A1: In Fairbanks, we have a two day bootcamp during which we introduce new teachers to main structures and structures, walk them through curriculum resources, give them information about online resources, and allow them to spend last two days in their schools. #akedchat
A2: We have a two-year cycle of induction. First year we meet with new teachers monthly and discuss topics they need. The second year we meet quarterly and provide more individualized support. #akedchat
I personally prefer to retweet the question with my A1 or A2 in the comment. That way others can see the question without going back in the chat. I would like to hear what others have to say! #akedchat
I'm Tammy Morris & I provide PD for districts around AK, so I'm not in one district, and not really included in all the new teacher PD programs. However, when I was Tech Coordinator in Ktn, we began training new teachers on email and other districtwide tech tools. #akedchat
We have some newcomers, I believe from Intro to EdTech Class @ UAS, in #akedchat tonight which is fantastic! Would love to hear what professional development/training they would expect to receive upon being a new hire in a school district. #akedchat@markglasionov@Paula92212326
#akedchat A2: I know LKSD has a two-year program for new teachers. Some new Ts even go to a culture camp before sch begins. Throughout the yr, 1st yr Ts go into dist office for training several times. 2nd year Ts continue to go into dist office to receive more training. Thorough.
We do random visit in schools and always want to talk to new teachers about their needs. If they still have questions, we provide resources or point them to places to go. #akedchat
A1: As a future teacher, I would hope to receive a bootcamp like training of how the school is structured and on the curriculum I will be teaching. I think it would be helpful to be paired with an experienced teacher from that district or school! #akedchat
Challenges can really vary, so much depends on the information they have or haven't been given! There are some things very basic, like where are the supplies kept, where is the Ts Lounge. Other things are social, like where do most Ts have lunch? #akedchat
Then there is info about the curriculum-what are the Ts supposed to use? Where can it be found? Where are the supplies for it? Online resources? Also good to know-Is there a behavior management system used throughout sch? Training on districtwide tech - email, LMS, etc #akedchat
To avoid missing this basic info we send teachers to their schools to meet with principals and secretaries who are already on contract to walk them through the building and show them where things are. #akedchat
Challenges can really vary, so much depends on the information they have or haven't been given! There are some things very basic, like where are the supplies kept, where is the Ts Lounge. Other things are social, like where do most Ts have lunch? #akedchat
#akedchat A5: I worked in two school districts as an employee and never received incentive to stay :) However, this was WAY back when AK T salaries were competitive, and I worked in towns (Fairbanks & Ketchikan). Rural schools have a MUCH harder time keeping Ts on board :(
We have a padlet with all online resources and the district website we also list curriculum and other resources. Link to padlet https://t.co/GXgZpnBo9a#akedchat
In reply to
@InspiredImpact, @markglasionov, @Paula92212326
Q6: Do you evaluate the impact of your induction program or training your district provides for new teachers? How do you use this information? #akedchat
#akedchat Love the organization of the resources in the Padlet! District, Curriculum, Instructional Best Practices are definitely the 3 most imp categories to be kept informed on!
In reply to
@unruhAK, @markglasionov, @Paula92212326
A6: this is our second year of the two year cycle so we are not able to see the impact yet. Hope is that our effort wil pay off in the long run. #akedchat
I believe that we will see some positive results in upcoming years. My last year cohort is already connected to this year’s new teachers. We just need to keep it going. Two year ago we did not have anything... #akedchat
#akedchat We can all provide support and training for new teachers we come in contact with. What are some things that you've experienced, as Supporter or Supportee?
I started on Sept 30 my very first year, with a combo class at U Park in Fairbanks. I think every one of the Ts in that building did something to help me get started. One very memorable thing was the T that made October Wtg Jnls for each of my kids! #akedchat