Rik in MA, a Facilitator of Learning in a Standards-Based Learning environment focused on #Learning4Life with some HS Math thrown in. Welcome to your #sblchat Tonight! Thrilled to be with @garnet_hillman, @KatieBudrow and so many more!
We have six questions tonight about Troubleshooting Common Standard-Based Roadblocks. Please respond with A1, A2, and don't forget the hashtag! #sblchat
Like this tweet if you're new to #sblchat so we chat welcome you to tonight's discussion on "Troubleshooting Common Roadblocks to Standards-Based Grading".
Nick, HS ELA Teacher & Dept Chair in Erie, PA. Not fully standards-based grading, but definitely within the shift (my journey: https://t.co/CwOXs0KtIC) #sblchat
A1-Without state or national Standards, you can create a set of Learning Targets or Goals that your Learners can aim to master the content you're offering. #sblchat
A1-Without state or national Standards, you can create a set of Learning Targets or Goals that your Learners can aim to master the content you're offering. #sblchat
A1 I do have national standards, but I would probably pull the skills from a related content area to create my own if I didn’t. For example, if I would use the #NGSS skills (SEPs) in an Environmental Engineering course. #sblchat
In our district over the last 5 years we have drafted our own curriculum. We have set our standards based of of the national and state standards. I was part of creating the PE and health ones. #sblchat
Don’t have them for my anatomy class. Used a textbook chapter objectives combined with course outlines from a college course to develop standards. Compared difficulty level between diff sci courses to write HS appropriate ones. #sblchat
A1: We can rely on professional knowledge/experience to determine criteria, but many may fall back to their own experiences if not part of a larger teacher-learner community (like @NCTE). #sblchat
All about some #sblchat this evening. Looking to learn from experts on the topic. I found SBL to be a career rejuvenator and best practice for all involved.
A1: Everyone has learning expectations for students. For many it’s their standards, but if you don’t have any you still have things you want your Ss to know. Those are the criteria for learning in your classroom. #sblchat
A1: I'm lucky to have the CCSS, APUSH curriculum, and WIDA standards to pull from. If I didn't have them, I would trust my professional judgement of what my students need. #trustinyourself#sblchat
A1: I like @mcconnellaw in his approach - what are the expectations of your community? What do they see as important for their children to be able to demonstrate to validate your practice? #SBLchat
A1 Simple guide: What should learners know and be able to do as a result of successfully completing the course? Also important to consider WHY learners should know content & skills #sblchat
A1: We can rely on professional knowledge/experience to determine criteria, but many may fall back to their own experiences if not part of a larger teacher-learner community (like @NCTE). #sblchat
A1) a standard is just a bigger version of a learning target. Everything has a purpose. Find the bigger purpose in what is to be learned, and then work backwards from there. Th8s can apply to academic & non-academic content areas. #sblchat
A1 - KY SS Ts have this dilemma and are currently using outdated stnds while new are developed. If we had nothing, I would recommend developing target skills and connecting them to stnds in a skill-based content area like English/Reading. #sblchat
A1 What @RoweRikW said. One way to do this is described by Caren Cameron and Kathleen Gregory in their great little book “Rethinking Letter Grades;” she suggests (and provides examples) identifying 4-6 “big ideas” for each subject/course. #sblchat
A1: Even when having these at your disposal, teams (PLCs) still should collaborate on identifying the most relevant & lasting standards, and acceptable evidence learning. #sblchat
A1: I'm lucky to have the CCSS, APUSH curriculum, and WIDA standards to pull from. If I didn't have them, I would trust my professional judgement of what my students need. #trustinyourself#sblchat
A1 Simple guide: What should learners know and be able to do as a result of successfully completing the course? Also important to consider WHY learners should know content & skills #sblchat
A1: Learning targets, standards, SBL assessment, test re-takes and growth mindset are all siblings living under the same roof. Connected best practices. #sblchat
A1. I agree with @KatieBudrow; many of the professional associations have authored standards that can be a starting point for an examination of community and student needs/values. #sblchat
A1 - KY SS Ts have this dilemma and are currently using outdated stnds while new are developed. If we had nothing, I would recommend developing target skills and connecting them to stnds in a skill-based content area like English/Reading. #sblchat
But there are some educators (who may be novices, or resistant to change) whose professional judgment may be limited or compromised. I think professional communities that connect us with one another keep up grounded rather than isolated in what we individually think #sblchat
A1: Even when having these at your disposal, teams (PLCs) still should collaborate on identifying the most relevant & lasting standards, and acceptable evidence learning. #sblchat
A1: Learning targets, standards, SBL assessment, test re-takes and growth mindset are all siblings living under the same roof. Connected best practices. #sblchat
A1 it’s tricky to “borrow” - esp for math as learning outcomes can vary significantly....reading through “common programs” like Jerry Johns...?
But need to have some exemplars! #sblchat
Yes and... start with empathy! Using a problem-based approach to learning, a classroom can understand the needs of a community and work to solve those issues. It might not be based on a “standard,” but it’s a target/goal, and content alignment can still happen after. #sblchat
A1. I agree with @KatieBudrow; many of the professional associations have authored standards that can be a starting point for an examination of community and student needs/values. #sblchat
Prioritizing is key (especially from my experiences in ELA where there are so many standards). We can introduce some standards, explore others, but really delve into some #sblchat
A2 A lot of my struggling students need support in the process of learning. Once that is in place, they can usually conquer anything. For the exceptional learners, they often can do something higher-order with the product. I’ll coach a little, and then let them go! #sblchat
Q2: I honestly don't feel like it's all that different. With struggling Ss it is sometimes easier because the target is clearer. Students who excel need oppoetunities to demostrate their skills in ways that stretch them #sblchat
Interested in the answers to this, as a parent of a student struggling in certain areas. I appreciate the accommodations but always want to make sure the expectations are as high. #SBLchat
A2 I think SBL&G helps all students but it is particularly helpful for exceptional and struggling students because they benefit most from clear learning goals/targets. #sblchat
A2: The clarity of the learning targets, along with target focused instruction, allows my exceptional and struggling Ss to experience success. It may take more practice and work, but when the destination is clear they are capable of reaching it. #sblchat
A2) meet them where they are. All kids should always be in that Zone of Proximal Development aka “productive struggle.” If the common standard is too easy/hard, change it... find the target that the individual Ss need. #sblchat
A2 - Works wonders for both. Struggling Ss get multiple attempts at mastery, and exceptional Ss can show what they already know and move forward. Differentiation and using the data from SBL is key. #sblchat
A2: I observed a teacher last week that created “menus” for solving math problems. Different menus to challenge every student and student choice with collaboration was also implemented - in 4th grade! Simply outstanding! #SblChat
A2: I think it is about helping students understand what is next in their learning - no matter where they are at. Help them own identifying their next step. #sblchat
A2) meet them where they are. All kids should always be in that Zone of Proximal Development aka “productive struggle.” If the common standard is too easy/hard, change it... find the target that the individual Ss need. #sblchat
A2: Great question!!! I think the key here is consistent formative assessments with high quality feedback, then build in the supports or extensions in future lessons. I think this is an area that all teachers (myself especially) can improve #sblchat
A2) you create different roles for each S in the same project or you differentiate the project to achieve the same standard for the Ss and their individual abilities. #sblchat
A2: exceptional and struggling Ss can thrive in SBL environment bc they know learning is assessed with INTENTION and clear focus. Ts take responsibility for their craft and our expert Ts communicate expectations clearly and seek help when needed. #sblchat
A2: In ELA, a workshop approach has best worked for me so I can differentiate conferring times and adjust whole-class mini-lessons. I work with a large population of Ss w/SLDs in reading/writing and students with GIEPs (in separate sections) #sblchat
Indeed. I’ve discovered, regardless of level of their content / skill knowledge, just about all learners need the same support with metacognition. So, I attempt, to use this as the common ground. #sblchat
A2) meet them where they are. All kids should always be in that Zone of Proximal Development aka “productive struggle.” If the common standard is too easy/hard, change it... find the target that the individual Ss need. #sblchat
A2. I thing the great thing about a standards environment for struggling learners is that it can flip the discussion from such students being “behind” their classmates to an authentic appraisal of where they need to get to and how to get them there. #sblchat
Yes that is what I'm currently evolving into and striving for. Students that have a letter grade assigned to them become disinfranchsed because of the negative stereotypes of d and f's. When we should be nurturing learning we often times obliterate our students moral. #sblchat
Love that kind of thing. I have a 4th grader, but the trick with her is she gets thrown off with too much choice. So a challenge is eliminating the complication but leaving her with some level of autonomy. #SBLchat
A2 #sblchat let all ss set a goal for each standard & help them trick their goal, conference with them if must change or adjust their goals & final celebrate s choice and voice helps #UDL
👆🏼This above all else is what we have to strive towards with exceptional and struggling learners. If the what or how well is less for them, we do a disservice. #sblchat
A3-We track weekly progress of proficiency levels by Standard. At the close of the marking period, we translate our 4-point scale to traditional report cards numbers.
80-min block: 15min independent reading, 20min mini-lesson, 45min workshop. My process is on my blog (https://t.co/CwOXs0KtIC), but please DM me; I’d be happy to share my process (and I’m always in process) #sblchat
A3 Enter the work by standard (summative scores only please) and use a conversion scale. I was able to set mine to 4 levels and use this scale (which Ss helped design) to convert over. #sblchat
A3: I make sure everything is unweighted so that everything I enter doesn't impact what appears as the "grade". Only one column in my grade book kicks out a "percent" - and I had enter that when I have to. #sblchat
A3: Here are some work arounds I've used. I keep four levels on a 10 points scale (4=10, 3=8.5, 2=7, 1=5). I give no grades below a 50% (even for missing work). If student masters a standard, I go back and change earlier attempts so they're not averaged. #sblchat
A3 grade book? How quaint! Put the outcomes/standards at the top and change your symbols as students improve how the do compared to the outcome! Not task oriented! #sblchat
A3: My grade book consists of assignments that are the learning targets. Ss only receive a score based on their current status on the target. Their letter grade is based on how well they perform on them. When learning improvement is demoed, target score increases. #sblchat
I have to (district doesn’t use SBG yet). I only report the scores on proficiency scales for content/lab skills. Problem is the system averages all scores so it’s hard to paint a clear pic. Also use one percent (usually the highest) score for each level of proficiency. #sblchat
Seems to be it wouldn't -- consistent expectations are one purpose of standards, no? So that concern isn't linked to lowering standards as much as anxiety over meeting them. #SBLchat
Q3: Easily! Set it up by stnd instead of assignment. Only put 4 #’s in your gradebook. I used Distinguished- 10pts; Proficient-9pts; Apprentice-7.5pts; Novice-6pts. Anything lower than an A needed more work. I actually knew where they were based on their AVERAGE. 😱 #sblchat
I usually do if it’s way off. Most of the time students consistently score around the same score. Still wrestling with the one overall score at the end by combining several scores on different standards. #SBLchat
A3 Make the categories the standards, not Quiz, Test, Projects, etc. I’ve seen teachers do this with the most traditional hard-copy grade book that I used when I started teaching a LONG, LONG time ago. #sblchat
A3: Categories = standards (not methods). Standards (those categories) are weighted by complexity. Scores (the numbers) are look-a-likes for traditional scales (95,85,76,65,55). Newest evidence replaces old. Formatives never included. Judgement used for final grade. #sblchat
A3: I’m working in this situation. Not ideal. Rather than 1-4 I use A, B, C, and F. Most assessments of standards are 5 points. Always push for edits/revisions. Not ideal, but I’m working on it! #sblchat
Q3: This is the struggle that I have been having for the past 11 years. We run Frmtv folder at 35% and a Smmtv folder at 65%. Grading on a 0 to 4 scale. First passing level was 0.76 - WELL below Basic (2.00). Grad Rates skyrocketed !
A3 Enter the work by standard (summative scores only please) and use a conversion scale. I was able to set mine to 4 levels and use this scale (which Ss helped design) to convert over. #sblchat
Yeah, that's understandable. Though it sounds like you and your students are doing a lot of amazing work to focus on learning! That's something to be proud of. #sblchat
A3 turn off formative assessment do it doesn’t calculate in the grade ....formative assessment is only to inform Ts and ss about their progress only make summative assessment count #sblchat
A3 Organize traditional gradebook & report by standards, communicate how numbers posted match proficiency levels (not %), provide ongoing feedback during learning process & only report a grade at the end of unit. Replace old evidence with most recent #sblchat
Looking for a great listen on your way into work tomorrow? @leeannjung did a wonderful job sharing her experience overcoming parent objections to SBG with hundreds of educators today. Listen here: https://t.co/VeQqYpac9R#learningtogether
A3: Categories = standards (not methods). Standards (those categories) are weighted by complexity. Scores (the numbers) are look-a-likes for traditional scales (95,85,76,65,55). Newest evidence replaces old. Formatives never included. Judgement used for final grade. #sblchat
A4-We attach stickers: Blue (4.0), Green (3.0), Yellow (2.0) and Red (1.0) and provide feedback for our Learners on our FAs. They've stopped asking for frequent grades since the learning is becoming more valuable to them. #sblchat
A4 Give them lots of feedback instead! Also, sit with them and have a conversation about why. Plus, make sure the student is assessing themselves as they work. That can be really powerful. #sblchat
I need to write up how I use 4 levels & logic rules to determine Ss grades. We use @InfiniteCampus and I’ve had no problem with making it work, and more importantly my Ss understand what their grades mean and how to improve than ever before. Any taskmasters out there? #sblchat
In reply to
@DrAngelaNewcomb, @InfiniteCampus, @InfiniteCampus
It takes time, but highlighting that solid feedback will ultimately help them improve their performance more than a number on every paper can help. It is a huge challenge—even with graduate students! #sblchat
A4: One thing I'm toying with is randomly selecting assignments that I will give feedback/grade. Another is letting Ss choose one assignment per week to turn in as their best quality work. It's a struggle because they've been conditioned to want a score for everything! #sblchat
A4: By stubbornly refusing to give in, but compassionatly acknowledging their anxiety and frustration by having a lot of conversation and giving high quality feedback. #sblchat
@JeremyDBond: I also mean that I fear some SpEd interventions (at the MS & HS level) work to make a student get passing grades, sometimes over-scaffolding and taking the learning out of school, replaced with giving info or collecting points #sblchat
In reply to
@JeremyDBond, @kenoc7, @KatieBudrow, @leeannjung, @JeremyDBond
Yes! This! Clear learning targets & modeling what that looks like @ the end helps *all* Ss, particularly struggling Ss. Ts must go beyond "I can" statements & model concept. Ex: Sip & paint. Model 3nd product & watch varying products emerge; it doesnt stifle creativity. #sblchat
A2 I think SBL&G helps all students but it is particularly helpful for exceptional and struggling students because they benefit most from clear learning goals/targets. #sblchat
A4 I notice it’s just a culture if u focus always on reflection peer and teacher feedback they will just crave the feeling of doing their best especially if u allow them use their passion and give them choice and if they have to publish for global audience!! #SblChat
I am working on the whole see the big picture idea right now. You may not see an actual grade (if I collect something I put an odd symbol that means nothing on it) but it is practice so why would I penalize you if you are struggling with it? They seem to go for that. #SBLchat
@DrPeteSullivan makes a great point. You have to build in that time to provide quality feedback with discussion. So much is lost in translation if you do it purely electronically. #sblchat
I’ll add it to my to do list. It’ll be somewhere between next week’s retest, Friday’s varsity basketball game, and the following weekend’s brewing session. 😂😂😂 #sblchat
In reply to
@KatieBudrow, @DrAngelaNewcomb, @InfiniteCampus
A4 - OPS Ts have no choice -- we must score everything that Ss turn in. That include past the deadline w/o deduction. Ts do have the option of not accepting S work once the learning is complete for that unit and a bit beyond. This becomes a game-play by the Ss. #sblchat
A4 Give them lots of feedback instead! Also, sit with them and have a conversation about why. Plus, make sure the student is assessing themselves as they work. That can be really powerful. #sblchat
Then, if their self-given score don’t jive, ask them if they want some feedback. Eventually, they find greater value in having this than a score/grade. #sblchat
Then, if their self-given score don’t jive, ask them if they want some feedback. Eventually, they find greater value in having this than a score/grade. #sblchat
A4: Once Ss realize all of our work is contextualized to build from one learning experience to the next, they start asking less for grades. We have to build rapport and trust so they can see where all of our practice is leading us—evidence of their learning #sblchat
Yes, what Ken said! Clear learning targets & modeling what it looks like @ the end helps *all* Ss, particularly struggling Ss. Ts must go beyond "I can" statements & model concept. Ex: Sip & paint. Model end product & watch varying products emerge. Fast tracks learning. #sblchat
Part 2. Usually they have to check each activity with me and we discuss it. They get feedback and fix mistakes. And I ask them if they want the grade they would have gotten if they turned it in. Usually they say not really. #sblchat
I am working on the whole see the big picture idea right now. You may not see an actual grade (if I collect something I put an odd symbol that means nothing on it) but it is practice so why would I penalize you if you are struggling with it? They seem to go for that. #SBLchat
A4: I just can’t. 😂😂😂 #sblchat JK ~ Descriptive FEEDBACK. Those kiddos are nerds like us. Show them the research that they won’t learn from the feedback if a grade is on their paper. 💁🏻♀️
Change the daily language you use with your class and shift the focus on learning and not scores. Over time, conversations will be focused on learning and applications.
Something to watch for. Though we have background knowledge we're new to the process for our own kid in 4th grade. We have wondered how it will feel beyond the more personal attention in elementary. #SBLchat
In reply to
@NAEmmanuele, @kenoc7, @KatieBudrow, @leeannjung
Everyone doesn’t have to. I think that’s the biggest problem. When it’s a 101 pt scale, everyone doesn’t do the same thing. Imagine 20 scores. Class work, quizzes, homework, and tests. Now ask your colleagues to calculate a grade. How many different ones would you get? #sblchat
A5-The Parents of our Learners NOW appreciate the learning in our Standards-Based environment so they are no longer focused on just the grades. It IS a learning curve, but #WorthItAll. #sblchat
A5-The Parents of our Learners are happier about the engagement and learning in our Standards-Based Learning environment, that they seeing that Learning > Grades. #sblchat
A5 We talk a lot about the why together. Also, I make sure the gradebook isn’t the only way we communicate about learning in the standards-based classroom. That helps parents a lot. #sblchat
16 points between grades
4- 100
3- 84
2- 68
1- 52
Or if you want 60+, with 13 points between grades
Remember, if your school is a U.I.L. school, 70 is considered the lowest passing grade, no matter how your school defines it.
I create my own scoring guideline in Infinite Campus, my categories are my standards, and each assessment on a standard (sometimes 3 standards on 1 assessment) is 5 or 10 points. I plug in an A, B, C, or F. Ss can revise/reassess. Not perfect, but better than I was doing #sblchat
In reply to
@DrAngelaNewcomb, @kenmattingly, @InfiniteCampus
A5- sorry I’m late- just got home from duty. Educate them. Bring them in. Showcase mastery learning through a project showcase. Have students explain the difference in a structured manner. Most parents won’t argue so much once they understand the purpose. #sblchat
A5 I met with all of my parents at the start of school to explain SBG and etc and asked for a show of hands how many of them are evaluated at their jobs with percentages. No hands were raised and my point was made. #sblchat
Grading is for parents, not students! This high school learning is not just content and knowledge, but skills such as study habits, time management, collaboration, etc.
In reply to
@scotthabeeb, @RoweRikW, @booksandbronte, @NoApp4Pedagogy, @drjohnmckinney, @lisa_westman, @leeannjung, @rickwormeli2, @KeithWestman, @KatieBudrow, @garnet_hillman, @WickedDecent, @mctownsley, @NAEmmanuele
There is no reason for it not continuing in MS and HS. An administrator in a school district that has done SB for years now has graduates who are pushing their college professors to use these strategies. #sblchat
In reply to
@JeremyDBond, @NAEmmanuele, @KatieBudrow, @leeannjung
I ask them what their concerns and we talk about it. Explaining there are 63 versions of an F and only 7 versions of an A and saying that’s not really fair helps them see. Understanding how the rubric connects to learning and shows clear criteria helps. #sblchat
I've never had a problem. But, I would say: SAT, LSAT, MCAT, GRE, Bar exam, drivers license test, CDL, HVAC, pretty much each assessment where a grade is taken in the "real world" is NOT an average. My brother made his sales quota of 15 cars that month, or didnt. #sblchat
A5 show them research @DouglasReeves has many great videos ....we hosted once a month informational meeting for parents with a potluck and had ss babysitting ...I noticed transparency is the key when ppl r afraid of changing the status quo #SblChat
A5: Address their fears / concerns with SBG. And remind that when their children were super little (K-3), that report card was (likely) standards-based. #ItWorkedThen#sblchat
A5) It is hard to fight that logic because a full-on SBL grading system does not help students attending post hs studies. Ss learn roles and completion of projects but not how to study. My argument for SBL is Bloom's Tax of Learning #sblchat
A5 The parachute packing example that I’m sure many of you have seen works. Ask which is more accurate - 10 20 71 81 81 = D or F or 1 1 2 3 3 = B? #sblchat
A6-We have HS graduates year after year return to share how much they are applying and retaining in college based on our HS Math Standards-Based Learning environment. Another graduate (further educator) scheduled to join us tomorrow! #sblchat
A5 patience.....the “good old days” where we all looked forward to our report cards....weren’t.....artifacts of authentic learning is much more meaningful than a “B/3” which avoids parent conferences....whatever the learning actually looks like... #sblchat
A6 It’s so funny, the way my classroom is run is really similar to a lot of my upper level college courses, as well as my work as a chemist (before teaching). I’ll point out those similarities to people, and suddenly we will start to find more and more. #sblchat
A6: Life is not based on percentages. We don't raise 70% of a child or perform 85% of our job. We strive for mastery in what we do, or we fail and learn from it. It's that simple. #sblchat
A6. I averaged two assessments per class during my undergraduate years at @LoyolaChicago. I would argue that grading a million assignments is the antithesis of a solid undergraduate experience. #sblchat
A2- SBL is the absolute best for students with special needs. It comes down to mastery learning and providing various opportunties and methods for students with diverse and individual needs. #sblchat
A6 hahahahahahaha
My daughter (at @WaterlooENG ) has commented that her standards-based classes (descriptive feedback) set her up better than the “chase for 100%” did) #sblchat
A6: Also - you know what prepares students for post secondary? Learning. SBL helps students learn. So it prepares them for post secondary. Can you tell how I feel about this question? #sblchat
A6: Also - you know what prepares students for post secondary? Learning. SBL helps students learn. So it prepares them for post secondary. Can you tell how I feel about this question? #sblchat
A6: The petty reply is “traditional grading doesn’t either.” And even cheeky answer is “are you sure it doesn’t?” But a better response to help them understands how it does transfer for life-long learning. #sblchat
A6: In that massive bicycle-metaphor/example tweet from yesterday that picked up steam, someone (sorry, no citation!) noted that SBG/L prepares students because they are LEARNING; the mechanisms are secondary to the fact our students are showing growth #sblchat
A6 hahahahahahaha
My daughter (at @WaterlooENG ) has commented that her standards-based classes (descriptive feedback) set her up better than the “chase for 100%” did) #sblchat
Disagree completely - SBLG&R develops students as reflective, self-directed learners (not grade grubbers) which is what ythey need to be to be successful beyond HS. #sblchat
A6: SBG/SBL holds Ss accountable for the learning. If Ss learn the material, they are more likely to be successful at the next level no matter how they’re “graded” there. #sblchat
A6 dose ur boss gives u a score every hour for every activity and average ur grades? No good leaders push u to to the impossible, support u give feedback because that will benefit everyone #SblChat
The descriptive feedback helped my oldest know what she could still focus on OR lulled into a false sense of security about how false a 99% can actually be.... #sblchat