :-) Take care #formativechat
A1- Though I am currently a student, when teachers and professors encourage self-assessment through free-write responses after an exam students are encouraged to evaluate why they received the grade they did & what they can improve upon for the next time! #formativechat
A2- often when students are encouraged to self-assess the pressure to paint the right image of themselves for the instructor gets in the way of honest evaluation. Making self-assessments anonymous may offer a way to resolve this #formativechat
Twitter chats, coming to the rescue or in this case reminder. Single point rubrics are something I've meant to bone up on. Practice makes perfect. Thanks @cultofpedagogy & #formativechat#rubrics can rock. #feedback style
Sorry to be late.... A3 I love single point rubrics. they give enough instruction to provide focus but leave some up to students' preference #formativechathttps://t.co/jWyEEGQFwC
A3- Effective rubrics that engage students are simple + easy to read. When faced with an overwhelming amount of text students bypass the rubric altogether. Keep it simple & easy to follow by using bullet points and straight forward statements. Avoid blocks of text #formativechat
A2: biggest thing I’ve experience is they 1)don’t know what to do & 2)assess themselves too easy or too hard. Overcome this by process. It takes time & train them how to do it. #formativechat
A2.2: I’m going to again say a rubric is super helpful. Expect many mistakes on the way as they learn how to evaluate their work and be honest #formativechat
A3: honestly? It’s trial and error. I think of a rubric and miss things they may need. Ss are also great at building a rubric and input is necessary in the process. Look at @JoeZooApp#formativechat