A cold front may have blown in, but the learning is heating up, as we go edcamp style today at #LeadUpChat! Personalized learning - YOU craft the compelling questions. See you in 30 minutes! #LeadLAP#edleadership#EduGladiators#satchat
Brendan in the Raleigh, NC area. Happy to be here moderating the #EduGladiators chat this morning! We're going to have a great crowd and solid discussion - get ready!
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Morning warriors!
We are EXCITED to be back with a FRESH new series on Leadership with Core Warrior @BrendanFetters leading us!
But first, roll call!
Who's here?
Share your name & how/where you 'gladiate' 4 Ss!
A1 Listening is being attentive to others, hearing what someone is saying, paying attention to the words and staying alert and invested in a conversation, #EduGladiators
Being present in the moment with eyes/ears/and body language. This can be a most difficult task in a classroom with so many voices and T expectations - classroom modification can be extremely conducive to the listening experience. #edugladiators
A1. Listening is more than hearing. Listening is an active form of hearing, where we try to understand and, sometimes, support the speaker. #EduGladiators
A1 Listening is not talking hearing others. But you have to listen with your eyes too, sometimes what's being communicated doesn't involve sound #EduGladiators
A1. Listening is an interrupted skill. The listener is 100 percent committed to listening, not hearing, the speaker. Listening should be a big part of the conversation - far superseding the speaking aspect. Eye contact, head nodes - laser like focus throughout. #EduGladiators
A1 Paying full attention to someone's words. I have a wandering mind & find this difficult so I take notes to keep me focused or paraphrase in my head. #EduGladiators
A1 when you really listen, it is an intentional effort to learn something, learn about someone, holding your words and focused on the other person/people. even observing as part of listening #edugladiators
A1) Listening is demonstrated through the ability to respond/react after someone communicates with you. Ss I work w/listen - eye contact & being quiet may not be part of that. So the classic definition gets muddy for me. #EduGladiators
Running a bit late today...Laurie in Raleigh.
A1 - I once read that ppl listen for 4 diff reasons...my definition is the 1st reason - listening to truly understand. #EduGladiators
sometimes well-intentioned teachers trying to de escalate a situation error in this area and it blows up. Listening is not a defensive activity. It is a great offensive tool that can be used to achieve balance and get back to teaching. #EduGladiators
A1. #Listening is: making yourself receptive to auditory, visual, emotional & cognitive signals being sent your way, w/ intent to better understand. #EduGladiators
A1: I'm sharing @MerriamWebster. Short and simple: To pay attention to sound / To hear something with thoughtful attention / To be alert to catch an expected sound. I think the second one applies best to school #EduGladiators
A2 we need to listen so that we are aware of the needs, concerns, successes, of others so that we can respond in words or in actions, to provide the support needed, needs to be active listening so our responses are meaningful, authentic and relevant #EduGladiators
A1). Not just listening with ears but with EYES. More communication is done via body language than with words!! When the words and body language don’t show the same thing, show you care by asking follow up questions! #EduGladiators
A1: Listening is being completely present, giving eye contact, and allowing the other person to talk without immediately providing your thoughts/solution. #edugladiators
Great listening hinges on both parties knowing that what they said was, in fact, heard and received correctly. Checking in regularly: “so what you’re saying is... did I get that right?” #EduGladiators
Often, all Ss, Ts, or parents need is someone to listen and hear what they are saying. Taking the time to listen shows others that you care about their thoughts and feelings, and that they matter to you. #EduGladiators
A2: Listening is important in all walks of education because there are many lessons to be learned. We must consciously pay attention or else we risk missing opportunities for growth and development. #EduGladiators
A2. Good listeners know the culture of their school and concerns of their staff. They can identify when the staff and students are demotivated. They use input from others to improve the school and build trust. #EduGladiators
A1 I’m surprised by how our attention spans have shortened. It used to be about the story but now it seems to be about getting to the ending. #EduGladiators
A2: How many of us like talking to leader that is obviously isn’t listening to us? I know I don’t. Yet, I’ve encountered this many times in my career. Each time I left feeling insulted and not valued. #EduGladiators
A2: Listening drives feedback, which influences change in thoughts and actions. & Listening develops relationships which are crucial to building respect & rapport with others #edugladiators
A2 you make a better decision when you have as much information as possible. It also shows staff that you respect them and their opinions. Makes for better learning community for everyone. #EduGladiators
A2. Clear expectations can only be established through strong communication. If someone doesn’t know what is expected of them, how can they possibly deliver? #EduGladiators
A2. In order to effectively respond through words and/or actions it is vital we listen completely to the speaker. When we listen we learn and build trust within all parties. #EduGladiators
A2. Listening is the most important thing I do as a leader hands down. Teachers who do not feel heard by leadership will find a way to be heard or disengage. #EduGladiators
A2. Listening can be the key to getting to the root of a problem or issue. When we listen we have an opportunity to hear the perspectives and perceptions of others. #EduGladiators
A2: When Ts aren't heard disdain spreads like wildfire. Ts are expected to perform at break-neck speeds with energy, engagement, and positivity. Without a responsive, and present leadership (admin), those in the trenches can quickly feel a lack of meaning. #edugladiators
A2: #EduGladiators Education is abt learning - How can we expect to learn, if we're not listening? I have to listening to my Ss to know where they're at & what they need to get to their nxt goal
Often, all Ss, Ts, or parents need is someone to listen and hear what they are saying. Taking the time to listen shows others that you care about their thoughts and feelings, and that they matter to you. #EduGladiators
I think devices have made this issue even worse- not the devices necessarily but the fact that people have a hard time disconnecting to have a real face to face conversation #EduGladiators
A2 When we listen...we learn. When we speak we are sharing what we learned with others. The goal is to create a culture of learning from one another. #edugladiators
A2 Actively listening to understand builds trust. We can't lead if we're not trusted, so strong listening skills are essential to leadership. #EduGladiators
A2: In order to support our staff, students, and families, we need to listen. We need their feedback. We need their perspectives. We can't succeed without knowing how they feel and how they're doing. We can't improve without them! #edugladiators
A2: When I’ve had edu leaders that have been different, it has been absolutely refreshing! Unfortunately, I’ve not had enough of them. Had plenty that gave the appearance of listening and caring. #EduGladiators
A2: Biggest plus is if we don't listen we can't truly help. Nothing is more frustrating when trying to explain yourself and people don't understand because they are not listening #EduGladiators
A2) Listening is important bc everyone wants to have a voice and a voice that is heard! In today’s school climate, how many issues are solved by just spending time really listening to a problem? #EduGladiators
A2: Because education is not about us (self). The only way to ensure that is to listen, understand, and stop talking long enough to ensure we stay true to the focus. #edugladiators
Often, all Ss, Ts, or parents need is someone to listen and hear what they are saying. Taking the time to listen shows others that you care about their thoughts and feelings, and that they matter to you. #EduGladiators
#EDUgladiators A1 Listening starts with quieting your thoughts long enough to get what others are saying. I just read a #REALMX2018 tweet about a VR/AR device for senior care. Hoping designers listened cuz i'm well on my way there.
A2. Listening allows one to merge evidence, perspective, and intuition. It’s about paying attention, careful observation, hearing others out, etc. #EduGladiators
A1: Listening- the act of really hearing and processing people’s words and non verbal cues, all the while not trying to come up with an answer in your head while they are talking! #EduGladiators
A2: PLZ guys, be SPECIFIC. Everybody knows the general terms. For me, listening shortens the distance between Ts and Ss. I know I need improvement in this field. #EduGladiators
A2: To earn and maintain quality relationships, listening with an empathetic year, putting ourselves in their shoes, will develop a culture of energetic and enthusiastic teamwork. #EduGladiators
I love the importance you're placing on empathy & perspective! I agree that we need those in order to help them succeed and help ourselves grow as educators #EduGladiators
A2: In order to support our staff, students, and families, we need to listen. We need their feedback. We need their perspectives. We can't succeed without knowing how they feel and how they're doing. We can't improve without them! #edugladiators
Often, all Ss, Ts, or parents need is someone to listen and hear what they are saying. Taking the time to listen shows others that you care about their thoughts and feelings, and that they matter to you. #EduGladiators
A1-True listening is when we stop what we are doing, look at the speaker, and listen without trying to interject and put in our two cents without until we have truly listened.#EduGladiators
A2 listening builds trust and relationships- without those growth, understanding and learning doesn’t happen. Knowing they will be truly heard encourages others to take risks and become independent thinkers and problem solvers #EduGladiators
A2: Listening is a great way to learn about the needs of staff and students. It helps you to learn and build relationships. Also, sometimes all someone needs is a listening ear to solve a problem. #EduGladiators
#EDUgladiators A2a I was at the Long Beach, CA Veterans Hospital the other day. There was this sidewalk. Then there was this well worn path across a grassy knoll. Listening isn't only about voice, it's actions too. Listen with your eyes..
A2) Listening builds solid relationships - supports Ss, families, school personnel & community. So many critical skills, reflection and personal growth depend on active listening. #EduGladiators
YES! I tried talking to a principal about a student that wasn’t getting his or her accommodations and was failing as a result. The principal was on the phone the whole time clearly not listening. He should have just rescheduled the meeting. Very irritating! #EduGladiators
So true! I met with each teacher on my staff at the beginning of the year and got great ideas from some very quiet folks who were waiting for someone to ask! #EduGladiators
#EDUgladiators A2b I suppose a part of it, why leaders should listen well, is scale. You and me, how much of a mountain might we move? A leader can motivate many to [seemingly] work magic.
A3 When others speak, it’s important to give them your undivided attention. In simple terms, put the electronics down, eye contact, and listen intently. #edugladiators
A2 I'm also surprised by things I find that others in my organzation believe to be true. Listening provides a window into the myths that help improve my communication and path to clarity #EduGladiators
A3 I make sure that I am invested fully in the conversation, observant to what the S or T is saying, being available to talk, make it a priority, stop what I am doing to be avail #EduGladiators
A2 Mr Rogers was known for listening . He would circle back to find out how things played out with people he barely knew. There’s some basic ability to connect involved. #EduGladiators
A3. I hold Principal Advisory Committee (PAC) meetings to explain new ideas to and gather feedback from teachers before implementing school wide. I am also quick to meet with teachers and gather input on the school’s direction towards our shared vision. #EduGladiators
A2 - To be a strong leader, you need to understand your school/district culture, your people, their gifts & their needs. If you're not listening to truly understand, you aren't being a servant leader & you can't lead ppl where they need to go. #EduGladiators
A2-Listening builds positive relationships and lets everyone feel valued, respected, and important. This goes for everyone involved-Ss, Ts, admiration, support staff, and parents.#EduGladiators
A2. Great listeners use their ears, keep their talking to a minimum, ask good questions, and also listen with their hearts, minds, and use their intuition to put the pieces together. It’s a skill. It must be practiced to get better at it. #EduGladiators
A3: By putting all other distractions aside. Actively listening with undivided attention is critical to building strong relationships with colleagues. #EduGladiators
A3: I close my laptop, face the person and make eye contact. I try to convey to my students that active listening starts with eye contact, I can’t tell you the countless times they have tried talking to me when I’m clearly engaged in something else. #EduGladiators
A3: Excellent Q. If it's to amplify #StudentVoice I use @Flipgrid or @Seesaw. If it's something personal, like a need for a private advice I try to talk someplace quit. #EduGladiators
A3: Whether S, T, or leadership, effective listening starts by accepting the conversation as the primary task. Multitasking turns the listening process into a house of cards. Giving time is no easy task, but it's an important one. #edugladiators
A3: During check-ins, turn off e-mail, put your phone away, and focus on the person speaking. To be honest, sometimes we go out of the building for check-ins so we can just focus on the conversation and not get pulled into what is going on in the building! #edugladiators
A3. My #gaming students blog about what they accomplish and what they wish to accomplish each block. I read their post in a timely fashion, THEN discuss what they wrote individually with them. Shows them I am "listening"
This is a bulls-eye insight. And leaders who are excellent listeners know that often the person who approaches with an issue or a complaint simply needs to be heard to feel better. #EduGladiators
A quick fix for tech distraction:
Hi folks! Turn to a neighbor & tell the story behind the lock screen photo of your phone.
(Turn & talk. Lots of family stories shared).
Ok gang. Now go ahead & place phones out of sight. We won’t be needing them any more today. #EduGladiators
A2 Listening allows you to stay on top of the .... .fill in your situation here! It also show interest, builds relationships, and givea value to the speaker! #edugladiators
#EDUgladiators A3a I #reimaginePD for clinicians, healthcare providers. I don't speak the lingo [tons o' technical jargon]. It's like when I take care of Lily [18 mo granddaughter]. Her fav play involves both of us under a blankie giggling.. +
A quick fix for tech distraction:
Hi folks! Turn to a neighbor & tell the story behind the lock screen photo of your phone.
(Turn & talk. Lots of family stories shared).
Ok gang. Now go ahead & place phones out of sight. We won’t be needing them any more today. #EduGladiators
I think we'd all benefit from deliberate practice of actual listening SKILLS like paraphrasing etc. I know I'd benefit from practice and a coach to help me improve. #EduGladiators
A3. Listening extends beyond a person-to-person convo. 🗣👤
Must be intentional in separating “signal from noise” & learn how to hunt for feedback. 📣
Asking right Qs, in right ways, opens that channel. ❓
Non-trad method: Twitter lists. 🤷🏽♂️
A3: Listening requires attention, so I do my best listening when electronics are away. Out of site, out of mind. But in times when tech is part of my listening experience I maintain eye contact on the person unless otherwise noted that the tech is NEEDED. #EduGladiators
A3: Schedule time for listening. Use structures in meetings that permit all participants to engage and share. Be present. Make time! Ask questions. Collecting ideas electronically is a form of hearing other’s thoughts and feedback. It can lead to more listening! #edugladiators
A3: When a S becomes dysregulated, we always process afterward and talk about what we can do to work together next time. I listen to them as they tell me what I can do to help them in the classroom to decrease the frustration. This helps me figure out the why. #EduGladiators
A3: setting aside specific time to get feedback from staff and parents. Hold parent coffees and when staff takes a survey or has a meeting take notes and tie decisions back to the discussions / feedback. #edugladiators
A3: I ask people to start over with my full attention. If a student is telling me something and I lose focus I stop them and we start again. #EduGladiators It is important. #EduGladiators
#EDUgladiators A3b The first few times I didn't want to get under the blankie. I knew [from reading Piaget et al] what she was capable of and needed. Likewise with training adults, I knew what they needed. +
A3. Close laptop, put away phone, block out any other distractions. The sole focus needs to be on the speaker in order to fully engage as an active listener. These are ongoing practices I follow whenever engaging in listening and/or critical conversations. #EduGladiators
A3 I have a student that needs much support, he often doesn't complete assignments during class but stays in at breaks to get needed help. No help at home (unspoken) #EduGladiators
A3) Being intentional about giving undivided attention. Ss & I hold each other accountable with that. Great practice for a difficult skill to learn. #EduGladiators
A3: for kids I spend time in the lunchroom and recess talking and listening to their ideas - just yesterday we got new songs on our Friday playlist bc of student feedback #edugladiators
A3 Put down the device, put the phone on voice mail, pull up a chair, get a cup of coffee and make eye contact! Set the stage! If it is a quick talk --- put down the Device!
A3: My wife helps me out in this area. First, put the phone away. Don’t say anything and just be quiet. Look to understand not judge. Works for me. #EduGladiators
A3: Schedule time for listening. Use structures in meetings that permit all participants to engage and share. Be present. Make time! Ask questions. Collecting ideas electronically is a form of hearing other’s thoughts and feedback. It can lead to more listening! #edugladiators
A3 As dean of faculty I often have Ts pop in to talk to me or stop me in the hall. I often tell them please email me to set a time on the calendar because it's important to me they get my full attention and I can't deliver if I'm in the middle of something else. #EduGladiators
A3 make yourself available, stop everything else,turn your body toward speaker, focus on them, make eye contact and really listen. Nothing is more discouraging than to realize you aren’t being heard- don’t listen with intent to frame your response. Listen to hear. #EduGladiators
A2 You have to listen to more than just the words. Not everyone is able to clearly express them self to someone they feel has authority. #EduGladiators
A3: In meetings, use protocols that allow everyone a chance to speak/share. This allows for people not to focus on their response because they know they'll have a chance to share, too. Check out https://t.co/9IzG4R3WyH. #edugladiators
Q2: using the Problems of Practice protocol at our @ECET2Orange@ECET2natl, T’s said it felt like the first time someone listened. Using protocol we find real solutions 2 real problems & digs deep asking the right Q’s w/out judging ! I use it in #Pd#EduGladiators
A3: I ask people to start over with my full attention. If a student is telling me something and I lose focus I stop them and we start again. #EduGladiators It is important. #EduGladiators
A3: In my work with Ts, I try to actively listen to provide constructive and meaningful feedback on what I hear. If this relationship doesn’t exist, we can never reach a mutual understanding. #EduGladiators
A3-When I am listening I want the other person to feel supported and respected. I make eye contact, stop what I’m doing, and use body language that lets them know that I am paying attention and understanding what they are saying.#EduGladiators
A3 as many have said, this time must be scheduled regularly to get feedback from staff. It shows your commitment. So that when time is tight, ppl understand if u have to say “not right now, but later” #EduGladiators
A4: By modeling full engagement while listening and asking relevant questions that contribute to extending conversations towards deeper reflection. #EduGladiators
#EDUgladiators A3c Turns out I really didn't. So I began to employ a #designthinking methodology where I work very closely with SMEs [subject matter experts] and we collaborate towards solutions. So that, listening whilst doing.
A3: Respond with “What I hear you saying is..” then ask clarifying questions. This helps me ensure that I’m listening, hearing, and comprehending. Not just responding. #edugladiators
A3: For me, listening is about making the choice to ensure the voices/stories/thoughts of others are my greatest priority. To listen means to care enough, to be respectful enough to make the moments you spend with another person your greatest priority. #EduGladiators
True. I should have stopped and asked him, “Sir, is everything okay? We can reschedule our meeting.” It was a few years back, but you make an excellent point. #EduGladiators
A3: I have to take my hands off my phone and/or laptop to make sure that I am focus and then work on summarizing and paraphrase their story/idea/question #EduGladiators
A4: it is important to model good listening and to help Ss learn how to dissect a conversation: to understand it is not always all about them #EduGladiators
A4. I will continue to show them that I appreciate their feedback and will address their needs as often as possible. For example, my Seniors want a television in the cafeteria. Rather than “no”, I was supportive of their project and demonstrated leadership. #EduGladiators
This is what I needed to see to help guide me & my teaching! Sometimes I am lost on how to best convey the importance of listening to my Ss #EduGladiators
A4 By embedding the skill into our lessons "today as we debate ____ we'll be focusing on our active listening skills, which include____"
A4). I do this when I teach my GREAT class. I have the students actively listen to their peers for a one minute conversation. Most Ss say it is really weird but they REALLY enjoyed having someone listen to them. This leads to how we can listen better #EduGladiators
A4: For all those in the ed field: model listening by giving up some time. Let others see that while time in ed is extremely precious, when we give our time to others to listen we can solve, create, change, rescue, empower, and so much more. #edugladiators
EPIC chat on listening thank to each of you in the arena this morning & @BrendanFetters leading us!
Be sure to follow the warriors in the chat who you "liked" responded or retweeted! Grow your PLN!
One time I had that feeling in a conversation with an admin and then noticed that a police officer had just entered the building and the admin was thinking about the reason for that. #EduGladiators. But some are also not disciplined for that kind of listening either.
A4 Model in the hall, at lunch, wherevere you can. People notice. They know just like you do if you are being heard or listened to. Make it a school discussion point. Practice/Remind #EduGladiators
This is a convo I've had w/mult leaders as a coach. If you don't feel safe having a direct convo, you might tell a story about feeling frustrated during a critical convo w/a parent/peer who engaged in the leader's behavior. Hopefully it will strike a nerve. #EduGladiators
A4: #EduGladiators I need to work on undivided attention... tend to be monitoring the room while "listening" to a S. I will model eye contact and body position that reflects full attention to speaker.
A4. Model active listening within the Ss that you serve regardless of the capacity. How can Ss build this skill out within the classroom and beyond? #EduGladiators
A4) By validating importance of listening. Coming back from vacation will be a great time to practice. Ss will have many stories to listen to & learn from. #EduGladiators
A4: We have 2 scheduled class meetings every day...and more if needed. We practice taking turns and talking about how we can work together to help with our individual and community goals throughout the day. I also model listening throughout the day. #EduGladiators
A4: This week I will model listening & engagement when we discuss Ss selected topics (like Fortnite) & show them the tools I use to listen to them speak & how they can apply that to any situation (including listening IN CLASS *gasp*) #EduGladiators
A3 I interview mentors and match them with students. I’ve moved from using a written form to just talking to them and taking notes. I can’t get a feel for who someone is on a standard form. Making it personal. #EduGladiators
A4 I'm in the process of teacher evaluations right now. I'm spending most of our hour together listening. I truly love that time and learn so much from all the smart educators in my building. Listening is always a good idea. #EduGladiators
#EduGladiators please join me at 11 AM CST as I have the opportunity to moderate #WokeEd this morning around the ideology of #colorblindness. I hope to see you there.
A4 Modelling good listening skills, absolutely. I think doing some skits on what listening looks like would be good too. It would some discussion #EduGladiators
There are times when we are legitimately distracted. I do my best to let the person know the source of that distraction and offer to reschedule if they prefer. #EduGladiators
A4). I do this when I teach my GREAT class. I have the students actively listen to their peers for a one minute conversation. Most Ss say it is really weird but they REALLY enjoyed having someone listen to them. This leads to how we can listen better #EduGladiators
Yes - and transparency is key. If I am waiting for an urgent response on something, I tell people. They decide if we reschedule or if they're ok with me glancing at devices occasionally/that level of listening. #EduGladiators
A4: I plan to continue to devote time to just sit on our carpet, with my K students, and listen to their amazing stories of life! Many of their experiences, once shared, change my life for the better! 😊 #EduGladiators
Yes I am! I've learned so much in the past few weeks since beginning to follow @D4Griffin3 Lots of probing Q's & ideas that really make me think & reevaluate #EduGladiators
This is a fantastic strategy! Listening takes time! When we think about dealing with discipline or mental health issues I believe the reason we don’t do so effectively is b/c of time constraints. We can’t let a bell schedule dictate Ss health/needs. #EduGladiators
A4: We truly desire to see change in our settings, we need to model listening for our students. We cannot engage in a constant power struggle over everything. Sometimes, we need to breathe, step back, and analyze the root of the situation rather than the fruit. #EduGladiators
A4: Since we're returning from Passover break, everybody wants to share. Ihave a "signature bingo". Each student writes 9 things they did in a XO table, then they walk around the room trying to get other Ss to sign if it's applicable to them too. #EduGladiators
Regularly scheduling touch points with your staff is an awesome way to keep communication open & build trust because your Ts know you are listening. #EduGladiators
A4 - My work is with adults at this time, but I will assure I use/model strategies for intentionally listening - echoing, restating, etc. which have the potential to help their own work with other leaders & students. #EduGladiators
A4: It’s important to respond usingwhat you heard! “I understand you feel.....” etc and really driving home the fact that truly listening leads to a deeper understanding. #EduGladiators#edchat
My pleasure. I should add that this is not a card to be played often... If you have true emergencies on a regular basis that require your attention, that is a sign of a much larger issue... #EduGladiators
Such a feat point. I loved carpet time when I was at the elementary level & always imaged the evolution of secondary if we kept some great sharing/listening practices in place at Middle & High School. #EduGladiators
#EduGladiators Public school has failed completely, not only at teaching but also basic safety. Abusive and unaccountable teachers. It has become cult like and bizarre. #homeschool is the only solution.
I've even played the game a little too& read articles about it & this gets them EVEN MORE engaged because I have background knowledge about the game. Trying to display all the skills we like to see applied in each discipline when listening/conversing effectively! #EduGladiators
Thanks for another great chat! I'd been missing these Sat am boosts, so I'm extra thankful for the tags/invites! I love chatting with all of you! #EduGladiators
In reply to
@EduGladiators, @Rdene915, @LouHayesJr, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @D4Griffin3, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @Maverikedu12
John, that is awesome! We know that admin have days like that. Things that happen that are unexpected. I had a principal that was amazing at listening and doing exactly what you described. He was a great leader. Taught me so much. #EduGladiators
#EduGladiators Important to remember that our Ss are expected to listen all day, in every class. They can't be ON all the time. They need time to talk, process, play and rest throughout the school day.
A4-On Monday’s and Fridays ss share their peaks and valleys of their weekend/week. This is a time when ss can have the floor and share about themselves. We all sit in a group and listen and respond. It’s one of our favorite things. #EduGladiators
A4 I feel like we’re constantly putting the emphasis on what’s next instead of being in the now. Pop up ads and info going across our screens make it challenging to stay focused. #EduGladiators
A2: How many of us like talking to leader that is obviously isn’t listening to us? I know I don’t. Yet, I’ve encountered this many times in my career. Each time I left feeling insulted and not valued. #EduGladiators
A4: I openly admit that I can get distracted easily, so I tell Ss that I need their help. Trust me, they don’t mind telling me that I’m obviously not paying attention. It helps that my wife has come to school and confirmed my distractibility. #EduGladiators
A3) There are many active listening techniques including paraphrasing, questions, encouraging body language, eye contact, focus, and minimal note-taking. #edugladiators
Sometimes I struggle to remember this...thank you for the reminder @mdianereed We as Ts are always ON for the Ss...its tough to remember its EXACTLY the same for them but even harder #EduGladiators
#EduGladiators Important to remember that our Ss are expected to listen all day, in every class. They can't be ON all the time. They need time to talk, process, play and rest throughout the school day.
I am excited about this chat...get it on YOUR calendar now & invite others to join in the conversation! April 14, 9-9:30am EST. Nurturing Adaptability #EduGladiators
A4: What helps me pause my racing thoughts and ignore the myriads of distractions around me is the idea that if I don’t listen to this person, he or she may think I don’t care or don’t value him or her. #EduGladiators
A4. Supporting students in their understanding and development of effective communication skills includes listening: active, for understanding, to empathise and problem solve. "If we are not listening then we are not learning"
A4) Modeling active listening behaviours is step one. Then seek opportunities to practice with them. Like any skill, they need to visualize success and then practice it. #edugladiators
A1: Sorry, #EduGladiators
Listening is something you consciously choose to do. Listening requires concentration so that your brain processes meaning from words and sentences.
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@EduGladiators, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @D4Griffin3, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80