#dtk12chat Archive
Please join us for a weekly conversation about design thinking in K12 education. We will have a variety of moderators with a wide range and depth of design thinking experiences. Each week, we will connect the dots to the design thinking methodology and how it can and will play a bigger role in today’s K12 educational arena.
Wednesday July 27, 2016
9:00 PM EDT
Jazzed 2 B joining in 4 the first time 2night!
Anyone frm tri-state? NY, NJ, PA in the house tonigt?
hey there! We are actually on a summer break ☀️
Hey folk; I'm reading for grad class tonight but always happy to talk 24/7
Thanks, ! Ok, so very new but does that mean I can log back on at 9 tonight for a chat?
hey there! We are on summer break from 'official' chats, but welcome to the community!
summer break is only from 'official' weekly chats. There are still people following & using hashtag 24/7. Welcome!
Anywhere specific in process ? I like ?s tht up : "How might someone experience.."
I'm up in SF BayArea. We start back up w/regular weekly chats in August. Guessing knows exact date.
Hey official 9pm chat is on summer hiatus The feed is open 24/7 and dt peeps are always around
it means is open 24/7 365 Wed. Nights 9pm official chat starts back up in Aug. 17
for excellent ideas about check (during school year is much more active) but it's 9pm ET like
we r here for ya We loves Qs :)
I like students 2 walk in "another's shoes" & imagine frm tht "character's" perspective - touchpoint maps r good4 tht