#hpisdtech Archive
#hpisdtech chat is to encourage the teachers of Highland Park ISD in Dallas to connect and share technology tips, tools, lessons, and ideas. All are welcome to join in any of the discussions. Chats are held the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month from 8-9PM Central Time.
Tuesday March 22, 2016
8:59 PM EDT
uses the Q# & A# format. Ex: respond to Q1 by starting your tweet with A1 - remember to include hashtag
To save characters Ss=students, Ts= teachers, Ps=Parents, Ad=Admin
Mindy CIT, HPMS Happy to join in for the Portfolio discussion tonight
great to have you join us tonight
Question 1 in one minute. Make sure you are ending tweets with
Hello Thanks for joining us. chat
Rebecca Thompson 4th grade @ UP
A1: place for Ss to store favorite works (digital & paper)
seems like we just did this...
definitely to remember that a portfolio is mixed media
A1:Collection of articles/resources for Ss to demonstrate what they've learned so that you can monitor their progress
A1: A way for Ss to show their learning growth over time. Ss need to reflect on their selections as well
Q1: a digital collection of student learning experiences compiled throughout their educational journey
it is important for the Ss to self select items to include that show growth
A1 Collection of evidence to show Ss growth and/or if standards have been met.
Total agree. Student driven!
really like that you included the from year to year growth
It's a collection of work to show progress over the course of a year.
A1 A Digital Portfolio is a S collecting and presenting their best work which can be evidence of deep learning
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A1: A collection of student work over time. Follows student from grade to grade.
Welcome! Uses these hashtags when you tweet
Amber Braud - 4th grade - Hyer Elem. - Self-Contained.
really like that you included the from year to year growth
Great Video! Thanks for sharing!
A1 A collection of student work to show student learning & growth
thought it was short and to the point
Hi all. Q1: a compilation of authentic student work that shows progress, achievement, and learning outcomes.
A2: If they include variety, reflection, and student choice...they are the sum of the learning and growth of a Stu
so important for Ss to see that and be proud of their growth
A2: Student portfolios allow students and teachers to reflect on growth, plus it's just fun to look back!
those are all great checkpoints to include!
Question 2 in one minute. Make sure you are ending tweets with
Welcome and we are glad you are here!
Remember to follow people from the chat to keep the conversation going
A2 Portfolios provide a sense of accomplishment for Ss, Can be shown to bigger audience than their classroom.
A2: reflection/growth-observations/collaboration for Ss, parents, & Ts
UGH...I have my timing off. Sorry all, my A's will be a little fast!
A2 help Ss reflect on their learning; shows Ps tangible ex of Ss growth
Total agree! Students teaching other students!
A2: They are authentic assessment and show progress of students work in different areas.
A2 Tangible proof of learning. Can also serve as a confidence builder.
I'd also like to see Ss continue using them in college and beyond
A2 It documents personal progress and Ss can see how their work has improved.
that reflection piece is KEY! Truly shows the Ss awareness of their learning
we have to teache them that we learn so much from the fails and successes
A2 They provide a way for students to view their progress and achievements
A2. It shows concrete evidence of S growth over time and s's are able reflect on their progress and learning
Ss need to own this so I'm glad you included the personal piece
A2: Provides some ownership and purpose behind learning. Ss can be proud of work, end products, and the journey itself.
Love it! Confidence builder!
Question 3 in one minute. Make sure you are ending tweets with
because there is a reason for everything we do!
A2 Lots of colleges are using portfolios as assessment for learning not just as a tool for enrollment.
A3: Depends on the intent. S based is all up to them. A Portfolio for a class should have purpose defined by T
Q3: I give a lot of ss choice-they choose what they are proud of in diff sub areas--also one on one conferences
A3 - This might need to be connected to Why? Ask a student why they want to include work in the portfolio.
they have to use their portfolio to Shine! YOU ROCK!
A3: S & T review pieces together b4 posting, model strong pieces to be added, MANY discussions, student choice
A3 Be specific. Choose piece that show change over time.
A3: Process: selecting, reflecting and conferencing
A3 Guide Ss as they compare personal progress and guide them as they work toward a learning target.
I am amazed at the why from a S view.
love the T/S conference about items to include. Puts the reasons the S want it fresh for the reflection
because what they can do at begining of 2nd is different than the end...and very powerful
A3: We started with 4 writing products/reflections per year for all Ss then they started adding their own products
A3: Individual conversations, pieces that create a sense of pride, modeling
this is good, you wrapped it up nicely
A3: should reflect student-selected artifacts, teacher-selected artifacts, and meaningful assessment pieces
It's so inspiring to see the Ss take the portfolio over!
Question 4 in one minute. Make sure you are ending tweets with
Love the balance you suggest
Inspiring to have leadership guidance and support!
Q4: I have an "old fashioned" file folder for every child-also SeeSaw
I think those are just as important as a life long learning skill
A4: Using . Ss & Ts LOVE it! Accessible from school & home. Ps can be invited to view & comment.
A4: Google Drive and Sites
I definitely think there needs to be reflection pieces from the student
A4: We use Google Sites for the 5-8 Writing Portfolio
some things just have to be paper and go in a folder! They are treasured later
A4: We're using Google sites.
A4 Have an accessible file for Ss to deposit and compare their work samples.
A4: Google Drive, old school file folders, and more recently trying out Google Sites
as they are learning, it is important for Ss to have that privacy so they don't feel judged by others
A4 Ideally, electronically. Ss would scan artifacts and file it away
A4: We have Sci teachers that use interactive notebooks that are a type of portfolio
A4 we used to collect work in a file folder. :) Hope we are using a drive, or cloud based storage like Google Drive.
A4: Using traditional portfolio, but eager to give a go! Great tool for storing, sharing, giving feedback
that is so good that they can get to it when they want to add something!
My own kids' portfolio is a bin under the bed!
Authenticty comes to mind! Authentic way for the student to demonstrate and collect evidence of learning.
MINE TOO! I get teary when i look at them!
Agree but need to learn more about uploading files seamlessly.
A4 we do a lot of hardcopies, too! Evernote, too- a notebook for ea Ss. Can be shared w Ps, too!
Welcome! We are glad you joined us tonight!
A4: Talked to a K teacher today using screen shots of student work on iPad camera roll as a portfolio for the year. Easy!
Question 5 in one minute. Make sure you are ending tweets with
I have never made the jump over to evernote, may have to look again
A5: Ss reflection is key. They should be honest, Ss voice, thoughtful and reflect Ss goals.
Q5: They can go back and reflect on how much they have grown/improved-portfolios are all about self assessment and GROWTH!
A5: Ss ownership, growth in learning, reflection, pride in hard work
A5: Reflection is the best part. Shows how/what the Ss have learned. That learning can be any type of learning
A5 Ss take ownership in their learning by seeing their growth and progress.
A5. Most important part. Allows Ss to express why they included particular work & justify growth.
A5: If Ss can articulate their successes, failures, and the growth form both they've learned more than just the content
being able to see the growth is very powerful for all of us
A5 Reflection promotes a feeling of achievement for Ss.
It's wonderful and special! Someday you'll enjoy going through them together. We have lots of laughs.
A5: celebrating growths, recognizing areas of deficit, and creating goals for the future
so true...Ss expressing why the pieces are important to them is true learning
A5 Reflection is critical. The Ss need to think about their work and what they did well and what they could do better.
Great resource for digital portfolio https://t.co/W1mjRZaT2d Dr. Barrett will be joining our Hangout on April 14 @ 8:00.
A5: S reflection leads to "aha" moments!
and that achievement is a stepping stone for future growth
we picked the same article!
Student driven learning is key and portfolios will support!
Question 6 in one minute. Make sure you are ending tweets with
A6: This is why Dig Portfolios exist. Easy for Ss to share with Ts and Ps.
Q5 allows Ss to assess own learning & take ownership of learning...setting personal goals
A6: Google Sites or Seesaw at K-2
A6 Depends on the situation.
Q6: Digitally (SeeSaw and Google Sites) and file folders that I send home
Share with parents and GrandFriends, blue ribbon showcases within the class
A6: Also with Dig Portfolios, it is easy to share with a college so they can see Ss work
A6: Ps viewing/access, Ss viewing classmates work, sharing with other schools/globally
and the product. I'd love to see a pic of art work or listen to an audio, but digital is not for all
A6 Portfolios can be displayed during school events like Open House, Grand Friends Day, etc.
Remember to follow people from the chat to keep the conversation going
A6: in previous years, hv shared portfolios in T-S-P conference. S led much of the conversation.
A6: But there is still a need for a paper portfolio as well. All depends on what the S has included in the portfolio
Ss learn so much from each other that this is a must!
Students can make a connection with their new teacher quicking starting a new school year.
i bet the Ps are impressed with all the S work
Great way to us portfolios!
great questions! Thanks for moderating tonight
How exciting to read. I am proud of u & your leadership in the classroom.Evident you are modeling & expecting reflection.
Thanks for joining us in the chat! Have a great evening!