#TMchat Archive
Current and relevant education discussions are held every Tuesday in #TMchat. A weekly guest moderator, considered an expert on the the week's topic, joins @conniehamilton to guide the one hour chat and actively engage with participants. Founder and moderator @conniehamilton supplies her responses to the week's questions visually in Thinking Maps.
Tuesday June 7, 2016 9:00 PM EDT
I realized I have a conflict tonight which is a bummer, but I've scheduled my tweets and maybe can pop in live at the end!
I'm Connie Hamilton. Gail Boushey and Joan Moser (The Sisters) and I are your moderators . Begin intros. https://t.co/E2AKpMHVR7
OH... that's HACKY! Scheduling robo-Jenna to join . https://t.co/MqdKOoOF4j
I realized I have a conflict tonight which is a bummer, but I've scheduled my tweets and maybe can pop in live at the end!
stepping in for a little . hello!
Jenna, now an ESL teacher in Chicago, joining in (via scheduled tweets) I'm bummed I'm missing !
Our format will include 7 questions. Use A1 to respond to Q1 & remember to include hashtag in all tweets. https://t.co/D5XIIJcsAW
Thanks, Stephan, nice to see you here.
Hello! Nardi, fourth grade Teacher from Florida!
Onward to . Sorry for the numerous tweets, retweets, and replies. Just being social! Please join us!!! :-)
Jessica here from Georgia. I teach 3rd grade!
Mandy, 4th grade Denton, Texas
Hi ! So looking forward to tonight's
Don't forget the hashtag in all your tweets.
Tara. Denton, Tx. SO excited!
Hey, : Just dropping by to hang with educators while also conversating (pardon the biggie verb) with healthcare people at .
Hello, I am Robin, a 4th grade teacher in Deland FL Excited!!!
Stephan - teacher trainer - academic coordinator and uni lecturer based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Chris Tucker, assistant principal in Indiana.
Hello! Looking forward to the
Hi Ken. Long time - no See.
Doris McPherson, 2nd grade, Michigan
Shannon joining from Boston. I teach 2nd grade- just starting out with Daily5 but LOVE it!
. Hey. What are we learning about tonight?
Rosy 4th grade California this year and 5th next year, looking forward to Daily 5 & CAFE in upper grades.
A1: I'm new to Cafe, but implemented Daily 5 in my classroom this year. I'm interested to learn more about it!
Hey hey hey from Houston!
That's for sure! Just peeking in on the . Hello! Colleen from Chicago, K-5 Reading Specialist. :) https://t.co/oXCUNnSE89
That's for sure! Just peeking in on the . Hello! Colleen from Chicago, K-5 Reading Specialist. :) https://t.co/oXCUNnSE89
conversation between teacher and students or among the students only
HEYY... Here's a CAFE user. I know, I'm in her classroom all the time. Welcome to , Doris. https://t.co/FisqKMcomM
Doris McPherson, 2nd grade, Michigan
Q1: We developed and have been using CAFE ever since Daily 5 came out as a way to meet individual needs of our students.
Hi! K-5 Reading Specialist, Balto County, MD
A1: I've heard amazing things about CAFE and I am here to learn more.
Tonight is all about CAFE strategies for reading. How to meet individual needs. Glad you are here!
. Hey. What are we learning about tonight?
A1: tried Daily 5 this year, learning CAFE. Online seminar was a huge help. Videos are key!
A1. Been a D5/CAFE user and trainer for several years. D5 gives structure to my workshop so Ss feel safe and successful.
A1: My school has implemented Daily5/ CAFE across the whole building. This will be my 2nd year using CAFE.
Same here, ! Here to learn from the group and . :) https://t.co/0VWzoN8JbN
A1: I'm new to Cafe, but implemented Daily 5 in my classroom this year. I'm interested to learn more about it!
we have been using cafe for several years! We do read to self, word work and work on writing almost daily.
I also attended the CAFE conference in Atlanta!
A1-Use a CAFE board in my 4th class-Daily 30 min indep reading w/conferencing using the CAFE system-strategy lessons w/books! LOVE!
A1: Once we had our students independent through Daily 5, it lead us to figure out what to teach individuals during that time.
A1: As a 1st grade teacher the Daily 5 and the Cafe books changed my classroom. As a principal, I recommend those books to my t's
Did you meet Joan and Gail?
A1 use CAFE, short mini lessons using pic books. Use CAFE board. Students then go to Daily Five. I conference and/or small group.
. Got it. While I'm a fan of both literacy and cafes, I don't think I'll have much to add here. But y'all have fun!
A1: has been using CAFE >5 yrs. Visual Aid: Menu of Goals & Strategies can be seen in classrooms. https://t.co/8eg0uCdHyq
How is it going Jessica? https://t.co/fwVP67ecE6
A1: My school has implemented Daily5/ CAFE across the whole building. This will be my 2nd year using CAFE.
A1: Barb in MN-I appreciate Parent Pipelines to reinforce strategies at home with consistent language and approach
Where did you first hear about CAFE? https://t.co/qtJXMFo3Il
A1-Use a CAFE board in my 4th class-Daily 30 min indep reading w/conferencing using the CAFE system-strategy lessons w/books! LOVE!
I'd love to expand to other grades. How did you roll out Daily5/CAFE?
Is there anyone from middle school that uses CAFE? Would love to hear how it has worked in your classroom.
I have the subscription to the Daily Cafe site. The resources are amazing and a huge help! https://t.co/fI5VrSwWNX
A1: tried Daily 5 this year, learning CAFE. Online seminar was a huge help. Videos are key!
A1: That is great to hear Daniel! Is it taking place in your school now?
A1: As a 1st grade teacher the Daily 5 and the Cafe books changed my classroom. As a principal, I recommend those books to my t's
A1: studying the CAFE book right now. Been doing pieces of The Daily 5 for 2 years now. Just saw in ATL last month
Here's a question for https://t.co/VQHM8PGec2
Is there anyone from middle school that uses CAFE? Would love to hear how it has worked in your classroom.
A1: Your are spot on Nardi! Well done! https://t.co/a9DyDBkdC1
A1 use CAFE, short mini lessons using pic books. Use CAFE board. Students then go to Daily Five. I conference and/or small group.
A1-I love the "Good Fit Books' lesson - it totally changed how my books are organized! Theme/topic as opposed to lexile/dra!
I hear both Ts and Ss referencing "Good Fit Books" https://t.co/hnezO3nNBn
A1-I love the "Good Fit Books' lesson - it totally changed how my books are organized! Theme/topic as opposed to lexile/dra!
Jumping in quickly. introduced CAFE system a few years ago to all Ts as part of PD session. It's now being used in a lot of classes
A1:Thrilled to hear it is being used so much. A great suggestion is to always have the Ss make CAFE Board! https://t.co/plvfNwyGYH
A1: has been using CAFE >5 yrs. Visual Aid: Menu of Goals & Strategies can be seen in classrooms. https://t.co/8eg0uCdHyq
Yes it becomes a part of the learning environment! It makes SO much sense!
How have you kept it going, deepening your implementation since your single PD day? https://t.co/hh6tW25ZSc
Jumping in quickly. introduced CAFE system a few years ago to all Ts as part of PD session. It's now being used in a lot of classes
Would love to hear more about how it went.
A2: Comprehension, vocabulary, consistency, usable results
A2: To nalyze S lrng, determine goals & strategies based on S assmnt. Recrd instr. plans. Instruct whole grp, small grp and indiv
It's great! My principal has been a great support! I am still working on "perfecting" my conferring.
Yes-our media teacher focuses on the picking good fit books strategy school wide https://t.co/AYWikheI1A
A1-I love the "Good Fit Books' lesson - it totally changed how my books are organized! Theme/topic as opposed to lexile/dra!
A1 I read the books, went to your seminars in Rochester NY and did the online class. I love the online CC Pensive
A1: CAFE is used in all GLs world wide. Start with D5 then begin with CAFE. https://t.co/zf869T5uO4
I'd love to expand to other grades. How did you roll out Daily5/CAFE?
For those who haven't' seen it, why do you love it? https://t.co/Co97YcpeqC
A1 I read the books, went to your seminars in Rochester NY and did the online class. I love the online CC Pensive
A2: An assessment system includes tool to measure S learning, ID goals, collect evidence and guide instruction.
A2: Assessments should give info that can be used immediately by Ts and Ss. Not always the case!
A2. Short stories with real comp questions so strategy work can be identified from the BOY
Meredith, from Marco Island, Florida joining a tad late.
Sometimes it travels back/forth to and from school for days waiting for time to be scored. https://t.co/vIujRip0DO
A2: Assessments should give info that can be used immediately by Ts and Ss. Not always the case!
So glad your membership to our website is supporting!
I have the subscription to the Daily Cafe site. The resources are amazing and a huge help! https://t.co/fI5VrSwWNX
A1: tried Daily 5 this year, learning CAFE. Online seminar was a huge help. Videos are key!
Glad you're here, Meredith.
A2: Assessment should drive instruction Ss need to be apart of goal setting from the assessment. Assessments need to have purpose
A2: assessments should ask what Ss think of themselves. Tap into inner motivation!
A2: Accuracy/Fluency and comprehension pieces. Information that can be used immediately for instruction!
A little late but here - James from drying out South Florida.
A2: immediate feedback to guide s to deeper understandings and connections
A2-Running records/miscue analysis, comprehension, vocabulary, fluency - CAFE! Also, reader attitude/interest
Q2: Opportunities 4 Ss 2 interact w/text while T observes, takes notes, & identifies strengths & next steps https://t.co/NyEQugDNPF
A2: assessment system should include authentic reading opportunities & open-ended questions to limit luck, basement, ceiling effects
yes, Ss r now doing more rdg then before, igreat to see kids read &enjoy it + the skills taught r being transferred
we moved to Southern Florida this week. Yes, it is hot and humid!
A1: So happy to hear. Want to see the Good Fit Book Lesson? You can find it here:https://t.co/nYhY1dn9YV https://t.co/15YbWCsFfP
A1-I love the "Good Fit Books' lesson - it totally changed how my books are organized! Theme/topic as opposed to lexile/dra!
A2: accurate, up-to-date records. Suggestions on streamline records for multiple classes please! I'll have close to 80 Ss this yr
I'm moving to K. Would cafe work for them?
A2: We use F & P Benchmark kits. They take awhile, but I love the depth of comprehension!
The perfect opportunity for this occurs during one-on-one conferencing!
Thanks. The makes it pretty clear, doesn't it?
A1: Glad you like the class library organization. You can find out how here: https://t.co/apdht6LMMY https://t.co/15YbWCsFfP
A1-I love the "Good Fit Books' lesson - it totally changed how my books are organized! Theme/topic as opposed to lexile/dra!
hi . I'm late! Sara from North Lake Tahoe. I'm going to teach kinder next year and was just talking reading assessments today!
. Thanks. The makes it pretty clear, doesn't it?
A2cont': a great assessment system must also include immediate and responsive feedback
Exactly! https://t.co/EqoNFAAH1p
A2: We use F & P Benchmark kits. They take awhile, but I love the depth of comprehension!
Q2: Student interest inventories are also crucial for assessment. Must know about their reading life! https://t.co/NyEQugDNPF
Yes! Immediate, specific, positive & meaningful feedback is directly related to Ss growth. https://t.co/PgXTmrGZIA
A2: immediate feedback to guide s to deeper understandings and connections
Has experience w/CAFE in K, 1 and 2!
Yes! https://t.co/VothWOSuYN
A2. Short stories with real comp questions so strategy work can be identified from the BOY
A3. CAFE is all about a balanced model of delivering instruction.
I love how Donalyn Miller talks about interest inventories in Book Whisperer
We do as well and have found a ton of value in them! https://t.co/Y0FSstEZzR
A2: We use F & P Benchmark kits. They take awhile, but I love the depth of comprehension!
A2: Yes! All of these points are covered in the CAFE system.
A2: Assessment should drive instruction Ss need to be apart of goal setting from the assessment. Assessments need to have purpose
Been playing with it since we got the free trial. I have been making my husband read & I have been "diagnosing" him!
. does that connect to "good fit book" selection?
A3-As a former Reading Recovery Tch I found it really captured that philosophy for whole class teaching & intermediate use!
A2: We always begin our goal setting with the question, "Tell me about yourself as a reader. " https://t.co/Aox4qrVjpe
A2: assessments should ask what Ss think of themselves. Tap into inner motivation!
HACKY way to practice giving assessments. USE your spouse. https://t.co/IsiH50JnUf
Been playing with it since we got the free trial. I have been making my husband read & I have been "diagnosing" him!
A2: So true! Results put into place with guiding instruction immediately.
A2: Accuracy/Fluency and comprehension pieces. Information that can be used immediately for instruction!
A3 Instruction should be based on skills needed not a general reading level.
Way to gain insight into the Ss self-beliefs as a reader! https://t.co/qtAjtHvltL
A2: We always begin our goal setting with the question, "Tell me about yourself as a reader. " https://t.co/Aox4qrVjpe
A2: assessments should ask what Ss think of themselves. Tap into inner motivation!
Hi - Rex from Winnipeg dropping in - just arrived home!
A2: When students participate in goal setting, they take ownership of their learning and are motivated.
A2; So important, reading real text always!
A2: assessment system should include authentic reading opportunities & open-ended questions to limit luck, basement, ceiling effects
A3: Anything over 0.5 effect size is impactful on student learning. Multiple factors from CAFE found. https://t.co/8dqPyAEo0u
I went into classes to model & worked w/ teachers to incorp. in their plans Ts saw how easy it was & benefit
A3. Everything the Sisters do is research based and aligned with current findings. That is what keeps it relevant!
Wondering ..since so many have used CAFE approach for many years what does .. oh shoot - just popped up the answer
A2. True! It's important to value all kinds of Reading life even if it is in a different language. https://t.co/yLPmhaoGgH
Q2: Student interest inventories are also crucial for assessment. Must know about their reading life! https://t.co/NyEQugDNPF
A3: Students need to read any material and not just books/articles on a level M or Lexile Level 550
A2: Ashlee you are ready for our one-of-a-kind assessment notebook, CCPensieve: https://t.co/geZfG2vMU2
A2: accurate, up-to-date records. Suggestions on streamline records for multiple classes please! I'll have close to 80 Ss this yr
A2: Like Ss to reflect on themselves as an extension of a book's setting, characters, + theme. Would they fit in the book's world?
Haha... new meaning to "connected educator" when you start reading minds. https://t.co/3ocpartxUH
Wondering ..since so many have used CAFE approach for many years what does .. oh shoot - just popped up the answer
For sure! It's a lot about knowing your Ss and making sure you're doing the best by them
A3. Hattie's research aligns with 👍👍
A3: All research for independent reading supports CAFE/Daily 5. The Matthew Effect research is compelling https://t.co/JYsVkh1gWR
A little late to the party but excited to learn from colleagues!
Amen to this statement, ! https://t.co/ZascPClCLL
A3 Instruction should be based on skills needed not a general reading level.
Perfectly said! https://t.co/YIVXfthwQi
A3. Everything the Sisters do is research based and aligned with current findings. That is what keeps it relevant!
. we're happy to have you here now.
That sounds so great. I really believe in coteaching and modeling for effective pd!
Exactly! Which is great for readers/learners. https://t.co/XeAH0wxLNu
A3. CAFE is all about a balanced model of delivering instruction.
A3: True! instruction for all students based on their need as well as whole, small groups and individuals.
A3. CAFE is all about a balanced model of delivering instruction.
A4: Comprehension supports common core RI and RL standards, Fluency, Accuracy, and Vocabulary support RF standards
RT A4: Comprehension supports common core RI and RL standards, Fluency, Accuracy, and Vocabulary support RF standards
A4. I wonder if you have a correlation chart that details which Standards are taught during each of the CAFE parts of instruction?
I love how has days when his Ss aren't practicing reading at their instr level. It's a big celebration!
You beat me by about a minute. https://t.co/k4DijeYlHH
A4. I wonder if you have a correlation chart that details which Standards are taught during each of the CAFE parts of instruction?
A4 The skills and strategies for Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Vocabulary are all found in the Standards.
A3: This is the complete premise behind CAFE! https://t.co/Iu7YXy1KMP
A3 Instruction should be based on skills needed not a general reading level.
A4: so much overlap b/w CAFE and standards. Makes our jobs much easier to target individual needs and req's at the same time
A4: CAFE strategies go hand in hand with the standards. I love the charts on the website. No guessing!
A3: John Hattie says S goal setting has a very high effect size! https://t.co/dmLB4Flwbd
A2: When students participate in goal setting, they take ownership of their learning and are motivated.
Do you have a TEKS-aligned menu? We don't have CCSS in TX.
A4: When we teach kids metacognitive strategies, they can tackle any standard that comes their way. The menu offers choices!
A4 Strategies align w/com core standard-Creating the CAFE board w/Ss contextualizes the standas &creates a "culture" linked to books
A3: Thank you Tara! We work hard on this! https://t.co/7got5VMV3i
A3. Everything the Sisters do is research based and aligned with current findings. That is what keeps it relevant!
We've refined over the years - teachers find something organic in moving student data cards- 3 x year.
thought of everything with this one! https://t.co/xlVAknb3VJ
A4: CAFE strategies go hand in hand with the standards. I love the charts on the website. No guessing!
Sounds like locus of control shifts to the students. That's a teacher: https://t.co/z498e6dNuE
A2: When students participate in goal setting, they take ownership of their learning and are motivated.
A3. Also the reason we use it and work to implement with fidelity. https://t.co/etPX8iCC3u
A3. Everything the Sisters do is research based and aligned with current findings. That is what keeps it relevant!
Learning is best when based on competences and strategies, not on content https://t.co/4s7nbPZOVm
A4: When we teach kids metacognitive strategies, they can tackle any standard that comes their way. The menu offers choices!
True statement!! https://t.co/1lnDxOaurh
A4: When we teach kids metacognitive strategies, they can tackle any standard that comes their way. The menu offers choices!
Reading levels assist the team in seeing trends & progress - interactions with students inform strategies. https://t.co/Re9dYqIGIa
A3: This is the complete premise behind CAFE! https://t.co/Iu7YXy1KMP
A3 Instruction should be based on skills needed not a general reading level.
Q5: What is the role of teachers and itinerants during whole group, small group and individual instruction? https://t.co/CcHX2EFJHb
A5: We use an instructional process that is a framwork for delivering focused teaching and increasing achievement.
A4: It depends on the strategy being taught rather than the parts of the instruction. https://t.co/nqJFK1B4Vn
A4. I wonder if you have a correlation chart that details which Standards are taught during each of the CAFE parts of instruction?
Q4:CAFE allows personalized instruction based on standards.Ss get coaching on standards they need 2 practice
Below cohort targets and above...
Key word: COACHING. Why did you choose that over conferring? https://t.co/BglfuDdMYP
Q4:CAFE allows personalized instruction based on standards.Ss get coaching on standards they need 2 practice
Thanks for the clarification. Your answers are so very helpful. https://t.co/wMaycSppuy
A4: It depends on the strategy being taught rather than the parts of the instruction. https://t.co/nqJFK1B4Vn
A4. I wonder if you have a correlation chart that details which Standards are taught during each of the CAFE parts of instruction?
A5: Here is a copy of the protocol we use to deliver focused instruction with all adults working with S https://t.co/JLOC9b9eOG
. Do you think that content drives S interest and therefore, engagement?
A4: Yes!! https://t.co/khK9ma5CkU
A4: so much overlap b/w CAFE and standards. Makes our jobs much easier to target individual needs and req's at the same time
A5-Major goal should be to facilitate problem solving/active reading where the Ss embraces the responsibility for the WORK!
This would be great https://t.co/Vd1GuBGjdy
A4. I wonder if you have a correlation chart that details which Standards are taught during each of the CAFE parts of instruction?
Have to go but wanted to thank everyone for the chat , great to connect with others will be checking # for rest of convo
A5: taught me the 2 in 2 rule. Teach two strategies that change the way they read in two weeks.
A5: biggest learning for student Ts - staying out of the way while Ss build stamina w/D5. Building new habits all around!
Yes, but what drives and engages them more is to see how this content applies/can be applied to their real lives
A5. Ts job is to provide targeted instruction to Ss to help them reach mastery of their goal so they can move on to the next one.
Love growing my PLN with the fabulous crew! Thanks in advance for all I'll learn from & with you! :)
Having observed Ts using CAFE it seems some gravitate toward their favorite aspect of lit. instruction rather than balancing all
Instead of overlap, I would say alignment. The CAFE strategies are what students learn/use to achieve the standards.
A5 Whole group mini lesson, T Model, Small group - T target skill or strategy group is struggling with, Indiv conferencing/coaching
Suggestions as how to assist them in keeping the balance?
A5: this is what I struggle with the most! I strive to give my Ss more opportunities to think rather than just feed them info
Q4: Couldn't have said it better! https://t.co/Arkc4GUCEw
Q4:CAFE allows personalized instruction based on standards.Ss get coaching on standards they need 2 practice
A5: my main role during conferencing is to listen while engaging the reader in meaningful and purposeful conversation.
Move students 3 X yr, each colour represents a cohort - we see the trend to above target as they age.
A4: For some students. https://t.co/UthBD4ojue
. Do you think that content drives S interest and therefore, engagement?
A5: Ts actively working with individuals/small groups to meet their goals through meaningful conversations
What a masterful educator you are to achieve this level of understanding and commitment to helping Ss. https://t.co/SxbeeB5Iql
A5: my main role during conferencing is to listen while engaging the reader in meaningful and purposeful conversation.
Thanks for joining!
Have to go but wanted to thank everyone for the chat , great to connect with others will be checking # for rest of convo
A5: Students are working to apply the skills/strategies taught to reach their goals
What are you listening for? What is your focus? . https://t.co/JVzuCPp1vg
A5: my main role during conferencing is to listen while engaging the reader in meaningful and purposeful conversation.
A5: You are absolutely right. This is hard for many teachers but so worth it! https://t.co/JBfKNg9V3c
A5: biggest learning for student Ts - staying out of the way while Ss build stamina w/D5. Building new habits all around!
Thank you! Such kind words! https://t.co/gQSncCrh5l
What a masterful educator you are to achieve this level of understanding and commitment to helping Ss. https://t.co/SxbeeB5Iql
A5: my main role during conferencing is to listen while engaging the reader in meaningful and purposeful conversation.
A5: yes! https://t.co/o0hMJp8Dg4
A5. Ts job is to provide targeted instruction to Ss to help them reach mastery of their goal so they can move on to the next one.
Strategies are the inherent beauty of the CAFE! https://t.co/h70ROrIKqr
A5: this is what I struggle with the most! I strive to give my Ss more opportunities to think rather than just feed them info
What makes a conversation meaningful vs. not? https://t.co/wTqg2gu6S4
A5: Ts actively working with individuals/small groups to meet their goals through meaningful conversations
I want to try the digital CCPensieve next year with my ipad!
The highlighted strategies are ones we may start with if we really don't know, check out 6-5-4-3 https://t.co/QpXXM470ye
Depends on the students current goal. It is different for every child. This is the power in conferencing. https://t.co/Mb8HuCL0tQ
What are you listening for? What is your focus? . https://t.co/JVzuCPp1vg
A5: my main role during conferencing is to listen while engaging the reader in meaningful and purposeful conversation.
anybody have experience with a digital Pensieve? https://t.co/JAlUuSvz2V
I want to try the digital CCPensieve next year with my ipad!
Joining late but seeing wonderful thinking!
You are more than deserving of the accolades. Your heart for students shines so brightly!
I love how reading conferencing can give students ownership and leadership of their learning! https://t.co/dOBZNj2wHB
A5: my main role during conferencing is to listen while engaging the reader in meaningful and purposeful conversation.
so helpful to keep in mind when starting out and learning each strategy yourself!
is the one who first introduced me to Daily 5 and CAFE. She just joined
I saw it on their website and someone referenced it earlier.
A5: It is not act a level S read, it is giving them strategies for reading any text that is a good fit! https://t.co/9kOKsytUyR
A5: Students are working to apply the skills/strategies taught to reach their goals
Me, too! It is my favorite part of the day! https://t.co/D07eAzoIQP
I love how reading conferencing can give students ownership and leadership of their learning! https://t.co/dOBZNj2wHB
A5: my main role during conferencing is to listen while engaging the reader in meaningful and purposeful conversation.
A6: Strategies are not taught in predetermined sequence. They are selected based on student assessment data.
Love seeing you participate in this chat! Gets me fired up! Can't wait to start our new year! It's going to ROCK!
A5: Yes Rex! https://t.co/1c0GZCdls5
Strategies are the inherent beauty of the CAFE! https://t.co/h70ROrIKqr
A5: this is what I struggle with the most! I strive to give my Ss more opportunities to think rather than just feed them info
A6 I usually begin with the highlighted skills and strategies then continue with the stand. based on scope and sequence & Ss needs.
Nardi is great add to your PLN. Besides direct experience w/your Q, she's valuable resource. https://t.co/zJaFufuTbV
I use the digital CCPensieve - I LOVE it!!! I type faster than I write, so I keep detailed notes :)
I think I missed question 6 :) Sometimes it moves so fast!
Q6: How do you determine which strategy to teach?
Q7: What advice do you have to get started with CAFE and how to use it with a required program? https://t.co/gpt3P4aOak
A5; Without a doubt! Nothing more powerful than seeing a student take charge of their learning.
Me, too! It is my favorite part of the day! https://t.co/D07eAzoIQP
I love how reading conferencing can give students ownership and leadership of their learning! https://t.co/dOBZNj2wHB
A5: my main role during conferencing is to listen while engaging the reader in meaningful and purposeful conversation.
Excited to try it too! Thanks https://t.co/Pe7VOZmUXo
I use the digital CCPensieve - I LOVE it!!! I type faster than I write, so I keep detailed notes :)
A6: A solid approach. https://t.co/Y0YUQXb0lh
A6 I usually begin with the highlighted skills and strategies then continue with the stand. based on scope and sequence & Ss needs.
A7: Read the Daily5 and Cafe books a few times!
A6: By sitting down and getting to know the student as a reader. Then using the 6, 5, 4, 3 chart to choose the strategies.
I love summer excitement for next year! Your students are lucky ducks!
A7: Give yourself grace. Take it slow. Be passionate about books. Feedback matters.
Someone took mine. Got another copy from a couple weeks ago. https://t.co/2q3TjiGGhB
A7: Read the Daily5 and Cafe books a few times!
A7-Start w/strategy lessons& independent reading/one-on-one conferencing (20-30 min). Be faithful to it & you will reap the benefits
A7: Never be afraid to reach out for help. Get a Daily 5/ CAFE buddy!!
A7: talk to other Ta about d5/CAFE or better yet, ask Ss! Mine want to do d5 during RECESS! Thank you !!
A7 agree with , read the Daily5 and Cafe, watch some of the videos on the website, observe classes that use it.
How do you find these buddies? https://t.co/sTJ5turima
A7: Never be afraid to reach out for help. Get a Daily 5/ CAFE buddy!!
but I do love Pinterest. :-)
I would love to observe other classes using it!
A7: attend a training with
A7. Read as much as possible & talk to colleagues. I have also watched videos and then I would say "just start".
A6-Listening to Ss read & discussing their books-Teachers must be well-read! It's my biggest pet peeve! Tchs don't know books!
A7: Just start! Your students will flourish with confidence & the transferability of the CAFE strategies. https://t.co/5JVdiC1Y8G
Remember no program creates readers, it is the T sitting next to each child determining their next steps, teaching and supporting.
A7. Jump in! Embrace failure as an opportunity. Develop a strong PLN!
Truth from the ! https://t.co/l676vI70YG
Remember no program creates readers, it is the T sitting next to each child determining their next steps, teaching and supporting.
Are you coming to Michigan any time soon?
We all love Pinterest. Just not sure it's deep professional development.
a7:coworkers=key, be transparent. Share! keep trying Not every day and every lesson is perfect. It's worth the struggle in the end!
Look in your building on in your PLN. Be willing to go all in with that person and learn together.
Be brave; take risks; jump in & get your feet wet! https://t.co/vCFH3bDd61
A7. Read as much as possible & talk to colleagues. I have also watched videos and then I would say "just start".
A7: Great advise! https://t.co/ZpOCGaDsVG
A7-Start w/strategy lessons& independent reading/one-on-one conferencing (20-30 min). Be faithful to it & you will reap the benefits
Thanks for tonight's ; - always energizing!
A7: Love the passion of empowered readers.
A7: talk to other Ta about d5/CAFE or better yet, ask Ss! Mine want to do d5 during RECESS! Thank you !!
Thanks so much for moderating tonight!
Get a buddy! That's great advice! https://t.co/Gstv0gNKKf
A7: Never be afraid to reach out for help. Get a Daily 5/ CAFE buddy!!
A7: watch it in action...go into classroom. Collaborate together!
I look forward to adding a few new PLN members after tonight's !
Q7: Ss must have solid routines 4 Daily 5 in order to effectively work w/small groups or ind Ss. https://t.co/Ykldcmevjn
Q7: What advice do you have to get started with CAFE and how to use it with a required program? https://t.co/gpt3P4aOak
Doris what are you going to share with our teachers who couldn't join tonight? https://t.co/fMbiIYmlEp
Thanks so much for moderating tonight!
Thank you, so fun to meet and share!