Connecting active Participate teachers with the Teacher Resources team to share PD, classroom tips and global lessons. Chat with us live on 2nd Thursdays from 7-7:30 p.m. EST.
Q1 #participatetrchat I love using post it notes for pretty much anything in reading. Sometimes for sticky notes parts of the book where they have to stop or for summarizing or just making predictions at the beginning!
Q1) I like to use colour coding. I started the new EL curriculum with my 3rd graders an find highlighting focus statements, key details and technical vocab to be useful! :) #participatetrchat
Q2: I love using inspiring books that ask lots of questions to get students involved. A personal favorite is 'Black Dog' by Levi Pinfold. The illustrations are awesome! #participatetrchat
I love to use it has a range of short video clips that are great for inference and can be used as a stimulus for writing tasks! #participatetrchat
Q3: when you're teaching in a #duallanguage classroom, it is important to foster vocabulary production through songs. This channel has all your favorite songs in many languages
We keep a vocabulary log book to record technical vocab and ask children to use the words in context to create there own sentences #homework#participatetrchat
These are all very helpful resources! Please continue to share away! We will share a collection with you all later! Those of you who participated tonight, get to be collaborators in our collections! #participatetrchat