#APChat Archive
Professional development expert Jared Wastler, hosts a Twitter conversation at 8:00 p.m. (ET) using #APChat.
Sunday May 15, 2016
8:00 PM EDT
Welcome to . Please take a moment to introduce yourself.
Jared Wastler, HS Principal in PA, PD Faculty, and Moderator for
Merri, PreK-6 AP in KY for 3 more weeks
Kendrick Myers, AP at Opelika High in AL
Tonight we are discussing "School Safety" (more than just the doors)
Q1: How has our view of school safety changed in the last 10 years?
A1. Now we have to prepare for armed intruders in addition to fire, tornado, earthquakes, etc.
A1: The focus on visitors, school entries, & student awareness is much more prevalent than routine drills
Also what SS know and bring from home is so much more than before
Q2: In what ways has the visible security of our schools changed in the last 10 years?
I agree...Social media has presented both a new challenge & insight to community mishaps https://t.co/Qbadv0ugKX
Also what SS know and bring from home is so much more than before
A2. Locked doors, entryway buzzer systems, video cameras, not allowing anyone to open the door
do I first break up the fight or confiscate the recording cell phones?(Not that we have a lot of fights-just hypothetical)
A2: SRO's assigned to our HS everyday. (Been a limitless more than 10yrs, but close)
:) We can explain a bad situation but not an injured S...definitely break up fight https://t.co/aQAZrfcyqc
do I first break up the fight or confiscate the recording cell phones?(Not that we have a lot of fights-just hypothetical)
A2: the fact that I have 2,400 security cameras walking the halls of very period! Often get to bottom of issues from Ss device
A2: SRO presence is definitely a factor https://t.co/aESZLG3kyg
A2: SRO's assigned to our HS everyday. (Been a limitless more than 10yrs, but close)
Q3: How have these visible changes and viewpoints impacted the culture/climate of our schools?
definitely. :) You just have to always be aware someone could be filming
A2: I really think they are invaluable as a resource. Make good connections w/Ss & Ps while helping keep school safe.
A3: W/ changes in society, parents view schools as safe...Ss view SROs as allies & part of school comm.
A3: I think Ps & Ss appreciate the SRO's,& the fact that our cameras are so useful. Make it a safer place.
own set of challenges.Who comes forward?Who doesn't?How do we encourage?
have to make sure SRO is part of school community and not perceived as part of school to prison pipeline. Intentionality.
Definitely...building a relationship w/ your PD & encouraging them to do that w/ Ss is critical https://t.co/rRnYNNSbkt
have to make sure SRO is part of school community and not perceived as part of school to prison pipeline. Intentionality.
SRO needs to have an educational role not just an enforcement role. Ss need to understand preventative measures
Q4: In what ways are we working to review and address the emotional security of our students?
I often use our sec cameras to see who is filming then bring them in if I can't get a good view.
A4: supports need to be on hand. Partnerships need to be present to provide supports. Support can happen in the school
A4.1: we are developing partnerships to have assistance and additional support on site
A4: Offer partnerships with local agencies...use mental health where needed, counsel, & know your Ss
Guidance depts never have enough resources.Collaboration with community orgs. a must
Teachers are first line of defense
agreed. Relationships must be positive and understood in how to share supports is needed
Q5: How can we empower parents and students to have a meaningful voice in creating safe schools?
A5: They must feel they can talk to us...some grt insight about wkend trouble or social media come frm parent tips and heads up
A5: may have to start as anonymous sharing. Creation of hotline. Create environment of sharing is caring
a welcoming school produces confidence to share problems (in a good way)
although you may get some misguided info. there...creating a safe sharing place is effective https://t.co/J2OuKAPVlj
A5: may have to start as anonymous sharing. Creation of hotline. Create environment of sharing is caring
Check out our expert of the week on Tuesday at the website. This week's expert is Missouri APOY Clint Ross.
Thanks for joining tonight. Be better every day in every way - our students deserve it.
definitely get that. I know community needs and flexibility vary