#5thchat Archive
#5thchat is for people interested in chatting about topics in education, especially as they relate to Grade 5. The goal is to connect people who enjoy learning & sharing, plus supporting & creating partnerships worldwide!
Tuesday February 23, 2016 8:00 PM EST
Hi all, 4th grade teacher from CA (former 5th grade teacher)
Jordan here from Princeton, NJ. Double dipping chats tonight
Tri chatting tonight... this outta go well
Cynthia here from Utah rural school
Say hello to for us and Welcoem
Please introduce yourselves & where you're from!
I'm Paul Solarz from Illinois! is your
moderator this evening!
Brenda from NJ! Small suburban school. Popping in for a few minutes.
Jessie, 5th Grade, North Dakota!
A1 Nervous about going from small group to larger school; not being with friends.
joining the chat from Atlanta. 5th grade tchr.
OK...now triple-dipping! Jordan from Princeton NJ
A1) I recall being a little tepid about having multiple teachers and having to navigate a larger school.
A1 Nervous, overwhelmed- I went to an "open" middle school; no walls lots of open space
A1: Well... I will date myself, I went to Jr. High! A large 4 story building attached to the HS, with over 1300 Ss in the bldgs.
A1 rural school 6th still elem. HS is 7-12 so going into 7th was the scary year. Worried about older kids.
Worried about what?
A1 rural school 6th still elem. HS is 7-12 so going into 7th was the scary year. Worried about older kids.
A1cont: Felt a little overwhelmed! Little fish in a great big pond!
A1) I suppose some students are worried about what their peers think of them. The social piece weighs on many.
A2) We talk about our own experiences with Middle School and what we have heard from our students that have made the transition.
A2 This is one area where really excels. Orientations, mtgs for both Ps and Ss. Even practice time w/combo locks!
A1: Lockers! I was really excited about lockers!
Corrina from Central New York - jumping in a bit late but hello!
A2: Our district has a day we go to the feeder middle school to tour and talk.
Our 5th graders just went on over to our feeder school.
A2: Our district has a day we go to the feeder middle school to tour and talk.
Also individual articulation w/MS guidance counselor, also really good to talk about indiv. students
A1: Feeling very overwhelmed, nervous about getting lost, and terrified of bigger kids. Middle school was not great for me!
We share an auditorium with our middle feeder. I know we take a tour. First time in 5th. Loving the advice. https://t.co/CmzXi6xn7W
A2: Our district has a day we go to the feeder middle school to tour and talk.
A2: We take a tour, but I also like to talk about the choices and the gained freedoms of being "older".
it's part of our transition plan to provide informational sessions on site with elementary schools visiting the middle
A2) We visit and take a tour - they meet the teams of teachers. Practice lockers and pizza party to welcome them the night before.
Q3: Organization? Social Skills? Time Management? What are those skills that are necessary for 6th Grade? https://t.co/gYBggTp2CR
Jumping in late-5th grade ELA/SS at a rural school in KS.
A3) Organization and time management are the biggest pieces that I want in place for our middle schoolers. That and work ethic.
A2) I used to tch 6th in the MS so I answer questions. Our MS is under renov. so 6th grade has been in our bldg for 2 years.
A3: We departmentalized this year so Ss would have a little experience w switching classes. The organization piece is huge.
A3: I want all my kids to leave with the 3 selves. Self- worth, Self-control and Self-motivation.
Work ethic seems to be a huge challenge this year; Ss don't understand why getting work done on time is important.
A3) Self-motivation, organization, time management, ability prioritize tasks, focus, and all key to middle school.
A3: Study Skills, the 4Cs and self efficacy
Q4: transition to middle school can be difficult for parents. How can we improve that? Question below https://t.co/DFcXCqhwWG
Agreed, growth mind set is key. Always growing an confident that one can grow!
Arriving late - Nancy from Hinsdale, IL Q3 Organization, love for learning, social skills
A4) Communicate on what to expect as students move to middle school. Educate them on how to best help their child be successful.
A3: I want all my kids to leave with the 3 selves. Self- worth, Self-control and Self-motivation.
A4: Knowing your child/being able to communicate with them is key. Ps willing to reach out to MS Ts and communicate.
A4: My oldest just started middle school. Wish I'd known all the extracurricular as offered so we could help encourage
Having done this for 9th graders, let Ps know what Ss are expected to know how to do. They'll buy in faster
Q4: Be available to discuss w/ Ps the different class descriptions. We do a lot of testing to place Ss in the correct clas :(
A3 I try to teach organization and time management. HS teachers have told me students need these things.
A4) Our parents are invited to welcome back pizza party & can bring children in over the summer to try lockers/walk thru schedule.
a4 It's hard for parents because students are supposed to be more responsible for their time management and some kids struggle w/it
A2 Ss spend 1/2 a day at the MS with peer tur guides and a panel of peers that answer questions at the end of the day
A5) We've always loved where students are the teachers.
A5: Apple is coming in once a month to help Ss create a digital memory book of their elementary years for FREE :))
A5: Just inspired on last night. Doing a lit Oscars. Ss create categories & nominate. Then school votes. Oscars at EoY
This sounds like a fabulous project.
A5: Apple is coming in once a month to help Ss create a digital memory book of their elementary years for FREE :))
Hi - just stopped by- A5:we have an overnight environmental camping trip. been running for 33 years! It's truly a rite of passage
A5: Not sure yet, will like do some digital photo thing. First year back in 5th grade after 8 years way...
A5) partnership with local park to learn about invasive species and make videos to promote the park, make and launch rockets.
A6: Hope we have some opportunity to meet and share what we know about our Ss with next year's Ts.
A6: We meet w counselor and interventionist to flag Ss w academic or emotional needs.
A6: We meet with the 6th grade team to discuss Ss. If a Ss has IEP or 504 a seperate transition meeting is held
A7: I want them to know I care about them and want them to be successful. Also, that we worked hard and we laughed hard!
A7: I want Ss to know that I care about them. I hope they'll remember the fun and learning that we shared
A7: I want them to remember that there was someone who believed in them & pushed them to be their best & cared for them. And math
A7) I want them to remember all the growth that they've made through the year and to have fond memories of their year.
A7: I want my Ss to remember to be flexible, make good choices, how much fun creating & learning can be, and I believe in them
Thanks so much for the chat this evening
Thanks so much for the chat this evening
Thanks to all my new friends and colleagues! Take a moment to high five yourself for being an ed superhero!
Thanks to for any awesome chat on transitions. Great chatting with everyone. Thanks for the learning & encouragement