#wyoedchat Archive
#wyoedchat is a great way for Wyoming educators to share teaching strategies, educational resources, and more.
Sunday March 20, 2016
10:00 PM EDT
Torrington, WY 2nd grade teacher. Good evening all and happy Spring
Welcome sir. Glad you could join us.
Hello . MS A/P from Riverton.
Dawn, Gillette, Jr. High Business Ed, Happy Spring,
Hi everyone, this is Victoria, PhD Student in University of Wyoming Instructional Technology Program
Craig Williams 4th grade Cheyenne WY
Tonia in . faculty at . Happy Spring! 🌷🌸🌻
Welcome and glad u could join us
Lisa Smith, District Tech Facilitator, Cody, Wyoming
Thanks for joining us for
thanks, happy to be here!
Please RT questions so all R non WYO teachers can join in.
Jeremy Braden, Assoc Principal, Ankeny, IA - excited to learn from the Wyo Ed folks
We will use same format of Q1 A1 Q2 A2.
is a doctoral thesis in and of himself :) https://t.co/csxRNKbnPH
Hi everyone, this is Victoria, PhD Student in University of Wyoming Instructional Technology Program
Rachel, sped T in Cheyenne
Please introduce yourself to group,(if u havent) name, location and subject/role! Lurkers r welcome .
2 nts A spring theme 8pm
starting n15m
2 nts A spring theme 8pm
starting n15m
Alleta - principal in Riverton - Beautiful day out rock hunting!
Ed in Cheyenne
Tech Ed at Jr & Sr High
James Kapptie, Dir Of Tech from Wonderful Cody WY
Q1. How long of a “spring Break” do your kids get?
hi everyone - Darrin, principal of
A1: No children, so can't say. I think the standard is 1 week, yes?
My courses, grad & undergrad, get the week off, though there are projects due the next week. And some grad Ss work thru.
A1 John, Principal, Riverton High, we get a full week
A1: Gillette gets a whole week this year! March 28-April 1 Woo hoo!
First grade, Basin, Wy... Hello!
A1 3 days off for Spring Break in LCSD1 W/Th/F
A1 Carole, School Librarian, Hay Springs, NE no spring break this yr, but we are a 4 day sch week
Brian Redmond, band director and kid-tuck-inner and story teller in Rock Springs
One more from our district and we'll earn a one seed in the tech-nerd tourney :)
worst spring break ever! Blargh 😭
Q1. How long of a “spring Break” do your kids get?
Q2. What do you feel is beneficial @ the break? What is drawback??
A1 - it's brief, just this coming Friday and the following Monday
A1: 6 total days, Friday, the Mon-Fri of next week
A1 4 day weekend for Easter
A2 I use it as a formative assessment break, but second half of semester always seems to fly
A2: Helps to get a perspective on the semester and catch up on projects as mentioned
A2 refocus for all T's, S's, and P's - and a chance to catch up for A's
A1: our kids get 3.5, we get three in Cheyenne.
A2 rejuvenation and rest as the benefit spring fever can be a problem afterwards
A2 Ours is too long IMO. If we end semester at Xmas, we go 77 & 100 days. Couple of 3 day weekends would suffice.
A2: I need the time to recharge after PAWS
A2: It's a chance to Ss and Ts to regroup from PAWS testing. Not to mention a time for me break out the fly rod.
A2 family time is important! Daughter is getting wisdom teeth out. Get to take care of my senior before she graduates.
I agree. Would be interesting to know how many kids r actually gone over that time
A2) Good= recharge batteries. Bad= lost time before and after (Ss:" vacation is next week, are we really doing something today?")
A2: Benefit-Mind rejuvenating, Drawback-Loss of momentum
does not speak for the district! https://t.co/uBaiyTLJgi
A2 Ours is too long IMO. If we end semester at Xmas, we go 77 & 100 days. Couple of 3 day weekends would suffice.
A2: Time to push re-set, re-charge the batteries. Drawback is for those Ss who need the connection to school, food, safety
A2: Beneficial: spend time w family. Drawback: kids get antsy upon return, but hope to keep motivated until end of school year.
Q3 How do you incorporate the season and time changes?
As the husband of a track coach, not many leave town.
Q2 Rejuvenate and rest for the staff! Students need structure & some don't have fun at home....
Q1 Can't wait for next week - all week off! VACATION!
Maybe week should be dedicated to experimental fun learning...a "normal School Break" instead
A3 I don't incorporate seasons in formal classroom, but kicking around ideas for and that do.
A3: Not well, lol. Though it is useful having the spring forward during an off-time during the semester.
Two delay everyday after the spring time change.
As the Lorax does for the trees, I do for the children.
based education! Get outside & learn about your community. Teambuilding.
A3: Nothing significant, time marches on, and we incorporate active learning in all seasons, outside activities if applicable
A3) Slight change of pace for spring - a little more time for kids to get into music, a little more humor during rehearsal.
A3: The time change in the middle of PAWS is tough, but at least its time to start those outside activities and field trips.
We all seem to know that but it feels like we just say oh well,,,,frustrating?? Any ideas
A3: Try not to think about time change. Just adjust. Trying to relax and have some fun with students this last quarter.
A3.2) More than anything, encourage seniors (and others) to finish strong, not let brains turn to tapioca as the weather changes.
Q4 With @ 2 months to go in school year...what is YOUR focus?
Can I get some of that for my 8th graders? https://t.co/xzZTwjfmR4
A3.2) More than anything, encourage seniors (and others) to finish strong, not let brains turn to tapioca as the weather changes.
A3: I call & make sure he gets 2 work on time. i remind him of our obj. 2 chnge K-5 tech instead of dreaming of spring
A4: staying on top of the work that needs to be done so as not to have it pile up at the end of the semester
A4: Focus - finish what we HAVE to do so we can do some projects we WANT to do.
A4: Goal = instructional leadership, transitions 4 incoming 6th and outgoing 7th graders not
A4: Developing a yr's worth of LP's & assessments for K-5 technology for our Tech Paras
A4) Lots going on - student compositions, festivals, kickoff marching band, and get our big trip planned for next year.
A4: Our focus shifts somewhat to transitioning to the next grade level. Also, summer school creeps into the picture.
A4 Implementing a new SIS/LMS system....Preparing everyone....
A4 FINISH! Celebrate our accomplishments & our great Ss. Get set for next year.
Q4-to get people excited to continue learning & get fired up about summer opportunities to learn as adults!
A4 - assembling the greatest team has ever seen! Got a little hiring to do, but gotta maintain the positive energy
A4 Winding down Spring and gearing up for Summer, both term and conferences
A4 ensuring all students are reading at grade level. Being a positive role model as our district goes through changes.
We have started to set prof. goals in the spring, so as to better take advantage of what you mention. https://t.co/6RCvI5gVxA
Q4-to get people excited to continue learning & get fired up about summer opportunities to learn as adults!
Q5 What data do you use after Spring Break to influence instruction?
A5: not applicable to me at the moment, but looking forward to others answers!
Interesting idea - professional goals for building, individual staff?
A5: Our RTI data really starts to materialize after spring break.
A5 Use a Google Form for formative feedback from Ss and adjust what I can immediately. Use end of course eval to adjust future.
A5: use the same data we have used so far this year, continual quality improvement process, form assess, referrals, tardies, etc
A5: Data from projects we've already done. What do they understand? What are they struggling with? What could motivate them?
A5 course selection info (master schedule), credits earned + grades (grad push), staff PD interest survey
Q5 assessments in classsroom - and student growth on summative district assessments.
Yes and yes. Finding it doesn't make sense to do this in the fall when all the summer PD is over. https://t.co/P2mgTVNKCR
Interesting idea - professional goals for building, individual staff?
A5 Classroom level is #1 but looking forward to Aspire & what it has to offer
my question too - who and how?
A5) Not much data - working on getting student portfolios and solos going. Data can build from there.
Here comes the tough questions
I like that idea - set goals while struggles from year are still fresh on everyone's mind.
Q7 How do you select students for extended year/summer school?
A7: I think it's based on MAP scores and grades in core classes.
A7) For band kids, I encourage summer work. We have camps, city band, and our own sectionals that happen all summer long.
A5: As a Tech IF w/huge focus on 4-5 keyboarding skills, we will be looking at Keyboarding data from
A7 HS summer school mostly based on school year failed classes + some advancement courses students self select
A6: Interesting answers, it's not something I have any experience with having only taught at UW as a grad student and adjunct
A7: ESY is based on IEP. SS comes from our System of Support Tiers. We invite all Tier 3 students.
A7 Those who didn't meet standards the 1st time, ie failed a course or performed poorly. Readiness for next level is ?
A7: no data, no problem, and vice-versa, identify the critical learnings, formatively assess, & provide learning 4 those who need
Q7.1 What do you offer for you most talented kiddos?
A7: We are fortunate to have a community run enrichment program, but our school does nada.
Q7.1 What do you offer for you most talented kiddos?
A7.1 For Elem. there is Summer Enrichment. Sadly, it was cut for Summer 2017 due to budget cuts.
A7.2 Also have an Elem, Science camp for anyone interested.
A7.1 Nothing in the summer that I am aware of K-12. Our district could learn from others in this area.
A7: PAWS/MAP data. I never make those decisions. After 11+ yrs of teaching summer school, I retired & now focus on
Teton Science School for 3-5? . https://t.co/KlO3MN6HX9
A7.1 Nothing in the summer that I am aware of K-12. Our district could learn from others in this area.
WHY? the can use BRIDGES money for enrichment just as easily as they can for intervention
yep. No excuse. https://t.co/YTzdjCrB86
WHY? the can use BRIDGES money for enrichment just as easily as they can for intervention
A7.1: I'd be curious to hear more about these enrichment programs and no fun losing funding
I don't know. We are losing a lot of money due to coal, oil and gas economy. :( https://t.co/4xVJxVudcN
WHY? the can use BRIDGES money for enrichment just as easily as they can for intervention
A7.1) We have programs and activities that do summer learning for advanced students, but nothing district wide that I'm aware of
Q8 Do you offer online, in person or both for summer school students?
I meant, my school has no excuse other than we have trouble staffing summer school. https://t.co/hg8EKnaNpW
I don't know. We are losing a lot of money due to coal, oil and gas economy. :( https://t.co/4xVJxVudcN
WHY? the can use BRIDGES money for enrichment just as easily as they can for intervention
It's really difficult to try and follow both this game and 😜🏀 https://t.co/spa0LSSpNI
After Caruso’s game-tying floater, UNI tried its patented Texas-killing move and came up short.
Double OT, here we come.
A8: I'm only aware of in person programs for summer school.
Do you have peer tutors? I know of a high school that has their students tutor elem. students. Very effective.
Don't have a 3rd grader yet, I guess.
Q7 Ss who do not meet standards - low on MAP - T recommendation.
A8 summer school at RSHS is combo of with online content component - co-taught - actually a fantastic model (not mine)
Q8 In person @ each school.
A7: Not sure of anything.
A8: We offer in person at the 6-7 level for those students whom their IEP team determines through progress data
A8: As a student, I try and take advantage of whichever types of applicable classes are offered, but it's easier as UW student
Q8 we don't at the elementary level
A8) In person only as far as I know.
A8: PUMPED to say we are finally attempting Teacher directed, on-line instruction for MS this year. https://t.co/TL6GWmH6h9
Q8 Do you offer online, in person or both for summer school students?
A8 Went to in person only. Best option for struggling Ss is face to face with a teacher. Goal is application of knowledge
We haven't learned very well from you, have we? https://t.co/1Cfg69tkTb
A8 Went to in person only. Best option for struggling Ss is face to face with a teacher. Goal is application of knowledge
Just an an aha moment. Kiddo needs summer school but with other parent out of state... Could we do daily Google chat?
A7.1 Not sure why they decided not to fund Summer Enrichment. Plenty of Ts want to teach it. Plenty of Ss want to enroll.
I wish we had that problem. We are exactly the opposite... https://t.co/r82Fk2cW04
A7.1 Not sure why they decided not to fund Summer Enrichment. Plenty of Ts want to teach it. Plenty of Ss want to enroll.
It's all in the delivery & goal
Q9 What is something you are looking forward to professionally in next 2 months?
why not? just another way to 'meet the kid where he is' right?
I'm surprised to see such a variance in student interest across the state
Could it be coordinated via a youth org. so students could pay a fee to cover it.
We do for KinderCamp. HS Ss teach K-6 Ss Spanish and German for a week.
Different communities place different emphasis on the value of education. https://t.co/QEkmG5fuPu
I'm surprised to see such a variance in student interest across the state
A9: Continuing to make professional ties within my department and the ITEC field generally
I'm looking forward to possible new job opportunities and continuing to grow with my students.
A9: Along with our EdTech Team, attempting to pull off the GAFE Summit in June!
A9: In next 3 months I'm really looking forward to the GAFE Summit and Presummit in Riverton.
A9) Pieces for concert and jazz bands written by students to present at festivals. Also, taking on role as WMEA State Band VP.
It's going to be EPIC https://t.co/mCV8n2yIUo
A9: In next 3 months I'm really looking forward to the GAFE Summit and Presummit in Riverton.
A9 on Tue for & is hosting or sponsoring events w/ & in Conference at
A9 Prepping to represent WYO at WYTECC
A9: My tech camp & & on the side, teacher certification.
A9 Strangely enough, I am looking forward to Aspire testing and to see what we get. Hope to get results to improve instruction
A9 final prospectus approval and launch of my doctoral survey research
A9: Here is more about what I'm talking about. Early bird deadline is upcoming. Come join the fun. https://t.co/BZ0DqwkjYG
That's the cold medicine talking. https://t.co/oeriTUmaS8
A9 Strangely enough, I am looking forward to Aspire testing and to see what we get. Hope to get results to improve instruction
Get ready to be called Dr. Pepper... a lot...
Q10 R u attending WYTECC? Google SUmmit in Riverton? ISTE?
Q10 R u attending WYTECC? Google SUmmit in Riverton? ISTE?
Loved the one in Cody last June. Learned so much. Looking forward to meeting up with fellow peeps. https://t.co/LuSU5ov7Qi
A9: Here is more about what I'm talking about. Early bird deadline is upcoming. Come join the fun. https://t.co/BZ0DqwkjYG
A10: Not attending any conferences this summer.
yeah, kinda have a fun way to do the comparison at initial introductions each year!!
Boom...shaka-lacka! Over 200 have already registered :) https://t.co/xswUQASolr
Q10 R u attending WYTECC? Google SUmmit in Riverton? ISTE?
A10: I'm trying to get to WYTECC also.
A10 WyTECC - Hopefully
- Definitely!
- Definitely! Come see on 6/28 in poster sessions!
A10: Yes, GAFE Summit, no to WyTECC and ISTE this time. I'm sure both will be awesome as always.
First night should be good...just saying
A10) Unlikely to attend summer conferences - our family is taking a trip to Disneyland to kick summer off.
A10 attending the Wyoming Writing Workshop at UW during both dates. Wish I could split myself in two.
A10 No (sorry boss) No :( Yes
Gotta go to the coughing little one. Have a great week . Thank you for moderating
Be awesome and change the world gang! ers have a great week
U all ROCK
good night all have a happy Easter!!!
Nice work . Another fun . Good night all.
Thanks for letting me join in. Have a great week everyone!
I hope you all have relaxing and fun Spring Breaks! Are we meeting on Easter Sunday? I'm guessing not.
I hope you all have relaxing and fun Spring Breaks! Are we meeting on Easter Sunday? I'm guessing not.
Good night all and have a great week!
You need to join one of our sessions one of these Sundays. 8p MST. You're insight would be awesome. https://t.co/yh1uC5fQ50
Make the upcoming week make you smile.