Welcome to #engsschat! Thanks for joining in tonight. We're talking All Things Research! Please take a comment to introduce yourself. #engchat#sschat#edchat#elachat
Welcome to #engsschat! Thanks for joining in tonight. We're talking All Things Research! Please take a comment to introduce yourself. #engchat#sschat#edchat#elachat
Chris from Bloomington, IN. Teach world history for a private online HS affiliated w/ Indiana University. Excited to learn from others about how they help Ss develop their researching skills! #engsschat
Wakelet is perfect for students and teachers to save and organise research online. You can save pretty much anything with a URL, upload your own images and add text. #engsschat
See examples here:
Kindergarten teacher: https://t.co/t6Aawnwosy
Student: https://t.co/N2kJ8EeVUR
This is what I need! Darren here, a social studies from SoCal. Too bad I’m occupied for next 30 mins so I’ll try to do more than just lurking. #engsschat
Good evening. I'm an archivist with @ncarchives hanging around to learn how we can better help teachers & students. If you've got a topic you need primary resources for ask me & I'll try to get you a link to an archival collection. #engchat#sschat#engsschat
Mary from CO joining #engsschat tonight. Love @CAsocialstudies "reach across the aisle" intro! The @librarycongress is the official research service for each side of that other aisle.
Glad to be a part of #engsschat. This is my second time participating! I teach middle school social studies in CA and work closely with our ELA teachers.
A1: Just started the I-Search with my Junior English Ss. They are research a question crafted around their idea of happiness and the American Dream. #research#engsschat
A1 we identify a question first - the research. Inquiry to me means curiosity. I allow my students to choose the topic they want to research after they pitch it to me. Comics and graphic novels often offer up some quick and interesting topics. #engsschat
We've had a lot of cross-over between athletics and leadership, business and entrepreneurship, mental health, and family/relationship questions. So many great ideas! #engsschat
A1) My students deep dive into inquiry but often times I provide the primary/secondary source material. Students work around Essential Questions. I want to build those research skills at the same time, hoping to learning something new. #engsschat
A1 I have also adapted the 1st person research or I-search paper for inquiries on the Vietnam War. https://t.co/E9a2VbHz7E#engsschat More engagement, less plagiarism.
A1. I haven't found the right recipe for this yet in a fully online setting. I try to create research opportunities students can use their interests for #engsschat
A1 In my future classroom I would have my students write down a question and then have them research the topic to answer their own question. #engsschat#SSMETHODS
A1 Research gives Ss opportunity to go deeper on topic and develop skills. Inquiry helps Ss how to explore & navigate sites- esp in gov quests. Need reliability check too. #engsschat
Providing a set of sources can be really effective at getting younger Ss over the hump of finding reasonable sources and getting them engaged with the interpretive process. I would personally ask them to include one source not provided by me. #engsschat
Yes! Reliability check. My students have to submit source credibility sheets before any real research is done. They need to sell me on the source’s credibility and for a partner #engsschat
A2: In a world with so much information at their fingertips, my goal is to teach Ss to evaluate credibility and discern accurate information. #engsschat
Q1 My 10th grade American Lit Ss research an aspect of historical context of The Color Purple then retread some aspect of the novel through lens of their research. Great possible topics. #engsschat
A2 I really want them to understand how to create and support an opinion/argument with their research. Being able to think about how to use the sources to learn about the topic is a long process #engsschat
A2 I like to assign annotated bibliographies on a topic instead of full-fledged research papers. https://t.co/Lqrh9cdFrL Lot's of room for choice and source analysis. #engsschat
A2: My hope is that Ss learn to evaluate the information they find and understand how to use that information to draw their own conclusions. #engsschat
Hi! I'm a former English teacher, turned state literacy lead, turned literacy grant director turned co-founder of a personalized teacher professional learning startup. Ready to get back to the roots a bit! :-) #engsschat
A2) Sourcing and corroborating primary sources—we use SHEG @StanfordEd but also Ss need to be open to more than whatever the first hit on a search engine and apply those same skills to online research #engsschat
A2) Using a variety of sources (primary, secondary, old, new, print, digital, audio, text, video, images, etc.), taking their time to find many resources and actually READ them carefully, recognize that all sources won't work out but you can still learn from them. #engsschat
A2: My Ss need more practice in evaluating quality sources, determining between vague info and specific details, and assessing credibility of sources/writers (and I would say just knowing how to skim info). #engsschat
Glad to share! QFT is a Question Formulation Technique (protocol) from @RightQuestion that starts with a question focus (not a focus question) and leads students to generate & prioritize their own questions. #engsschathttps://t.co/Z3cIx4Z4e2
In reply to
@rcollins_edu, @hggilman, @RightQuestion, @RightQuestion
A2 Ss need to know research is not just what I can find through @google Would like Ss to learn about different sources, good vs bad sources, etc
A2b. I have a research project using ww2 photos. They pick a photo from the list taken from the National archives and use the caption to research the event pictured and it's impact. I wish our curriculum had more opportunities for Ss to work with primary docs #engsschat
A2 Discernment when it comes to sources! With fake news becoming such a thing now as well, credibility and reliability need to be taught front and center! #engsschat
A2: We live drowning in a deluge of information. I want students to be discerning consumers of that information assessing its trustworthiness, accuracy, bias, etc. Media literacy in an age of seemingly endless media is paramount. #engsschat
Glad to share! QFT is a Question Formulation Technique (protocol) from @RightQuestion that starts with a question focus (not a focus question) and leads students to generate & prioritize their own questions. #engsschathttps://t.co/Z3cIx4Z4e2
In reply to
@rcollins_edu, @hggilman, @RightQuestion, @RightQuestion
A2b: I am having Ss conduct an interview over break to learn from a mentor, coach, or leader in their field to find out more about achieving their American Dreams. Interviewing practice is so important. #engsschat
A2 My students this year are doing really well w/ selecting evidence & interpreting docs with POV/bias in mind. They need support in the areas of consistently citing and communicating meaning from their sources to support their thesis/argument. #engsschat
A2 I like to assign annotated bibliographies on a topic instead of full-fledged research papers. https://t.co/Lqrh9cdFrL Lot's of room for choice and source analysis. #engsschat
I love the differentiation between vague and specific info. I feel like often Ss end up with vague info just because they are in a rush. Does anybody disagree or see another reason? #engsschat
FYI for those interested, the TPS Teachers Network (https://t.co/3MQTo4qwvM) has a great album tool that lets you curate your own sets of primary sources. DM me if interested in joining. #engsschat
A2b: My freshmen complete a research paper over Japanese American internment camps, so we use https://t.co/piOdHlla3E. It contains several archived interviews with videos and transcripts, which are well-organized. We have used the Densho Digital Archive in the past. #engsschat
More A2 - Finding and using book sources and scholarly articles from JSTOR or Proquest, deciding on structure to present research, and synthesizing sources #engsschat
Once you start the research process, I would love to know more about how you focus your Ss research questions and scope of inquiry. Q3 is coming up!!! #engsschat
Do any of you who use databases (or digital collections of primary source materials) ever have students experiment w/ the advance search features/limiting criteria? #engsschat
A2b: We work with primary sources a good amount in world history & I encourage them to look for primary sources in the limited research activities they do in my online courses. #engsschat
A3 - I find a lot of success comes with talking to classmates. Part of the assignment is to have a parent or guardian look at their proposal - always fascinating what family history can come in. Only then will I begin talking with the students. It’s not up to me. #engsschat
One source is not hard, and I found that, given the model of the sources provided, 9th graders were able to find some pretty stellar sources. Giving guidance on where to find sources is helpful as well. #engsschat
A2b: We are using primary sources regularly in my SS classes. The language may be more difficult, & students must wrestle a bit with it, but it’s in that bit of struggle & strain in which there is growth. We also use illustrations & cartoons which help with concepts #engsschat
I all them to brain storm and then narrow their topic down to one that they are interested in researching. Students need to approve their topic with me before moving on and confirm it with me if they decide to change it. #engsschat#edchat
I've been talking to Ss about the important of writing their questions in pencil. As we learn more, their questions and searches often change. #engsschat
I have such interesting arguments with international scholars. My friends in Norway don't have a word for argumentation and think our idea of equating research to argument is crazy. #engsschat
A3. It's all about the thesis statement. What do they want to share with the reader? What do they want to communicate with their writing? I also have some starter questions to get students thinking about background/what they know/what they need to research #engsschat
A3: The Media Specialist at my school came in to talk keywords, the power of a thesaurus, and revising their question. Such a great lesson for Ss to refine their searches #engsschat
A3) Have Ss share them with each other, discuss whether the questions are open vs closed (QFT practice could help with this), what types of sources would be useful, is it manageable, etc. #engsschat
Makes me reflect on this idea that maybe what we mean by research (which in #engsschat is usually 100% measured by 1-2 writing outcomes) is itself rooted in deep seated biases that must also be questioned
A3: In order to create successful research, it needs to be based in passion for the student. If there's a way we can loop their interests into it, do it! #engsschat
A3: We use https://t.co/RpGst7umAA to create a mind map to help students break down the question or topic into sections, categories, and subtopics. It's user-friendly, free, and the mind map easily evolves as Ss conduct research. #engsschat
That’s often a big issue - wanting to hold onto a toooc that just isn’t workable. It’s part of the process. We all need to learn when to let go and start over. Just like science. #engsschat
One source is not hard, and I found that, given the model of the sources provided, 9th graders were able to find some pretty stellar sources. Giving guidance on where to find sources is helpful as well. #engsschat
A3: The Media Specialist at my school came in to talk keywords, the power of a thesaurus, and revising their question. Such a great lesson for Ss to refine their searches #engsschat
A3 I would have my students brainstorm some possible questions and see if they can find any sources that help answer their question. Once they have one they are interested in, I would have them meet with me to discuss their next steps. #engsschat#SSMETHODS
Yep - and we need to remember - the teacher is not the audience for the paper - peers are. If a fellow student doesn’t understand, that’s when more analysis is needed. #engsschat
When we did our research on developing Internet Reciprocal Teaching understanding and mapping questions was just foreign to students. Questions not only without more answers...but more questions. #engsschat
A3: This year the kids had a lot of practice writing essential questions at the beginning of the year during the get to know you phase. It has helped a lot with kids writing them the rest of the year. #engsschat
@Steph_Sukow Hey Steph, loving the #engsschat! If you don't already archive your Twitter chats then you should check out Wakelet - we have made it super easy fot you to archive Tweets: https://t.co/5F75CLyiwk
Let us know if you have any questions :)
I agree that is a big part of the process. Flexibility, knowing that some sources/questions will lead to dead ends but that's o.k. Part of the learning process. #engsschat
In reply to
@historycomics, @Steph_Sukow, @MissThorson
A3: I only just switched to middle school this year, so I’m still learning what it is they know & don’t know. I like starting broad though & through a conversation help Ss hone their questions making them more precise. #engsschat
A4: I think modeling the search is the most important strategy. Having students look at credible and non-credible sources together helps them visualize their own searches better #engsschat
Curious. Do you think thesis statements are a sacred cow in need of examination? Could powerful questions replace thesis statements and still result in excellent research? #engsschat
a3 We ended up going back to good old thick and thin questions.
but it's so much more than that. Kids who "read with mouse in hands" can link to sources in unheard of ways.
Still think offline planning however is much better for this stage of research
A4- You have to help students find credible sources. It's helpful to have them analyze sources and distinguish credible from non-credible information themselves. This is a skill that takes practice! #engsschat
A4. This is the hardest topic for me to work with Ss on since everything is online. I made a video on credible sources (reliable sources written by reliable people) that goes into examples and what to look for/how to find it. Still searching for a better method #engsschat
A4: I have provided Ss with a Google Doc with a set of links to articles I had pre vetted for quality. Then I required them to find one source not on the list, but using the list as a model. #engsschat
A4) I've been using some of the @SHEG_Stanford Civic Online Reasoning lessons with my students and it's getting them to think about the importance of researching a source OUTSIDE the source. #engsschat
I have my Ss follow this process. https://t.co/SxK5NVJ38g Questions are important and often need to come first. Thesis/claim statements often come later in the game. #engsschat
Honesty: I don't. Our libraries are connected to Google Scholar. If I am signed on or in person I search, click button, have article.
Other prominent way to search is by accessing each journal.
Want them ready for academic research teach students to search networks. #engsschat
A4: Assessing documents & sources has been happening since the beginning of the school year. So first & foremost I help them practice it as a skill, I also will point them toward sources, and allow them to mine Wikipedia for sources in the notes on articles. #engsschat
At the beginning of the year when I introduce Genius Hour, I give my students several sources. They need to determine in groups what they think is reliable and what is not reliable and explain why. #engsschat#edchat
A4: I try to model and provide valid sources to begin with. By showcasing good resources from the beginning of the year, hopefully that can influence their choices! #engsschat
Greetings to #formativechat and #engsschat tonight. Please join us for the very first #APTeach chat on 4/4 at 8PM CST. This chat will be the first nationwide chat to bring those inside and out of the AP community together!
A4 I would talk to my librarian about different databases or books the students may use. I would stress that not everything online is credible. I would gather credible and non-credible sources and discuss with the students the difference between the two. #engsschat#SSMETHODS
Then we take a look at specific website they can use for their research that are recommended. They can find their own but they need to prove why they are reliable sources. #engsschat#edchat
A4: Assessing documents & sources has been happening since the beginning of the school year. So first & foremost I help them practice it as a skill, I also will point them toward sources, and allow them to mine Wikipedia for sources in the notes on articles. #engsschat
Yes, that is something I've been trying to get my Ss to understand. The vast majority of them come into the class convinced that Wikipedia is the devil. #engsschat
A4: Assessing documents & sources has been happening since the beginning of the school year. So first & foremost I help them practice it as a skill, I also will point them toward sources, and allow them to mine Wikipedia for sources in the notes on articles. #engsschat
Practicing it as a discreet skill before and during the research process seems to be pretty effective. How much do you do before research begins? #engsschat
A4: As Ss have uncovered unacceptable sources over the years, I have kept track of those and now use them as examples to help Ss see what to avoid. I also offer a list of suggested sources. Using quotes from the archive of primary source interviews is a requirement. #engsschat
The shift has been very recent, but it is also making compliance with profit driven copyright easier.
As long as students access the library offline they can get articles from the publisher.
My research is also more contemporary so have a recency bias. #engsschat
A4. I'm a believer in search curation. A good example is https://t.co/4qNWFjPSVP - a search engine for students with real people/subject experts as curators. Try it! #engsschat
A4. For research projects on criminal justice system in my Law, Culture and Society class, I require one book source but also point to organizations that collect articles daily like @MarshallProj - great resource #engsschat
A4b) Encourage & expect Ss to query sources as they use them. Build ?s into sources they are assigned & expect them to do the same for sources they find for research purposes. #engsschat
I think it's more than that. When we were doing our IRT research a decade all search was engine driven.
The rise and cultivation of a network fundamentally shifts our space for research and reading.
Those with better networks and more knoweldge.
A1: Currently working on argumentative essays in class. We started with a small debate to spark passion and ideas, and then they chose their own topic to focus on—choice definitely encourages inquiry. #engsschat! #sschat#engchat#edchat
I cannot believe we are almost 45 minutes into this chat. I cannot wait to read the archives. Thank you for all your thoughts and resources! #engsschat
I begin the year examining types of sources, primary/secondary, then begin exploring bias, points of view, etc... Basically I give them as many contradictory pieces of information from documents they can’t help but be skeptical. “Trust, but verify.” #engsschat
I stumbled into this paper at my first AERA. Literally picked a random door. Changed the way I scaffold sourcing and argumentation. https://t.co/Y0GoWkGQIK#engsschat
A5) When I was teaching in a traditional classroom, I had Ss use notecards. It was easy to have them group/categorize their notes in different ways & figure out what was best way to structure their response. #engsschat
A5: As my sixth grade teacher said, plan your work and work your plan. We need to be certain the structure and supports are created in our assignments that help students work with all the material they found #engsschat
Through the Genius Hour model students are expected to present their findings to other through various types of media such as Google Slides, Docs, Seesaw Videos, etc. #engsschat#edchat
A5. I've found that giving a formula for writing/organizing thoughts helps Ss be able to go deeper with analysis and questions. I use the OREO tool to help them have the structure then work on connecting their "reasons" and "evidence" together #engsschat
A5 Most important step towards synthesis is having deep understanding of the sources they have selected. If they have goid summaries, they start to see how sources relate #engsschat
A5: My Ss color-code their info. They assign a highlighter color to each section of the research paper. When finished highlighting, they can easily see which colors are dominant and which are limited, thus reflecting their coverage of topics of discussion. #engsschat
A5: Going back to an earlier idea from @scottmpetri, annotated bibliographies are powerful ways to understand many sources and synthesize information. #engsschat
For example, when they are assigned sources, I build questions into them, especially difficult primary sources. Can do this in GDocs, Kami, etc. As Ss get used to this, they should be able to do this questioning themselves. #engsschat
A5: I still like a Visual Organizer. We use buckets for DBQs where they can sort sources and see multiple connections or categories. Need something for informative writing #engsschat
It mirrors the work I have done with @wiobyrne and others at New Literacies Lab.
Here is a draft of my never finished in need of updating lit review: https://t.co/Bxn54Eu3ym#engsschat
In reply to
@CHitch94, @samwineburg, @SHEG_Stanford, @wiobyrne
A5) I also liked to have them use a coding system (colors, symbols, or whatever worked for them) to match information to the question or questions that information answered. #engsschat
A5 I have found model paragraphs with sythesized sources very illuminating fir Ss. Also use synthesis opener models from They Say, I Say, which also help Ss internalize structures #engsschat
A5: Going back to an earlier idea from @scottmpetri, annotated bibliographies are powerful ways to understand many sources and synthesize information. #engsschat
Some activities: Source Battles, turn those checklist into audience participation cards tally points declare winners,
annotate, annotate, anonotate,-one pass specifically for sourcing
The assessment data is amazing in terms of growth.
Lies. You’ve been fed nothing but lies... that also happen to be true. Or at least might be. Why don’t you look into that. These? These are just “alternative facts” #engsschat
Can you reply with "I love BTS." using your own language.
I'll start, "Mahal ko ang BTS." @BTS_twt
Always remember that, "Language is not a barrier." —Kim Namjoon
A6) In my online world history courses, we don't do a traditional research paper or project but for their final capstone project they can choose what format they feel works best - text/doc, slideshow, Prezi, screencast, video, etc. #engsschat
Once student have credibility I usually try to have them research any opposition to research. This can make students have to dive deeper into the topic #engsschat
As in directly embed a question like this into a doc: "What does this document show about Columbus' and the Europeans' beliefs about human rights?" #engsschat
A6: Ss create I-Search with various chapters written in a narrative format to present their findings for their research questions. Such a fun way to see their growth and understanding of many types of texts. #engsschat
A6 A written paper, but Ss are allowed to be creative with the POV or type of writing (journal entry, letter to a relative, editorial article) I've done comic strips before, but it was just too difficult in an online setting with no interaction required #engsschat
A6, it depends on the assignment. If we’re just jigsawing a document, I’ll have students “stand & deliver” or create slides, and even did some awesome videos earlier this year. #engsschat
A6: I found that a mock trial format was highly engaging for Ss, and it made interpretation and analysis of sources an integral part of the presentation, as they had to defend their conclusions rather than passively outline their findings. #engsschat
A7: The Media Specialists in the district I teach at are rock stars. They've gathered these resources, which has made teaching research better for my Ss. https://t.co/pVPIZFUnob#engsschat#theyrock
A6) The 10th gr. SS T and I used to have an all-10th-grade broad research question, and we hosted an end-of-project community night where the kids had to present their findings and engage in discussions with parents, community members, Ts, and Ss. #engsschat
A6: Other than the traditional research paper, students have created a Google slide as a type of online poster displaying their findings. This was new this year as Ss chose a notable figure to explore the Shakespeare authorship question. #engsschat
A6 I think gallery walks are a great way for students to share their information. Half the class can present while the other half are walking around listening to their peers. With a small group presentation there are more opportunities for small discussions #engsschat#SSMETHODS
I you are a Google school teach the Google Keep/Google Doc integration tool. Have kids use @KaizenaHQ to record their sourcing justifications. Challenge them back.
Keep the conversation away from the writing.
Focuses learning objective and gives kids a little space #engsschat
A6. It's almost always possible (and easy to forget) to incorporate the arts (visual, dance, drama, etc.) into final research project presentations. #engsschat