An informal learning community for educators worldwide. Our passion for learning and connected learning experiences help us to improve our teaching practices. #txeduchat features guest moderators every week.
Want to welcome all of you educators who are just lurking behind the scenes tonight. We'd love to have you join in -- especially if this is your first time to be on a live chat! #txeduchat
#txeduchat A2 with technology you can collect data EVERY DAY using warm ups directly related to the TEKS (or your learning objectives) Data should drive your curriculum to show mastery of the TEKS
A2 I agree with the informal. Anything taught should be documented. As a literacy specialist, I always expect documentation in the form of running records, anecdotal notes, conferences, etc. #txeduchat
A:3 student identify their lowest and highest TEks. Then, they identify their weaknesses to work with me. They can see their growth as the time progresses and build confidence. #txeduchat
A3: students absolutely track their data in reading and math. Here’s our recording sheet from our latest benchmark created from the fabulous @RebeccaStrain Even 3rd graders love to track data because self awareness is important. #txeduchat
A3: Ss setting and tracking their goals not only leads to greater academic achievement #marzano but isn't this what we do on so many different levels in our personal life? Finances, Weight Loss, etc. #txeduchat
#txeduchat A3 In the past I have. TEKSing toward STAAR has built in warm ups with charts that Ss check off or mark wrong when they miss them. I do post my TEKS on the wall and have Ss read the learning objectives.
#txeduchat A4 We are dealing with KIDS! A junior high student who goes through a break up with the "boy or girl friend" the day before the BIG "DATA" Test, just might not be too focused on the task at hand. Trs know when their Ss are learning, this might not show up in data
#txeduchat A6 when looking at data for the ENTIRE SCHOOL you do get a grasp of the Ss strengths and weaknesses. This should drive your STAAR Reviews. #AlwaysBelieve
#txeduchat data tells us what students have mastered at a certain time. It does not tell us how long it takes to learn it or how to teach it the curriculum.
A6: I am a hugh fan of trend reports especially looking at the regional level. I also love item analysis to use with students to see why they missed a question. #txeduchat
#txeduchat A7 We use Eduphoria to go through DATA. You can really dissect the DATA with #MorePower with this program. JUST TAKES REAMS AND REAMS OF SCANTRONS
A7:I am a hugh fan of trend reports especially looking at the regional level. I also love item analysis to use with students to see why they missed a question. #txeduchat#txeduchat
A8: If we assess at a level below the rigor of the tested SE and instruct at a lower level our students will not be successful on our summative assessment. #txeduchat