Understood holds this weekly Twitter chat that aims to keep the momentum going and raise awareness of learning and attention issues. Follow along with hashtag #LDCHAT and follow users @understoodchats & @understoodorg. Experts will be available to answer your questions and concerns and share resources from Understood.org.
Welcome to today’s #ldchat! This is Dan with the Understood team. We’re joined today by #AssistiveTech expert Jamie Martin (@ATDyslexia) to discuss assistive technology myths and obstacles.
Welcome to #LDchat and greetings from CT! I’m getting a lot of use out of my snow removal #AssistiveTech this month! Let’s talk about AT Myths & Obstacles w/ @UnderstoodOrg!
Welcome to today’s #ldchat! This is Dan with the Understood team. We’re joined today by #AssistiveTech expert Jamie Martin (@ATDyslexia) to discuss assistive technology myths and obstacles.
Welcome to today’s #ldchat! This is Dan with the Understood team. We’re joined today by #AssistiveTech expert Jamie Martin (@ATDyslexia) to discuss assistive technology myths and obstacles.
Welcome to today’s #ldchat! This is Dan with the Understood team. We’re joined today by #AssistiveTech expert Jamie Martin (ATDyslexia) to discuss assistive technology myths and obstacles. https://t.co/GRdOwSVy5W via UnderstoodOrg #ld#adhd
RT RT ATDyslexia: Welcome to #LDchat and greetings from CT! I’m getting a lot of use out of my snow removal #AssistiveTech this month! Let’s talk about AT Myths & Obstacles w/ UnderstoodOrg! https://t.co/LzCLJQ9ocm via UnderstoodOrg #ld#adhd
Q1. We know that #AssistiveTech can be highly beneficial for many kids with learning and attention issues, but not all kids use it. What are some obstacles to using assistive technology? #ldchat
A1: Sometimes, kids are reluctant to use #AssistiveTech - stigma, fear of independence, and worry over increased expectations can all put the brakes on AT use. More here: https://t.co/58phieONoW#LDchat
A1 - one obstacle can be the teacher's attitude about AT. What non-verbal cues are they sending. Are they promoting a culture of UDL so all students have access to and use what they need? #LDchat
A1: I think it’s the adults or teachers who are not technology confident that can hinder students with learning & attention issues from seeing the great value of assistive technology in everyday life #ldchat
A1: Teachers can be reluctant to use #AssistiveTech in their classrooms. Lack of awareness, concerns about fairness, and worry about kids becoming over-reliant on tech tools can guide AT decisions. More here: https://t.co/jqtchjq8jF#LDchat
RT Q1. We know that #AssistiveTech can be highly beneficial for many kids with learning and attention issues, but not all kids use it. What are some obstacles to using assistive technology? #ldchathttps://t.co/A7FBwZvr4b via UnderstoodOrg #ld#adhd
RT RT ATDyslexia: A1: Sometimes, kids are reluctant to use #AssistiveTech - stigma, fear of independence, and worry over increased expectations can all put the brakes on AT use. More here: https://t.co/4nvpHGkvdO#LDchat via UnderstoodOrg #ld#adhd
RT RT angela_lange25: UnderstoodOrg A1: I think it’s the adults or teachers who are not technology confident that can hinder students with learning & attention issues from seeing the great value of assistive technology in everyday life #ldchat via UnderstoodOrg #ld#adhd
A1 - one obstacle can be the teacher's attitude about AT. What non-verbal cues are they sending. Are they promoting a culture of UDL so all students have access to and use what they need? #LDchat
A1: A couple obstacles. Reluctance of Ss; lack of S buy-in (especially if they weren't involved in the process); lack of Edu training to understand tools and strats to facilitate success #LDchat
Noooo. Too often they promote a culture of dependence on adults. And they don't even recognize it as a negative. I think they honestly believe that is one of their roles as a teacher/support. #LDchat#ATchat
A1 - one obstacle can be the teacher's attitude about AT. What non-verbal cues are they sending. Are they promoting a culture of UDL so all students have access to and use what they need? #LDchat
A1: Sometimes, schools and IEP teams don’t follow IDEA. Here’s a great presentation from ed consultant Jill Castle - useful advice for advocating for AT in IEP meetings: https://t.co/GKlWC1sq8E#LDchat
A1: What conferences or professional development in technology do you recommend for parents & educators to build our confidence & independence? @UnderstoodOrg#LDchat
And one of the best simulations I've found is on the Misunderstood Minds website. Teachers really seem to get it after experiencing the reading simulation activity. But, then they forget. #LDchat
RT RT ATDyslexia: A1: Teachers can be reluctant to use #AssistiveTech in their classrooms. Lack of awareness, concerns about fairness, and worry about kids becoming over-reliant on tech tools can guide AT decisions. More here: https://t.co/HQ1wpF1ORz#LDchat via UnderstoodOrg #…
RT RT mmatp: A1: A couple obstacles. Reluctance of Ss; lack of S buy-in (especially if they weren't involved in the process); lack of Edu training to understand tools and strats to facilitate success #LDchat via UnderstoodOrg #ld#adhd
RT RT ATDyslexia: A1: Sometimes, schools and IEP teams don’t follow IDEA. Here’s a great presentation from ed consultant Jill Castle - useful advice for advocating for AT in IEP meetings: https://t.co/TMJAKVhPEW#LDchat via UnderstoodOrg #ld#adhd
A1: What conferences or professional development in technology do you recommend for parents & educators to build our confidence & independence? @UnderstoodOrg#LDchat
Q2. One common obstacle is that parents and teachers may not know how to begin. Where can they find useful #AssistiveTech, and what are your tips for easy adoption? #ldchat
A1 fear that the use of AT will prevent continued learning of skill and create dependence. Not true but have to convince many teachers every year. #LDchat
A1: What conferences or professional development in technology do you recommend for parents & educators to build our confidence & independence? @UnderstoodOrg#LDchat
Welcome to today’s #ldchat! This is Dan with the Understood team. We’re joined today by #AssistiveTech expert Jamie Martin (@ATDyslexia) to discuss assistive technology myths and obstacles.
Not my experience. They stop using it when they no longer need it. It bridges the gap and allows them to access grade level content independently. Too often, I see the opposite - dependence on adults. #LDchat
you are doing it right now! Twitter has become an amazing resource for PD related to AT tools/strats/services. Some national confs include: ATIA, Closing the Gap, IDA. Also check for state/regional confs close to you #LDchat
In reply to
@angela_lange25, @ATDyslexia, @UnderstoodOrg
#LDChat Great article. I find I have to use the tools myself to understand and demonstrate how they work @VoiceDreamApp is my favorite. #ParentEngagement
In reply to
@ATDyslexia, @KristinMatzKane, @VoiceDreamApp
A1 students need to be taught to use the tech, just cause they have the phone or iPad does not mean they know how to use it to complete work as AT device. #LDchat
The CDE is glad to be here! We are a @USDOL public education & awareness campaign to encourage employers and others to recognize the value & talent people with disabilities bring to the workplace. https://t.co/nPMl2goIm8#LDChat
A2 I try to demo to classrooms how everyone can benefit, like using #immersivereader for proofreading, students who need it don't feel singled out #ldchat
A2: Some of the easiest AT supports to integrate are built in accessibility features. They are already in our devices! No need to buy anything. Who doesn't love free? #LDchat
RT RT ATDyslexia: A1: Not all parents know how to talk about #AssistiveTech with their kids’ schools. Here’s some great advice from KristinMatzKane: What I Learned About Assistive Technology From the IEP Process: https://t.co/t1Z5JFr8er#LDchat via UnderstoodOrg #ld#adhd
RT Q2. One common obstacle is that parents and teachers may not know how to begin. Where can they find useful #AssistiveTech, and what are your tips for easy adoption? #ldchathttps://t.co/kT1lg6IRWm via UnderstoodOrg #ld#adhd
RT RT Filibuster3: A2 I try to demo to classrooms how everyone can benefit, like using #immersivereader for proofreading, students who need it don't feel singled out #ldchat via UnderstoodOrg #ld#adhd
A2: For easy adoption, I recommend starting with the built-in accessibility tools of whatever platform a person is using. You probably already have #AssistiveTech at your fingertips. https://t.co/tLuZg25ZxM#LDchat
#LDchat AGREE as a parent Engaging with all of you on #Atchat & twitter has grown my understanding so much! I say twitter has hidden treasures in every tweet
In reply to
@mmatp, @ATDyslexia, @angela_lange25, @UnderstoodOrg
I've found that it's tricky to keep kids accountable to the task on hand. A lot of the #AssistiveTech available have other apps and exciting things that kids would rather be doing. #LDChat
A2: My biggest tip for #AssistiveTech adoption / implementation: Don’t feel like you have to do it alone. Build your own support network. A great way to start is by joining (or just observing) #ATchat on Wednesday nights at 8ET. #LDchat
A2: We need to ensure Teachers understand federal law from 1997 - that ALL students must be considered for AT. It's been in the law for over twenty years. #noexcuses#LDCHat
A2: For any child receiving #SPED services, the educational team must ask if there is a device that will “increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities” of that child. If the answer is yes, the school district must provide certain services....more.. #LDChat
Q2. One common obstacle is that parents and teachers may not know how to begin. Where can they find useful #AssistiveTech, and what are your tips for easy adoption? #ldchat
I've found that it's tricky to keep kids accountable to the task on hand. A lot of the #AssistiveTech available have other apps and exciting things that kids would rather be doing. #LDChat
#LDchat AGREE as a parent Engaging with all of you on #Atchat & twitter has grown my understanding so much! I say twitter has hidden treasures in every tweet
In reply to
@mmatp, @ATDyslexia, @angela_lange25, @UnderstoodOrg
A2: Understanding your needs and considering other technology you use may help you identify #AssistiveTech that would help in school and at work. Learn more: https://t.co/p7LKS9ryKN#LDchat
Q2: These services can include: an assistive technology evaluation; the acquisition of the recommended #assistivetechnology; and training of the #AssistiveTech device, if needed. #LDChat
Q1. We know that #AssistiveTech can be highly beneficial for many kids with learning and attention issues, but not all kids use it. What are some obstacles to using assistive technology? #ldchat
A2: My biggest tip for #AssistiveTech adoption / implementation: Don’t feel like you have to do it alone. Build your own support network. A great way to start is by joining (or just observing) #ATchat on Wednesday nights at 8ET. #LDchat
I give them choices and ask them "what tool help you to do your best? or what tool makes the task easiest for you and help you show what you know? #LDchat
RT RT ATDyslexia: A2: For easy adoption, I recommend starting with the built-in accessibility tools of whatever platform a person is using. You probably already have #AssistiveTech at your fingertips. https://t.co/zB3yRHqWm0#LDchat via UnderstoodOrg #ld#adhd
RT RT ATDyslexia: A2: My biggest tip for #AssistiveTech adoption / implementation: Don’t feel like you have to do it alone. Build your own support network. A great way to start is by joining (or just observing) #ATchat on Wednesday nights at 8ET. #LDchat via UnderstoodOrg #l…
RT RT tdcraw: A2 for adoption, pick one maybe 2 apps at a time. Build confidence before adding more. Let the students see how it helps. #LDchat via UnderstoodOrg #ld#adhd
A3: It’s important to make folks aware of the entire array of #AssistiveTech. Closed captioning and text-to-speech are both AT tools, yet nobody would accuse a deaf person of cheating for using CC. Likewise, a person w/ #dyslexia is not cheating by using TTS. #LDchat
Q2. One common obstacle is that parents and teachers may not know how to begin. Where can they find useful #AssistiveTech, and what are your tips for easy adoption? #ldchat
#Ldchat great Idea . Ss can quickly get overwhelmed with too much too fast . My son always prefers human reader, it took time to get him to see real value in independent learning
Q2. One common obstacle is that parents and teachers may not know how to begin. Where can they find useful #AssistiveTech, and what are your tips for easy adoption? #ldchat
A3: Unfortunately, the #AssistiveTech “cheating” myth is almost entirely exclusive to AT for learning and attention issues. Let’s all make a commitment to combat that myth, because it’s one of the biggest obstacles to getting LD /ADHD folks the tools that they need. #LDchat
there is n o cheating when using AT to help enhance learning. My response would be that we need to use whatever tools we have available and that it is our duty to the learner to do so #LDchat
A3: No, its not cheating, just leveling the playing field. "Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid" -Albert Einstein #LDChat
RT RT stevesatlaidlaw: there is n o cheating when using AT to help enhance learning. My response would be that we need to use whatever tools we have available and that it is our duty to the learner to do so #LDchat via UnderstoodOrg #ld#adhd
RT RT drhallowell: A3: No, its not cheating, just leveling the playing field. "Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid" -Albert Einstein #LDChathttps://t.co/QW9LT3Hh1M via Understood…
Q2. One common obstacle is that parents and teachers may not know how to begin. Where can they find useful #AssistiveTech, and what are your tips for easy adoption? #ldchat
Q3: everyone needs exposure to text in order to grow in their reading skills. For students who struggle with reading especially word-level reading exposure to text through text to speech or audiobooks can help bolster their vocabulary and background knowledge. #ldchat
I include this statement in my AT assessments, "Sometimes AT adds a level of complexity that is counterproductive and burdensome and this needs to be monitored." We must recognize that can happen. #LDchat
#Ldchat great Idea . Ss can quickly get overwhelmed with too much too fast . My son always prefers human reader, it took time to get him to see real value in independent learning
A2. State #AT programs can provide parents, teachers & schools with advice & information on #AssistiveTech, including device demonstrations & info on funding sources. #LDChathttps://t.co/OdaIrD99FX
Q2. One common obstacle is that parents and teachers may not know how to begin. Where can they find useful #AssistiveTech, and what are your tips for easy adoption? #ldchat
We've shared a #OneNote with parents with resources by area of need, heavy on Microsoft, but also includes Google and Apple https://t.co/SvTeuQ8UYb#ldchat
#AssistiveTech is definitely not “cheating”, you would never tell kids with physical barriers not to use a wheelchair or crutches. Educational barriers should be treated the same way #ldchat
A3 We have an ethical responsibility to ensure Ss have access to the tools they need for independence and success. Sometimes we, the adults, are the greatest obstacle, especially if we think AT is "cheating." #noexcuses#LDchat#ATchat