Susan Spellman Cann , School Counsellor from Calgary ,Alberta joining in #moedchat with @debbiefuco and other colleagues So happy to join in tonight! Hope #scchat does too!
Susan Spellman Cann , School Counsellor from Calgary ,Alberta joining in #moedchat with @debbiefuco and other colleagues So happy to join in tonight! Hope #scchat does too!
My son just came out to tell me that when he wears socks to bed they make him sweat. Didn’t understand why I don’t really need to know that and that he can, in fact, go to bed without informing me… #dadlife#moedchat
A1: Body language speaks volumes. I love using Google for journaling - can be eye opener and using comments- Ts can communicate without verbal. #moedchat
A.1 It's important to provide non-verbal options and opportunities for introverts. Great Ted Talk on this by Susan Cain
A2: yes, that's why teamwork is so important Teachers Admin. and School Counsellors as well as other advocates working together to make a difference #moedchat#scchat
A2 probably to often because I wasn’t really listening to them I was hearing them but not listening or I was to concerned with making my point not improving our problem #moedchat
A2) I had S that did not speak much, I was calling this S by the given name, the S did not identify with the name. The S was trying to tell me with body language. I missed it finally sent me a direct comment on google document. #moedchat
A2: I can’t think of a specific time however I can definitely think of times as a student when I wished my teacher would have followed up with me but I was too afraid to say something. #MOEdchat
A2: A few times, I could have addressed issues quicker, but in the end I was able to intervene with a neglect problem and in another a student being over medicated. #moedchat
Hey PLN! I need your help. I'm planning a PD presentation on Twitter. What are your favorite EDU twitter chats and when do they chat? (all topics!) #edchat#moedchat#ksedchat#chemchat#Scichat
I have to convince my daughter to take her socks off at bedtime, explaining that our feet get warmer when we sleep (but more to the point, she always ends up too warm). #moedchat
I wrote to my MO state representatives recently - I said that having an appropriate number school counselors, who do not have other side duties - is crucial to schools. #moedchat
A2 Yes, and I feel guilty as all get out. A student with serious trauma was causing issues, I wasn’t aware of sed trauma and failed her. miserably. It still bothers me years later. #moedchat
Jove, love this honest response because it's probably happened to everyone at some point. The distinction between hearing and listening is important. #moedchat#scchat
A2 probably to often because I wasn’t really listening to them I was hearing them but not listening or I was to concerned with making my point not improving our problem #moedchat
A2: When a S is acting out. It can be natural to react without really paying attention to the other cues. Stopping, breathing, listening, and looking a little deeper. #moedchat
A3: Sometimes going about the business of education causes us to not "hear" our students. We need to remember we teach kids first and content second. #moedchat
A3 not having relationships with kids and that comes from not taking the time to make connections. Not listening to them because we allow our own emotions to take over rather than staying student centered #moedchat
A4- Our impulse to respond to information instead of just soak it all in. When Ss have issues, we need to do our best to listen without the intent to respond. #MOedchat
A3: I think there are times when we are “too busy” with something else and then we miss something right under our noses. If we work to be more aware this will happen less. #MOEdchat
A3 This is simple, but we have to value student voice. I still encounter educators who don't believe students can and will provide valuable feedback. We don't always know what students want or need. #moedchat
Q3: The overly demanding disruptive kids overshadow the quiet ones who shout just as loud, but are overlooked. We need to see that the consequence fits the action. Why should a continual menace be given repeat chances, when our quiet ones don't get a 1st? #moedchat
A3: Responsibility. Lots of responsibility is on each teacher, virtually all day long. That is a lot to juggle and be "on" constantly, consistently, and intentionally. #moedchat
A3 Once I was exposed to @TheLeaderinMe I really have started PRACTICING #empatheticlistening it is not natural and it really takes practice, but it has made a lot of things better, still need reminders to do it #moedchat
A3: I feel like we were not encouraged to not fully get to know Ss in the past - keep it school level...or maybe as a more veteran teacher I just feel more comfortable asking harder questions now. Although I'm still not always prepared for the answers. #moedchat
We created this exit card at our school, to encourage and support #mindfulness strategies with students, as well as complete overhaul if managing student behaviour @WirreandaSS#moedchat
Bravo! It's something that's been on my mind a lot lately. Especially, when the conversation involves arming teachers! Why not put that same money into putting more school counselors in our schools? #moedchat#scchat
I wrote to my MO state representatives recently - I said that having an appropriate number school counselors, who do not have other side duties - is crucial to schools. #moedchat
A3: Responsibility. Lots of responsibility is on each teacher, virtually all day long. That is a lot to juggle and be "on" constantly, consistently, and intentionally. #moedchat
I believe we're on the same page when it comes to that @debbiefuco. School safety is going to take a complex response if we're going to do it right. None of those I wrote to responded to me though.... #moedchat
A3: Sometimes going about the business of education causes us to not "hear" our students. We need to remember we teach kids first and content second. #moedchat
A4- Our impulse to respond to information instead of just soak it all in. When Ss have issues, we need to do our best to listen without the intent to respond. #MOedchat
A4 Just in the last several weeks, some kids were hanging out with me in the hallway for dismissal duty every day, couldn’t figure out why, they were annoyed with all the running and loud noises, wanted to try and prevent it, now we have #hallpatrol#moedchat#Winning
A3 Taking time to authentically listen. We are rushed in classroom. Doing 'check in circle' with students can create space for discussion, or emailing teacher. #moedchat
A4 yes, as an admin I feel as though this has been my largest area of growth. You thank them for sharing and you applaud them for having the courage to tell you where they are at and what they need. #moedchat
I loved the book @KidsDeserveIt when the authors spoke of leaving your troubles in the 🚗. To focus on students we have to be present and in the moment. #moedchat
In reply to
@awall777, @JoveStickel, @KidsDeserveIt
A3: Ss behavior; I’m sure we can all admit to at least one time when we didn’t pay adequate attention to a S bec he/she wasn’t one of our best or “favorite” Ss. #moedchat
A4: Following up on a conversation the next day, or later in the week helps let students know you truly listened and want to help them long term. #moedchat
Q4: I used Padlet so my ELA8 students could share what they felt were teen issues. From there, we've been reading informational text addressing their concerns. NewsELA is a great source and Scope Magazine. #moedchat
A4: I always try to make a point to listen to my students. Naturally I am a very empathetic person which can be a disadvantage at times. But students are going to perform better when they know their teacher cares about them. #MOEdchat
A1: Demeanor; many times you can just tell when someone is tired, depressed, scared, angry, etc. Another reason why I believe teacher prep programs should involve my psychology and anthropology classes. #moedchat
A4: I always try to make a point to listen to my students. Naturally I am a very empathetic person which can be a disadvantage at times. But students are going to perform better when they know their teacher cares about them. #MOEdchat
A5: Greetinv Ss as they walk in. Showing interest in them. I love @cskiles80 saying she pushed everything aside to listen. It shows them they are important. #moedchat
A4: I was the “counselor” for my friends in HS; I’ve kind of carried that into my profession as I get a wide variety of Ss coming to me w/ their troubles bec they know I care & they know that I’m not afraid to give them the advice they need (but may not want) #moedchat
A1: Demeanor; many times you can just tell when someone is tired, depressed, scared, angry, etc. Another reason why I believe teacher prep programs should involve my psychology and anthropology classes. #moedchat
A5: Be present and not just in the moment, but be at school early and don’t fly past the busses on your way out. Sometimes Ss don’t want to talk while others are around. #moedchat
A5 making that person the focus they need to feel like they are he most important thing to you at that moment. I also repeat to myself before the conversation starts don’t interrupt and don’t judge #moedchat
A5: Give students an opportunity to write, or draw, not just talk. On occasion I will give Ss a paper that says, "what I wish my teacher knew..." Maybe I hear about movies they saw, maybe I hear about parents fighting. It's all important. #moedchat
As one of those sometimes overlooked quiet kids, I didn’t see the disruptive kids as taking anything away from my education. We struggled to fit in, in different ways. Fostered empathy in all of us. #moedchat
Q3: The overly demanding disruptive kids overshadow the quiet ones who shout just as loud, but are overlooked. We need to see that the consequence fits the action. Why should a continual menace be given repeat chances, when our quiet ones don't get a 1st? #moedchat
A6 I have had Ss say that they can’t believe you listened to me. Some even act surprised that an adult would lend credence to their perspective #moedchat
A6: I could sail a boat on the tears that have been shed in my room in 8 years bec the Ss know I listen. More often than not the Ss walks out with a smile or at least feeling more peaceful afterward. #moedchat
A6 Gratitude from student, parent. Improvement in engagement. The catch is to continue monitoring and have student on your radar. Before you know it, your radar is full of students! Whole school community needs to play their part in #learnerwellbeing#WSSproud#moedchat
A6 Gratitude from student, parent. Improvement in engagement. The catch is to continue monitoring and have student on your radar. Before you know it, your radar is full of students! Whole school community needs to play their part in #learnerwellbeing#WSSproud#moedchat
Thank you so much for joining #MOedchat tonight!
Be sure to grow your #PLN by following those you learned with tonight! #MOedchat
See you all next week 3.15 at 9pm CT