Kaia Lunde, VMS world languages, spending time in GF Thursday and Monday and then going home in between to spend time with my family. I'm especially excited to see my grandparents! #gfedchat
A1 Empowerment is the student determining direction and making decisions. Engagement means it could be your lesson but the Ss are connected to it and actively learning #gfedchat
A1: student empowerment means the student is defining the direction and helping to make decisions. engagement means that are connected and actively participating
A1: I think empowerment is giving them say in how they are learning. Engagement is creating materials or presenting it in a way that makes learning fun and memorable! #gfedchat
A1: I like how @plugusin differentiates the terms; engaged is about OUR content & curricula while empower is about THEIR (students') passions and interests. #gfedchat
Lane Talkington, Librarian at South MS. Looking forward to a trip home (Belfield/Dickinson area) and to play with all of my nieces and nephews! #gfedchat
A1: Empowerment: Ss in charge of their learning and taking their learning outside your 4 walls, Engagement: Ss enjoying and on task what teacher has asked them to learn #gfedchat
A1: Empower means to start that fire that they will want to keep going when you are not around;
to give them a goal and a reason to reach it. #gfedchat
A1: I like how @plugusin differentiates the terms; engaged is about OUR content & curricula while empower is about THEIR (students') passions and interests. #gfedchat
A1: Empowerment=Ss in charge of their own learning. Empowered to create & teach others. Engagement=Ss are an active part of what you are teaching and they are learning. They're excited and involved. #gfedchat
A2: #4 because we have no idea what the future holds and we need to prepare our students with life long skills that prepare them for an ever changing world, not memorized information #gfedchat
A2: I think #4. Unpredictability is everywhere in life. Whether it is in the classroom or in the work world, things can be very unpredictable. #gfedchat
A2: I think #6 resonates with me the most. I think we do have a great impact on student's lives and empowering them only reassures me that that impact will live on long enough for me to see them showcase that as an adult. #gfedchat
A2: Every child in your class is someone else's whole world. When u teach so many Ss, it's important to remember how special each child is. It's so important to try and reach each kid and make an impact that hopefully impacts those around. #gfedchat
A2: #2 and #4. each student is an individual and deserves to be treated as such and treated with respect. #4 because it is so true. we are preparing for careers that dont even exist yet.
A2: #3 - As a former history teacher, I tried to engage students through the historical stories, but it’s a great reminder that students are empowered & make meaning of history through their stories & relevant connections. #gfedchat
A1: Empowerment is the way for those to be in control of actions by striving to do something with confidence and Engagement is act of participating and actively listening #gfedchat
A1: #2 Every child in your class is someone else's whole world. Social/human connections is all about relationships. Modeling and guiding those interactions happens all day long. #gfedchat
A2 #5 Literacy is more than reading and writing traditional text-it's empowering students to learn & unlearn which prepares them for an ever-changing world #gfedchat
#gfedchat A2: Slide 3 resonates with me the most, because it is important for Ss to tell their stories and to know their stories are unique. It is unique even if it is similar to their friend who is also a refugee.
A2: #2. Social interactions are huge, and we need to prepare ss for a lifetime. Ss need to learn that family and relationships are priority and how to interact and work together. #gfedchat
A2: #6- As a former Kindergarten teacher, I saw the way Ss look up to teachers and watch their every move. The way we talk to our Ss is often replicated by Ss. #gfedchat
A2: #4. Always trying to help students to find the "best" answer within ever-changing parameters, not just one "right" answer from an answer key. #gfedchat
#gfedchat A2: Slide 3 resonates with me the most, because it is important for Ss to tell their stories and to know their stories are unique. It is unique even if it is similar to their friend who is also a refugee.
A2: I love sharing stories and learning from others, so I'd have to say #3! Stories have the power to transform the ways we see the world, to give us new perspective, and to help us learn from others. #gfedchat
A2: I like #2. I go each day thinking about all kids I see each day and how they are someone's whole world. I try to treat ss as if they were my own ....relationship building/rapport, pushing to do better, encouraging to do very best, respect, caring etc , #gfedchat
A3: We are all as humans empowered by the choices we make. It makes use feel as if we have more control (even if we don't control all of it) and we own it. Along with its victories and mistakes, we had a say in it so it is ours! #gfedchat
A3: When students are given a choice they feel like/have control over what they are learning and will often put more into it because they care more about what they are learning #gfedchat
A3: Ss choice allows ss to learn about their environment, make connections, and build upon those skill sets. They do best by initiating their own learning and making connections independently through the use of Active Learning in our classroom #gfedchat
A3: I teach the techniques to use for a medium in art, give students control (choice) for subject matter and help facilitate. Ss feel more independent. #gfedchat
A3: One example I see of this in my classroom is in our 3D design challenges on the computers. My jaw hits the floor every quarter when I see some of the amazing things they produce. when limits are not determined for them. #gfedchat
A3 Student Choice means students are invested in the learning, creating meaning in the way that works for them. That should build empowered life long learners. #gfedchat
A3: In my Production Technology class, students get some empowerment by choosing projects they want to do 2nd semester. In Intro. to B. Trades they don't really have the knowledge to be empowered really. #gfedchat
A3: We can dictate what we want the Ss to do & take away endlessly, but will they ever have as meaningful of a connection as when they choose their learning outcome & do the work to see it into fruition? #gfedchat
A2: #2 - so true! We hold young souls in our hands, their hopes, dreams, safety, hearts, fears, and future goals are shared with us. We are entrusted to help them become the best adults they can be. #gfedchat
So every time tonight I read people mentioning stories, "Who lives, who dies, who tells your story" goes through my head 😂#headfilledwithhamiltonlyrics
A3: Choices are something we all crave. It empowers us in everything we do. As teachers it’s crucial that we remember to provide time to do this within every lesson. #gfedchat
A3: Often times for assignments students have choices in how they present their homework! I encourage them to get creative and to do something others aren't! #gfedchat
A3: Ss seem to be more motivated when they get to make choices: independent reading books, class books, projects, etc. They care more about the things they choose. #gfedchat
A4: Ss often are used to taking a test as the "final" which can lead to failure. It's refreshing to see Ss interact w/technology and watching them try again & again until it works the way they want (failing...until success). The success moment is worth all the attempts. #gfedchat
A3: Student choice in what they learn, how they learn or how they show what they learned empowers them to take the lead in their learning process. Genius Hour is a great way to build even more voice and choice in the classroom. #gfedchat
A4: I fail daily and that’s okay. I think it’s important for students to fail and get back up to try again. Using @breakoutEDU is a great tool in creating frustrations/success within the lesson #gfedchat
A4 Hopefully there aren't too many times that fail-ure because then I'm not being a very responsive teacher. Instead, Fail-ing should be a making mistakes and learning from them. #gfedchat
A4. I see many examples of failure and failing when I am doing lessons with Ss. Breakout boxes & coding robots are the first 2 examples that come to mind. The great part is that I see success after failing nearly 100% of the time, because they have to problem solve. #gfedchat
A4: We use the phrase "Just keep swimming" which reminds us all to keep trying again and again. What did you learn from your 1st, 2nd or 3rd attempt? #gfedchat
A4: My Ss need extended periods of time to learn skill sets. Our learning through TEACCH and Active learning allows us to be in the fail-ing category, as our learning is continuous and on-going over time. #gfedchat
A4: I see "failing" happen all the time in class, I would hope we all do, or the challenge isn't there. "Failure" is much less common, and fortunately happens far less if at all. #gfedchat
A4: I think it's important that we all fail sometimes. It's OK. It's how we deal w/ failure that's important. Some things won't work, so figure out what will. Why didn't your idea work? Ask questions, make adjustments, shift your goal, & try again. #gfedchat
@KariMelland mentioned last week I have a poster in my room that says "Failure is a bruise not a tattoo" We talk often in my classroom about failure not being permanent and to learn from mistakes/failure
A4: Ss can be failing in my class by not doing things in a timely manner. They can fail my class by not being in attendance, by just refusing to do the work. I have always felt it is harder to fail than to succeed in school. #gfedchat
A4: I guess I think about quarter grades and finals grades that count for credits to graduate in HS and how some are scared for failure and some dont seem to care if they fail. And trying to get kids to "care" #gfedchat
A4: failing in my class means that you are putting in 100% effort to NOT do anything. that takes hard work. failure means you may have a temporary set back
A4: Our mistakes never define us or mean the end of learning. Ss always have the opportunity to keep working, learning, and growing even if the official class time is over! #gfedchat
A4: Some ss choose to shut down if they are tired, confused, or get the answer wrong and others and some just have off days when it's hard for them to focus and be engaged in the classroom. #gfedchat
Q5: In what ways do you embrace technology as a way to “open up a world of learning opportunities and then give our students the chance to own those opportunities?” #gfedchat
A4 And then I wonder, why don't they care? Because they don't think they can learn? Because they see themselves as FAILURE instead of failing? Because they don't care about collecting points? Because the time is up to learn? #gfedchat
A4: I guess I think about quarter grades and finals grades that count for credits to graduate in HS and how some are scared for failure and some dont seem to care if they fail. And trying to get kids to "care" #gfedchat
A4 Ss (& Ts) need to change definitions of each word. Failure is giving in to failing and adopting that negative mindset we associate with failing. #gfedchat
A5: I need to do more of this for sure. I use it mainly right now as a source of information. If Ss aren't sure or if I"m not sure we google it! #gfedchat
A3 Giving students choices also gives them opportunities to either fail up & learn from their mistakes or succeed. It’s self- directed, authentic, and relevant. That’s empowerment. #gfedchat
A4: Some of our greatest learning is unlearning. This is why we must not look down on failure, as the failed task is most likely leading to new opportunities. #gfedchat#JoyfulLeaders
A5: Technology gives my students access to more of their environment and to interact with peers. Devices that generate speech gives them a voice, and the iPads allow for adaptations forbmy visually impaired students. #gfedchat
A5: Ss learn and relearn through video resources in Google classroom with artists in action with various mediums. Expose Ss to a multitude of ideas for choice. #gfedchat
A5 Tech is always on the table. Some want to explore and try new things. Most want traditional as it's comfortable and familiar. This is what I mean abt unlearning. #gfedchat
A5: Technology allows students to to show their learning in so many ways, blogs, podcasts, videos, animation, etc. This generation is technology and it is sometime easier for them to express themselves through it. #gfedchat
A5: I try to show Ss that they have access to the world. I'm hoping to try a modified genius hour with my 10th graders and help them pursue their own interests. Interested in learning more about hyperdocs #gfedchat
A5: I provide opportunities that I wouldn't have dreamed about in high school, connecting with people who live in and speak the language we are learning! We've Skyped, emailed, and connected with "famous" YouTubers who are experts in their content areas #gfedchat
A5: We use technology to connect with other schools' Ss and share the strategies, expressing their voice and opinion, as well as research, and tutorials. #gfedchat
a5: i don't use technology much with my work (yet). However i do use the drama that happens in the Ss social media as teaching tools to build social/emotional skills and owning up to their actions-good or bad. #gfedchat
@TechNinjaTodd said it best the other day when he said - (paraphrased) we must allow students to use technology to create rather than consume.” #gfedchat#JoyfulLeaders
Q5: In what ways do you embrace technology as a way to “open up a world of learning opportunities and then give our students the chance to own those opportunities?” #gfedchat
A5: Accessing Twitter to have conversations with experts, conversations with other classrooms, share with our community, using Skype to problem solve and collaborate, go to "other" locations, learn and grow "outside" the classroom. #gfedchat
A5: It is kind of hard to introduce technology in my area. A hammer is a hammer, I can upgrade to current tools but we can't wire outlets using a computer. #gfedchat
A5 Technology is embedded. It allows students to read, write, communicate, create, and share their thinking in a relevant way. It can’t be a separate entity- it’s real life. #gfedchat
A5. I have enjoyed watching Ts and Ss both open up their eyes to how technology can change our teaching and learning the use of the learning portfolio, Seesaw. I see more enriched teaching, Ss wanting to expand on their learning and share it with the world #gfedchat
Q5: Technology allows us to capitalize on the teachable moment. Ss can "search it up" before Ts even get done saying, "I'm not sure" about their question. #gfedchat
A5 I need to find more ways in this area.. right now I feel like technology in few classes I'm in currently. Cell phones/games/technology is reason that some are failing because they would rather be on technology than learn the math lesson and complete the work. is #gfedchat
A5: I use it as an assessment and collaboration tool in Prime Time. I could definitely improve in this area but I have the kids to myself for a very limited time. #gfedchat
A5 So true...allowing students to be empowered learners to find the experts & connect & find answers with and from people who aren't in their classroom. #gfedchat
A5: Accessing Twitter to have conversations with experts, conversations with other classrooms, share with our community, using Skype to problem solve and collaborate, go to "other" locations, learn and grow "outside" the classroom. #gfedchat
Yes. We need to stop giving our students a GPS which paves the way for them, rather give them a compass and allow them to pave their own way. #gfedchat
A6: i do a bit of "checking for understanding" a 5-4-3-2-1 show of fingers. i have also started utilizing padlet for beginning of material "what do you know" and end of material "what did you learn"
A6: I need to do more of this. I often let students choose how they will show me what they know, but I don't have them assess themselves too. We do a lot of projects and how are you feeling about this 1,2,3,4 etc. #gfedchat
A6: I'll be honest, I'm horrible at this one. I tried to work at it during our wiring unit, if something was wrong I had them troubleshoot instead of me just jumping in. #gfedchat
A6 I will have Ss go through rubric and grade themselves. We discuss number given and why. Ss are usually pretty honest. I will change me assessment if they convince me. Nice use of persuasive tactics and developing logical thought process #gfedchat
A6: Ss assessing their own learning & making the choice in how they will show their knowledge will broaden our own thinking too. They may come up w/ a wonderful idea we never thought of. Give them guidelines for what they need to show of their learning & let them fly! #gfedchat
It seems like your content is influenced by advances in technology...like cordless equipment, lighter weight materials in equipment, how whole home wiring systems can be controlled by tech on a phone etc. #gfedchat
A5: It is kind of hard to introduce technology in my area. A hammer is a hammer, I can upgrade to current tools but we can't wire outlets using a computer. #gfedchat
A6: Students are often brutally honest about self-assessment, which makes it that much more important in the context of failing (reflect, get better) vs. failure (quit, take your ball and go home.) #gfedchat
A6: use a lot of informal assessments like daily observations and trial data collection daily and weekly. Found a new curriculum guide made specifically for my students, so hoping to create something more from that soon. #gfedchat
A6: At the elementary level, this is where Seesaw can make a huge impact in Ss having choice in their learning and having some choice to post items that show what they know & don't know. They can take ownership of their own learning and become empowered. #gfedchat
A6: We must stop relating assessments to finality. Assess the process, allow for feedback and reflection. Learning should never have an end. The end is just a new beginning. #gfedchat
Yes! Plus, the ss can see the advance of speaking another language--conversing with someone from other culture, sharing stories, and travel opportunities! They love it! #gfedchat
Q6 Assessment that is formative lets students evaluate what they know, what they kind of know and what they still need to work on-it gives purpose & direction. #gfedchat
A7: We only have Ss for a short period of time. In order to guide them, we need to empower them to become more than they even thought they could be. By empowering, their future potential is endless... #gfedchat
A7: Empowerment allows ss to become lifelong learners, who takes initiative, use analytical and critical thinking skills, have good relationships with others, and enjoys the journey as they go. #gfedchat
A7: The biggest compliment my students can give me, is to go on learning when I am no longer there to help facilitate. That is why empowering students is so important to me, I want them to be their own advocates and architects in their life-long learning journey. #gfedchat
A7: When we empower a child it tells them that we believe in them, and really there is no greater gift we can give as educators to students than the gift of belief - and not just to our students but each other as well. #gfedchat#JoyfulLeaders
A7: We do not want to create "good Ss." We want to create lifelong learners, innovators, collaborators, creators, and problem-solvers. We help them become this by setting them up for success, letting them try things, & letting them lead. #gfedchat
A7: So they can transfer their learning to any situation. We won't always be there to facilitate, but if we empower them to take ownership of their own learning, they will keep it going forever. #gfedchat
Yes! Yes! Yes! In life, no one ever says it's Tuesday and that quarter is over so you don't need to learn ____ anymore, it's ongoing and always impacting life #gfedchat