#TLAP Archive
#TLAP is a weekly chat for educators who embrace author, keynote speaker, and moderator David Burgess' approach of teaching like a pirate. Burgess is author of Teach Like A PIRATE: Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, and Transform Your Life as an Educator and co-author of P is for PIRATE: Inspirational ABC’s for Educators.
Monday February 29, 2016 9:00 PM EST
Welcome to ! We have a Leap Year theme tonight so jump into the chat by letting us know who you are and where you're from!
If you have anything left after this powerful discussion, please head over to where you're always assured of a great chat!
Glad to have you, as always!
Hello - Laura from TX Multitasking reading princess ponies to our kinder kiddo & hoping to follow along
Br Christopher from Kansas, middle school science and technology . Ready for some leap year pirating!
Cathy Beck joining in from Breckenridge, CO.
my first opp to be at . In Az on this nice leap night!
Greg here! Northwest, Indiana. PE teacher and K-5 Tech Coach. Excited to chat tonight!
Hi, Angela! We are so glad you joined us!
good evening, - michael from columbus, OH middle grades teacher :)
Hi, Rachelle from Pittsburgh, Spanish teacher, glad to join this week after & lots of learning!
Yay, I made it! I'm Angela, a 6th grade pirate teacher from Alberta & I'm happy to hop aboard!
Hey gang! Matt from ATL 8th grade US History & Gov't teacher! Hope all is well!
Hello ! Bryan from Alberta joining tonight! Junior High teacher.
April from Texas, middle school science
Thanks for joining , Greg!!
Liz, Instructional Coach from CA
Joanne from Ontario - my first experience!
Looking forward to chat! I’m a tech coach from WI
Stephanie HS Sped Math from St. Louis Missouri
what app did you use?? Too fun
Jessie Erickson, Gr. 5, North Dakota. Making a quick stop!
Leaping in from MN where the snow is falling ever so gently. BUT no need to leap in fear captain...predicted 50's for the weekend 😜❄️
Welcome, Michael! Prayers to your state today.
Hello pals!! Julie from STL checking in - I teach college media courses 😀⭐️
Hi! I'm Danielle..school counselor from VA.
Andrea, MS Personalized and Digital Learning Integrator from WI
Hi ! Damien, 5th grade teacher from PA.
oh my !!! It goes quickly!! Hang on!! 😊
Glad you could join us, Rachelle!!
Cindy from sunny and hot Tucson. Tech coordinator at two schools.
What???? Matt Barry is here???
You are going to LOVE this!! ⚓️👍🏼😊
Julie here from in north Texas. I teach 5/6 reading.
Love seeing CA educators in !! Hi, Elizabeth!!
Yup...Trickling in after some reading and PBS The West :) How are ya Dave?
Thanks for joining, Joanne!!
long time and was able to chime in tonight!
Yay for this extra day to celebrate being a proud member of the crew! Sandy Otto, 6th grade ELA teacher from MN.
Hello friends. Glad to be here. I did this last week and it was amazing https://t.co/7SdETyz2Tx
2nd grader principal for the day
Hello friends. Glad to be here. I did this last week and it was amazing https://t.co/OwWbRhXgyh
2nd grader principal for the day
whooo hoo! Two of my faves in the same tweet!!
Hey!! I will see you in a week! Can't wait to come to Pipestone!!
Kelly, biology, from the NC foothills Hi, all!
I'll be in North Dakota in March!!
Hi Sandy...see you Sunday!! 👍🏼😊
Hello ! First grade teacher from south jersey popping in!
Hey Jay! I'm going to be a 3rd grader all day tomorrow:)
Q1 LY makes adjustments for a small issue that can create havoc over time. What's a small thing in Edu that if ignored creates havoc?
What's up Pirates. Matt from the STL, MO. Checking in. Got Dad duty tonight. Pirate on my friends.
Happy LEAP Day! An exta day of learning with ! Bob Abrams, HS AP, tweeting from Illinois
And she is the amazing author of Master the Media...something we desperately need EVERYONE to read during this election
I'm looking forward to doing the challenge. I haven't figured out which day yet but it's happening https://t.co/RIRxugJ3kk
Hey Jay! I'm going to be a 3rd grader all day tomorrow:)
A1: Letting papers pile up ungraded... ugh...58 President Research Papers coming in next Monday :)
- does ignoring social media count!?
first time last week . Back for more
Jennifer 1st grade, Moore, Okla—excited to learn
Hi ! David from VA! Tech Coach for the Department of Juvenile Justice!
SOOOO excited!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Dinner plans all set! ⚓️😊👍🏼
Matt from TX, K-5 art. So glad to be on this amazing boat!
5/6 tech teacher from Michigan. Just starting my pirate journey
A1: Communication. Must be prompt and clear.
A1 pencil sharpening and times it's ok to leave the room!
I am excited to see you again! March in ND two years in a row - we have had warmer than usual temps so you won't freeze!
A1: The importance of transitions. They are moments for hooks, extra inspiration & care for Ss. Embrace them, set expectations high.
a1: small thing: not giving feedback. leads to havoc if you don't give any over time
Morale and buy-in for students AND teachers
Can't wait to order your book, . I teach a middle school media course. https://t.co/yp2k3eRqwP
And she is the amazing author of Master the Media...something we desperately need EVERYONE to read during this election
Haha! And the memes continue.... ;)
A1: Fear, or remaining too comfortable. Both can create havoc if they aren't addressed
A1: I agree with -- I've certainly dropped the ball on contacting parents about good stuff as often as I used to
A1: documentation of Ss needs. if we fall back on that, many Ss miss out on getting the help they need to be successful.
A1: negativity/complaints can seem small but if left to fester become big issues & can hurt campus climate better address it head on
A1: Lack of flexibility. One thing that I have learned along the way, is that every day is different. Lost without flexibility.
A1 - little things ignored create giant repercussions - not greeting every person who crosses your path. Makes people feel valued.
ESP in the faculty "work" room...
Yes! Both are very dangerous in their own ways!
A1: Lost instructional time. The million tiny inconsequential things that eat away our time to interact with ss in the classroom.
A1 "Preventative Maintenance" As in, when Educators let things build up rather than fixing them-attitude, not putting forth best, etc.
A1 Definitely not keeping up w/clerical items, grading, follow through w/new ideas, connecting w/Ss and Parents
A1: Lack of enthusiasm and passion (not small) but can get by with good pedagogy but eventually loses it's appeal and energy
A1 not front loading classroom/hallway/bathroom/playground etc. expectations
spot on. I routinely forget to reinforce these and it causes huge disruptions!
A1: Gossip and bitterness ie Not communicating directly with each other when there are issues. But also, right now the PAPERWORK!!!
A1: Morale!! Enough said!
A1: Communication, communication, communication
A1 - leaving for the day on a sour note with somebody. Needs to be addressed the next day to go on.
Linda from MO checking in PE pre k -8
Oh, yes!! I have been buried by this many times!!
YAY! This is one of the BEST PLNs out there😊
A1: Clear & honest communication with Ps, Ss, and other Ts. Assumptions and misunderstandings derail learning.
A1 relying on someone else to find the answer—when S is capable https://t.co/7amFq2yOqk
Q1 LY makes adjustments for a small issue that can create havoc over time. What's a small thing in Edu that if ignored creates havoc?
getting back on track w/ my tweet deck and chats and book study
Hello Pirates! Tracy from MA, 6th gr science, jumping in late.
OOOH! Great answer, Lynette!! https://t.co/uvxTao1UQr
A1: Lost instructional time. The million tiny inconsequential things that eat away our time to interact with ss in the classroom.
A1: Prompt feedback! Leverage the power of teaching Ss to provide feedback.
Renee White, 1st grade in NC. Dropping in for little bit.
So agree with this one . So so important. I would also say taking care of yourself.. https://t.co/eXP7lemQHl
A1 - little things ignored create giant repercussions - not greeting every person who crosses your path. Makes people feel valued.
A coworker once gave this advice : start every day fresh and brand spanking new. Makes huge difference. https://t.co/2UaKTYztNT
A1: Lack of flexibility. One thing that I have learned along the way, is that every day is different. Lost without flexibility.
A1 Maybe feedback? If we let time go by before we give feedback is it as effective? Prompt feedback.
The longest! I'm just glad I presented the day before!
When we ignore the heart, of student AND teacher, we create a "havoc" that cannot be fixed ...
A1: ATTITUDE! One naysayer may not seem like a big deal but it can be a slow burn on the group.
Hi Jay!!! Been awhile so great seeing you!!! 😊
Tarzan, cartoons, comics?
So true! Nothing worse than negative climates/peers https://t.co/1hLWisw6zr
A1: negativity/complaints can seem small but if left to fester become big issues & can hurt campus climate better address it head on
Speaking my language, Ku!!
A1: Being present (physically & mentally). Being out of building for meetings too often can be bad for building morale.
for sure! always near the copier & mailboxes must look for silver linings & address issues as arise rather than complain
A1: Definitely communication. Little things can build into big things in either a negative OR positive way.
Agreed. T is absent 8 days, kids misses 6 days, Miss 5 days cuz of assemblies, ... It all adds up https://t.co/TSC4eAMf7f
A1: Lost instructional time. The million tiny inconsequential things that eat away our time to interact with ss in the classroom.
Q1: Complaining instead of celebrating personal, colleague & student success each day, no matter how small. Make everyone feel valued
A1: if left unattended, the idle handed Ss can create havoc!
SO cruciual!! The root of most problems!
A1 Great teaching is all about making adjustments, adjusting the teaching to the student group is essential- every audience is unique!
A1 not attend to a quiet student who needs help.
Agreed! Prompt - informative - constructive feedback a must. https://t.co/j1tvXtgILB
A1: Prompt feedback! Leverage the power of teaching Ss to provide feedback.
A1: Doubting yourself and a lack of confidence.
A1: Teaching routines & procedures to do anything in class. Ss, especially young ones need avenues to follow.
So easy to miss the quiet ones...you are so right!
A1: Admiring the problem - this from in Building School 2.0 - We spend too much time on this
A1:Teachers that are negative to a campus or department.
Agree making sure Ss get feedback in a variety of ways can prevent problems later on
sorry late! A1 NAMES! w/100's of Ss it seems small but w/a class list/pics, both Ss & I feel much more connected if I say their names!
Q2: Leap year gives us an EXTRA day every 4 years! What is something in education you wish we had EXTRA time for every week?
In our facilities-this is a MAJOR factor. There are so many security issues out of T control that steal time.
A2: SLEEP....Nah I'm kidding...No wait...I'm not :) , but not my serious answer.
Love this! A negative person can find a problem for every solution. Stay positive! https://t.co/U8rlquoFn3
Q1: Complaining instead of celebrating personal, colleague & student success each day, no matter how small. Make everyone feel valued
Can't effectively guide Ss without this... https://t.co/aAcoCU1IKp
A1: Lack of flexibility. One thing that I have learned along the way, is that every day is different. Lost without flexibility.
A2: I'm trying to find a way to give kids more recess time. I saw somewhere that kids get recess 3 times a day and scores improved
A2 Extra time for planning w/ colleagues to start.
A2: Just spending time with students and staff. Hear their stories without being rushed!
Strong communication? A1 - What's the Q?
A1 petty conflicts between students..especially the girls
A2: (1 of 2) I wish I had time for myself. Self-care is just something that goes the wayside in the hectic mess that is Spring sem
A2 time to wonder, build, and escape into a great book or convo!
A2 - the morning visit with students. My favorite time of day to chat and build those relationships.
A2: Building relationships. It is something we do every day but is such an important part of our every day. Need more time!
As Not letting students help create the classroom environments it's their classroom, not just yours
Neil, Principal, East Greenwich RI
A2: More time to simply debrief with teachers on a host of positives.
A2: Twitter Chats!! I wish more Ts would have time/make time for the BEST PD ever!!
A2: cross curricular planning w other Ts to create meaningful learning
A2: Professional reading and learning. My pile is quite high.
A2: To get into classrooms to teach. Students must see administrators in the classroom.
Right with you on this one, Nili!! Dale Carnegie said your own name is the sweetest sound in the world to a person.
A2: just listening to kids tell their stories....they have so much to share
A2. Connecting on a personal level with the neediest or students
A2: Just getting to have FUN with Ss! more time, relationship building activities
A2 I wish Ts made more time for authentic learning.
more time to get outside to play basketball and soccer
A2: More time to let ss explore, create, and make mistakes on the path to their best learning!
A2 Extra time for grading, nope, I would rather have extra time with Ss being able to work with them, listen to them.
A2: time to collaborate / work w/ other teachers to hone and refine our work https://t.co/oDCZLGuEUA
Q2: Leap year gives us an EXTRA day every 4 years! What is something in education you wish we had EXTRA time for every week?
A2 More time for Ts to plan, collaborate, and share ideas about topics of passion. https://t.co/Jxmg5UYF8o
Q2: Leap year gives us an EXTRA day every 4 years! What is something in education you wish we had EXTRA time for every week?
A2: (2 of 2) I wish I had time and resources form more hands-on projects for my students this semester
Mine too! And I'd add more time for non-school reading too.
A2 teaching outside curriculum about more passions,societal issues,teachable moments -oh -&reading comic books https://t.co/I1vLzIkxbg
A2: Also vertical alignment with all grade levels
A2: Citizenship/stewardship.
just being outside for a few minutes is such a morale boost!
A2 More time to work w/Ss indiv, build relatshps But for me, more conferences, reading and
Yes! So easy to be in such a rush that we miss their stories. :(
Very important and the first thing I tell new teachers each year https://t.co/sSqaizj8WP
A2: (1 of 2) I wish I had time for myself. Self-care is just something that goes the wayside in the hectic mess that is Spring sem
A2- Reading novels aloud to my students. This used to be one of my favorite parts of the day. Loved seeing the Ss get lost a book.
A2: I wished all my ideas actually became assignments & projects that could be done in time
Q1 LY makes adjustments for a small issue that can create havoc over time. What's a small thing in Edu that if ignored creates havoc?
Behavioral issues sharply declined as well, if I recall. Kids need to move! https://t.co/Gd0AiOkdIB
A2: I'm trying to find a way to give kids more recess time. I saw somewhere that kids get recess 3 times a day and scores improved
Just having good weather today was amazing. Better behavior, more focused. https://t.co/meI5PCMf5C
just being outside for a few minutes is such a morale boost!
A2: More time to plan w/ other highly effective T & to visit their classrooms!
A2: Just time for meaningful conversation really getting to know people's stories and celebrating each other.
A2: Play, reading, writing, talking, prob. solving, GH, Projects, maker space, BreakoutEdu, collaboration, coding...very long list!
A2: PD, tech training for up and coming things, peer observation& collaboration, (then there is the restroom & lunch too 😉)
You were scaring me there for first 4 words!
A2: More time for connecting and teachable moments, less time on high stakes testing!
These spiral out of control so quickly! (I work in the juvenile justice system and the petty conflicts cause wars.)
I think we all struggle with this. Instructional time must be considered sacred.
A2: An extra day for relationship-building would be fantastic! Little more Little more Little more hanging with people...
A2 planning PD teachers' time is so busy!
A2: I wish I had more time for reflecting/ planning. It always seems to get the best of me.
A2 extra time for science! 1st grade is so focused on math and reading I sometimes feel like science is an after thought
oooh we need to be best friends!! I am speaking at a high school tomorrow- super excited :)
A2: I think the "hours" could be more "wishable" for the better...8:00--3:30 is a long day & it's tough not to get fried by April
Yes! I think many elem Ts feel the same way!
Wouldn't it be great if we had "coffee shop time"?! To build those imp relationships. https://t.co/hIMwUakQqM
A2 - the morning visit with students. My favorite time of day to chat and build those relationships.
A2 : I'm incorporating short 2min meditations in classes to calm & focus students- very effective but time is a challenge!
A2: Blog writing & reflecting. There are so many people that would benefit by opening up the doors to our classrooms thru blogging.
A1. lack of communication, too many Ss in a bldg. No access to library. Not enough time to be professional (please, thank you, etc.)
A2b more time for collaboration among teachers—vertical and horizontal planning
q2: more time spent doing hands on things that seem to get shuffled to the side at times, more time to listen/learn w/kids &colleagues
Amen to this. Ss love to be read to. This can create a love of reading for all Ss. So much can be learned. https://t.co/2CrqHGu2Zb
A2- Reading novels aloud to my students. This used to be one of my favorite parts of the day. Loved seeing the Ss get lost a book.
A2 As a VP, more time in each classroom to talk with kids
Me, too! I'm looking for more reading time.
A2 I wish we had more time to collaborate as teachers about bringing more passion into the classroom for us and the students!
I tried Paper Footballs as a Team building Activity and it totally worked, I was working my pirate skills.
A1 too much emphasis on results, tests, $ from our politicians.
That is an awesome idea! It would definitely help those students not crazy about mornings to come and start on good note.
A2: Conferencing w/ students about their progress.
Just got here...what is Q2?
And returning teachers. It's so easy to forget!
A2: time to collaborate. The best ideas come with multiple minds!
What do you wish there was EXTRA time for each week?
Our Ss are incarcerated-we have to wait for them to come to class & they get pulled from class by officers...etc.
Q2: Leap year gives us an EXTRA day every 4 years! What is something in education you wish we had EXTRA time for every week?
A2: Ability to stop time because natural curiosity & wonderment got best of us. Taking more trips to explore https://t.co/WzYVuzFqyU
What is something in education you wish you had more time for? :)
you rock star. Welcome https://t.co/slSeserEyy
Q2: Leap year gives us an EXTRA day every 4 years! What is something in education you wish we had EXTRA time for every week?
Heard Finland has shorter school day with more planning time for Ts.
Yes! I have learned to block off time & will continue to make it a priority important for reflective practice. https://t.co/hXLNTzDHau
A2: Blog writing & reflecting. There are so many people that would benefit by opening up the doors to our classrooms thru blogging.
I loved some paper football games in class! We always got in trouble though. Cool idea! https://t.co/9XCSfoUnoO
I tried Paper Footballs as a Team building Activity and it totally worked, I was working my pirate skills.
Great idea to stimulate creativity. I would imagine it is well worth the challenges.
A2 - more time to go off on tangents!
A2 would like more time w my Ss. Only 2.5 hrs per week. I want more!!😉
and goal setting! That would be nice to have some time for each s!
A2 I would love extra time for PBL & Genius Hour type opportunities for Ss
Q3: What is an obstacle currently in your way that you are committed to LEAPING over during this year? After all, it IS Leap Year!
Shorter SD wouldn't work here but a 4 day week would or a longer day with diff Ts / activities?
Seriously! I have at least ONE per class period which is easy to tell a story in a hiSTORY class!
A2 meaningful conversation with colleagues with space to think about innovative ideas
Totally agree...What can we rearrange to make this work?
A2 More time to get to know students and colleagues through fun activities
A2 More time for Ts to observe the awesome Ts in their own building...so much to be learned from one another.
Great to hear, that's exciting!
So great to see you here!
I have started giving a 10 min no talking music time to focus on work rather than just conversation.
= Integration across curriculum - easier said than done.
A2: For science, more lab time for sure!!! :)
A2: Just got done w/ my admin interview, jumping in late. I wish I had more time to collaborate with teachers in house and online
A1 less comprehensive curriculum. Why do we cover umpteen million things when Ss should master a few each year?
A2 More time for reflection - this leads to deeper learning, change, improvement
A2 I wish as a tech coach I had more time to work with Ts...Our days are so full!
This is an EXCELLENT use of extra time!
Yes! We so rarely get enough time to see what our peers are doing.
Yes! Visited there this past summer to study their education system. For sure this was a priority. https://t.co/5XpA5EtBKr
Heard Finland has shorter school day with more planning time for Ts.
Can totally relate to this one!! Me too https://t.co/xdEPles01F
A2: Professional reading and learning. My pile is quite high.
A3 "I can't ". Whether from ss or other Ts, because yes, we can!
A3 publicizing what I do - teachers need to shout out the amazing things we door behind doors everyday. Not boastful - just pride
A2:Ts need more collaboration time. As compared to other countries, we log the most minutes with Ss with virtually no time to meet.
When? :) Love the idea what gets cut? Not just for this but all the other activities we're piling on due to internet
A2 Extra time to give chances for students to reflect and create. Pose the same question to them.
Yes meditation has been totally worthwhile it has benefits beyond the classroom too so it's a gift that keeps giving!
A3:Implementation of new programs on the fly without thinking them through thoroughly.
We do paper airplane olymipcs. One class is building a mini-greenhouse for our Tower Garden seedlings now but costs $ :/
Time. So many ideas, so little time to implement https://t.co/NAz3TQ8qPh
Q3: What is an obstacle currently in your way that you are committed to LEAPING over during this year? After all, it IS Leap Year!
A2: more time to spend in the classrooms of each of our
. Couple years ago my Ss made their own game called "Deski" played across desks. Came in at lunch. Thanks for the memory-jog
I think we really need to spend time evaluating what matters.
A3 I hope we can leap over the boundaries that have been holding & authentic learning out of the juvenile prisons!
A3 We struggle w/ lack of subs. Had to rethink how to offer pd. we are using technology instead. https://t.co/6yBLsQqvew
Q3: What is an obstacle currently in your way that you are committed to LEAPING over during this year? After all, it IS Leap Year!
A3) Sharing with my PLN, helping my Ts & Ss connecting with other classrooms.
the class knows I am prone to going on tangents as well and they encourage it!
a3: my own doubt - I have so much to give but always stop myself short
Sometimes have to say i Can't. Too much on our plate our Ss suffer, home life suffers, we suffer. Boundaries
A3 sometimes I feel changed 2 the text book...I'm determined to change that, while still following district guidelines.
A2 LYs are special. More special days would be cool. Til they got old. Too many things get old. Prolly better every 4th year.
A3:I'm trying holding class in a different room (not my assigned classrm). Not easier for me but I hope better for my Ss.
A3: I am committed to leaping over complacency...I'm embracing my own extraordinary & celebrating it in others too!🎉
Having a good week..sporting a new hair style these days :)
A3: Would like to "leap" over standardized test scores & focus on whole child & deep learning and exploration!
Yes! It's time to ! would love this answer!
A2: negative attitudes & fear
The rewards are great when we are successful!
Must share. Otherwise no one will know.
Awesome! Love seeing stuff like this. https://t.co/i1TIFFXKwS
. Couple years ago my Ss made their own game called "Deski" played across desks. Came in at lunch. Thanks for the memory-jog
A3: Fitting 400+ years of US History in 180 days of 70 & 50 min class periods. Determining whats MOST important UGH!!!!
A3: to continue to tech Art in unorthodox, help to show the relevance in all aspects/subject areas.
A3: Schedule - I keep working on it and haven't had the perfect idea yet. I need to find a better way https://t.co/B0dwVGukvw
A3 Lack of out of office time to observe other teachers & their work w/ curriculum. https://t.co/Qr0Um88jQG
Q3: What is an obstacle currently in your way that you are committed to LEAPING over during this year? After all, it IS Leap Year!
A3: all the true but useless excuses. Let's focus on solutions instead of challenges. Can't change their home etc. What can we do?
Complacency is such an enemy of great learning! https://t.co/pc8nknUisV
A3: I am committed to leaping over complacency...I'm embracing my own extraordinary & celebrating it in others too!🎉
Spot on. Then we need to convince the politicians and others.
A3: technology roadblocks - but we making huge progress and we're about to bust through
A3 - I've been trying new things this year to get out of the "old" and give students valuable learning opportunities!
A3: I like Ss to have choice/and have their individual needs met. I will leap through a flaming hoop to make that happen in my class!
A3: getting away from the traditional classroom set up and creating a comfortable learning enviro
A3: Student apathy runs wild in my school. Kids just don't do their work. Some don't get it at times, but I need to make sure they try
Glad you can vouch for me.
A3: I've so many. :) After 14 yrs in the hs classroom, I moved to 5th/6th. Adjusting to new learning style, planning, etc.
A3 the obsession education has with measuring everything through numbers. I want to follow intuition.
Just read Building Schools 2.0 - Fav. quote: Admiring the problem https://t.co/BwMiGZwJ29
A3: all the true but useless excuses. Let's focus on solutions instead of challenges. Can't change their home etc. What can we do?
I meant Can't as in doubting own abilities. A healthy No is crucial to balance and self-care
A3 Feeling really lucky that I'm in situation where I'm encouraged to take risks & try new & innovative ideas Thanks !
Great ideas, I was needing some new ideas. Especially the airplane olympics, my Ss will buy in on that https://t.co/Kwf65T6oDJ
We do paper airplane olymipcs. One class is building a mini-greenhouse for our Tower Garden seedlings now but costs $ :/
A3 I leap to stay motivated! Avoid the negativity & sense of complacency that have a way of spreading like a virus around education
A3: our schedule is getting an overhaul next year, hoping it helps
A3:as parttime literacy coach I see more time filled with assessments. That's not working literacy...it's testing it: not the same
I an SO with you. You should see my inbox. (Hope we cross paths again soon btw)
A3 Refocus and recommit to more engaging activities on a more consistent basis.
absolutely. I'm at a new school and have tried to incorporate it, but my Ss are suffering. NO MORE
Love this passion!! https://t.co/NQa0WZC1EK
A3: I like Ss to have choice/and have their individual needs met. I will leap through a flaming hoop to make that happen in my class!
A3: I want to solve the mysteries of the universe--I am in search of a engaging way to help my JH Ss who struggle w/Voc. succeed.
Especially with all the Twitter chats now.
A3 Leaping over district initiatives & scheduled meetings can be challenging. Working on prioritizing
A3: being pulled down by the negative...okay to get it out, but then MOVE ON...let it go...on to growth, solutions, the positive
Yes! The numbers often only confirm what good educators already know. https://t.co/ilWylM0jFf
A3 the obsession education has with measuring everything through numbers. I want to follow intuition.
A3: "Leaping" over the Laggards and realizing that rule bending means ownership and progress
A3 great question, finding ways to have accessible to all Ss, have opps for everyone to choose
A3 Leaving all the negativity behind and just focusing on leaping and leading forward.
Q4 1 definition of leap is to move suddenly. Change doesn't have to take a long time! What is something you can change NOW? Commit!!
Yes they are. Mine too as a librarian at two Schools.
Class schedule. Trying to find more hours in the day and still meet the needs of the kids https://t.co/3rnXZJ0iCK
what do you mean by schedule? Your schedule for your class or personal scheduled?
Rule "bending"...nice reframe!
A3: Taking more risks without overcommitting. Being okay to "let go" of some details if it's not perfect. https://t.co/kQvCicb0zN
Moving is hard, yet does make us adjust our focus and grow... I moved this year too. Every move makes us better!
Absolutely!! Love this, April!
Q3 need to "leap" over the habit of becoming complacent spring semester and continue to try new and exciting things!
A4: Stop questioning and give myself a chance.
yes so many suggestions then I can go straight to & buy but finding the time to read them all is tricky
A3: Leap over, push through, navigate around. Whatevs! There are no obstacles...just opportunities to be creative for our Ss.
"All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous unpremeditated act without benefit of experience." - Henry Miller
You are a rockstar who keeps moving. Don't stop to question. https://t.co/L9XG0gEmOG
A4: Stop questioning and give myself a chance.
A4 I would love to commit to observing other Ts in & out of my district. I'd use extra time for that too.
That is a challenge! All the Ts and Ss are mad because you can't always be there!
I'm thinking about writing a book...need to catalog this journey I'm on and channel it for the good.
A3- More time planning for teaching rather than placating- surviving ATM- long term sub
A4: keeping enthusiastic in class even as we enter testing season...
A4: I've already committed to SBG in my classroom & will work@w/ another teacher as she rolls it out. https://t.co/vfXBtgvhYm
Q4 1 definition of leap is to move suddenly. Change doesn't have to take a long time! What is something you can change NOW? Commit!!
As given the opportunity to be a Tech coordinator in Oct. It's the challenge of working differently than in a classroom.
Thanks. That means a lot coming from you.
a3 begin the day with a huge grin, be relentlessly positive towards my 8th gr. Homeroom!
A4: Staying positive, student centered, team player and committed to change.
A3: Lack of resources. Staying passionate and positive smack dab in the middle of the shortage! 👍🏼
, this pirate is going to join our local ed chat. Thanks crew for some awesome brain juice! Awesome ship to be on!
A4 After today SPHS teachers are changing their lessons to incorporate more pirate awesomeness. https://t.co/22hP8bXo6O
Q4 1 definition of leap is to move suddenly. Change doesn't have to take a long time! What is something you can change NOW? Commit!!
A4 - continue to try new things and not get discouraged if they don't work.
A4: Mindset! Choose positivity and focus on student learning and engagement. Let that be our measuring stick always!
Not sure I agree. Some yes. Others no. Still thinking.
I'm battling this w/ my campus as well!
A4 Leaping over expectations, mulling over that one for a second. I can Change the students
A4: Spend time each day acknowledging the good and positive. Encourage don't discourage.
A4 enter the building with a smile—keep it positive all day, with everyone!
I just want to grab you, look you right in the eye and convince you how amazing you are! And I might!
A4: Making a positive phone call TONIGHT & every day of March😊 I'm changing the classroom tonight & we will start with FUN tomorrow.
A3 Starting teacher school. It's taking me forever to fill out the requisite application documents.
A4: Engagement! It's all about the journey and the journey must be powerful and stimulating!
just wait. I might find a way to work in Lisa Turtle before the chat is over. 😂
A4: committing to more time creating & planning with our teams, carving out time
Agreed. She is amazing https://t.co/BEezrvQJjb
I just want to grab you, look you right in the eye and convince you how amazing you are! And I might!
Sometimes you can leap so quickly you don't realize the rule was there to begin with.
That response right there is why the crew is so awesome!
A4: I can change my attitude toward everything whenever I want. I could make today's problems be tomorrow's areas for improvement
A4 Ask more questions that require students to think more critically. Challenge them to become more reflective thinkers and writers.
Great chat Headed to work on lesson plans. Thanks for the great PD tonight!
2 classes of airplanes, one paper only, one anything goes. Farthest flight wins. It's amazing what they come up with.
A4 not to be corny - but your book had me leap. gave me "permission" to bring in my passions - life changing - thanks!
YES! It's always about what's best for kids. Don't lose that focus. https://t.co/oym5ZSjadz
A4: Mindset! Choose positivity and focus on student learning and engagement. Let that be our measuring stick always!
Nice! Love seeing taking off in classes!
We have a district wide peer observation process and everyone gets 2 visits covered https://t.co/6OWt014xUm
A4 I would love to commit to observing other Ts in & out of my district. I'd use extra time for that too.
A4: Moving from engagement to empowerment for students (thank you ) It's my new mantra!
A4: Collaborate more. I need to make a point to get more time in with others. I can’t do it all.
A4 I commit to being a positive role model to Ts and Ss in showing others how I leap over boundaries @ work & keep giving my all!
Taking a small work break. Love all the questions and answers on and . Thanks for the motivation!
Not make everyone suffer alongside you? :) Good luck write away.
A4: 1) Hit that publish button on the blog!
2) Let only positive things come out of my mouth tomorrow!
A4 My actions, how I help Ss, give them more choices, ask for input, stay positive, lots!
Q4 I'm committing to remaining enthusiastic about my students and content!
You are SO welcome...that makes my night!
It's not corny, I am collecting all the pirate books as well! Best PD reading! https://t.co/QCYShJmi6U
A4 not to be corny - but your book had me leap. gave me "permission" to bring in my passions - life changing - thanks!
if we were peter pan, we could fly, but we are pirates so we leap - hey that still rocks the boat!
All of this! https://t.co/pZuZfZl6Db
"All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous unpremeditated act without benefit of experience." - Henry Miller
True story for me too. was and is a game changer.
A4 not to be corny - but your book had me leap. gave me "permission" to bring in my passions - life changing - thanks!
that's an ambitious and fantastic goal!
A4: being grateful to be in this school with these kids and these teachers this year...start and end each day this way...
A4 I commit to continuously tell "Our story" & to continue to grow as an educator by connecting more.
That is nice to have built into schedule.
this is something we talk a lot about in fine arts - hard to measure creativity via numbers
A4 I'm doing a stint at project management (not my fav) atm. Kicking it [mindset] up a notch & leaping over doubt is a good change..
Just leaped from the ship to the crew! Ready to JUMP in! Jessie Erickson, The Martian (only one I saw)!
I now use comics and hip-hop in class to great success. My room is so chill now - not sterile.
I wish this for every educator & for every child https://t.co/zBjzAUJt1A
A3: Would like to "leap" over standardized test scores & focus on whole child & deep learning and exploration!
A4: Today, I can focus on WHO I teach, and not let WHAT I teach get in the way.
If you are engaging in this conversation you have taken the first step towards greatness. The tools are here, put them to use & sail.
I need to write in my blog! Thanks for the reminder!!
And you do an incredible & inspiring job leading!
A4 Need to encourage Ts to embrace Twitter-changing my after school tech support to "Let's Rock it w/Twitter" or something like that:)
Q4- More jokes and laughs
Yes, it can be a game changer for sure. Peers are doing amazing things. Get out and see. https://t.co/EyGweymYsk
That is nice to have built into schedule.
Sometimes people need positive encouragement. Other times, I can positively motivate them to get with the program. :)
I just started writing three things that I am thankful for each night before I go to bed. I'm enjoying it!
yeah, we're the pirates, but we get to teach the Pans!
Q5 We want S's to take LEAPS, too! Sometimes all it takes is a challenge. How can we inspire & challenge our S's to stretch for more?
I'm like Civil War. Lincoln had so many problems to deal with. He needed more to do like he needed a hole in the... uh oh
A4: words, attitude, mindset, PD via Twitter, collaboration w other Ts, tech via
A4: Motivated by a chat last wk. Diversity in class starts w/my choices. I'm sharing a new book from a each day.
A4 taking time to listen to my elementary Ss (all 1,400 and counting)
Yes! You'd be surprised who reads/gets inspired by what you write -I had such an experience this week!Publish! https://t.co/qAUY2Jv4xX
A4: 1) Hit that publish button on the blog!
2) Let only positive things come out of my mouth tomorrow!
Stop being afraid to screw up, stress out about not getting through curriculum and let the Ss drive the ship. Yikes!
A5: First model risk taking for our Students & then give them the opportunities to try new things & create!
a5: "find the circumferences of these circles." Then walk away
A5 I've been working on giving up control and giving it to the kids to take charge of their own learning.
A5: Encourage Ss to take a step out of their comfort zone. Encourage risk. Think outside the box. https://t.co/VOCS72ZTbK
Scary stuff! But worth it!
A5 stretching the limits with tech to create! Can't wait to see what they do!
Q5 create an environment where risk taking is celebrated, create trust and Ss will fly
A5: Be wrong in class...If you the T are wrong a few times, they see it, they get it, and they accept being wrong too, so they guess!
A5 modeling risk, failing, and getting back up. Creating room to grow, empowering learners, not just engaging them.
A5 We inspire by doing the same, take a risk, lead by example, show it's ok to fail, make mistakes, help them grow
Same applies to staff! :)
A5a: Being wrong shows we're all human...Ain't nobody perfect y'all!
create a safe climate 4 risk taking & make all Ss believe in themselves. Let them know we've faith in them https://t.co/JJtANnU4IQ
Q5 We want S's to take LEAPS, too! Sometimes all it takes is a challenge. How can we inspire & challenge our S's to stretch for more?
Yes! We don't want to just build better Trivial Pursuit players! Makers! Creators! Innovators!
LOVE the on the spot push to change something NOW...My fav yoga pose we can't ease into. The instructor says CHARGE!:)
A5: Build relationships, listen, give them opportunities. Ss need chances for success and more importantly chances to fail.
Encouragement. Guidance. Support. Allowance to fail w/ opportunity to learn from it. https://t.co/AvMGWpb21r
Q5 We want S's to take LEAPS, too! Sometimes all it takes is a challenge. How can we inspire & challenge our S's to stretch for more?
A5 - by modeling and encouraging it. Discuss the failures and how to learn from them. See it is alright to try
A5: Lead by coaching. We don't need to be experts in everything, we just need to know how to find the answers.
. you can do it. Just check one box at a time. Some lucky school will get you! https://t.co/1xyqq4i0NF
A3 Starting teacher school. It's taking me forever to fill out the requisite application documents.
thank goodness, I make mistakes all the time ;)
A5 First we must model and share personal success & failures. Then we must reassure supportive role & demonstrate potential benefits
A5: Share you're successes AND failures too! Be open to their interests and work along with Ss to solve problems.
I just met f2f with yesterday, and I'm fired up to gamify,esp after hearing about what he's done in ELA.
A5 Help create learning situations where Ss can have authentic learning and want to leap in and learn!
A5: Give them space, opportunity, encouragement, challenge, ask & LISTEN to what they have to say!
A5: be open honest - tell your story & others share theirs school isn't easy but the this that create struggle have the highest reward
A4: Commit to growing professionally and growing my PLN
one of my favorites -speed dating with books. push kids out of their comfort zone and engage them in new ways https://t.co/0CQIOv6DW0
Great answer, Angela! https://t.co/VMRo5WxNCK
A5: Give them space, opportunity, encouragement, challenge, ask & LISTEN to what they have to say!
A5: Model it! Embrace & celebrate failure & learning from it. Take some w them!
A5: I try to create an environment in which my students feel safe to make mistakes. It's an amazing, but fragile bubble to teach in
A5: Set student expectations high then assist kids to reach them. Let them know it's okay to "take that leap of faith." 🐸
A5 that's the answer in how we get students to Leap. That is where I am finding ways to inspire and give side challenges
Ss want more when they are invested. Having students live the history has made it real and powerful
A5 my students liked earning a personal "Woot Woot!" as I handed back work today!
I agree with . I make mistakes all the time! I tell them I did it on purpose though:) https://t.co/knXQQNa6X0
A5: Be wrong in class...If you the T are wrong a few times, they see it, they get it, and they accept being wrong too, so they guess!
A5: Create an environment that fosters growth mindset and continuous learning. Allow Ss to ask questions.
A5: Encourage and model risk-taking- Let them see you trying and failing. Praise the effort and perseverance
and empower ss to find own answers and new problems
A5 Trust, value all Ss input, give each S opportunity to discuss no matter how crazy. As they are comfortable mold the conversation.
Q5 Model enthusiasm, it's contagious &can bring a dull topic to life. Ss will think it's important if you show them you think it is 2
A5 Inspired students that feel secure are more willing to take leaps, be open to risk & make positive changes! Add a spark to class!
A5: Friendly competition. Make things competitive, but supportive, yet still fun.
A5 Rewind the classroom environment to 1960 for an activity/lesson. That'd motivate anyone to LEAP away.
That's what it's all about, isn't it? :)
A4 Tomorrow change the life of ONE student with a life-altering compliment.
A5 - need advice. like a cheerleader w/ you can do it , and atta boy/girl! still doesn't always work for my readers
A5:this all begins by building trust in https://t.co/Sag17jeR50 building exercises,lots of chances for Ss to express. Risk will happen
Ss respect it when they see you face failure and problems with grit. It is great for them to see! Example Example Example
A5 When we make it matter, Ss are all in-aren't we? If my Ss know what they create can be shared with the world, engagement is crazy.
A5 I found it starts with listening actively to our Ss. Respect what they have to say, enjoy the Slow Conversation Movement.
A5 - a lot of praise and encouragement when they do take the risk!
a ss asked me today if we could do a "what if" day. They wanted me to have the answers- they'll need to figure those out themselves!
A5: Do all that you can to invest in relationships with Ss. Show them & tell them that you believe in them.
A5; I love telling my s's that this work is what the older students do & I really shouldn't be letting them try it they get so pumped!
That real-world audience can make a huge difference! So true, Nili!
A5: One of the most important things Ss can hear is "I believe in you". Making sure our actions align with those words is POWERFUL!
Yes! Make it real! https://t.co/HdQlQnowLL
A5 When we make it matter, Ss are all in-aren't we? If my Ss know what they create can be shared with the world, engagement is crazy.
A5: I'm taking the leap and trying Ss will be taking the leap with me!
A5 a lot of growth mindset talk! Checkout growth mindset videos! My Ss love them!
maybe also share a compliment to a peer too! https://t.co/4tR3nXgRSY
A4 Tomorrow change the life of ONE student with a life-altering compliment.
Q5: By showing them that we're just big kids at heart too and no matter how old you are, you're never too old to learn something new.
A5: Be real with kids. Relationships get stronger when we share true ourselves, be silly, be wrong...
Always. Then get them to change their thinking along the way
the teacher next door to me is still in the 60s.
Q6 "One small step for a man, one giant LEAP for mankind." -Neil Armstrong What is a leap you've already taken that changed your life?
My son just told me he is leaping because just updated to 1.9
This is where miracles happen.
A5: Come in 1 day and not say a word. Not one word. The equivalent of Ss walking the plank. Total immersed control of their learning
A5: bring new experiences into the classroom, light the spark that leaves them wanting to know more, do more, go farther
A5: Give them opportunities to Leap. It's an experience no matter what. They won't forget that moment. https://t.co/Q7AJ884uCp
Got to leap out early. 🐒 See you very soon Captain 👍🏼👍🏼😊
In 15 years of teaching, I've seen this work EVERY time! https://t.co/ggNeAc61aM
Q5 Model enthusiasm, it's contagious &can bring a dull topic to life. Ss will think it's important if you show them you think it is 2
Just wait until he encounters Microsoft :)
Sounds like the silent day from Learn Like a Pirate! Haven't tried it yet but want to! https://t.co/oq1eM4OSJq
A5: Come in 1 day and not say a word. Not one word. The equivalent of Ss walking the plank. Total immersed control of their learning
Excellent! That will be a game changer!
agreed. Chances are if the rule was worth missing there is a positive student outcome to be had
A6: Connecting with amazing educators on Twitter & Blogging...totally transformed everything! And of course :)
Can't wait! Thanks for putting dinner together!
So he's 40 years ahead of us, right?
love it - have to try that soon!
A6: I went back to school and got my Masters degree in EdTech. HUGE leap that was totally worth it😊
Such a great leap to take! Enjoy! We leaped as a class at the beginning of this school year. Ss❤️it! https://t.co/NDhLFKhbIC
A5: I'm taking the leap and trying Ss will be taking the leap with me!
A6: I took the leap out of campus admin & back into and it was the right move in every way
A6 - Student Centered Classroom!
A6: I went all in on the bandwagon. You know it. When I read the book and saw I knew there was no going back
A6 I took the leap to embrace a shared model of leadership. This created more leaders & empowered Ts. https://t.co/Rkxjw2TBZm
Q6 "One small step for a man, one giant LEAP for mankind." -Neil Armstrong What is a leap you've already taken that changed your life?
Relocating for my passion - teaching / living in the southwest / leaving everything I knew 2000 miles away. https://t.co/UOsnb3mpcy
Q6 "One small step for a man, one giant LEAP for mankind." -Neil Armstrong What is a leap you've already taken that changed your life?
let's not rewind, I just barely got a principal that is gungho on using technology - his main obj. 1:1 in 5 years.
A6 being a middle school T. Those 3 years were awful for me as a s. I've had to face that to help ss enjoy this great time of life
A6 Two years ago I became a connected learner, built a PLN and started blogging. Started Teaching Like A Pirate. changing
A6: Accepted the challenge. Game changer in my career and friendships that were formed as a result.
A6: Accepted the challenge. Game changer in my career and friendships that were formed as a result.
A6 I am proud of the leap I made to bring Twitter into my classroom before I left to become a Tech Coach!
A5: Stop using recipes for projects and learning opportunities! Remove the ceiling and let students fly.
A6: Relocating for my passion - teaching / living in the southwest / leaving everything I knew 2000 miles away.
So he finally made it work?
A6: Going back to school to get a MA in Ed Tech. Love seeing what it can do for Ts and Ss. Inspirational what can be done!
A6: jumping in to tech and learning as I go!
A5 be the example.Don't stay in your comfort zone. Make the task something you would also enjoy doing.
A6 The great leap that changed my life was choosing to follow my dream in the when all I heard was fear, doubt & back up plans!
A6 Getting both hands around in everything I do
A6 taking this job in middle of year. Always taught my students to take risks, go outside your comfort zone. Must live what I preach
I took a leap yrs ago & decided other T's may be interested in my ideas & signed up to do a workshop. Wow! Trust me...take YOUR leap!
Yes!! &voice not https://t.co/7KDZGhAKqR
A5: Stop using recipes for projects and learning opportunities! Remove the ceiling and let students fly.
Dig deep. Focus on their successes, help them understand their weaknesses. For instance, 2nd language learners may be slow
A6: I got my masters in educational admin, & I'm on the trail to try to make change in a bigger way. Hopefully 1st step was tonight!
A6: marriage & kids=personal. Twitter, , challenges, grant writing =professional https://t.co/eeEY5rfTWo
Q6 "One small step for a man, one giant LEAP for mankind." -Neil Armstrong What is a leap you've already taken that changed your life?
This was the right move for you! So much talent! https://t.co/dWjq5vMHHt
A6 The great leap that changed my life was choosing to follow my dream in the when all I heard was fear, doubt & back up plans!
A6 S centered classroom, students explore grow—and constantly astound me! 😀
A6 going back to school for another degree :) masters in IT, in May, went from bachelor's degree to J.D., now masters
Q6 This year I've committed to getting outside of my comfort zone with activities. If they fail? Oh well, get back up and try again :)
My leap was admitting that being an incredible teacher was success. We don't need to be admin to be worthy leaders.
We are ALL so glad you took this leap! https://t.co/7YnSovzqr2
A6 The great leap that changed my life was choosing to follow my dream in the when all I heard was fear, doubt & back up plans!
A6 Reaching out to others on Twitter for advice & support was a LEAP well worth taking!
A6: I gained confidence, started presenting at conferences, expanded my PLN, and learned how to Twitter chat from
A6: Saying/doing what I know to be true and right for students, being their advocate, even(especially) when it's an unpopular position
Thanks appreciate it, forever joyous I took the risk on a creative life!
A6 Oh yeah! Going 350 miles to Abilene for in September '13 was a HUGE leap: still resonates today! TY
Thanks for taking that leap. make a difference
professionally- trying new ways to teach everyday and not being afraid if it's not perfect!
your experiences make you perfect for the job! You can relate and understand.
Great perspective! I'm new to middle school, too (after many yrs in elem). Such an awkward time-I want to bring the fun.
A6: I'm know as the costume guy now, which I fully embrace. Expect the unexpected. Make it memorable for Ss https://t.co/jBT72MvYYh
A6 Hard to announce to your colleagues you've decided to become a pirate and in addition, a superhero- & changed my life
A6: Left 6th grade teaching job to become an instructional coach. Gained perspective, new collaborators, ideas, time for innovation.
Yes! Many different paths to success and teacher is a noble and mighty one.
A6 Took the leap from classroom teacher to teacher librarian. Amazing!
A5: by showing Ss that they can! Just bc it was not figured out in a min. Doesn't make it a failure.
But you did and it was awesome https://t.co/UED4W0anDu
A6 Hard to announce to your colleagues you've decided to become a pirate and in addition, a superhero- & changed my life
sounds corny but we can find a little of our students in each character.
I agree, amazingly talented.
Q7 usually goes here. Guess what? We are skipping it! It is time for us to LEAP into the rest of our night! Thx for joining !
Yes!! Live is always fun! I love hosting it live at events!
Such a scary leap! Probably feels like nothing looking back! https://t.co/7qjHdtsJCW
I took a leap yrs ago & decided other T's may be interested in my ideas & signed up to do a workshop. Wow! Trust me...take YOUR leap!
embrace it! Their minds are growing at break neck speeds, and a T who is right with them is a game changer!
Take the leap you will land on greatness https://t.co/S0tk1GL6ZR
I took a leap yrs ago & decided other T's may be interested in my ideas & signed up to do a workshop. Wow! Trust me...take YOUR leap!
A6 Ditching the calendar stress. Ss are not programmed to compute. They learn on their time table, not the goals we set in August.
have to leap off to get ready for tomorrow. Thanks!
Can't wait to check it out! Congrats!
A6 Staying with this job 3 years, 41 credits, two library reorganizations (same lib) a fulbright trip, & 2 presentations later
that is what I've discovered. Never thought this would be my fave age group to teach.
Another great chat . Thanks for being an inspiration in my LEAPing this year. Couldn’t have done it without
A6 knowing that Praxis is in my future -want to - not have to
Thanks for the chat on taking a "Leap" tonight Glad we don't have to wait every 4 years for a great chat:)
A6: By facing my fears/challenges, I'm a S again! Learning in a new/different environ. is tough! It's all about how I skate the curve.
Very true. Took me a good 15 years to embrace this though. Happy I did.
I LOVE this amazing crew! Thank you so much for all you do to make this community a supportive and inspiring place for us to gather.
Thank you. It was all about taking risks. You did it. We were there to make you walk the plank. https://t.co/zaovqqQMc1
don't know that I would have without you and Beth
Thanks for an informative and very fast chat! Wow! https://t.co/lqpyMPFTJh
Q7 usually goes here. Guess what? We are skipping it! It is time for us to LEAP into the rest of our night! Thx for joining !
A6: My "leap" was trying to stretch my mind to create memorable experiences for kids that are still driven by outcomes
Thank you as always Dave. Keep walking the plank and taking those leaps.
A6: left security of a job I loved for 33 years to begin anew -enormous personal &professional growth in 2 years
Thanks for a thought provoking evening! You inspire us all to be great !
A6-took the leap from teacher to teacher/singer songwriter/history rocker :)
Thanks, Sandy. Same to you!
So glad you did...you have many leaping with you!
A6: I dove in head-first to small group instruction and manipulatives. Its been awesome.
Don't announce it to them. Announce it to your Ss. Watch what happens
Thanks for the inspiration—ready to take a leap toward greatness!
good chat Dave! Always fun with the crew.
Thanks and everybody in . Have a great week.
I just don't broadcast it. As long as my students know, I have nothing to prove. Others either catch on, or don't.
Thanks for fast paced chat filled with positivity. Will be scrolling through to see what I've missed for sure!
Hope you had fun with your sis this past week! That girl is just a wee bit crazy!
thanks pirates. And remember, no school on February 30!
Great convo and insight as always. BTW one of my students secret hello is a pirate sneer in the hallways! 😂
I was trained as a "sage on a stage" ~ ss now have the world at their fingertips. My "leap" was off this stage to help ss navigate.
thank you for the great chat! I am ready to LEAP into some wonderful work! Thanks to the AMAZING crew! You are AWESOME!
Wish I didn't have to fly in a lawn mower to see you! But you can come this way!
& thanks for being such great leaders & innovators - great chat tonight
Always glad to see you in , Nili!
Less than 10 minutes until ! Join us at 10PM EST, ! ARGH
LOL! I've been known to hit the West Coast now and again! We do have some jets that fly in.
We all hope you can start broadcasting it too! Education needs more to share their story. No more secret geniuses!
Great chat tonight! Take the leap and expand your PLN by following your fellow pirates and keep connecting long after the chat is over
I can only imagine how different the last year and a half would have been if I hadn't LEAPED out of my comfort zone.