Welcome to our #CreateEdu chat! This week we are chatting about supporting student choice and creative expression with @shfarnsworth and @web20classroom! Introduce yourself and where you're from.
Welcome to our #CreateEdu chat! This week we are chatting about supporting student choice and creative expression. @web20classroom and I are thrilled to join you! Please, take a moment to introduce yourself and where you're from.
Great topic. It’s all about #stuchoice with me. So important to make learning relevant to our kids and help them find their passion. #passionEdu#createEdu
Steven from NC. Former teacher, Instructional Technology Director. Currently a Digital Learning and Leadership Evangelist and Consultant. Pumped to talk student choice and creativity. #CreateEdu
Hi everyone at #CreateEdu! So excited for tonight's topic! Two of my all-time favorite educators leading the way for us tonight!!! Hi @shfarnsworth and @web20classroom!!!!
Hi everyone at #CreateEdu! So excited for tonight's topic! Two of my all-time favorite educators leading the way for us tonight!!! Hi @shfarnsworth and @web20classroom!!!!
Q1: #CreateEdu With the many standards that have to be taught, why should choice be fostered in every classroom? What areas are easier to add the element of choice into?
A1: Teachers who provide choice to students send the message that their opinions and preferences matter! As a literacy teacher, I constantly remind myself: teach the Student, not the book. So, what might students be given choice in? #CreateEdu
A1: Just because there are standards doesn’t mean there can’t be creativity. Differentiation teaches us that students need varied ways to show what they know. #CreateEdu
A1: Choice, even within standards can show students that they know more than they think they do, their thoughts and opinions matter and they vary as learners. #CreateEdu
A1: choice can unlock engagement. You never know what context or activity type will resonate. So...choice
Like creating a video or working together. Or whatever
I think choice is a bit of a reach ... choice can only be had if there are available options. Many student learn in environments where teachers can only offer limited options #createedu
A1: For better and worse the genie is out of the bottle. Students have choice as to where/how they get their info. Our job as educators is to curate those experiences, provide context, and develop critical thinking skills to separate evidence-based materials from BS #CreateEdu
A1: Choice can foster an environment of intrinsic motivation which draws kids in to their content. Plus, choice is a big part of being an adult. Kids needs loads of opportunities to try (and fail) in a supportive environment. #CreateEdu
Got some DSO plans around New Years, a dose of JRAD in March and Dark Star Jubilee Memorial Day. Nothing on the dance card for dead and co yet. You? #gratefuldeadEdu#createEdu
A1 the easiest thing for me is having students add an idea or two to the design of a learning experience. Gives them ownership right off the bat #CreateEdu
A1: If we want students to be creatively literate, then we should allow them to have a choice in what they create. Choice doesn’t mean you ignore standards or a process, but they relate when they have ownership. #CreateEdu#dtk12chat
RT ClassTechTips "A1: Student choice is so important - across content areas and subject areas - speaking & listening is one area to look at #createedu"
Is that really "choice" ... I have a liberal definition of choice ... I can give many options, but if a kid has a better idea then they can go with that ... key ... having an environment where kids feel free to express their better ideas #createedu
A2: Currently, students, plus my own children, love anything visual - whether it be video on YouTube, images off Instagram, video games, memes, etc. Relevance comes in the form of digital and multimodal! #CreateEdu
A1: choice might be just options. But it could also be broader and encourage Sa to follow unexpected paths of inquiry. A good thing but can run quite counter to standards. #CreateEdu
A2: We’d really have to ask kids what they feel are the best ways to show what they know. But we have to look beyond traditional methodologies of demonstrating understanding. #CreateEdu
A1: Choice and standards can coexist. Standards can still be interwoven into the passions students choose to follow and choices can be chosen within any given project. #CreateEdu
A1: Choice and standards can coexist. Standards can still be interwoven into the passions students choose to follow and choices can be chosen within any given project. #CreateEdu
A2: The use of #edtech should be transformational, not regurgitation of traditional techniques. There also should be space for students to create with a global audience in mind. #CreateEdu
A2 Most, if not all, of my students are visual learners. With the many apps available online, they get excited exploring specially the new ones so they can show their understanding. #CreateEDU
For me options and choice are analogous. There are degrees of choice that make sense depending on too many factors to name in a tweet. The goal as I see it is to engage the learner by allowing them to own their learning! #CreateEdu
I like the sound of that! As someone that loves an inbox at 0⃣ and currently sitting at 2⃣9⃣, I will be doing exactly the same! #need2catchup#CreateEdu
A2: Digital media means that children are no longer beholden to content creation restraints that we grew up with. As educators, we need to embrace the mindset that creativity and creative content can be created on a whim w/out much tool training. #CreateEdu
A2: Video. Snapchat. Instagram. Should sound familiar to educators and parents why not tap into that and let kids create videos to express ideas? Multi/ sensory. Empathy. Authenticity. Digital fluency.
My kids have a distinct advantage when it comes to choice ... I have a wide array of tech options and I know how to use them ... which means they get to use them. Audio/Video/Writing ... I have Macs and Windows ... Adobe CC or the free stuff #createedu
In reply to
@web20classroom, @shfarnsworth, @mexusmx, @AdobeEdu
A2: Coding! I absolutely consider it a form of creative expression. As society evolves, forms of creativity available to our kiddos also change. Technology (just think about Minecraft!) has completely altered with what creative mediums our students can create. #createedu
DSO at Wrigley in Chicago, for sure. In the meantime, Chris Robinson Brotherhood and Tedeshi Trucks in January. #CreateEdu. Love me some JRAD and grew up on DSO (you the tricksters, I assume?!?)
A2: Coding! I absolutely consider it a form of creative expression. As society evolves, forms of creativity available to our kiddos also change. Technology (just think about Minecraft!) has completely altered with what creative mediums our students can create. #createedu
A2: problem is - the “creative expression” part of this question is just absent quite often. We all need that creativity mindset. With that - it’s quite easy to bring it to all subject areas.
Kids have access to a bunch digital tools that helps them create, but the strange thing is that many of their tools remove the creativity from their hands ... is pushing the Filter option really creating? #createedu
A3: Early on, I learned one of the best ways to scaffold learning and creativity is to provide students with Mentor Texts or Mentor Media - You can read more about my thoughts in this post where I address video creation https://t.co/kuCZ6YKVmL#CreateEdu
A2: Students today are surrounded by information that is quick and in the moment. They still quote Vines. So, expression is often expressed in 140 characters, edits on apps, Snaps, memes, etc. They want to produce and not just be creative consumers. #CreateEdu#dtk12chat
A2: #createedu Video, video, video. My kids want to make videos for everything. I'm a special ed teacher so many of them have difficulty putting their thoughts into writing. I think they find the ability to talk or use a visual representation of some kind comforting.
A3: Scaffolding is so important in creative classrooms. It sounds counterintuitive but it’s necessary. Most students are exposed to choice or this level of creativity. So they need guidance. #CreateEdu
This can be a sad reality for some; hope we can curb it don't you think? Better yet, let these YouTube videos be part of our arsenal as we help Ss reach the standards. #createEDU
A3: Just because we scaffold, doesn’t mean we are dictating or removing choice. We are providing a limited set to help them see how their choices impact their learning. #CreateEdu
Actually had a conversation with a student when convincing the to use Adobe Illustrator vs Inkscape ... their argument ... Adobe Illustrator had too many options and did too much... what the heck #createedu
A2: Anytime students can share their voice, talents, passions and learning with a larger audience it is meaningful to them. @flipgrid and @Seesaw do an amazing job of providing ways to creatively express student voice, passions, and learning. 📣#CreateEdu
A3: And proving choice does no one any benefit if there is a lot of time built in for reflection. Students need opportunities to think about their choices and reflect with their teacher. #CreateEdu
A2: what drives me most nuts is when consumption is as far as we go with video or other digital modes.
Want video or any other modern creative expressive force to impact learning? Have students CREATE it.
A3: by providing options that give more structure and those that give less while always being crystal clear on how different approaches will be assessed. #CreateEDU
A3: We want to move from more concrete to fuzzy in learning. Gradual release of control as @shfarnsworth puts it. There is still choice but lots of reflection and feedback. #CreateEdu
A3: Don’t get discouraged! This is a long game. Not every educator evolves at the same pace. Showcase your values by student examples, not words. Share stories, ideas and best practices with peers. Be curious and learn what peers are doing. #CreateEdu
A3: I often find too much choice to be overwhelming to many students. How can we support or scaffold their choice and or creativity to think differently? #CreateEdu
T-R-U-T-H! There is an inherent need for humans to have an audience for their creative expression! Amplify their creative voice by allowing others to bear witness! #CreateEdu
In reply to
@nathan_stevens, @JenWilliamsEdu, @shfarnsworth
A3 #CREATEEDU: We use @WeVideo a ton and the ability to create a video template has been great. Students who need a little more structure and guidance get it.
A3 have multiple options for students. Some students love taping together cubes in groups in a #paperminecraft experience but I have had a few where I pulled out legos to as a different tool #CreateEdu
Kids know where to go for creativity tech tools ... on a daily basis I have kids popping into my class to use a tech tool when their teacher cant give them what they want. #createedu
Date?!? CRB last September in Big Surprise changed my life. Neal Cassal is among the greatest living guitar players as well. Ain’t that right @smgaillard#CreateEdu
RT ClassTechTips "A3: Providing space for students to brainstorm, sharing exemplars, modeling your own thinking as you plan, are all strategies to try #createedu"
A4: One of the best things to do to promote creative expression and choice is to get rid of recipe learning. Not every student needs to turn in an identical copy of their learning. #CreateEdu
A4: Provide a learning structure that allows students to share their learning in whatever way(s) they choose and encourages students to inquire into topics that interest them. #CreateEDU
A1: How can we not include choice with so many standards? 🙂Choice leads to ownership, which leads to authentic learning, which then leads to mastery! Offering choice guarantees a greater ROI & more efficient learning. It provides Ss w/relevance to their interests. #createedu
A3: In my special education classroom it is the scaffolding and conversation that sparks and develops the individual students creativity. #CreateEDU#JuliePJones
A4 It will always be good to model creativity. We might get caught up in a situation where we feel that telling them to be creative makes them creative. #CreateEDU
I have loved learning about Spark this year! Thanks to you, @benforta, and @AdobeEdu! I hear there is a new @facebook group! Any chance you all have the link? Tagging in @MsClaraGalan as well! #CreateEdu
In reply to
@ClassTechTips, @AdobeSpark, @benforta, @AdobeEdu, @facebook, @MsClaraGalan
Or the power of being a life long learner. I often try a couple projects with students that I do not know who they will end. We go through the journey together. #createedu
#CreateEdu A1. Be creative then as a teacher too and teach the students' to honor structure creatively....because we are preparing them for life and they will come across standards and structure all the time in life . adopting and adapting creatively will be the genius