A slow chat intended for international educators in Africa and beyond but open to anyone who is interested of course. We chat weekly on Thursdays from August to June starting at 7am GMT and going until whenever.
A2: I can't see past the practicalities of cost on this one. for BYOD to work, you need families who can afford it. (I am privileged to work in such an environment.) but for most others it will have to be school provided. Can anyone broaden my thinking? #AfricaEd
A3: I haven't read up on this interesting choice. My thinking goes to social considerations, although I don't see these as absolute. So I'm going with 'by age' at primary school b/c of friends... how would this affect older 'slower' kids?
So agree. We don't ban books when that kid is reading under his desk while we teach. We ask them to put it away & let them know there will be time later to read #AfricaEd
working in privileged intnl schls this is easy They either pay the fee and get a shinny mcbook or they can afford 2 buy the BYOD Other less resourced schools it more dffucult. Chromebooks for example are all the rage cause they are cheap but they are inferior tech #AfricaEd
The days are getting longer but the amount of time to register for https://t.co/ItligpBfDx is getting shorter. #Learning2 is a conference for teachers by teachers. It will be held at ISL Luxembourg 22-24 March 2018
A1: If we don't give access and teach kids responsible use of devices they may never see how to use them positively. Modelling the ways we can use cellphones for learning/sharing/creation is one thing educators can do to foster sensible digital citizens #africaed
The choice IMO should always be to choose trust. Screw ups will undoubtably happen, being present when it does creates tons of opportunity for learning. #AfricaEd
A1 It’s about balance. We need to teach responsible use and at the same time allow our ads to experiment and make mistakes. It can be a great tool for learning, but we must also allow time to disconnect #AfricaEd
A1: Unlimited access. Why would we not want to do this when all Ss have a mini computer in the pocket? LEARN HOW TO USE THE CELLPHONE - don't be afraid. #AfricaEd
I think BYOD is a bad idea even with parents providing. You now need to offer support on a range of devices and some apps work on some and not on others. You need uniformity. BYOD must disappear. #AfricaEd
Banks of devices for Ss to share? It isn’t good practice to have some kids bring and some not. Some to have Apple, some Chrome, some Samsung, and some Windows. School should have a policy. Or provide themselves. #AfricaEd
Ts should always have a balance. There can be lessons where you say to put the phone down. They will if the lesson content and #learning is good. #africaed