#TMchat Archive
Current and relevant education discussions are held every Tuesday in #TMchat. A weekly guest moderator, considered an expert on the the week's topic, joins @conniehamilton to guide the one hour chat and actively engage with participants. Founder and moderator @conniehamilton supplies her responses to the week's questions visually in Thinking Maps.
Tuesday August 23, 2016 9:00 PM EDT
Hi, Mary from VA. I teach 2nd.
Hi I'm Terry, 3rd grade T in Fl. I am excited to guest moderate at one of my favorite chats tonight. Love how you all stretch me.
I'm Connie Hamilton. Terry Stoufer and I are your moderators tonight. Let the introductions begin. https://t.co/zOmlDKGGQJ
Jenna, ELL Resource teacher from Chicago joining in! It's my sis's bday and I'm not sure if I'll be live but I've schedule tweets :)
Good evening I am excited to hear the conversation tonight at
Hi Jenna, happy birthday to your sister and thanks for the extra effort to contribute. #
Hello ! Kimberly, Literacy Specialist from north TX.
Our format will include 7 questions. Use A1 to respond to Q1 & remember to include hashtag in all tweets. https://t.co/1OXck6LlXb
John third grade teacher from Missouri.
Hi Kimberly, thanks for being here at tonight
Debbie from Texas! Excited to talk about goal setting!
Meredith Intervention Support Specialist joining . I was so excited about this topic I tried to get it started an hour early.
Hi John, thanks for being a part of tonight
Jason Salhaney aka Drake, Principal Romulus Middle School, Romulus, MI 6th-8th
We're LIVE in right now talking about GOAL SETTING.
Peg, Instruc Coach/Rdg Spec from MKE! On wk 2 of school & tired! But I'm up 2 learn w/ https://t.co/4dlTOGJRoB
I'm Connie Hamilton. Terry Stoufer and I are your moderators tonight. Let the introductions begin. https://t.co/zOmlDKGGQJ
Hi Connie, thanks for hosting!
Hi Mary, glad you're here tonight.
Hi Russ, thanks for joining the conversation at tonight
Hi! I hope school is going well. My Ss start next week! We need to set up some connections.
Sue ELL teacher from Minnesota
Hi Peg, glad you're here, I know the tired you speak of!
Hi friends. Carol ELA Consultant from Long Island here to chat with friends.
Hi Terry, thanks for having us
Hi Sue, thanks for joining us this evening
Dave, K-5 principal in Gibraltar, Michigan.
We are in week 3! Sts started 8/10 ... It's been a busy beginning 💜 https://t.co/aIKc3xGudB
Hi! I hope school is going well. My Ss start next week! We need to set up some connections.
Glad you are here to add your wisdom.
Q1: What are some ways that educators can reflect to help identify professional goals for this year?
HEY, DAVE! You going to be in Livonia tomorrow?
Q1 again. https://t.co/lBli2G4trj
Q1: What are some ways that educators can reflect to help identify professional goals for this year?
A1: Ask ourselves questions. Read our reflections from notes/blogs. Look at where you want to be, where you want your Ss to be.
A1: What worked well? What didn't work well? How can we change it?
Hello, . I'm jumping in late tonight!
A1 Write down our thoughts at the end of each day. https://t.co/4m258XGLES
Q1: What are some ways that educators can reflect to help identify professional goals for this year?
A1: thinking about summer professional learning and how to implement ideas into new school year
Yes, those would be the questions I think about. What went well and I want to go deeper as well. https://t.co/EZP0qpX5hc
A1: What worked well? What didn't work well? How can we change it?
A1 Based on PREV yr, T can choose 1 area to focus & dive in - mine is art of coaching (more&better) https://t.co/Qz4ku4Y5Xz
Q1: What are some ways that educators can reflect to help identify professional goals for this year?
Our principal always asks to identify goals for the year. :) Terry heleped me set my first one - taking over
A1 Review some of what we read or learned about over the summer and see how that might impact our instruction
unfortunately not. I will be meeting some of my new kindergarteners at screening:)
That is always a piece of my puzzle as well. Love summer learning. https://t.co/RexkfA5vqG
A1: thinking about summer professional learning and how to implement ideas into new school year
A1 When I coach Ts, I ask them what they want 4 themselves. I don't ask about S learningg or goals they have 4 Ss, I start w/ Ts.
So exciting to see the circle get larger. PLN is amazing! https://t.co/Ut1YSYJKF1
Our principal always asks to identify goals for the year. :) Terry heleped me set my first one - taking over
Q1 participating in chats such as this expose one to new ideas
A1 - Reflect on past years, not just last year and compare your own successes and failures
That sounds like fun, anyway!
Yes! This!! How often do we let our summer learning go by the wayside in all our busyness! https://t.co/OtklhkZFjy
A1: thinking about summer professional learning and how to implement ideas into new school year
Agree, I learn here weekly. I love how reflective this chat can be. https://t.co/OzicfAFnA2
Q1 participating in chats such as this expose one to new ideas
A1 Purposely set aside the time to reflect. It won't happen without consciously allotting time.
A1: I always ask myself what was right, what was wrong, and what is missing.
What did you read or learn over the summer? https://t.co/oNlrLVGSvM
A1 Review some of what we read or learned about over the summer and see how that might impact our instruction
That's great! I like to ask as well .. Always look for entry points https://t.co/SBXB8GeTa7
A1 When I coach Ts, I ask them what they want 4 themselves. I don't ask about S learningg or goals they have 4 Ss, I start w/ Ts.
Oh I like that...what is missing? I need to remember that important question. https://t.co/7bVegWaKqh
A1: I always ask myself what was right, what was wrong, and what is missing.
I agree about aplying summer learning!
How will you focus on coaching?
A1 This was 'sSummerofFun! took care of me & as result ready 2 do heavy lifting 4 Ts & Ss. Attended prof conf; presented; read
A1: When Ts reflect, their goals are more relevant. This causes everyone to improve, including students. https://t.co/0coGmeHOO3
A1 Write down a subject/area and create a list of what I would like to improve on from PD, twitter chats, and peer observations.
A1 Reflect on what they want to do better in. Collaborate with others and research best practices.
Great questions for reflection! https://t.co/ynV5CA2e2n
A1: I always ask myself what was right, what was wrong, and what is missing.
Like the addition of "what is missing" 💜 https://t.co/AgONYNtqOC
A1: I always ask myself what was right, what was wrong, and what is missing.
I have 25 minutes each way. Great think/reflection time.
and increasing my professional learning network.
Being intentional is the key!
A1 Think abt all learning from summer,from books, Twitterchats, classes & use 2 brainstorm goals that will make a difference 4 Ss
A1: curriculum changes: we are now IB-MYP authorized
A1. When prof. goals are developed w/ a team a clear focus is set that was developed from group reflection. https://t.co/gaejW6kKVe
Yes, I'm excited about it!
Great way to focus your thinking. https://t.co/1MCzyirpUE
A1 Write down a subject/area and create a list of what I would like to improve on from PD, twitter chats, and peer observations.
My drive is less than 5 minutes - great drive but no time for reflecting.
Happy Tuesday! Heather Abney, HS principal from VA jumping in!
A1: I try to find an educator friend to reflect with and bounce ideas off of. Love tonight's topic!
A1 Use a reflective journal
I like mistakes are not repeated I tell kids, etc. mistakes are ok, but don't make the same one 2x
Starting w/appreciative feedback & 1 coaching question ... Hoping I'll hook some by starting conversation https://t.co/pdUlB3K4sF
How will you focus on coaching?
I have a brand new journal that I am breaking in this year!
A1 sometimes listening to colleagues feedback gives you ideas on where to focus your energy
Yes...key in on those students. https://t.co/YOl6lhcNVJ
A1 Think abt all learning from summer,from books, Twitterchats, classes & use 2 brainstorm goals that will make a difference 4 Ss
Yes. Drive gives time 2 reflect; go thru convos in my head (yep, I'm the 1 talking aloud in car-don't judge) https://t.co/6tbwMpY3iW
I have 25 minutes each way. Great think/reflection time.
A1: Speaking for me, I wanted to connect with PD and educators on Twitter to get ideas and grow.
My life is good - absolutely no complaints about the drive. It is also walking distance.
Absolutely! Being open to and even asking for feedback is a great way to grow.
Welcome, glad you're here
Q2: What goals are you considering for this school year?
I looped this year, loved reading my Ss end of yr blogs to help me reflect on my yr. https://t.co/eW4DXwX2Rj
A1 Use a reflective journal
A2: Improving my math blcok - want to do guided math this year. I have been working on it this summer
A2: A more student centered classroom. More voice for Ss. I want them to be creating, critically thinking and collaborating.
A2: I'm in a new position where I get to work w/small groups of Ss. My goal is to reach their needs and make an impact.
Awesome! Walking distance is good!
Will that include number talks? https://t.co/c9BMEoTVMo
A2: Improving my math blcok - want to do guided math this year. I have been working on it this summer
A2 My goal is to start a blog. I also want to start a district twitter chat and get more of our Ts on Twitter for PD.
A2 This is my 2nd year as instructional coach. I'm looking to increase my time with Ts by streamlining other processes.
Giving actionable feedback to teachers comes up high on my list. feedback is a priority.
It is the school both my daughters attended when they were young. :)
A2 As Instruc Coach/Rdg Spec, to work outside of core areas. Focus on art, music, phy ed & Comp Sci. Of course, I'll wrk w/ core
Tell me more... I'm interested in how you might streamline. https://t.co/kaLEUL7Xf6
A2 This is my 2nd year as instructional coach. I'm looking to increase my time with Ts by streamlining other processes.
A2 1Build relationships (w/T) 2Coach deliberately 3Bridge gap with RDG Dept https://t.co/YHQ5TNA5pn
Q2: What goals are you considering for this school year?
A2 Being a better listener, being more transparent, showing more vulnerability
Yes, I already do that but I need to figure out what the other Ss are doing while I have a small group
A2 Jumping in late. added a new role last year and lots of new learning, just want to add and refine what I learned
Hello! Jessica here from Regina, SK. Canada. I teach a grade 2/3 split.
As a principal in a STEM building, I would love to see Ts select goals that increase Ss inquiry. Asking more Depth of Knowledge Qs.
A2b Stretch my thinking & get out of comfort zone. It's easy to cr8 lssons in ELA; but, what do rdg strategies look like in coding?
A1. One of my goals this year is to start to blog. I also plan to continue my student Twitter chat to promote student voice.
What changes will you make? https://t.co/Ij3dPyaoFN
A2: Improving my math blcok - want to do guided math this year. I have been working on it this summer
A2 - Continue trying to adjust my teaching to reach every student and their unique way of learning
2) I'm making it a goal to not "consider" goals but to make them and go all in.It's too tempting to make excuses when "considering"😉
Working on efficiency. talks about batching & compressing to get more done in less time.
A2 Letting Ss be in charge of a class twitter account, incorporating Google Classroom more, giving Ss choice of books for reading.
A2 finding ways to increase Ss speaking and writing skills especially with technology
A2. One of my goals this year is to start to blog. I also plan to continue my student Twitter chat to promote student voice.
Figuring out what other SS are doing while I am teaching a small group
A2 When we brought home daughter from orphanage, had no wonder. Not innate. Had to teach wonder & curiosity. https://t.co/Ol2Iu4LPFm
Creating a schoolwide hashtag made a big difference at our school. https://t.co/OtfZmSAX61
A2 My goal is to start a blog. I also want to start a district twitter chat and get more of our Ts on Twitter for PD.
A1: Using technology to brainstorm ideas, such as Google docs. Also, face to face conversations about past years.
A2 Helping Ts better understand proficiency based learning, implementing learning targets with students
2) I want to be sure to tell people they are valued and loved. Accountability and expectations only work with balanced support.
Need to get Ts on board! https://t.co/gG10AEeU0l
Creating a schoolwide hashtag made a big difference at our school. https://t.co/OtfZmSAX61
A2 My goal is to start a blog. I also want to start a district twitter chat and get more of our Ts on Twitter for PD.
A2: My goal this year is to improve my reading and writing workshop time and give students more higher level thinking opportunities
That reminds me of the quote, "A goal without a plan is just a wish."
Always so positive! How are you, my friend?
That is easier said than done, right? :)
How do you go about encouraging that and supporting it? Sounds like a great goal. https://t.co/lJuvuAdnlg
As a principal in a STEM building, I would love to see Ts select goals that increase Ss inquiry. Asking more Depth of Knowledge Qs.
A2: My goal is to continue to embrace new technologies available for the classroom. I'm also going to use my online PLN for ideas!
Balance professional, personal, health, fitness, etc.
A1 Edus can reflect through a commitment (reflection w/ action steps) to create 1st round goals https://t.co/oeot7x9u9W
Coding as in computer language? https://t.co/q2b2vPj3Tk
A2b Stretch my thinking & get out of comfort zone. It's easy to cr8 lssons in ELA; but, what do rdg strategies look like in coding?
This has been my new found love!
Doing fine, my friend! Hope all is well with you! : )
Planning to use in my classroom - just started last year but excited about the possibilities
Always a goal...what are some ideas for it? https://t.co/hJYZiiU1X6
A2 - Continue trying to adjust my teaching to reach every student and their unique way of learning
A2 Be more consistent about writing my blog
asking higher level questions is a great goal! Good luck.
Q3: How can sharing goals with staff, students and parents be beneficial?
How to write/read code. https://t.co/2S0Tctn3xG
Coding as in computer language? https://t.co/q2b2vPj3Tk
A2b Stretch my thinking & get out of comfort zone. It's easy to cr8 lssons in ELA; but, what do rdg strategies look like in coding?
How will you hold yourself accountable?
It reminds me of a double entry journal idea, love using those!
A2Looking for the intersection of Science, proficiency based learning and personalization
I have some of these same goals. https://t.co/w3JGRXQoh4
A2 Letting Ss be in charge of a class twitter account, incorporating Google Classroom more, giving Ss choice of books for reading.
It really is new to me - I have been watching some of their webinars to get ideas - very excited
I want to do that myself and create a schoolwide hashtag. First the classroom and tomorrow the school
A3: In sharing we add some accountability for ourselves, We also may find support, resources and ideas.
If only I could start with about 15 to 20 students per class, instead of 30!
You got it, my friend! Life is too short to dwell on things that we will forget about in a day! : )
A2 More face to face time with Ts. Help via email only goes so far. Ts need to feel the love.
I am going to take a class on Seesaw tomorrow.
A3: Sharing goals helps for accountability, adaptations needed and to build a support group for achieving the goals.
A3: sharing goals makes us accountable.
A3 Accountability & transparency ... If we want to grow, it helps to get others involved https://t.co/HC1Ztyxf7u
Q3: How can sharing goals with staff, students and parents be beneficial?
A3: someone to check in with, hold you accountable, motivate you to work towards it and accomplish it
Ts have received training in PBL which uses student inquiry. Encourage Ts to match their goal to a building initiative.
A3: it is a great model for others!
A3 Sharing goals with others helps us be accountable and models goal setting for others.
Thanks! STEM is so great for that!
A3 Ppl. should see your goals. It allows them to connect and see the sincerity of your purpose. Do what you ask others to do.
Trying to reflect each day on what works and doesn't is my main plan. Sounds too easy, right?
A3 Especially goals w/ Ps.They have been excluded from the process. Giving Ps opportunity 2 b part of process gives them active role
A3 When you share goals it helps hold you accountable and gives you some cheerleaders for encouragement!
We are doing Greenkids this year - does anyone know anything about this? Looks like a great group
So true. If we want people to follow us, we have to do the hard work as well.
A1 You can also use a digital journal via
A3 Last year we developed SMART goals together as a team, infused them into work of PLC, have coaches guide PLC conversations
I leave each day & reflect on how I could have done things differently/better. Writing new ideas down too, journaling.
I'm not familiar. Tell us more!
Hi Windy from PHX jumping in a little late.
A3 besides accountability more eyes on a goal givesyou more ways to reach that goal
You R stealing my answer to Q3 :-) I've joined the bloggers.Hopefully that will help on that goal. https://t.co/psmsGHp88P
How will you hold yourself accountable?
Staff can help me plan and work on my goal. Parents can help support. Students can help work on goal and keep me motivated.
A3)everyone needs a cheerleader. And public accountability adds to personal motivation.If they know what I'm doing,I better do it
A3 I always shared my goals with my teaching partners. It opened the door for collaboration, support, and accountability.
A3 Yes! Just called gym tonight & have 1st consult w/ personal trainer next wk! Should hold me accountable! https://t.co/sBQdea89qW
A3 When you share goals it helps hold you accountable and gives you some cheerleaders for encouragement!
Interesting thought. It would probably keep you honest in working towards achieving the goals.
I think better when I put pen to paper! But it would be good for when I am on the road!
Great perspective! Sharing goals with others allows for collaboration as well as accountability. https://t.co/4OfKT4ychj
A3 besides accountability more eyes on a goal givesyou more ways to reach that goal
Reflection during driving is a wonderful choice
I so agree! https://t.co/1kZbJGtkKE
A3 Sharing goals with others helps us be accountable and models goal setting for others.
I do it so much in my head, it's transferring it to a "written form" somehow. Consistently.
A3: Writing goals down really helps me! It's also important to collect evidence on what you are working on too!
Not sure - we just got 1/2 hour PD this morning - basically hands on activities to link Ss to environment
A2 to improve my Ss independence & confidence in themselves. Also, helping them realize mistakes are ok!
A3 - Buy-in from all sides makes everyone's job a lot easier - teacher, parent, and student
A3. I recently held a Vision/Mission summit w Ss & T's. We are all working as a team towards a common goal! https://t.co/a0n8RIwOry
A1 I agree . REading leads to more knowledge to reflect upon.
Are you keeping a journal, notes, blogging? Would love to hear your process with this. https://t.co/BrVpnRULLb
Trying to reflect each day on what works and doesn't is my main plan. Sounds too easy, right?
Putting it in writing helps too! Especially if you keep it where you can see it daily.
A3 the more the merrier! Supporting the Ss in all facets only leads to more success!
Motivation and accountability! Nice https://t.co/itIIp80he1
A3)everyone needs a cheerleader. And public accountability adds to personal motivation.If they know what I'm doing,I better do it
It is great to look back on. You find gems in the history. https://t.co/0sEtF8HWgA
I do it so much in my head, it's transferring it to a "written form" somehow. Consistently.
I have thought about this too!
A1: Reflecting on the previous year: what went well, what needs to improve. Summer research and PD. Twitter chats
Hi Windy, happy to see you here.
Q4: How can we use our PLN to support us in reaching our goals?
I just need to find that "right" way for me. Hmmm......
I have been watching some of their training videos. Ready to jump in and give it a try!
Yes, we all have our personal way of what works best. https://t.co/3AOlsrbHnP
I just need to find that "right" way for me. Hmmm......
Thank you, Peg! You are an awesome friend!
A4: Our PLN will often be the ones who inspire us, encourage us and support us. I find most of my ideas for goals from them.
A4 this PLN helps to flesh out ideas and get new ones. It keeps me grounded and reminded of why I want to learn and improve.
I always reflect after lessons, always, wish I was better about jotting down notes to look back on.
A4. When we share our goals, we can work with our PLN to hold us accountable and to develop strategies for reaching the goals.
Digital student portfolio with photo, drawing, and microphone and a blog for Ss
Making it public helps too.
A2: Collaborating to develop a slow chat in my SD. Refining the way we mentor students teachers. Building a strong community w/Ss.
Great thoughts here, love the idea of being grounded. https://t.co/LQ9rGweCCT
A4 this PLN helps to flesh out ideas and get new ones. It keeps me grounded and reminded of why I want to learn and improve.
A4: communicating with them, being transparent on progress, asking for support when needed
Accessible - That's so important!
A3 goal setting in collaborative environments strengthen all involved.
A4 while accountability is a possibility, PLN can help support with resources & ideas, inspiration https://t.co/T2HV266iAE
Q4: How can we use our PLN to support us in reaching our goals?
A4 the larger your network, the larger your pool of resources is to tap into.So many educators can provide support. Make connections
It is an online digital portfolio that your Ss can use pretty independently.
By connecting with them often. My PLN is my lifeline these days. can't imagine not having them
Still trying to find it. LOL
Thanks Terry! Happy to see you too! Love this chat.
A4 My PLN has shared ideas that I want to try with kids and offer insight and support for implementation into my class.
A4. We need to continue to support each other &share what's working! Love this reminder as we start school! https://t.co/LDuGeZBZjc
I can not even count the doors of opportunity I have had from having a PLN, Learning is constant. https://t.co/U2h1GAmGXa
A4 the larger your network, the larger your pool of resources is to tap into.So many educators can provide support. Make connections
4) my PLN helps inspire new goals that my face to face support can help me follow through on. Great ideas often come from others
A4: I love to get ideas from educators beyond the walls of my school, district, state and county! A great PLN makes us all better!
So glad I fell across this chat for a bit! Have a wonderful evening. Thinking about goals and reflective tools now..... thank you!
A4: If you look, you'll find a way to overcome obstacles that might interfere with achieving your goals. https://t.co/i0j4O3WpI4
There is an importance of sharing our stories with one another. We will impact someone, always. https://t.co/t57PWRivKj
A4. We need to continue to support each other &share what's working! Love this reminder as we start school! https://t.co/LDuGeZBZjc
A4 - I'm finding out how extensive the "Twitter-sphere" is, I'm sure I'll find out things I would never have otherwise
I can almost guarantee it. https://t.co/POMcwFlIps
A4 - I'm finding out how extensive the "Twitter-sphere" is, I'm sure I'll find out things I would never have otherwise
Yes! https://t.co/O6H2xoaENu
A4 the larger your network, the larger your pool of resources is to tap into.So many educators can provide support. Make connections
A3: Sharing goals with others helps to make them happen! People ask how they're coming along, or want to get involved.
A4 PLN's provide a place of support and common knowledge/interest. Ideas & concerns can be shared & problems solved.
A4 Our PLN can give us support, encouragement and resources. My has grown so big, I will never get them all read!
Something I hope to do, haven't found time for yet. Quick journal or note at the end of the day, maybe.
Maybe just a Tweet, share your story with us. https://t.co/3umL0DfDYC
Something I hope to do, haven't found time for yet. Quick journal or note at the end of the day, maybe.
A4 Tap into those ppl u trust & give them opportunity 2 support u. We don't have 2 go it alone. Ppl want 2 help & want us 2 succeed
Q5: How will you determine the effectiveness of the goals you set?
Great advice... allow others to support you. https://t.co/MoLmJsPW4D
A4 Tap into those ppl u trust & give them opportunity 2 support u. We don't have 2 go it alone. Ppl want 2 help & want us 2 succeed
A1) Be reflective, real, & realistic. Always ask how could you do it better or differently. Challenge yourself
Yes, my PLN has walked beside me and has taken me on some journeys I might Have never taken. https://t.co/pnoBfEeizZ
A4 Tap into those ppl u trust & give them opportunity 2 support u. We don't have 2 go it alone. Ppl want 2 help & want us 2 succeed
A5: I'll need to reflect often. Do I see a shift/change? Observe my learners, are they growing and changing in a positive way?
A5 I'm asking for feedback from those around me ... District coach, admin, Rdg coach, etc https://t.co/uCeAJpDPvh
Q5: How will you determine the effectiveness of the goals you set?
A1) After every PD, I always ask what do I need to do differently next time. FirstAtBat
A5. It's important to me that progress toward my goals be able to be measured some way. Not necessarily numbers, but something.
A5 I use feedback forms after workshops/meetings and try to gather perception data in addition to quantitative data.
A3 Instructional leaders are the ones who model goal setting would be.
A5 If they are SMART goals, they will be measurable.
Gotta get moving tomorrow ! https://t.co/IQ2ckFH7KH
Yes, my PLN has walked beside me and has taken me on some journeys I might Have never taken. https://t.co/pnoBfEeizZ
A4 Tap into those ppl u trust & give them opportunity 2 support u. We don't have 2 go it alone. Ppl want 2 help & want us 2 succeed
A5: Set specific, measurable goals and seek feedback from others!
A5 Reflection. Did it cause an increase in student engagement, motivation, learning? If yes, it's effective.
A2) Get Ts to shift from instruction thru activity to instruction thru inquiry. Create authentic assessments
A5 - Ask students and listen to them. I expect to be surprised by their honesty and their own unique ideas.
Nodding off after morning presentation & additional learning.
A4: Our PLN is like fertilizer that are constantly growing us with ideas, both small and large. It also connects you to a community.
A5. When setting the goals they should be measurable, timely, specific, relevant and attainable. https://t.co/RGZ6YK5SQj
Love your openness for this. https://t.co/iNW1GVDGX6
A5 I'm asking for feedback from those around me ... District coach, admin, Rdg coach, etc https://t.co/uCeAJpDPvh
Q5: How will you determine the effectiveness of the goals you set?
A3) Clarity!!! Also, listen to the audience. Your goals may not be or match theirs. FirstAtBat
Sleep well. Thanks for joining. https://t.co/wgcKLxLGvG
Nodding off after morning presentation & additional learning.
A5 Ss increase in accountability tests in speaking and writing skills is one way to measure progress
A5: Ultimately the measure of success is student achievement. Everything should tie back to that. https://t.co/82o60ORVdy
is now trending in USA, ranking 50
A5. An important aspect is having all staff have ownership in the goals and students being able to measure their progress.
A5 Were students engaged, take part in learning/discussion.
Of course, numbers aren't a bad thing...sometimes we act as if we can't say numbers. https://t.co/MNMFi8N2OX
A5 I use feedback forms after workshops/meetings and try to gather perception data in addition to quantitative data.
A4: My PLN helps me by being a resource for ideas and information. Also pushes my thinking and reflection.
A5 Yes, & Ss should have say in their own achievement. Working w/ T using personalized system of grading https://t.co/y3d8sh3WId
A5: Ultimately the measure of success is student achievement. Everything should tie back to that. https://t.co/82o60ORVdy
A4: Our PLN can help us with the resources we need to work towards our goals.
? I'm not following, Eric.
yes, ultimately my real goal is to teach students to be responsible for their own learning
Q6: In what ways do you help students to set goals for the new year?
A6: I struggle with this w/ 2nd graders. Need ideas
A5: We can determine our growth by having a baseline and watching for change (small and big).
A6: We set individual, attainable goals. They are based on standards, expectations, and ways to motivate/encourage them.
A5) Feedback & response from audience. Do they understand the strategy? Can they do it? Does it make life easier?
A6. SMART goals become an important focus of weekly PLC conversations - are we making progress? What needs to be adjusted?
A6 We're using data chats & writing portfolios .. Want to guide sts into reflection & personal growth https://t.co/kTVIJHN6eh
Q6: In what ways do you help students to set goals for the new year?
I can help you with this. I set goals with mine last yr. What are some areas you would like to work on? https://t.co/j811lDB1hY
A6: I struggle with this w/ 2nd graders. Need ideas
A6 I try to help kids focus on growth rather than competition when setting academic goals.
A6 Help them understand where they are and where they need to be. Brainstorm goals with them that will help them get there.
A6 Last yr. Ss had passports w/short term goal written down to determine where they were headed. https://t.co/9aWjM9f6cC
Q6: In what ways do you help students to set goals for the new year?
Q6 show where they are on a rubric and where the next step is
A6: This is really hard for me! It's hard to get kids past, "I want to read better." and encourage them to be specific and aim high
A6: Relationship building is important so we can get to know Ss before creating new goals.
Appropriate goals for 2nd grade and how to keep track for me and them
A7) Use personal questions that ask what do you want to learn about the subject/topic & have them share
Great way to make this happen. https://t.co/V6P1cferWT
A6 Help them understand where they are and where they need to be. Brainstorm goals with them that will help them get there.
Yes, my 2nd graders tend to be vague.
A5 make sure each goal is specific/relevant for that child. Develop
A6.SMART goals must be more than words stated on a brightly colored poster in classrooms- Ss must be able to see growth toward goals
A6: We have T/P/ss goal setting conferences the 3rd week of school. Work together to set goals and action plans to meet goals.
A6) Use personal questions that ask what do you want to learn about the subject/topic & have them share
A6 - I introduce the idea of going to college to my students - see the big picture, then come back to today's goals.
Sometime they need to start small in order to move on to higher goals.
A6 Ss look at where they are currently, pick an area to improve on, write a SMART goal, and monitor/track progress.
Would it be helpful to give a sentence frame to write goals? I will _ by _before_ or something similar
A6 As Cch/Rdg Spec, I spprt Ts in all disciplines;spprt Ss in all classes. Giving Ss one-on-one attn helps 2 spprt their indiv goals
We have talked about implementing student-led parent conferences. I love the idea!
That's a great idea! We don't formally meet with parents until end of Oct. I should consider doing this on my own.
Last yr was my first, best conferences EVER https://t.co/ZvxCuQaJEw
We have talked about implementing student-led parent conferences. I love the idea!
Mayeb - but they tend to be vague anyway and time is usually not reasonable
Now that's HACKY! https://t.co/vFlPB19ne1
A6: We have T/P/ss goal setting conferences the 3rd week of school. Work together to set goals and action plans to meet goals.
Grt opportunity to build relationships that will help with goal setting!
Really like this idea and timing ! https://t.co/rGS5KfrIDl
A6: We have T/P/ss goal setting conferences the 3rd week of school. Work together to set goals and action plans to meet goals.
Very productive process. I learn a lot. We come back together at end of 1st sem. & end year w/ ss-led conf https://t.co/fdj51Cw1Hd
That's a great idea! We don't formally meet with parents until end of Oct. I should consider doing this on my own.
Q7: How can we celebrate progress toward reaching our goals?
Families loved being so involved in what their children were learning during student guided conferences. https://t.co/2E6thUEZjp
A7: We need to celebrate the steps of growth. Embrace that growth mindset, and celebrate effort and perseverance as well.
A7: Share celebrations with Ss, parents, staff, and PLN
A7 Celebrating progress requires monitoring progress. When we see it, we draw attention!
Q7 Tweet out our successes and progress! https://t.co/xKhLxh6BMa
Q7: How can we celebrate progress toward reaching our goals?
Timing is great b/c we’re all still getting to know each other - build expectations together.
A7 Sharing our success stories with those around us ... F2F, PLN, etc https://t.co/7VfTKR43mD
Q7: How can we celebrate progress toward reaching our goals?
A7: Displaying goals for celebration.
A7 Share it w/ others. When I achieve a goal (published writing; daughter's job), I share it w/ friends bcause it's their goal, too
I would love to learn more about this!
Q7 to begin with it is important to write goal that can be met in a reasonable time frame
Our school theme this yr is which is also our school hashtag. Love celebrating!
A7 share success stories in the school and with parents. Reward effort as well.
A7 - Recognize successes along the way. Students (and teachers) love to know when someone does well.
A7: Share it and set a new goal!
Great investment of time!
A7b I cannot write w/out great ideas & askng ppl 2 listen 2 or read latest blog post; SPED daughter's job result of help from many
A7 Write down your goal and revisit it while working on the goal. Celebrate when a goal is accomplished.
Absolutely ! https://t.co/Oek4GXPk4w
A7 - Recognize successes along the way. Students (and teachers) love to know when someone does well.
And celebrate the steps on the way!
A5 daily data! Annual goals divided by days/weeks....did the Ss reach goal? What did he struggle with? Adjust aim.
Ss & their families rotated from 1 center 2 next-each w/ goal & student demonstrating what they had learned https://t.co/ti1kaTRL0j
I would love to learn more about this!
Celebrate your colleagues as well.
Me too! I challenged my colleagues to celebrate it instead of Friday. Also beginning the routine with my Ss https://t.co/4WR7sJVleA
Thanks for planning and moderating!
I bet you buy yourself a lot of coffee👍
Then keep up the momentum https://t.co/rSlfNYLNDd
A7 Write down your goal and revisit it while working on the goal. Celebrate when a goal is accomplished.
thanks, Pal! Always happy to with like you.
and wonderful topic and amazing questions asked of those who joined to extend discussion
Thanks for the invite Incredible people gather here at
Thanks for a great chat !
A6 have them self-evaluate themselves if able. Ask them where they would like to be. What can we do to get there?
This revisiting is really important, esp. for ss. It’s easy to forget unless you keep it front and center.
Great chat tonight! thanks for moderating!
A7: Reflecting on the progress being made along the way. Refining if needed.
Your first? Awesome, keep coming.