A1: Time.
True #CBME would have no time limits.
For most #MedEd disciplines we don’t have the luxury of endless timelines.
In PA education it’s usually a finite length of 2-2.5 years.
T1: assessment is a challenge for performance-based (e.g., patient centered communication, evidence-based practice) and attitudinal-based (e.g. professionalism) competencies #meded
I saw a post by @jcolbertgetz the other day about eliminating grades altogether and evaluating on competencies. How do you think that would fly with #medstudents or program directors? #mededchat#meded
#sawinsays@TuftsFMR_CHA was a smashing success!! Thanks for all of your interest in our program. Check out https://t.co/GfxfedWodX and follow us on Insta & Twitter. We'll host another live tweet in a few weeks, stay tuned! #FMRevolution out! What do u love most about FM?
Ivar Gladhaug - new Dean at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo! I'm proud to be part of his team as the Vice-Dean for postdoctoral and master programmes! @UniOslo_MED@UniOslohttps://t.co/ZkIFhc6pRt
So then should there be a different mechanism for selecting residents under a #CBME framework so the competitive specialties aren't overwhelmed? #mededchat#meded
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@mmteacherdoc, @Alliance4ClinEd, @StephRStarr
Making students accountable to each other via flipped classroom or small group, peer-facilitated discussions surrounding clinical knowledge could also potentially help in the pre-clinical years #mededchat#meded (from my experience with my school's curriculum)
Correctly designed assessments that are aligned to objectives don’t hamper #MedEd What hampers the 4th year is the single minded pursuit of interviews and the match! @TheNRMP is wrecking my assessments.
Good by institutional metrics? Good by big data? Good by patient expectations? good by peer review? Good by value to community? Society? We still tend to define "good" narrowly in #meded, even while talking domains of competency and #CBME#MedEdChat
This is a sad commentary that @NBME exams are more important than learning the skills to become a physician. Our emphasis is misplaced #mededchat#meded
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@DrJenChen4kids, @Alliance4ClinEd, @NBME
3/ However, there is a price to pay; some dissect earlier than others. Over 7.2 years, 3 Type A and 1 Type B dissections - diameters of type A were 43, 47, and 49 mm and all died.
I have heard some of that. I wonder if it is because they are truly uncertain how to evaluate competence confidently. Some of likened it to pornography...they know it when they see it and that doesn't feel rigorous enough for an honest eval #mededchat#meded
Topic 3: Even if assessments are formative in #CBME models, #medstudents often don't see that. What can be done to provide truly formative assessments in this psychometric-centric world? #mededchat#meded
T3: creating an open environment of formative assessment that works both ways, between learner and faculty/program, facilitating dialogue focused on improvement, may be one strategy #mededchat#meded
T3- agree with LICs. Another option is a “competency coach” - a #MedEd mentor with no grading/assessment responsibilities. Help students use CBAs to develop individual learning plans for improvement. Longitudinal follow up. #mededchat
It appears that these and other issues are results of competing priorities (financial, scheduling, resources) between institutions. Also, I am seeing a wide variety in how much formative feedback is given to students and faculty/preceptors. #MedEd#MedEdChat
T3: agreed, a systems based approach to assessment is important so the data and feedback informs the entire system: learners, program, patient interactions, faculty development, etc. #mededchat
The hard part might be finding #MedEd folks who are interested in being coaches who aren’t already involved in grading or assessments already! #MedEdChat
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@mmteacherdoc, @Alliance4ClinEd, @MedEdChat
Final Thought: Barriers to #CBME implementation are multifactorial and as @myheroistrane stated we need to follow the money to address them honestly #mededchat#meded
That's a wrap...I will post the #mededchat transcript tomorrow morning on https://t.co/mJivoKroXx on the Resources page. Thanks everyone for participating! #meded