Our goals are to connect grads and current students, share ideas and advice, and be inspired. #ElonEd chat brings together experienced teachers and novice teachers to discuss best practices. We see our chat as a way to mentor future teachers who are students at Elon, and anyone who wants to join us in that effort is welcome.
Welcome to the #ElonEd chat! Our goals are to connect grads, current students, fac/staff, and other educators to share ideas and advice and to be inspired.
The #ElonEd moderators this evening are @scomorrison and @JFinneyFrock. We are looking forward to the conversation! Our topic: Looking Backward and Looking Forward
There were a few great ones. Working with @sfriedman7elon tops the list. The upcoming graduation is always a favorite. I love seeing the pride my students feel after working hard for 12 years. #ElonEd
A1: Another of my best moments was helping with the #schoolgarden@eaepanthers. Powerful experience when people come together for a common goal. #ElonEd
A1: It’s hard to sum up my best moments this year. Student teaching has been an incredibly memorable experience. I will remember each and every student and how they have impacted me and taught me the power in being a teacher. I am forever thankful to my amazing CT #ElonEd
Hi everyone! Signing on a little late tonight. I'm Emily and I'm a senior at Elon University, student teaching in a first grade classroom. I'll be starting my teaching career as a third grade resource teacher next fall! #ElonEd
A1: One of my best moments actually just happened last Friday. My first graders completed a digital time breakout to wrap up their unit on telling time to the hour and half hour. It was great to see their collaboration and problem solving skills in action! #ElonEd
A2: whether we believe it or not I believe I’m growing both professionally and individually each day. Learning from and with others to be the most compassionate, empathetic human being who can connect others and share a love for life. #ElonEd
A2: I learned to let go a little during my lessons outside. Sometimes students had needs or thoughts or ideas that I had not planned for or expected. It was important to tend to them and be open to new directions. It made teaching and learning more organic. #ElonEd
A2: This year I grew by learning that there is so much more outside of my own individual classroom/subject that is important in a school. Also I learned that I LOVE reading about education #ElonEd
A2: in terms of teaching, I more specifically learned that I work the best when I have an open line of communication between myself and my students. When making decisions, I always felt better off when I collected student input via sticky notes or quick surveys. #ElonEd
I've had to juggle more responsibilities, including talking with more adults (not my strong suit), which made me have to reevaluate my Work-Home balance. It all worked out great because I have a strong group of family and peers I can lean on when I need it. #ElonEd
A2: in terms of teaching, I more specifically learned that I work the best when I have an open line of communication between myself and my students. When making decisions, I always felt better off when I collected student input via sticky notes or quick surveys. #ElonEd
A2: in terms of teaching, I more specifically learned that I work the best when I have an open line of communication between myself and my students. When making decisions, I always felt better off when I collected student input via sticky notes or quick surveys. #ElonEd
A2: I've learned how to effectively use data to inform my instruction. Specifically, using formative assessment on a regular basis has helped me gauge student knowledge, determine what skills I may need to reteach, and make flexible, dynamic groups based on student needs #ElonEd
A2: I started using the term #neurodiversity more this year. The concept expanded my idea of difference and how we tend to box in students with labels. #ElonEd
Q3: In what ways has your thinking changed? Fill in the blanks: I used to think ____, but now I know that ___. In what ways have your actions changed? Fill in the blanks: I used to ___, but now I ___. #ElonEd
That sounds awesome! I never really had an interest in neuroscience but then just started reading about the importance of educators understanding neuroscience and I’m fascinated #ElonEd
A2: I've learned how to effectively use data to inform my instruction. Specifically, using formative assessment on a regular basis has helped me gauge student knowledge, determine what skills I may need to reteach, and make flexible, dynamic groups based on student needs #ElonEd
I used to think that schools were places where everyone basically had an equal opportunity to succeed when they entered the front door. I’ve done a lot of learning and unlearning since then, and now I see a large part of my role as an institutional organizer for equity. #ElonEd
Q3: I used to think teacher candidates had to teach for a few years before they could fully grasp good assessment strategies. Now I think that they need good instruction, models, and feedback and can learn during their field placements. #ElonEd
A3: I used to think teacher candidates had to teach for a few years before they could fully grasp good assessment strategies. Now I think that they need good instruction, models, and feedback and can learn during their field placements. #ElonEd
Couldn’t attend the #ElonEd chat tonight but it has been great getting to know so many more students, alumni & faculty via #ElonEd this year! Best of luck to the graduates as you start a truly noble career that changes lives and strengthens communities. Stay connected to Elon!
Q3: In what ways has your thinking changed? Fill in the blanks: I used to think ____, but now I know that ___. In what ways have your actions changed? Fill in the blanks: I used to ___, but now I ___. #ElonEd
A hugely important yet unsettling realization. Turning our instructional practices (reflection, data, etc) back on our profession shows us how important informed and active professionals are. #ElonEd
I used to think that schools were places where everyone basically had an equal opportunity to succeed when they entered the front door. I’ve done a lot of learning and unlearning since then, and now I see a large part of my role as an institutional organizer for equity. #ElonEd
Q3: In what ways has your thinking changed? Fill in the blanks: I used to think ____, but now I know that ___. In what ways have your actions changed? Fill in the blanks: I used to ___, but now I ___. #ElonEd
You know, just a faculty member and president emeritus @elonuniversity giving advice to an #ElonEd student. (Who is giving advice to a high school student.) Just another Sunday evening.
Honestly, I think too much emphasis is placed on the undergraduate major. Study what you love. Ask big questions. Find mentors. Learn how to do research. Get a meaningful internship. Seek challenge. (Still, the arts and sciences are be best preparation for leadership!)
A3: I used to think you needed to plan lessons to the minute. Now, I know that you are teaching students not lessons. As long as you have prepared material, students will demonstrate what they need and how they need it. a teacher needs to facilitate their learning #eloned
I used to think that schools were places where everyone basically had an equal opportunity to succeed when they entered the front door. I’ve done a lot of learning and unlearning since then, and now I see a large part of my role as an institutional organizer for equity. #ElonEd
A3: I used to think that #ElonEd chat was only for Elon students or alum, but now I know that anyone can join. I used to lurk only, but now I participate when I can!
Q3: In what ways has your thinking changed? Fill in the blanks: I used to think ____, but now I know that ___. In what ways have your actions changed? Fill in the blanks: I used to ___, but now I ___. #ElonEd
A3: I used to think you needed to plan lessons to the minute. Now, I know that you are teaching students not lessons. As long as you have prepared material, students will demonstrate what they need and how they need it. a teacher needs to facilitate their learning #eloned
A3. #ElonEd I used to think social media was a distraction, but now see it as a great growth tool. However, I still have serious concerns about some of the irresponsible use I see.
I used to think that schools were places where everyone basically had an equal opportunity to succeed when they entered the front door. I’ve done a lot of learning and unlearning since then, and now I see a large part of my role as an institutional organizer for equity. #ElonEd
A3. #ElonEd I used to think social media was a distraction, but now see it as a great growth tool. However, I still have serious concerns about some of the irresponsible use I see.
Jumping in mid #ElonEd chat! A3: I use to be intimidated by all of the different standards but now I have a bank of resources available to help me unpack them!
A4 A lot of tough moments this year. Reinforced you need to keep your eye on the prize. Success for all students. Hard moment coming up tomorrow when I need to convince Commissioners we need to invest more in our future. #ElonEd
A4: I had some hard moments balancing work and family life. I learned that family has to come first (even though I do not always get that right at first). Being in education can be a 24/7 job. It is important to set boundaries. #ElonEd
It’s baffling that some need convincing to invest in education. Let’s go to their workplaces and cut the budget and tell them to do less with more. For at least a decade. #ElonEd
A4 A lot of tough moments this year. Reinforced you need to keep your eye on the prize. Success for all students. Hard moment coming up tomorrow when I need to convince Commissioners we need to invest more in our future. #ElonEd
It’s baffling that some need convincing to invest in education. Let’s go to their workplaces and cut the budget and tell them to do more with less. For at least a decade. #ElonEd
A4 A lot of tough moments this year. Reinforced you need to keep your eye on the prize. Success for all students. Hard moment coming up tomorrow when I need to convince Commissioners we need to invest more in our future. #ElonEd
Many don't have a workplace to visit and there is one of the problems. They did not take advantage of their own education and are now in a ditch. #ElonEd
A4: My most challenging moment was working with a student who didn’t speak English I learned the power of patients and perseverance that student had some serious #GRIT as well as to celebrate the small victories #ElonEd
A4: biggest challenge has been the lesson that if a student does something wrong, they need to suffer the consequence the first time not the third. If you wait until the third, they will lose respect for you #ElonEd
A5: Catch myself doing the whole countdown thing. The fact that I get to do what I love and to be in the lives of some of the most brilliant young people in the world is such a gift. Sometimes I need that reminder, especially in May! #ElonEd
A5: come into class each day with energy a smile and make sure to be honest with students. Start with a clean slate each day and let them know how much they are loved. Show them the power in doing the right thing daily and instill a sense of community. #ElonEd
A5: Catch myself doing the whole countdown thing. The fact that I get to do what I love and to be in the lives of some of the most brilliant young people in the world is such a gift. Sometimes I need that reminder, especially in May! #ElonEd
A5: Start each day as a clean slate. Come into class with a smile, a positive attitude, and high expectations for the day, no matter what happened the day before #ElonEd
Why do we continue to do these, as if emphasize that we only have X amount of days until "the test." Students came to me last week and said that we can no longer mention EOGs in my class so they can have at least 1 place where they can not hear about it. #eloned
A5: Catch myself doing the whole countdown thing. The fact that I get to do what I love and to be in the lives of some of the most brilliant young people in the world is such a gift. Sometimes I need that reminder, especially in May! #ElonEd
A6: Increase student voice in the classroom and ensure that the students are doing a majority of the talking, rather than the teacher. Going along with that, making sure each and every student's voice is heard each and every day #ElonEd
A6: Increase student voice in the classroom and ensure that the students are doing a majority of the talking, rather than the teacher. Going along with that, making sure each and every student's voice is heard each and every day #ElonEd