Always found this quote to be inspiring & drawn its connection for Ss in P.E for fitness & growth mindset. No matter what ur limitations are, u have to push forward & do as much as u can to improve. U can end up accomplishing things u didn’t think possible. #MLKDay#bellinghamps
Day 10: We have had LOTS of new students start over the past few weeks. We are so proud of our current students for all their acts of kindness: asking new students to join their lunch tables, showing them to the buses/parent pickup. Our kids are AWESOME! #dokindness#bellinghamps
Kindness came to me as I walked in the door this morning! I had a lot of stuff to bring in and a parent offered to help me carry some in AND held the door for me. A small act of kindness goes a long way :) #hollistonps#bellinghamps#dokindness#kindnessiscontagious