#CatholicEdchat Archive
CatholicEdChat is a twitter chat. Topics focus on discussions around educational issues for Catholic Educators and topics beneficial to Catholic Schools. We look forward to continuing to connect Catholic Educators online to discuss education and teaching with faith in our schools. The chat takes place on Saturday mornings. Time 9am EST.
Saturday March 5, 2016 8:58 AM EST
Good morning from New Orleans!
Good morning from Nashville. Very foggy early, burning off now.
Good morning from RI. Hoping it warms up a bit since the sun is out!
Good morning from VaBeach!
Good morning! For the next hour, I'll be tweeting with our chat
Br Christopher from Kansas, middle school science and religion
Good morning from Southern California
Please say hello and tell us where you are tweeting from
Good morning from Peabody, MA Librarian K-8
Good morning from Media, Pa
Hope you enjoyed your time at Google.
Thank you ... I did. It was incredible. I am still unpacking and using what I learned
Today's topic is Promoting Healthy/Productive Tech Habits in Students
Good morning from Philadelphia!
Good morning from northwest Iowa
You never know when you are going to show up these days with social media!
That is sooooo true! They had a cool wall about your digital footprint
Good morning from Chicago.
Q1: 1: What guidelines does your school have about school day tech use? Certain times, uses, etc...?
Good morning from Lancaster PA
A1 only when Ts say use tech. My class tech heavy, others tech deserts.
A1: Ss use tech in all classes thru day at Ts direction, even music
A1 We aren't 1 to 1 so only when the teacher allows / gets the cart. meaning T sets the tone
a1: Ss are only able to use tech when T allow, but T are limited by resources- only 1 internet connected computer in my room
Are you one to one or BYOD?
Good morning, 5th grade teacher from Richmond, VA!
a1: Personal devices not allowed. No BYOD. We have tablets that can be reserved by Ts, Chromebooks in Lib, PCs in comp lab.
A1 My situation is just like yours.
A1 We only have a few ipads per class. They are used at teacher directed times
Our school is 1:1 with technology. We have the freedom to use the technology anytime throughout the day.
A1 Our Ss use tech for most classes in upper grades taking test and notes when Ts allow.
A1: in prev school as directed by need and Ts direction. Ss had iPads and could use cell phones.
A1 Teachers are encouraged to use technology in the classroom. Shared iPad carts. Not 1:1 school
. What do you mean by tech deserts? As a reward?
enough tablets to go around?
A1 laptop avail. E-readers, iPads, Kindles avail throughout day. Apps used during lessons. Tech agreement in sch handbook.
have 30 chromebooks, 20 iPads, dekstop lab for 4-8 grades. Luckily, (sadly?) usually enough for me to hog cb.
A1: no personal devices (yet) and Ts can sign out iPads and the tech lab for classroom use. Some classes have projectors.
How much are the ereaders and kindles used?
Yup. We have a nice sized lab, but it's almost always in use. Heard a rumor that we are getting iPads, though!
For now, yes. Two classroom sets of ipads, one of Nexus7s.
A1only when T requests Ss to use
A1 we are i to 1 iPads & tablets don't use cell phones unless needed for lesson.
Good morning
We are 1:1 & Ss use devices throughout the day, but Ts have control of when iPads are on in their classrooms.
I mean as in zero or almost zero tech use. :-/
That is how our school is. Few teachers very willing so some teachers have the devices almost all of the time
How do Ts use the kindles?
A1 We are 1:1 with iPads so we are encouraged to use them whenever possible. My Ss use them for everything
Agree! Not just a student chart either!
We have BYOD in grade 8, Chromebooks 1:1 grades 5-7; next year Chromebooks 5-8
That's awesome. Our lab was the same way before we got iPads. Now it's almost deserted.
Hi Marcie - so glad you can join today
Also, Most of our books are digital. Most kids don't even use their lockers.
I would love to see my school move from lab ... used as classroom to more integrated tech use
arriving late Zee in Pittsburgh PA
A1 we r 1:1 ipad. T decide when appro8 use in clssrm. No iPad-free zones. Encourg balanced use.
Agreed- and tech instruction authentically integrated into content
A1 Have Ss use tech in the library but we also use reference books when needed. Ss need to know if Internet is not working.
A1: We have 1 cart of chromebooks & 1 of Ipads so teachers check them out for the period they want
I said that once at a staff meeting-- heard a few brains pop at the idea. they still went with hard copy.
Do you worry about balance? or do they get a physical/digital balance from other Ts that don't use them?
I like the term tech desert- we have deserts in some classes despite tech availability
. Reminds one of the commercial out now 'pre-internet zone'. Is it relevant for today?
A1: We have BYOD, Chrome cart, Kindles-tech only used with teacher permission.
A2 I think anytime tech use can be implemented only after PD for teachers to lead S's to truly use tech as a tool
I know all of this is new, but we get a new class every year and don't expect them to be like old ss.
Missing yet again due to Stats class. Can't wait for this semester to be over. Miss chatting with you all.
A1 We are 1:1 laptops gr 3-8 and 1:1 ipads gr K-2. Most Ts are using tech but not always integrated.
YES!!!! No PD is almost going to guarantee poor implementation or just using digital worksheets
When Ts must go to a lab to use tech, many see tech as something separate. 1:1 helps true integration
I worry about getting a healthy balance in my classroom. Some of my students are very dependent on tech.
right, tech is a routine part of life. why do we treat school as seperate (i.e. outdated)?
A2 I think a balance of tech and nontech activities are needed in the classroom.
Model and discuss when to use and when to put down.
Have you been able to balance the need for both? My Ss are poor typers, so that is key
tech is scary to many Ts ... we must get past that
Continuity of access throughout grades would be helpful to Ss. Must be confusing to hv varied access
I keep a healthy dose of live labs, sims, and activities in science that arent' directly tech related.
I just had this convo yesterday- we've got to change the tasks b/c the world is changing!
Oh yes but the Ss will initiate for notetaking etc.
PD's absolutely essential. Can't spend $1,000's on tech & $0 on PD. Must be Admin priority to train Ts
do basic keyboarding with kids I teach but don't get them till 4th - bad habits already
Ss do depend on tech had a S use encyclopedia index he was looking by person's first name. Did not have a clue.
When able, tech should be a part of the environment vs an event in the day/week/month. Allows for transitions in and out
I tell Ss to text type and suddenly speed increases
Lack of continuity in tech usage a big problem, I agree
Depends if tech will enhance stu ability to learn/demostr8 learng.
Yes ... no using tech just for the sake of using it (though that is how teachers get started)
ss get dizzy trying to app smash and jump between different OS! fun to see the problem solving
Keyboarding hard with iPad it is important Ss still don't use with iPad.
I absolutely agree! On some of our busier days we don't use our tech. Some students get upset.
So important to teach search skills! Can't assume kids have them
Yes, tech has to have a purpose and an educational end. If it doesn't, don't use it. .
Being mom/self today. But for me- edu tech is for the student to grow & explore...not for adult to measure or control.
Research shows a negative aspect to taking notes on devices. Paper notes are better.
Sure...but by whose definition? How Ss use tech different from me. Need to be open to their needs
My son's school uses devices as fancy notebooks and textbooks hoping they move forward
My daughter taught herself to type. All Ss and P's need to take this initiative
Search skills are a necessity in teaching research; dig beyond the 1st Google page
Find it hard on elementary level Ss begin things in school some forget that tech can be used at home to complete assignment
Approx how many kindles do you have?
How do you start to teach search skills?
I have apps on iPads but older ones still hunt & peck
They can often teach us tech skills
Interesting! Why? I give students choice in note taking.
Q3: 3. In your opinion - how much 'screentime' is healthy? How many hours a day? For students? Teachers?
Not just hard. A good typist doesn't THINK as they type, it's muscle memory
@kmb211https://www.google.com/intl/en-us/insidesearch/searcheducation/lessons.html start here
Q3: In your opinion - how much 'screentime' is healthy? How many hours a day? For students? Teachers?
this allows for learning style!
Writing then typing notes was my method in college. Ss have to figure out their best study method.
And how to use. They navigate the new normal. Love seeing traditional & new ways of life
very true. Use 21st C frameworks to guide too: p21, ,
I write my to-do lists on paper and then copy to digital - better organization strategy for me
Good morning, checking in to say hi. Monitoring Sat. School today.
I have been using an Almanac starting with index & set up. I have enough copies for 1-1
A1. It depends on the individual -some a couple of hours some more. I think break times from screen are more important.
Being contrary today-all these made by adults :-) talking w/ Ss in their world is bit different
Love the sketchnoting, but not how my brain processes
I encourage Ss to do the same thing. Use DocScan or EasyScan apps to upload to Notability
has great lessons, I use them
I get caught up in the fact that visual design isnt my strength
Good morning. On the road to St. Louis to watch the Wichita State Shockers play in the MVC tournament.
A3: depends on what the screen time is - active or passive, thoughts?
A3 when the screen time is busy work its just as un healthy as worksheets for busy work. Meant to pacify not teach
Tough for notes when I can't draw, but AWESOME for reviewing concepts
have learning issues so learned how to learn for me use my strengths
Cool idea! Great for digital organization! I am a fan too
quality of time matters as much as quantity! https://t.co/w6EyvyhMxU
A3 when the screen time is busy work its just as un healthy as worksheets for busy work. Meant to pacify not teach
A3 I think it depends on the child. I am on my screens morning to night.
Hi everyone. Feeling very bad today. Woke up late. Hope all is well.
agreed! Things like webquests allow Ss to be discovering, readings on a screen can be busy work.
A3 Attending a workshop "Losing Reality-Technology Addiction" in June. I guess I will learn how much is too much!
ur Not contrary! It takes da villlage. Ss big part of da villlage. Why we're all there.
agreed ... I learn well from them
Good morning Jan. Good to see you here
One issue I see is that Ss lack a depth of understanding. Online search lends to clicking through/losing flow of thought
think process of learning to organize thoughts that way
Thanks for the chat today, ! Need to jump out and jump into an activity w the kiddos!
A3 Feel screen time in school is controlled it after school where problems arise.
Our objective w/ 1:1 was S will access need-eval tools-use to meet need. Ts reinforce choice. https://t.co/ehrYbPoOqE
A3 Screentime varies depending on if Ss are creating or consuming.
have to ask unGoogleable questions!
Hope you feel better soon. 🙏
A3 when integrated with learning its always healthy. Never heard How much pencil time is unhealthy? https://t.co/1fWsjyJo7l
spot on. I am always looking for ways for ss to create! !
Google's search guru advocates they need to be able to find info and then make connections and figure out context
Love that you have a clear objective for your 1:1. So many just jump in w/ no clear direction.
Agree! How time is used matters more than the actual number of hours online.Quality, productivity
Enjoy your little ones. Have a great day
Agreed, but I see Ss tend not to do this, just spit back the info, or leave a source w/o fully understanding
4. How can schools effectively encourage digital citizenship for students?
Q4. How can schools effectively encourage digital citizenship for students?
even though digital, have to teach them how to use and guide thinking process, model
I think it is important to give Ss think time" after participating in an active screen activity, need to process
I guess this goes back to less tech dependent thinking habits, but the wide access has exacerbated the problem
a4 Ts need to first model it, be transparent with their digital footprint. model positive online presence
A3 Slowing down on amt of screen time. When its "new" and then becomes "old" you don't use them as much, only as needed .
A4 By consistently modeling and talking about it. It can't be a once and done conversation https://t.co/Ji2Y0o1eMD
Q4. How can schools effectively encourage digital citizenship for students?
As starting activity, discuss tools possible, pros and cons - have to model responsible tech use too
I think there is also something important in reading a longer work by 1 author to trace a coherent arguement
A4: Ts & Admin need to model good Dig Cit. Can't be afraid of Social Media they need to embrace it https://t.co/nXp7J615PM
have to help them learn when tech is asset vs hindrance differs by person sometimes
A4. Dig Cit starts with Ts modeling. Ss need to "learn" dig cit by "doing"-can't learn by paper and pencil activities.
a4 By modeling and using those teachable moments! And giving Ss freedom to use social media
Not sure I did that for school until well into College. did it on own much earlier. have to care!
So glad you could join today, Bill - enjoy the day!
A4: Encourage Digital Citizenship-modelling & reinforce across curriculum not just Computer class
A4 Catholic schools excellent for Dig Cit. For us, required course- reinforced in Religion classes & faith environment
Yes! Show them how to use it properly!
I think that was me, too, might be why I zoom in on that!
Agree! This is an every day task for all - not just Tech Teachers, Assembly, etc..
Have to go shower to meet for our Saturday walk!
OK, getting off. Typing on iPad with a hilly, curvy road is not working well.
safe travels! enjoy the game
is now trending in USA, ranking 36
Social media policy also outlines engagement. Adults model dig cit personally, professionally, spiritually.
A4 Just like we teach different communication styles, digital citizenship should be explicitly taught
A4 too much banning - must model, reinforce, and redirect when there are issues - also use in context of faith
assuming school HAS an up-to-date Social media policy beyond "NO."
And it needs to be taught over and over. We don't tell a toddler one time not to go off with a stranger...
We brought all freshmen into Library for presentation on Dig Cit, but needs to be a conversation, not just a presentation
will admit I do bc that is like taking away phone time when I was growing up.
As & I like to say... Youth will make social norms we distain unless other options modeled.
hi, Sean! Good to CU, too. Need to catch up on ur present8n!
yes - ongoing convo, corrective conversation as needed, view as learning experience. they will make mistakes
I wonder when Ps take away Ss tech-- does it effect behavior change?
True. Why ours is bit longer :-) IMHO we must be in relationship on all channels.
my sons will do what they need to in order to get it back for more than schoolwork
5. What are your favorite digital citizenship tips? resources?
Went to this last summer - Outstanding - Eileen Ludwig Greenland National Bearing Witness Summer https://t.co/sMAfNpkSZo
A4. it is essential for us to model good/healthy digital and social media use consistently in our classrooms
Q5. What are your favorite digital citizenship tips? resources? What daily practice can you share?
State of LA has legislated Ts and Ss not connecting on social media - ie no "friending" on FB
Does your school or public library offer search databases (EBSCO, etc?)
One place some schools use is GALE - some subscribe to Google Scholar (some journals free)
A5 DC must permeate all digital activities; not sporadic or isolated to an annual assembly
A5 - We have been using their lessons and we have great student engagement
public library has EBSCO, school subscribes to World Book online
A5 Only post what you want your Grandmother to read & see. Everything is not private.
What is your school's policy on tech usage infractions?
That's a great resource- thanks for sharing!
Ugh! Ss have no positive models- the will make own norms. Or channels for help off school hours :-(.
Wonderful PD opportunity Eileen Ludwig Greenland National Bearing Witness Summer Institue 2016 https://t.co/GSU2G0ds35
classic advice that still rings true, Kay
Our Ss help manage our team Twitter accounts. Teaching responsibility & positive SM use. is great example
A5: Great Resources here at
doesn't affect Catholic schools. I model Twitter but had to get special pass through firewall
I cringe about laws as that- they are well meant and likely needed. but, tech changes fast and laws get outdated
Q4: Ts need to spend time teaching digital literacy. Also I think Ss need tech class each week.
Our state is reactive vs proactive - also another new law that is scaring people from GAFE - not helping students
A5 Digital citizenship is not a "check the box" activity
Misuse you lose the tool and use paper & pencil
My school doesn't, but the public library has great resources you can access remotely
ugh - I love being able to show students extra resources from public library
seriously? does a lot to protect student data.
A5 6 yrs ago built curr. w/ -s Now reflect every semester w/ Ss on lights/shadows of life to modify. Ever changing
lawsuit led to new law making schools scared - some figuring way & some backing off again doesn't affect Catholic
Minds were blown when I showed how to reserve bks w/o going in Makes the pitch to get card
Sounds like a plan. Session went great. Discussion led to more really good ideas for personalizedPD
English reseaech projs too. Guidance counselors teach & always discuss in the momnt
Allowing time to integrate, practice, fail and learn skills - time on task
love to hear more about this!
depends until they can show that they will be responsible. Most times it is two to three weeks
Hope to grow x-curr conversation b/t Comp Sci & Religion. Implications of Dig Cit in social justice& moral decision making
Worst thing about 2 Twitter chats on a Sat morning is that I just cleared my tabs, now I've got 20 more to read
At my school the tech T teaches Internet safety first few weeks of school. Infractions taken seriously by admin
sounds like the best thing!
little one if they are not on task I take their device and return it to their teacher at the end of class.
is trending on Twitter in
Yep. Our freshman seminar (academic counselors) reinforces Dig Cit. Research convos narrow to ethical use
I have a personal goal this week to get my website off the ground (finally) then posting resources
I have Ss sit down with a copy of the AUP, read, then underline rule they broke, then we discuss.
My Google Innovator project around developing personal tech PD ... love to pick your brain