Good Evening everyone! This is Kendall Sebastian from @csunorthridge Mild-moderate aide joining #DeafEd to follow my dream of being a moderate-severe DHH teacher. #SPED576D
Hi my name is Laura Marquez from @csunorthridge. I am currently a DHH credential candidate and excited to participate in my first #Deafed chat!
My apology, Bias definition: prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair. #DeafEd.
A1: Bias is having a judgement against something. Everyone has 'em. We need to check them and then analyze them, so we can act for GOOD (not evil). #DeafEd#SPED567D
A1: Bias = a prejudicial tendency to favor certain persons/groups/ideas/etc. Teachers’ bias has enormous effect on students’ social & emotional learning (SEL). Kids do notice and/or acquire our biases and that’s a big no-no. #DeafEd
Hi this is Alisha from @csunorthridge I am currently interning and have been for two years. I am excited to be connected with people just beginning like me as well as experienced professionals. #DeafEd#SPED567D
My apology, Bias definition: prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair. #DeafEd.
A1. Lacking neutrality & from certain beliefs based on preconceived notions and/ or from experiences. This can influence the way we teach or interact with people. Awareness of own bias is impt so it doesn’t bleed onto what we teach. #DeafEd
#DeafEd A1: I would define bias as an opinion based on personal experience. It is important that we acknowledge our own personal biases and understand that not everyone has the same opinion as I do because not everyone has the same experience as I do.
A!: AS educators it is imperative we unpack our own biases so we in order to better relate to our students and to more fairly and neutrally teach #DeafEd
A3: prejudice toward LGBT, sexism (Gender), People of color and people with disabilities. The Bias stem from misunderstanding, hatred, fear and stereotypes
A1: It is important to learn about our own personal biases so that they do not affect the way that we interact with students, teach materials, and does not rub off on students, leaving a better future and mindset in our students. #DeafEd
A!: AS educators it is imperative we unpack our own biases so we in order to better relate to our students and to more fairly and neutrally teach #DeafEd
A1: Understanding our own personal biases...So we can understand how it will influence our teaching and assess how we can overcome it to our personal biases #deafed
A1: bias is the lens through which we see and act in the world. It’s important to step back to be aware of our own I order to pass reasonable judgement on each situation we encounter with our students. #DeafEd
A1:Bias is anything that inhibits us from treating those around us as equal to ourselves. As teachers recognizing our own bias is key to enabling us to support all of our students not only those with whom we share things in common with. #Deafed
Multicultural Curriculum and Anti-Bias Education BIG difference. MC is to be taught basic facts about different culture, like culture days, holidays. While Anti-Bias focus on prejudices behind the history. it is activist approach to education curriculum. #DeafEd
Reflect, read, write, discuss, use graphic organizers, take self-assessments. Having a better understanding of who are are and how you think impacts how you will interact with the world. #DeafEd
A1: bias is to put your person opinion into something where it is not necessary. This can negatively affect our students due to our mindset of them. If we have a negative mindset on the ability of our students, this will definitely show in their academics/behavior #deafed
A1: bias is the lens through which we see and act in the world. It’s important to step back to be aware of our own I order to pass reasonable judgement on each situation we encounter with our students. #DeafEd
A1: I define bais stemming from a set of beliefs that may have been passed down to us due to our upbringing and personal experiences. We need to understand the root cause of our personal biases and figure out ways to change that mindset #deafed
As teachers of the deaf, we often become very important and trustworthy figures to our students who have limited access to multiple POV. We must be balanced in how we represent the world #DeafEd
Sometimes you have to talk and have experiences with people that are different from you- where you live, your opinions and viewpoints. That can be an uncomfortable process #DEAFED#SPED567D
A1: the first step to “unpacking our biases” is to recognize that we ALL have them to some extent. Once you recognize they exist, you then begin to analyze their affect on you as a person, you as a teacher and how then does it affect your students/classroom. #deafed#sped567d
A2: Anti-bias education takes it further by teaching our students how to apply meta cognitive skills, especially in recognizing and unpacking our biases. #DeafEd
Multicultural Curriculum and Anti-Bias Education BIG difference. MC is to be taught basic facts about different culture, like culture days, holidays. While Anti-Bias focus on prejudices behind the history. it is activist approach to education curriculum. #DeafEd
#deafed I think the best way to unpack our biases is by exposing ourselves to others' experiences/realities and realizing there's so much more to learn
A!: AS educators it is imperative we unpack our own biases so we in order to better relate to our students and to more fairly and neutrally teach #DeafEd
A2: this made me think---i think multicultural is like spotlights on each culture while anti-bias is more of unpacking bias and including ALL differences. i am not entirely sure about my definition. looking forward to see others'. #deafed
Multicultural Curriculum and Anti-Bias Education BIG difference. MC is to be taught basic facts about different culture, like culture days, holidays. While Anti-Bias focus on prejudices behind the history. it is activist approach to education curriculum. #DeafEd
Being neutral is worse than being biased to me. I think we don't have time in this world for neutrality. Being biased is okay (I think). Is that controversial? :0 #DeafEd#SPED567D
Multicultural curriculum doesn’t necessarily address bias; it exposes to other cultures; anti-bias education should reveal biases and their negative impact and teach strategies for overcoming neg biases. #deafed#SPED567D
Being neutral is worse than being biased to me. I think we don't have time in this world for neutrality. Being biased is okay (I think). Is that controversial? :0 #DeafEd#SPED567D
Multicultural curriculum doesn’t necessarily address bias; it exposes to other cultures; anti-bias education should reveal biases and their negative impact and teach strategies for overcoming neg biases. #deafed#SPED567D
Getting in touch with your unconscious bias takes admitting that you may have biases to begin with that you have not faced. Metacognition is key here, I feel. Ever drive home and not remember how you arrived? Our bodies can do things without our awareness - scary. #DeafEd
A1: I define bias stemming from a set of beliefs that may have been passed down to us due to our upbringing and personal experiences. We need to understand the root cause because we don't want to pass our biases to our staff and students #deafed
A2: Multi-Cultural Curriculum is teaching the differences between people and teaching acceptance of those differences. Anti-Biased Curriculum teaches not only the differences but also the background to those differences and the reasons for biases. #DeafEd
Being neutral is worse than being biased to me. I think we don't have time in this world for neutrality. Being biased is okay (I think). Is that controversial? :0 #DeafEd#SPED567D
A2: Anti bias education helps students recognize their own bias and how they otherize people. Multi-cultural curriculum doesn't otherize, it celebrates! #deafed#sped567d
it depends entirely on what fuels your bias. It is a preference to socialize with pope with the same cultural background because you feel most comfortable? Or is does it stem from a negative attitude towards a particular group (?)#deafed
Being neutral is worse than being biased to me. I think we don't have time in this world for neutrality. Being biased is okay (I think). Is that controversial? :0 #DeafEd#SPED567D
Q2: I can instruct using a multi-cultural curriculum, but my bias may influence how it is interpreted by students. Example: AGBELL=non hero. My attitude about him can powerfully impact some and deeply offend others. Being neutral can be sooo difficult. #DeafEd
I think that being neutral allows for things to happen without action or attention but being biased allows for internal motivation to change what is happening. In this case being neutral would be worse than to be biased #DeafEd
Walking the line between being a neutral unbiased teacher and modeling well-rounded, passionate discourse to info-hungry #deaf teens challenges me every day. #DeafEd
I think that being neutral allows for things to happen without action or attention but being biased allows for internal motivation to change what is happening. In this case being neutral would be worse than to be biased #DeafEd
I would say check with yourself anytime you make a decision re: a person. If you're upset about a POC student "acting up," think about whether you'd feel same if a white student did. Stay aware of how life experiences influence how ppl interact (or avoid interaction) #DeafEd
(1/2) I see this a bit differently. For me, we all have some biases. As educators we have to recognize what that is so that when we do present information to students, we do so in a non-biased or neutral way. #DeafEd
Being neutral is worse than being biased to me. I think we don't have time in this world for neutrality. Being biased is okay (I think). Is that controversial? :0 #DeafEd#SPED567D
A3. Bullying is often connected to what is perceived as ‘different’ due to ignorance & lack of open-mindedness. It is essential we help our students identify their own bias & how they can become aware and accepting of differences. #DeafEd
A2: Multicultural curriculum is very intentional in nature in that it seeks to address and celebrate differences. Whereas Anti-bias curriculum may acknowledge such differences, but may not focus on celebrating them or increasing cultural awareness. #deafed
I agree! I also think this begs the Q: Is there such a thing as neutrality when it comes to our values? We can try and diminish our convictions, but they are always there. #deafed#Sped567d
The way I manage my prejudice can deeply impact my treatment of others, even if it seems neutral and positive. Often exploring my own bias is not honest enough. #DeafEd
A2: Multicultural Curriculum is an exposure of different cultures and helps children feel connected to the lessons whereas Anti-Bias Education directly focuses on the change that needs to happen. #deafed
A3: To eliminate bullying, we must go to the roots of it which are bias & ignorance. Educating them about biases is a powerful tool we can use to change the world. #DeafEd
A1: I thing stereotyping to can possibly be okay as long as it is used in a way for you to navigate through unfamiliar territory, such as, "I see an Asian lady dressed in traditional Chinese attire, she must be coming from Chinatown that is five blocks down." #DeafEd#SPED567D
Q3: I think ignorance and bias can often be connected and we all know ignorance leads to bullying. Just explaining to the gen ed Ss at our school that our DHH Ss are not "the sign language kids" made our gen ed kids more excited to learn the language and play with our Ss #DeafEd
A2: Multicultural incorporates different aspects of different cultures. Antibias curriculum establishes value in support of respecting / embracing differences and acting against bias / unfairness through critical thinking & problem solving by both all involved. #DeafEd
is why it is so important to have anti-bias education as early as in ECE. This will help our Deaf children to be more inclusive and understanding of others. This will create a healthy growing-up cycle #DeafEd
accepting still has a feel of othering "oh thats just how they are" whereas celebrating is more supportive and inclusive, "wow that person is bilingual! how can we support their strengths!" #DEAFED
This is so important! Being neutral can *almost* be worse than not “unpacking” because you’re sitting idle while things are changing (good or bad) and you are allowing he bad OR not promoting the good! #deafed#SPED567D
Being neutral is worse than being biased to me. I think we don't have time in this world for neutrality. Being biased is okay (I think). Is that controversial? :0 #DeafEd#SPED567D
A3: To eliminate bullying, we must go to the roots of it which are bias & ignorance. Educating them about biases is a powerful tool we can use to change the world. #DeafEd
A3: Bullying is a powerplay by anyone who is the bully. They are trying to make themselves feel better by putting down another. Their biases definitely affect who is the bully and who gets bullied. #DeafEd
One thing re: bias is we need to be careful how we speak about other ppl. Few times where my teacher would come in wary of my friend despite never meeting them before, simply because coworker already told them my friend is "difficult" #autisticwhileblack#DeafEd
Q3: My strong bias toward #ASL may impact how others (hearing and #Deaf) treat non-signers. I try to not be part of that problem and model acceptance, but what I say and what I believe sometimes don’t line up. Being constantly ON can be difficult. #DeafEd
Often because of the media, how the immigration students/ families were portrayed falsely based on bias, created a terrible impact on how we share information or understand the perspectives. Bias Stem: Stereotype and misunderstanding #DeafEd
Q4: What can we as educators, parents, and community members do to end bullying? #DeafEd
What and how do we know there is bias in a curriculum? And how do we remove that bias? #DeafEd
Being neutral is worse than being biased to me. I think we don't have time in this world for neutrality. Being biased is okay (I think). Is that controversial? :0 #DeafEd#SPED567D
Being neutral is worse than being biased to me. I think we don't have time in this world for neutrality. Being biased is okay (I think). Is that controversial? :0 #DeafEd#SPED567D
A2: mulitcultural curriculum is inclusion of differences. anti-bias curriculum is inclusion but also why those differences are here and why they have happened/are happening. #deafed
A3: Bullying and Bias are both caused by an internal struggle of fear, ignorance, lack of self-confidence, etc. Internal struggle = internal solution. #DeafEd
A4. Foster a culture of acceptance and a safe space where open conversations can happen so we all can learn from one another. Build trust and respect. Establish a school wide positive behavior system. #DeafEd
#deafed I work with young kindergarteners and am always getting asked "are you a boy?" Why don't you look like a girl?" These questions are purely innocent but are based from bias of what "gender" looks like. I always respond with an open mind and say I love the way I look :)
A4: Empathy curriculum. Collaborating with gen ed teachers. Stop otherizing. Social justice curriculum. Parent involvement. Positive classroom environments. Be good role models. #DeafEd
A4: Bust the common myths! Such as “boys will be boys,” “girls don’t bully,” “bullying is easy to recognize,” etc. Don’t let myths spread around, be an upstander. #DeafEd
I think being biased is ok to an extend. At least if you are biased you stand for SOMETHING, even if it’s wrong, whereas being neutral you stand for nothing and neither promote change or stop (bad) changes from happening. #deafed#SPED567D
If you have biases you can educate yourself and possibly change your opinion. It’s hard to change an opinion you don’t have (or don’t want to have)in the first place!#deafed#SPED567D
I wish more schools would be involved in anti bullying training and adapt no tolerance of bullying zone. I forgot the appropriate language for that. I’m in bed with flu. #DeafEd
Q4: What can we as educators, parents, and community members do to end bullying? #DeafEd
What and how do we know there is bias in a curriculum? And how do we remove that bias? #DeafEd
A4: Make sure the team you are working with is diverse in many different ways. We see things through our own lenses (biases). Having multiple lenses helps mitigate that. #DeafEd#SPED567D
Q4: What can we as educators, parents, and community members do to end bullying? #DeafEd
What and how do we know there is bias in a curriculum? And how do we remove that bias? #DeafEd
A4: foster celebrating and supporting differences. take it a step further than just acceptance. SWPBS are awesome- I love using Social Skills Curriculum that teach positive skills and build community! #DEAFED
A4: As community members and educators, we can treat each student with the human dignity they deserve. As they say, "Hurt people, hurt people." Bullying is a way to assert dominance, but we can show them there is a better way. We can show them that Love>dominance #deafed#sped567
I wish more schools would be involved in anti bullying training and adapt no tolerance of bullying zone. I forgot the appropriate language for that. I’m in bed with flu. #DeafEd
Q4: What can we as educators, parents, and community members do to end bullying? #DeafEd
What and how do we know there is bias in a curriculum? And how do we remove that bias? #DeafEd
it is perfectly okay to allow a dialogue in the classroom. it is about "how this person is being approached" makes a difference. Safe questions vs bullying question. #DeafEd
Media has a way of changing something innocent into something biased that changes others view of that minority group. What we show in our classrooms must be carefully viewed as to not sway students into the common stereotypes that are held in America #DeafEd#SPED567D
Now I should say that although I think when teaching my students it is important to show all perspectives, in my advocacy work, the gloves come off and my biases come out! ;) #DeafEd
A4: (question) is the fact that I was read novels by predominantly white (male) authors in high school an example of bias in the cirrcilum? And history class as well? #deafed
I think teaching bias as “negative” makes the learning process self-defeating. Everyone has bias—we need to learn how each of us can reflect and learn from each other #DeafEd
I love that you responded with positivity. This could also trigger a conversation on stereotypes and by asking the little ones, it is an opportunity for them to reflect on their own biases. #DeafEd
#deafed I work with young kindergarteners and am always getting asked "are you a boy?" Why don't you look like a girl?" These questions are purely innocent but are based from bias of what "gender" looks like. I always respond with an open mind and say I love the way I look :)
that also is definitely a teaching moment for all of you in that situation. explain about the binary of the gender - how we have our bias.. girl looks like this, and boy looks like that. this is an opportunity as I say, a teaching moment to explain. #DeafEd
A4: Empathy curriculum. Collaborating with gen ed teachers. Stop otherizing. Social justice curriculum. Parent involvement. Positive classroom environments. Be good role models. #DeafEd
It’s important to be able to recognize the behaviors that result from biases. That is the crucial element imo. Neg bias >neg behavior>hurting others (even if I don’t realize it’s causing harm). That’s a problem and that’s where I want to focus. #deafed
A4: Bust the common myths! Such as “boys will be boys,” “girls don’t bully,” “bullying is easy to recognize,” etc. Don’t let myths spread around, be an upstander. #DeafEd
Is definitely a great conversation starter to discuss ... rather to put it under the rug because it is uncomfortable topic. If we do not know what to address, we can say let us get back to you. Then we gather the information then get back to this person and address. #DeafEd
A4. Foster a culture of acceptance and a safe space where open conversations can happen so we all can learn from one another. Build trust and respect. Establish a school wide positive behavior system. #DeafEd
A4: To end bullying we have to start at the core issue, which is human value. That is, if individuals are not taught from the beginning to recognize that each person has value, their personal desires will win out over a conviction to do what is right. #Deafed
Establishing a restorative justice model on campus has been proven to reduce bullying. If your school doesn't follow the model, be sure to look into it and bring it to your admin team. #DeafEd.
Sometimes bullying is a cry for help. We need to help students navigate their emotions and beliefs. Teach them how to dialogue. Hard to do when many adults can’t be models. #DeafEd
Some books, yes. Some of History textbooks have the worst bias than others. For example, a history about the Last Man Standing. That make me so mad every time it’s brought up. #DeafEd
A4: (question) is the fact that I was read novels by predominantly white (male) authors in high school an example of bias in the cirrcilum? And history class as well? #deafed
I would definitely say yes. I don't remember reading any female authors in school until college. Women are capable. POC are capable. Why don't we read them too? Great question! #DeafEd
A4: (question) is the fact that I was read novels by predominantly white (male) authors in high school an example of bias in the cirrcilum? And history class as well? #deafed
Bullying really is based in fear and that fear can cause some to try and control or crush what is different in “the other”. Bias is the genesis of fear of “the other”. #deafed#sped567D
A1 for Q5: Self-Exploration
Examine personal cultural biases and assumptions. Explore personal perceptions and understanding of situations by developing an awareness of personal cultural "filters." #DeafEd
A5. Develop a culturally responsive classroom by engaging students in meaningful dialogue on social issues. Make learning student-centered by valuing their lives and what they bring to the classroom. #DeafEd
A4: Well...I always did find it interesting that I never learned the truth about a lot of history until college. Cherry Picking. Gas-lighting. Scapegoat. These "techniques" should not be used when writing history books. #DeafEd
There can also be bias against students internally. For example, I have a student that has a learning disability. Everything is hard for her, but she continues to say she wants to be a doctor. I have to be neutral regardless of her abilities.
A5: We must start with ourselves in order to recognize our own oversights and bias. It’s important to self-assess, ask for insight from those around us, and take the time to learn about that which we do not understand. #Deafed
A5: As a hearing educator of the Deaf, I feel like it's my responsibility to expose my students to Deaf role models. They need to see the same variety of futures for themselves as their hearing peers. #DeafEd
A3: they are connected because people’s biases can have a direct connection on how they treat others and if the bias comes from a bad place it can be used as a “justifiable” reason to treat others negatively (aka bullying) #deafed#SPED567D
Yes. It is very important to be aware of these "missing voices" in textbooks, history classes, curriculums, etc. We need to make sure these voices are amplified. #DeafEd
can use favorite foods or colors as an example with my 1st graders. some of them eld say "i don't like that!" i try to meditate the convo and help them to be mindful of others' preferences. #deafed
Absolutely! There's a gap that they're trying to fill. Hopefully, we can spot that gap and provide counseling services to the family. And more hopefully, they will take be open to counseling. #deafed
Sometimes bullying is a cry for help. We need to help students navigate their emotions and beliefs. Teach them how to dialogue. Hard to do when many adults can’t be models. #DeafEd
Maturity of how we discuss about biases - is to allow time for a process to develop. Introduce less complex topics at first, and create time to establish trust. Begin discussions by developing ground rules that allow for honest discussion within a respectful context. #DeafEd
There can also be bias against students internally. For example, I have a student that has a learning disability. Everything is hard for her, but she continues to say she wants to be a doctor. I have to be neutral regardless of her abilities.
We need to let go of dichotomous thinking. People aren’t THIS or THAT. We are each a part of a broad spectrum encompassing a wide range of values and beliefs. Celebrate it. #DeafEd
A4: We have to start with ourselves. If we don’t recognize our own bias, we pass it on. Then we must work on developing empathy in ourselves and kids. #deafed#sped567D
Q4: What can we as educators, parents, and community members do to end bullying? #DeafEd
What and how do we know there is bias in a curriculum? And how do we remove that bias? #DeafEd
A4: @csdriverside formed a Social Justice committee this year. Still in progress but we are excited to improve our curriculums when we are fully ready! #deafed
That is such a good point Kelly! Throughout our own experiences in life it is so easy to become cynical, which sadly can have a negative impact on the potential we see in our students. #Deafed
A5: As a hearing educator of the Deaf, I feel like it's my responsibility to expose my students to Deaf role models. They need to see the same variety of futures for themselves as their hearing peers. #DeafEd
A4 of Q5: Establish an environment that allows for mistakes. Since most people have been unconsciously acculturated into prejudicial and stereotypical thinking, individuals may not be aware that certain attitudes are hurtful to others. #DeafEd
We need to let go of dichotomous thinking. People aren’t THIS or THAT. We are each a part of a broad spectrum encompassing a wide range of values and beliefs. Celebrate it. #DeafEd
A5: Talk about it. Safe environment. Be open. Be honest. Just because we do not discuss it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It only means we are sending our students into the world unprepared. #DeafEd
A5: As a hearing educator of the Deaf, I feel like it's my responsibility to expose my students to Deaf role models. They need to see the same variety of futures for themselves as their hearing peers. #DeafEd
A5 of Q5: Acknowledge that intolerant thinking will surface from time to time in others and ourselves. Educators should model non-defensive responses when told that something they said or did was offensive to someone. #DeafEd
A5: We have to start with ourselves first. We can't bring in our harmful bias and expect them to ignore them. More SJ workshops. More SJ/Anti-Bias training. More unpacking workshops. #deafed
We need to let go of dichotomous thinking. People aren’t THIS or THAT. We are each a part of a broad spectrum encompassing a wide range of values and beliefs. Celebrate it. #DeafEd
A5: Be inclusive! instead of, "I don't want them in my class, I don't know how to teach them." (such a negative way to frame differences and shows a negative mindset). we should say, "I can't wait to learn from my students and rise to the challenge!" #deafed#sped567d
Yes. It is very important to be aware of these "missing voices" in textbooks, history classes, curriculums, etc. We need to make sure these voices are amplified. #DeafEd
A5: We must start with ourselves in order to recognize our own oversights and bias. It’s important to self-assess, ask for insight from those around us, and take the time to learn about that which we do not understand. #Deafed
Yes! For example, NBDA did not post any black deaf models in black deaf history. That shows that we need to advance our education beyond schools. We need to involve non profit organizations that serve deaf people to help deaf kids out. #DeafEd
A5: As a hearing educator of the Deaf, I feel like it's my responsibility to expose my students to Deaf role models. They need to see the same variety of futures for themselves as their hearing peers. #DeafEd
A6 of Q5: Intervention is so important! Silence in the face of injustice conveys the impression that prejudicial behavior is condoned or not worthy of attention. #DeafEd
Teaching students to ask mindful questions is key to anti-bias education. You won’t learn if you don’t ask. Even the tough questions about race, gender, sexuality. Don’t “shush” students. #DeafEd
A7 - continued. If not have enough tool at that moment, be sure to communicate with this person that I will get back to you after I need some time to reflect. Then follow up! Don't delay too long. #DeafEd
I think this is critical. So many students have never seen a respectful conversation modeled, especially if they don't have language models at home. #deafed
#DeafED. What makes me so sensitive if being on the receiving end of negative biases. Being bullied, being put down...I never want it to happen to my students.
A4:Inform/reflect/encourage positivity and empathy. Bias is everywhere in curriculum (not always intentional). You can see it in what information is presented (ie a city kid may not know what a cow is) the extent to which it’s present #deafed#sped567d
We need to let go of dichotomous thinking. People aren’t THIS or THAT. We are each a part of a broad spectrum encompassing a wide range of values and beliefs. Celebrate it. #DeafEd
I see it with any student who is different; the difficult student, the one who can't sit still, the one with anger issues. That is all that some of my teachers see and it makes it difficult for me to keep the positives in my mind when all I hear are the negatives #DeafED
exactly! Not just white ASL history but Black Deaf history in our curricula. That is an example of bias. Only focus on white stories. Deaf History - White based stories. Nothing on marginalized group. Including LGBTQIA #DeafEd
A: A deaf space is an environment where individuals can express and explore their opinions and beliefs without fear of criticism/ bullying. (but this does not mean everyone will agree) #deafed
A5: Between hearing and DHH students, it’s important that they see our kids as peers. Learning together is so important. We are ambassadors who should be facilitating healthy interactions between children. #deafed#sped567D
@OnlyJAC a4 (cont): (1 chapter about Native Americans in a 15 chapter book on US history), how it’s presented (a man from Mexico doesn’t mean his name is Jose)...some examples. #deafed
I think we should consciously assume bias in all curriculum. It is impossible to create and “sell” curriculum that doesn’t encorporate misconceptions. History is perception. #DeafEd
A4 of Q5: Establish an environment that allows for mistakes. Since most people have been unconsciously acculturated into prejudicial and stereotypical thinking, individuals may not be aware that certain attitudes are hurtful to others. #DeafEd
I see it with any student who is different; the difficult student, the one who can't sit still, the one with anger issues. That is all that some of my teachers see and it makes it difficult for me to keep the positives in my mind when all I hear are the negatives #DeafED
A6: A safe space is an environment where individuals can express and explore their opinions and beliefs without fear of criticism/ bullying. (but this does not mean everyone will agree) #deafed
#deafed a6: I would create a safe space in my classroom with visuals that kids can relate to. I don't have my own classroom yet but I would love to create a tree of my students faces to show that we are all connected as a family in our classroom.
Safe space - what it looks like, look around your classroom. Does it include all families? families of all cultures? Children book, does it include everyone? All kind of families? Pictures, images, videos shown, our gender signs? Inclusive? #DeafEd
A5: Do any of you know about the blue eye, brown eye experiment from the 1970s? If not, look it up. I have done this experiment with students. It makes a lasting impact and bridges to healthy discussions about bias #DeafEd
A5: create a positive environment where all are valued, inform inform inform, let your students know everyday that they are AMAZING just the way they are! #deafed#sped567d
I am still improving in that area, to be honest. I try to not rely on textbook, and instead share authentic online resources by Deaf POC, LGBTQIA, women, etc. #DeafEd#WorkInProgress
A6: A safe space is an environment where individuals can express and explore their opinions and beliefs without fear of criticism/ bullying. (but this does not mean everyone will agree) #deafed
I think we should consciously assume bias in all curriculum. It is impossible to create and “sell” curriculum that doesn’t encorporate misconceptions. History is perception. #DeafEd
A6: Social Emotional curriculum needs to be in every classroom, regardless age. I learn so much from it and they learn that I will accept whoever they are even if they are angry, sad, tired, etc. This will transfer to feeling okay to show their true colors. #deafed
A6: Remind students that no one person knows everything and that everyone is always growing. I love getting to tell my students new things I learned so they see my "process" too. #DeafEd
It's also about teaching the students that being different is ok, but to respect each other's differences. No one should agree on everything, right? We don't want the Giver scenario. #DeafEd
A2 Q6 - This is what we need to ask ourselves as educators in the classroom. We get to TALK about it. bring trainers to school to learn.. So we can bring back to the classroom and share with our students. And as well with other staff. #DeafEd
Also I encourage my students to notice bias in class textbook. For example, textbook uses "hispanics" instead of "latinx" or "latino/a". I'd tell my students that I don't use illegal immigrants, I use undocumented immigrants. That kind of thing. #DeafEd
A6: A safe place is just that...a place where you can feel safe. You will not be unfairly judged, disrespected, shamed, punished, made to feel less than...a place where you can be who you are and not feel bad about it. #deafed#SPED567D
I like that you said safe environment and being honest. I think that it is important to teach our students how they can safely share their beliefs and have a discussion about it #deafed
A6: I believe one excellent example of what a “safe” classroom is, includes an environment in which students feel safe to take risks. Fear of failure can cloud one’s ability to learn. Students must understand that failure is a part of life, but so is getting back up. #deafed
A6: controlling my facial expressions when I'm frustrated with a S. that is so hard but i feel it's impt for my Ss to know they will not be judged by me because of their "not knowing". #deafed
With the newly released ASL content standards from @ClercCenter We will begin to see a more inclusive curricula that reflects all kinds of histories and contributions. #DeafEd
exactly! Not just white ASL history but Black Deaf history in our curricula. That is an example of bias. Only focus on white stories. Deaf History - White based stories. Nothing on marginalized group. Including LGBTQIA #DeafEd
A6: Remind students that no one person knows everything and that everyone is always growing. I love getting to tell my students new things I learned so they see my "process" too. #DeafEd
Such a valid point! To be a teacher is to learn how to learn and learn how to teach. It’s a constant cycle that’s both humbling and encouraging. #deafed
I love that you look for information from different sources. This shows that anyone can and did although it isn't regularly shown. Really empowering, something I wish I had in high school #DeafEd
A7: Reinforcing those supportive moments students have with each other is crucial. I LOVE catching my kids high-five each other for great work or great effort. #DeafEd
A6: A safe space is somewhere it’s ok to try things and fail; thoughts and opinions are valued and welcomed into the dialogue; differences in ability or language or competence in an area are not an excuse to belittle or bully. #deafed#sped567D
Safe space - what it looks like, look around your classroom. Does it include all families? families of all cultures? Children book, does it include everyone? All kind of families? Pictures, images, videos shown, our gender signs? Inclusive? #DeafEd
A6: I believe one excellent example of what a “safe” classroom is, includes an environment in which students feel safe to take risks. Fear of failure can cloud one’s ability to learn. Students must understand that failure is a part of life, but so is getting back up. #deafed
A7: INFORM INFORM INFORM! The more people know and become comfortable with all things “different” the less likely they will see it as a negative and more likely to become a safe place themselves. #deafed#SPED567D
That's the second time in 24 hours that "stability" came up in my conversations about #DeafEd. We need more of it. New teachers, avoid the burnout!! #SPED567D
A6: We need to show our students how educators also continue to learn and grow as well by talking and listening to them. We need to empower our students by allowing them a safe space to express themselves. #deafed
A6: Remind students that no one person knows everything and that everyone is always growing. I love getting to tell my students new things I learned so they see my "process" too. #DeafEd
We as teachers need to be careful of not leaning towards information that confirms our beliefs. It’s hard to take a step back and talk about beliefs that don’t align with our own. #DeafEd
A6: I believe one excellent example of what a “safe” classroom is, includes an environment in which students feel safe to take risks. Fear of failure can cloud one’s ability to learn. Students must understand that failure is a part of life, but so is getting back up. #deafed
Acknowledge our own biases is the starting step. Be open and first to respond to make a change. And we continue to learn. We will make mistakes but make it safe to make a mistake and make it right. #DeafEd
A7: We can maintain this environment in the classroom by continuing exposure to different things, backgrounds, people, knowledge, etc. It is so important to be knowledgeable about all perspectives before acting #DeafEd
Also I encourage my students to notice bias in class textbook. For example, textbook uses "hispanics" instead of "latinx" or "latino/a". I'd tell my students that I don't use illegal immigrants, I use undocumented immigrants. That kind of thing. #DeafEd
Follow up with students if we make a mistake, this is an excellent anti-bullying tool where the student will see how you handle the situation. It becomes a model for them. #DeafEd
You can be the positive in that child’s life. I always think that maybe I’m the ONLY positive in a child w difficult behaviors life. It makes me want to ensure s/he has at least one safe place. #deafed#sped567D
As a white hearing woman working with an HBCU to develop ASL, Deaf Studies, & Deaf Education college programs, I'm having to navigate my passions while ensuring that Black, Deaf, & Black Deaf are at the table & there is a safe space for all #DeafEd
Great resources - Safe space GLSEN, Tolerance. Org for great lesson plans, responding to hate$bias at school guide. Speak up at school guide, speak up pocket guide. #DeafEd
My husband (AKA history teacher) rarely takes work home with him. And for that I'm grateful. Sometimes we talk about students our or successes or failures, but we never let once space start to take over another. Leave your problems at home, and your work at the office. #deafed