#musedchat Archive
Each Monday evening at 8PM EST, music teachers get together and share ideas about important topics within music education. It’s a great chance to interact directly with educators from all over the world and to get new tips and tricks to help you succeed in the classroom. The entire #musedchat discussion is organized and moderated by Joe Guarr.
Monday March 7, 2016 8:00 PM EST
Hi all! Sam Fritz 6-8 band in Greenwood IN
Greetings! Amy from MI. Middle school band teacher currently stalling from working on the grades that need to be finished up...
Hi Sam, welcome to the chat. Glad to have you with us tonight.
Hello. Alex from MI. HS/5th Instrumental Music.
Hi Amy, good evening to you. Glad it'll be nice and warm for voting tomorrow!
Hi! Sophie Levenberg, K-2 General Music in Goshen, NY.
Good evening to you Alex, hope your Monday was a good one.
Definitely! No weather excuse to keep people home. :)
Hello! Phyllis from Louisiana, 5th Grade Choir, 7th&8th Grade Piano
Hi Sophie, glad you could join us tonight!
Tim - Director of Bands at Eastern Brown in Ohio.
Glad you could join us tonight Phyllis, welcome!
Evening! I'm Susie and I teach 4th-5th grade band near Sacramento, CA.
Howdy Tim, welcome to the chat
Hi Susie, glad you could join us tonight
My kids seem interested, but apprehensive. Hoping once they find a good piece excitement will take over instead.
Sara from IL. I teach MS band and orchestra.
Good evening to you Sara, thanks for joining us tonight
Made it... Paul from MI 6-12 Band
Q1: Spring is recruiting/scheduling season for many of us. What does recruitment look like in your district?
Hello! Stephanie Morris k-4 college station, tx
Hi Stephanie, thanks for joining us tonight
Hi everyone! Kiddo's bedtime finally worked out with the chat :) K-3 music from IL.
A1: Still learning the process in the new school. HS hosted an Inst Petting Zoo for elem students a month or so ago.
A1: We perform concert in the Spring during the school day. The 3rd-5th graders attend. Hopefully gets them excited to join band
A1 lots of talking about BegBand from my Elem Mus Teacher! A HS concert for the 4th graders
Glad you could join us tonight!
A1: all 6th Ss have to take 1yr band, choir, orch. Joint concert, fittings, elem visits
A1: Tried something new this yr. HS wind ens. spent the day doing sectionals w/ 6th graders, performed w/ them too
A1: I filter all of the beg. through as 6th graders so beg recruitment is automatic. Personally inviting Ss to continue next year.
A1: large district = many types of recruitment. 5th grade recruitment takes place in the fall. We mostly do transition/retention
I teach 7/8, so I switch with the 5/6 teacher for a day and work w/ the students. Send families letter + concert invite after
Working on street view 360 of our band room to show 5th graders
A1: I teach 5th music (band starts in 6th), so I recruit while I teach. Letters homes, performances, parent meeting, fittings.
Will join soon, once my computer is done updating. Also, isnt it amazing how better folks on the Voice sound once a chair turns?
Q1- middle school brings over the band (in dec) and Orch (in Feb around registration)
A1 Ditto- as an elem music teacher, talking up the instruments, getting on recorders, etc.
A1: Still a new program here: Considering mailing personal invites in Spring to all 4th graders to join in the fall.
A1: A brochure (which this chat has reminded me I need to update...) is sent home w/ registration materials for middle school.
Antoine here tired really tired and have regionals tomorrow
I'm thinking of trying likewise with my chorus and band for the 3rd...maybe I can find something for band and recorders?
Recruiting is a year-round effort, but it really ramps up this time of year. Scheduling forms went out a week ago.
Best of luck you and your students tomorrow
I too do teacher switches with my feeders. It is quite effective. https://t.co/Oa1QXM3M48
I teach 7/8, so I switch with the 5/6 teacher for a day and work w/ the students. Send families letter + concert invite after
A1.1 side-by-side rehearsals between HS & MS students work very well. We add Q&A time.
Would be easy enough to teach some basic recorder songs to your band/choir. Don't know if anything is out there
have you by any chance seen the ep. of Community where they join the glee club?
A1: In the fall, MS joins the HS at a football game. Cookout w/ families beforehand.
I think it's REALLY valuable and important if the kids put a face to the person who they hopefully move up to
We're trying something like this soon. Interested to see how it goes. 8th Gr played at FB game w/ them in fall too.
Somebody at MMC said the best recruiting tool was getting your kids together w/ the HS.
FB games are great. I am stealing the cookout idea from rehearsals allow more flexibility than performances
And your youngsters get to see what the progression can look like
I think it makes a big difference when they're hearing about it from a kid rather than another adult.
A1: Joining late! I'm in elementary music and we do band/orchestra recruitment in April.
All credit goes to our boosters. They cooked soooo many hot dogs.
Our dept does a spring concert including all ensembles in grades 3-12
Sort of like a collage concert? Sounds fantastic!
Q2: What 'big picture' planning items do you start working on in spring for the following school year?
A1-2: I also do Faectime chats with the higher ed directors in our department.
A1: ALL our 5th Graders rotate their electives which include band & choir so they get exposure & make a wise choice in 6th grade
A2: Logistics planning. ie: concert dates, school owned instrument availability, method books, etc.
Year 1 at this school- ask me again in June!
both. we allow light chatter during the rehearsal and hold a full class Q&A/Panel at the end.
A2: concert dates & music selection
A2: Editing course offerings / descriptions, 8th grade recruitment into high school, and marching band planning (someday soon...)
Q2: build rosters, plan out gen music courses, identify needs of ensemble members, set learning units and match up repertoire.
A2- music selection, annual curriculum plans
A2: Job 1 is getting band camp staff set. After that, thoughts about music/concert dates for next year. Gotta book early.
A2: MB & guard recruitment, show planning, arrangements/drill. Class rosters, concert schedule, mb dates.
A2: build rosters, edit course offerings, take a careful look at needs of future ensemble and map out units, choose rep.
Planning for the annual 8th grade music trip to Chicago also starts in the spring. Figuring out itineraries and whatnot
A2: Yes, getting those dates set are crucial!
A2: calendar for grade level concerts in the fall (6 b/c/o, 7, 8) choose combined piece for 8th grade (b/c/o) - suggestions?
A2: Unit/ year long planning. I'm a first year teacher, so I've been trying to figure out what I should and shouldn't do.
Q3: Let's think a little farther out here. What's your long-term (5 yr) vision for your program? How do you plan to get there?
A3: 5 year plan is important. Build into it little by little. Add a little bit here and a little there. Gotta always build!
A3: I need to improve my flow of Ss into the HS program. Also looking to build some S mentoring from HS to MS.
A3: my piano class is currently only offered to 7th&8th Grade. I'd like it to start in 6th ... maybe even 5th
A2: Sorry to be late. HS band director here. Currently evaluating student enrollment surveys for next year's band.
A3: I want individual musicianship to be the focus. Chamber music, solo and ensemble, honor bands, private lessons, etc.
A3: I would love to have a recorder class starting in 3rd grade that would be a transition to 4/5 instrumental music.
A3: I have 95% retention 6-8 and 48% to HS. I want that to be in the high 80s. I need to find out the real reason
A3: I'd really like2add a Mus tech class and almost got it to work but this year the MS schedule will prob change stop progress
A3: honestly, I need to plan the direction of my career. looking at doctoral programs, considering ed tech/coach positions…
A3: I want to see a strings program get started in my district. Nearest one is 35 minutes away. Could be a great addition.
take a look at royal conservatory of music. RCoM is great at focusing individual ability.
A3: Strings program, more time in schedule for pullout lessons (& smaller grps) and more opportunities for Ss to perform
Right? It would solve so many problems!
Also, officially joining the chat tonight. Adam from NJ
tough to do, but achievable. 1 grade level per year.
A3: Would LOVE to get an elem virtual choir going- want my kids to build bonds through music
My wife teaches strings in another district. She's willing to help with any proposal to start one.
some folks in chat (Tues nights at 9PM EST) have been talking about the same. Definitely a great idea.
It is hard! We've added "Chamber Music Thursday'" at the MS this year, which is getting the students excited.
We started doing one concert per year that is focused on chamber music. This is year 3 of that.
Lots of trial/error in that first year. Tweaked rehearsal schedules, etc.
A3: To develop plans 5 yrs +, I chart S enrollment from grades 4-12. Helps establish long-term budgets, monitor attrition, etc.
1-2 days per week devoted entirely to chamber. Other days are full band
Full band days I'll sometimes send 1-2 groups to practice rm who need extra time on their chamber piece
Yes. We split into groups and they rehearse on their own. I answer Qs as needed.
Love some of your resources on how those work.
March concert (2 weeks away!) We prep by going caroling in small groups in December
Ditto. We have a good number of talented string players, but no formal string or orchestra program. Good long term goal.
I also like Soundation, you can do multiple tracks and some pretty complex stuff and still free.
I'll work on a blog post about it in the next few days. Favorite concert of the year.
Honestly the best thing was just scheduling it and forcing myself to take the plunge
We do the same. The Ss enjoy it and take ownership. https://t.co/2udyZ6Iswj
1-2 days per week devoted entirely to chamber. Other days are full band