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A1: The pull wins it for the offense. That will draw the LB up to defend the run every time. QB shows the ball to the RB before hitting the H on the seam for the RPO #TXHSFBCHAT
That 3 tech gives our offense trouble if he can fire off quickly before the center can get him. That is a long way for the center to go and that penetration can screw the play up.
A1 - Defense wins by not playing 6 for 6. Add 1 to the run game. 3 Buzz w/ gap exchange to the pull, or 6 Invert with fs as D gap player. Offense wins if defense reads guards & doesn’t buzz safety. #TXHSFBCHAT
A2: I think the defense forces the give here, but a give is never wrong. As long as the OL trusts their steps and picks up any DL movement, offense should win #TXHSFBCHAT
SS/C play bracket coverage. SS has inside and C has outside. Play the same on the backside. C has outside and N has inside. Therefore N ends up inside of H and underneath X.
A3: Gives advantage because we haven’t declared what B gap we are giving up. As a DC I say I’m not trying to beat the OC just need to take advantage of 1-3 kids on the field. #TXHSFBCHAT
#TXHSFBCHAT A3: the ability to play multiple gaps definitely helps the defense, moving the H to a true TE look could help secure a gap and force their hand
A3: Head-up techniques are more likely to twist up front, probably making at least one OL chase, which opens up a gap and makes me unhappy. Offense can regain advantage with solid pass pro or running OZ to the H #TXHSFBCHAT
Also, X cracks to the box while H wraps around the LT to attack the DE. If DE crashes in, pick up the Sam. Toss sweep left OR Jet Y across. 1 on 1 with the Corner. Then green grass and 6.
#TXHSFBCHAT A4: defense can have the S play great man coverage and take away the RPO, if we are getting this alignment might as well run speed option right
A3: An even front gives the defense an advantage because they have a two way go. Guards must account for possibility of threat in eiether gap. #TXHSFBCHAT
I’m not a big fan of zero coverage but I’d drop the FS into the “rat hole”. He’s unaccounted for blocking scheme wise and he robs the most dangerous slant H. #TXHSFBCHAT
O needs to flop the read. The Sam is the conflict player. He's got an open "B." If Sam triggers, the Y runs a snag.
Defensively, tell that Will to stay at home. Technically he doesn't have a gap because the front of set to the RB. DE has QB. Box has + numbers.
#TXHSFBCHAT A5: Offense has the advantage here, soft edge on the TE side, would definitely run Buck Sweep that way, defense can send the sam to be a walk down 9 and the SS can come down to about 7-8 yards to even it out
A. Play 2 Read B/S w/ C playing trap for the bubble. Front side drop the SS into Sky to cut X and fit into the run game. S key is watching Dwn Blk on E so we don’t get pinned inside I have a force and alley player both sides #TXHSFBCHAT
A6: the N isn’t in conflict. So he can sit on the slant as C takes the bubble. SS and FS on unaccounted for in the run game by playing Sky coverage.#TXHSFBCHAT
A6: Defense has the advantage because they have 3 over 2 on one side and 2 over 1 on the other. Offense is forced to give, which is never wrong #TXHSFBCHAT
#TXHSFBCHAT A6: I would slip the Y into the flats and run IZ with that being my RPO, playside inside goes with Y, hand it off, if he stays in box, throw it out there