EdCamp Innovate is for not only Teachers, but Administrators & Instructional Coaches, too. Please join us as we gather and share what we do and how we can take education deeper into 21st century style. Lets collaborate as instructional coaches on how we effect practices. Lets talk as administrators over things we do in or buildings to effect culture & climate and how we build innovative campuses. Lets challenge the status quo and the normal boundaries of education at the 1st edcamp Innovate in North Texas. We hope to see you for breakfast, learning, sharing, doorprizes, and fun all while you build your PLN.
Supervision Models. Do they work?
Big takeaway:
We make each other grow when we feel safe, comfortable & engaged in authentic reflective inquiry about our practices and our students’ learning, not through perfunctory system requirements. #EdcampLV
Self reflection will help you grow as an educator when considering: what grooved, what needs to be improved, and what needs to be removed @edutopia#edchathttps://t.co/ptMiGqRkDd
So many new ideas to add to my “Mrs. Sevinsky’s Book of Great Ideas!” And some #swag and a lil’ inspiration from my fav admin!!! @m_schoeneberger! So worth missing my boys’ first tball game for!! #edcampLV