A California-based live chat for California school librarians, with school librarians and school library supporters from anywhere welcome and encouraged to join us.
Welcome to our #calibchat live chat. Our topic tonite is about Growth & Goals! This #calibchat chat is for Calif school library peeps & any friends across the country & globe are welcome! Please join in!
I’m a retired CA TL, Rutgers part-time instructor, a #4CSLA Past Prez, #aaslbestwebsites committee chair, Here’s my new “digital business card” #calibchat
A1: I loved learning about #CSLA18 keynoter @lesliemaniotes’s guided inquiry process and the librarian’s important roles in it. You can see her & other presenter slides on the csla website now https://t.co/6eqo3v23qK#calibchat
Hello, I'm Cynthia M. Parkhill, #Library Technician and Instructional Materials Technician at Santa Rosa Charter School for the Arts. This is my first #calibchat
A1 Loved a share from @jcorippo Place random books on tables. Kiddos open to a random page. Read. and make a text to self connection. BAM. Already have a CT on board. #calibchat
A1 Loved a share from @jcorippo Place random books on tables. Kiddos open to a random page. Read. and make a text to self connection. BAM. Already have a CT on board. #calibchat
A2: First time with Middle Schoolers, so growing some patience. They are fun, but not always as attentive/responsible/courteous as high schoolers #calibchat
A2b: a long-term goal I have is to get in touch with different groups on campus and start some pleasure reading circles - no grades, just time to explore books. Have meeting with SPED for next week! #CALIBCHAT
A2: I have been particularly excited lately about better harnessing the talents of my student library aides using PBL. We collaborate in them defining projects that serve the library or school at large #calibchat
Drilling on this now! 6th graders are making book trailers--a few were ALL images from movies made from book:( We just keep reminding and instructing... #calibchat
A3: Long term goal is to build a information literacy pacing plan to implement in all courses 9-12. Super long term is building full buy-in from faculty/admin. #calibchat
Q1: was a year ago almost, but thought about how blended learning can be blended within one class/period to offer various learning style options, extending a study I did with Social Science teacher I did last year. #calibchat
A3: Long term goal is to build a information literacy pacing plan to implement in all courses 9-12. Super long term is building full buy-in from faculty/admin. #calibchat
A2. I'm fairly new to my roles (IMT since last May, and Library Technician at the start of this month). I'm exploring ways I can support my site in both of these capacities. #calibchat
#CALIBCHAT A3) I'm exploring the ACRL Framework as Enduring Understandings (the big idea whys of what we do), the AASL Standards as the how (and sometimes what) we do in instruction, and the CA MSLS as individual objectives in a lesson
To teach students that curation rather than just criticism is a model for a productive and analytical mind. And hell, my fellow teachers need to learn this at times. Use the librarian model for all models. Curate and discuss, not criticize and shut down .#CALIBCHAT
Thanks all so much 4 participating in our #calibchat chat. I learned so much from everyone! Please come again next month, & #inviteafriendtogrow with us. Standby 4 a @participate chat archive
A3. In longer term, I look forward to helping with various reading programs (i.e. students logging hours they read to be eligible for prizes, a "One School, One Book" and voting in a "Reader's Choice") #calibchat
YES! I keep pushing Ts to have MS students create annotated bibliographies--easy to do with @elink_io (not MLA/APA format, but a curated list of resources!) #calibchat
Thanks all so much 4 participating in our #calibchat chat. I learned so much from everyone! Please come again next month, & #inviteafriendtogrow with us. Standby 4 a @participate chat archive
I find Jing is great on both MAC and PC. I also like Screencaster. They are both pretty easy to use if you have a set up with a MiC so you can talk as you do. #Calibchat.