#Satchat is a weekly Twitter conversation for current and emerging school leaders that takes place every Saturday morning at 7:30 EST. Co-founders and co-moderators are Brad Currie, Scott Rocco, and Billy Krakower. #Satchat's mission is to expand educator's Personal Learning Network (PLNs) that in turn will promote the success of all students.
Good morning and welcome to #Satchat. Today we welcome @betavt and @eedowd27 as they guest moderate a discussion on UN Sustainable Development Goals https://t.co/Lza6WQeJD2. Please introduce yourself.
Hi #satchat I’m Ned Kirsch, Superintendent of #FWSU located in Vermont (#vted) and #SDG Ambassador. Happy to be helping to lead a conversation this morning about the UN Goals for Sustainable Development (#SDGs) with @eedowd27
Good morning! I am Evelyn Mamman, proud asst. supt. of C & I at Tenafly Public Schools. I am absolutely delighted to talk about a course that’s so close to my heart this morning #satchat
Good morning! I am Evelyn Mamman, proud asst. supt. of C & I at Tenafly Public Schools. I am absolutely delighted to talk about a course that’s so close to my heart this morning #satchat
Hey friends! Kelley from Boise, ID. Teaching 2nd grade this year. Our school is very diverse and has refugees from many countries! I love my job and am excited about today's chat! #satchat#GlobalGoals
Good morning #Satchat, Military Science Instructor (#MilSci), West Point, NY (@WestPoint_USMA). Looking forward to learning with you all today. #GoArmy
Hey friends! Kelley from Boise, ID. Teaching 2nd grade this year. Our school is very diverse and has refugees from many countries! I love my job and am excited about today's chat! #satchat#GlobalGoals
Good Morning, Im an east coast guy, but spent some time over 25 years ago staying with friends in St Louis Park for a few months. Glad I got to experience a MN winter. You guys dont let snow stop you. #satchat
A1: The #SDGs touch upon a multitude of disciplines & can provide opportunities for authentic applications of course content or offer new areas of interdisciplinary or #Antidisciplinary learning. Good framework for thinking about content for #pbl design. #satchat#vted
A1: Ss can connect what they are learning in classes with the SDGs, and learn how they can help accomplish the goals, globally, and in our communities. #SatChat
A1 #satchat I think about how the @TheGlobalGoals can be a lens for the important work we do. The @TeachSDGs offer opportunities to engage, inspire, and connect our schools and communities to learn side by side in solving common needs. Service-learning..
Our districts started exploring the #SDGs last year through the development of a home made micro-credential. This year we are attempting to implement the ideas across all grade levels in our schools #satchat
A1 #satchat I think about how the @TheGlobalGoals can be a lens for the important work we do. The @TeachSDGs offer opportunities to engage, inspire, and connect our schools and communities to learn side by side in solving common needs. Service-learning..
A1: The UN Sustaunable Goals can help focus stakeholders in the educational world as they help support relevant learning experiences for students. #satchat
If you look at the UN Sustainable Goals #SDGs you will see they fit into every school in all locations. They look to
Reduce inequities
Innovation and Infrastructure
Quality education
So they fit nicely into what we as educators are trying to do #satchat
A1 #satchat I think the why is important because this is where purpose begins to help make the what of the goals, relevant and meaningful. Students WANT to make a difference. Service-learning is so relevant here.
A1 - The big ideals of the #SDGs are People, Planet, Prosperity, Partnerships and Peace. All three can help answer the “why” to almost anything students are learning in school.
A1 #satchat I think about how the @TheGlobalGoals can be a lens for the important work we do. The @TeachSDGs offer opportunities to engage, inspire, and connect our schools and communities to learn side by side in solving common needs. Service-learning..
#satchat Good Morning, I'm a newcomer to satchat and looking forward to the experience this morning. I'm currently a media specialist working on admin certification.
A1- at my old district I taught Global Studies (it was basically the non-AP version of human geography). For the last two years I centered the entire curriculum around the UN goals. We even got to take a trip to the UN in NYC! #satchat
A1. School is about developing leaders with skill sets to do anything - SDG’s are an important part of making well rounded learners and an authentic connection to many local resources. #satchat
A1 Keys to success for #SDG are deepening relationships, respect & appreciation for our world + collaboration & community. These are also fundamental to classrooms--esp when teaching #science Consider how you could use phenomena among these goals to inspire #satchat#NGSSchat
If you look at the UN Sustainable Goals #SDGs you will see they fit into every school in all locations. They look to
Reduce inequities
Innovation and Infrastructure
Quality education
So they fit nicely into what we as educators are trying to do #satchat
A1: Awareness of and action toward the #SDGs will promote globally aware students- having Ss take responsibility, no matter how big or small, for our world is a critical element to preparing them to be #FutureReady global citizens. #satchat
A1: Providing quality professional development. I teach Ss that come from developing countries and we must address their needs. I love Sheltered Instruction for Operational Protocols. @SIOPModel But I am always learning/searching for more! #satchat#GlobalGoals
A1) I think these goals provide opportunities for students to tackle real world issues and give a global perspective to students who only see the world from their own lens. #Satchat
A1) These goals can be embedded into the curriculum, can be used for PBL, can be connected to research project topics, can be used for service project ideas and can be used as real life ideas to spark innovative learning. #satchat
A1 Each of these goals can and should be part of teaching our Ss how to be good global and local citizens. Teaching these can be interwoven into so many areas and times in the k-5 classroom! #satchat@eedowd27@betavt
A1: I see all of these as great foundations to launch new and inviting PBL’s that engage students in thinking of ways on how to conquer these global issues. #SatChat
A1- at my old district I taught Global Studies (it was basically the non-AP version of human geography). For the last two years I centered the entire curriculum around the UN goals. We even got to take a trip to the UN in NYC! #satchat
Morning, #satchat. I'm Brian. i teach middle-school students English in Colorado. A1 As I take this opportunity to learn more about UN's sustainability goals, I see how they could help build bridges connecting schools to their communities, both local & global.
A1 SDGs offer deep dive into challenges that matter which link past, present, future of the planet - how to move from the global to local makes authentic the work of educators from water to health to education #satchat
A1: I think the @globalgoals are the connection between the classroom and the world. Nothing says classroom engagement better than learning about real world issues you can take action in impacting right now! #satchat
#satchat Yes!!!! Both of these content areas have endless ways to connect and weave the value of the @TeachSDGs Also science inquiry models how to solve a problem via design a question. Great fit!!!
A1: The UN Sustaunable Goals can help focus stakeholders in the educational world as they help support relevant learning experiences for students. #satchat
A1: Providing quality professional development. I teach Ss that come from developing countries and we must address their needs. I love Sheltered Instruction for Operational Protocols. @SIOPModel But I am always learning/searching for more! #satchat#GlobalGoals
A1: The UN Sustainable Development goals can be integrated across the curriculum with real connections to people across the globe. Learners LOVE learning about our world through research and Skype meetups. Valuable. Crucial. #satchat
A1- what I noticed about the UN Sustainable goals is not only were they making school relevant, but they helped make interdisciplinary. Although we covered them in my social studies class, I often had a science teacher in my room to help go over things like pandemics #satchat
A1 SDGs offer deep dive into challenges that matter which link past, present, future of the planet - how to move from the global to local makes authentic the work of educators from water to health to education #satchat
Wait until you dig into the targets that support each goal. They align so closely to what we already teach and add a layer of meaning and authenticity. #satchat
A1: I see all of these as great foundations to launch new and inviting PBL’s that engage students in thinking of ways on how to conquer these global issues. #SatChat
A1) These goals can be embedded into the curriculum, can be used for PBL, can be connected to research project topics, can be used for service project ideas and can be used as real life ideas to spark innovative learning. #satchat
Truth Kim - kids are fascinated by the world and have a greater sense of the bigger world out there today than ever - why not grow their interests from that to project and problem based learning #satchat
Having recently finished reading the book _Sapiens_, which largely left me fretting about our species' penchant for UNsustainability, today's #satchat exploration of U.N. sustainability ideas is welcome tonic. https://t.co/1dtV48uUmG
A2 #satchat Look/Ask your students what they think thy might be interested in helping their school, local community? What is a common need. This invites service-learning opportunities and invitations to engage to solve solution based problems. #studentvoice
A1 Include sustainablity in classes - recycling, composting, gardening. Have Ss monitor electric use & look into alternative energy sources for the school. When they live green at school, they tend to teach it at home.
Posting SDGs is a great idea but won't be enough. Teachers must reference poster routinely when if 'fits'. Then it becomes part of classroom vernacular. #satchat
A2 #satchat Look/Ask your students what they think thy might be interested in helping their school, local community? What is a common need. This invites service-learning opportunities and invitations to engage to solve solution based problems. #studentvoice
Your assumptions about Dr. Comer’s quote are incorrect. He was referring to the relationship between the material and the student, not the teacher/student relationship.
Hello Billy - great to see you .. I always think that accessibility is a path to these SDG goals - how do we make this kind of learning potential available to all kids - digital access matters #satchat
In reply to
@wkrakower, @ScottRRocco, @TheBradCurrie
A2: We’ve started! Tap into your community as a whole and in pockets. Share your global passion then find out what folks are passionate about and farm out for greater reach. #satchat
A2 The ideas put forward in #SDGs impact our entire community. In the US it only seems to be a school based initiative. This summer I met with a member of the German Chamber of Commerce in NYC He told me his job was to help companies, big & small, in Germany implement #satchat
Good morning! Checking in from Maryland today. I started a Public Health coalition at a HS in New Orleans and Public Health Leaders club for students. There’s many ways to incorporate SDGs into everyday curriculum - including Math courses #Satchat
A2 #satchat This work is about opening doors and windows globally. What would you like to do to help sustain the community where you teach? live? Students have ideas. Even @vermontkkids123 young children become advocates for positive change.
A2 involve families in the research, learning, and creating/outreach as experts, witnesses, research assistants, connections to others Great for Ss of all ages #communitybuilding#satchat#SDG
Truth Kim - kids are fascinated by the world and have a greater sense of the bigger world out there today than ever - why not grow their interests from that to project and problem based learning #satchat
A2- make them aware of them by bringing them into discussions w stakeholders. I think these help us see that the issues we struggle with are worldwide- makes you feel less alone in your work! #satchat
Would someone mind typing out the questions? If someone was aight impaired and using a reader, I’m not sure how they would feel participating in today’s #satchat
A2: These issues are on the national news so Ps are just as concerned as the general population. Classic home/school communication; let them know...and they will show up! Ps with young kids want the world to be a better place. 💚🍀#satchat#GlobalGoals
A2 #satchat Look/Ask your students what they think thy might be interested in helping their school, local community? What is a common need. This invites service-learning opportunities and invitations to engage to solve solution based problems. #studentvoice
A2. We started a school lunch composting program to reinforce how everyone can make a difference. For many middle schoolers - they do not see school as “real” - composting was a great connection in their immediate impact. Start small and those steps lead to success. #satchat
A2: A great way to engage families about the learning experiences going on in your school is to tell your story in the digital world. Additionally schools must invite parents in and have them speak about how they make the world a better place #satchat
A2 Start by finding out which SDG’s they’re most passionate about and design initiatives around those first. You’ll have greater participation if people feel ownership and invested in and connected to it! #satchat@eedowd27@betavt
A2. We started a school lunch composting program to reinforce how everyone can make a difference. For many middle schoolers - they do not see school as “real” - composting was a great connection in their immediate impact. Start small and those steps lead to success. #satchat
A2: I think you'll find that more folks in your community are working to achieve the SDGs but they themselves may not even be aware of them! Starting the conversation is the first step! #satchat
Linking SDG to curriculum and local problems helps kids relate. Global health includes our own backyard. It also gives the children a better world view. #Satchat
A2 Share and connect your SDG ideas with families and the community via PTOs, newsletters, and social media, and then invite them in to join you in the effort. #satchat
A2 Begin by asking which of these are challenges in our community? What about our neighbors in other US. communities? Neighbors? The world? Why should we care about the Butterfly Effect? #satchat
#satchat working to make these goals evident to the Ss on the smallest scale - our school & immediate community so that connections can be made on a global scale. Ss at this age are already passionate about many of these goals.
A2. SDGs center around partnerships within a city and community...Identify key needs within a school and ASK for help or INVITE parents/community for support...Reading is a perfect example #satchat
A2: Community events, much like those out on for ESL students. I envision this to even be an easy integration into family night with ESL whole you center your activities around these SDG standards. Allow families to come up with crafty ways to help the Earth. #SatChat
A2 When we provide relevant & authentic experiences in classrooms, kids take that home & TALK about it, adding/including projects that have a call-to-action, then you have a home-school community involved in discussing problems + designing solutions 2gether. #satchat#ngsschat
a2: It begins with awareness...start small...For example: during dismissal many cars are idling in the pick up line...Students could make families aware of the initiative and politely suggest they turn off their engines while they wait. #satchat
A2) What an opportunity to build community! Book reads, fundraising campaigns, school wide or district wide interdisciplinary projects that focus on these goals would be wonderful! #Satchat
Check out the book Factfulness by Hans Rosling, really good resource for global data and providing some additional hope that the world is moving in the right direction. #satchat
A2) By communicating how these are showing up in the curriculum and classroom, by providing resources on school/home/community connections and by inviting family members with experience and passion into school to share and teach. #satchat
Truth Kim - kids are fascinated by the world and have a greater sense of the bigger world out there today than ever - why not grow their interests from that to project and problem based learning #satchat
A2: Two Part: 1- establish focus groups (ie students govt, PTO, Etc) to identify & implement local sustainability measures from #SDGs and 2- educate Ss and community about the needs of #SDGs in the global community, leverage edtech to eliminate barriers. #satchat
Great teachers teach more than just their official content. They help students learn skills for success in life like communication skills, people skills, soft skills, etc.
I’m so excited about this topic! Using @TeachSDGs is a chance to engage children in real world problems through education, and show them why they are so important and valued in this world! They are the change makers. #SDGs#satchat
A2: A quick way to engage families in initiatives to help people around the world would be to have a fundraiser event in the school community. It’s also important to educate the community about WHY we care about a particular world challenge. Buy-in is essential. #satchat
YES have Ss interact with the community whether expressing out or bringing in #satchat#SDG Ss are part of the bidirectional networking #21cSkills Let them see how they #MakeaDifference & own learning
A2 This can be done by 1st educating and bringing awareness about it. This has to go beyond a flyer or posting. As educators we have to have a full understanding before we engage others. #satchat
A2: Share! Share! Share! Parents are looking for ways to engage in our schools. Students can provide the context for the goals and together parents, students, and schools can complete action projects. #satchat
#satchat A2 ... If the students are engaged AND passionate, the natural progression will then be with their families. It certainly "bubbles" over. Provide opportunities for families to become involved in projects, too.
1) Research your community. Of all the #SDGs, choose one #SDG for starters.
2) Access your #PLN. Contact amazing educators like @eedowd27 and @TaraLinney to seek advice and direction on how to #teachSDGs most effectively. #satchat
A2- The Goals encompass so many different areas and can inspire students to take action. My elementary students organized a food drive based on a lesson on the goals. Parents and the community donated to the cause. Small steps on a community level #SatChat
A1. We must encourage Ss to be active participants in their local & global communities. Developing global citizens who are passionate about caring for others & our world is essential. The SDGs engage Ss in practical goals & problem-solving. #satchat
A3: A number of standards are reasons why these goals have been developed. By using the past as the pathway to these standards, we can show students how the SDGs were developed. #SatChat
A2. Share talking points with students. Encourage them to share with parents & other adults. Make it a 'homework' assignment to discuss the topic with others. Educating kids will educate adults #satchat
A2: Connect to local businesses through #goal8. Invite parents in to talk about how their jobs and lives connect to the goals. Connect to local organizations through a specific goal too! #satchat
A2: Community events, much like those out on for ESL students. I envision this to even be an easy integration into family night with ESL whole you center your activities around these SDG standards. Allow families to come up with crafty ways to help the Earth. #SatChat
A2- we found things the community was already doing and joined in. One example was working with the local Municipal Utilities Authority for their environmental efforts. It even included a fashion show made of recycled items! #satchat
A3 - I really see the #SDGs as the “why” to what we do in school everyday. Everything needs a purpose and the #SDGs are flexible enough to allow that to occur. I do not see them supplanting curriculum of standards. #satchat
Q1: What place can the SDGs have in schools? #satchat
7:44 AM
Q2: How can you engage families and communities in school SDG initiatives? #satchat
7:52 AM
Q3: What are some ways you can meet state/local standards and incorporate the SDGs? #satchat
A2. I believe kids want to always learn more about our world, their city...We need to provide more opportunities for volunteer work, student community panels...#satchat
It’s definitely a great way encompass two important things. Plus, who better to know how to solve some of these issues then those that have sometimes been heavily involved in them. They will always be are greatest resources! #ESLisMyPassion#satchat
These are the kinds of problems we should be asking students to address. Open ended, real world, important with messy, imprecise solutions, not artificial textbook problems with one exact answer. #satchat
A2: I’m reflecting on the challenge of focusing on global issues when many of the families in the district are struggling. I see the conflict and values of both. Any thoughts on navigating how families might feel seeing their schools care for those outside vs within? #satchat
8:00 AM
Q4: What are some ways to incorporate student voice with SDGs? #satchat
8:08 AM
Q5: What resources have you used in your classroom/school/district to #TeachSDGs? #satchat
8:16 AM
Q6: What are some ways to tie assessment to the SDGs? #satchat
A2 Spitballing idea: Gameified conservation. Set targets around development goal(s). Consider cooperating as whole community or pitting groups (grade levels? classes?) against each other to see who conserves most. Spread word via actual & social media updates. #satchat
Can I answer this question with more questions? A2: How often do you survey your parents? Is there a school-home connection? Parent nights should not be limited to BSN or conferences. To build/develop a community you need to know your community. #satchat
A2 Start by finding out which SDG’s they’re most passionate about and design initiatives around those first. You’ll have greater participation if people feel ownership and invested in and connected to it! #satchat@eedowd27@betavt
@pammoran This!!! It’s so important to remind ourselves that these issues affect students RIGHT HERE in our schools and communities! How can we tackle these issues here at home?? #Satchat
A2 Begin by asking which of these are challenges in our community? What about our neighbors in other US. communities? Neighbors? The world? Why should we care about the Butterfly Effect? #satchat
A1. When Ss learn about SDGs such as those about poverty, hunger and high-quality education, they begin to understand the unique challenges facing communities all over the world. Building compassion in children leads to passionate, engaged adults.#satchat
A2 Before engagement with the community the school must have a strong sense of what SDG initiatives are and should start to implement them so that the community can not only buy in, but have a sound understanding through the school's example. #satchat
A2 Our Ss researched solar energy & led our move to go solar. We produce about 76% of our energy now. An app allows families to see our production.
A2 #satchat This work is about opening doors and windows globally. What would you like to do to help sustain the community where you teach? live? Students have ideas. Even @vermontkkids123 young children become advocates for positive change.
As I am reflecting on #satchat this morning I’m chewing on how critical it is to tackle these issues within the district FIRST before exploring them globally. Thoughts on this?
A2 @Clymer_Edu Yes, students can see the implications of local habits, "think globally, but act locally" they are more connected to the problems and solutions. #satchat
#satchat Celebrations of learning are a wonderful way to highlight this work and engagement! Invite others in to your schools. Face to Face and using synchronous and asynchronous tools. Shout it out loud!
#satchat A3 integrated units that meet standards but also demonstrate what we value - solving real world problems. I'm working on how to get @marcprensky 's ideas/beliefs in Education to Better Their World alive too.
@JudyBrunner the idea that students become "educators" is such a good idea. We learn and become what we teach. (I am sure somebody famous said that. :) #satchat
A2. Share talking points with students. Encourage them to share with parents & other adults. Make it a 'homework' assignment to discuss the topic with others. Educating kids will educate adults #satchat
A3: While the SDGs are not the same as state/local standards, there are, once again, more commonalities. From my science lens, the SDGs are a natural fit into the science curriculum, especially the #NGSS! #ngsschat#satchat
A3 By using the empathy design process you’ll be teaching the standards you need to and the SDG’s! Ss can choose an SDG and become real world problem solvers while mastering standards! #satchat@eedowd27@betavt
I've had this conversation with a few community members. I do not think we should be looking at #SDGs in an old style colonization model. We need to learn the lessons and share at home first. Then we learn together. #satchat
A2: I’m reflecting on the challenge of focusing on global issues when many of the families in the district are struggling. I see the conflict and values of both. Any thoughts on navigating how families might feel seeing their schools care for those outside vs within? #satchat
A3: Each goal has a set of supporting targets. 169 total. These targets align really nicely with science and social studies standards. #NGSS#C3framework Choose literature with global connections and embed writing within #PBL units. #satchat
A good way to start integrating SDGs is by having students identify local resources to create a directory for the community o use. Then, you can expand it to global resources to help those in different parts of the world. #Satchat
A3 This seems like it can be easily tied into the curriculum. You can use non-fiction text, have students develop problem-solving strategies for global issues. #satchat
A3. PBL and Design Thinking are strategies that can be used to solve real problems (draw awareness/learn/empower) within your school or community. Learning must be relevant for kids. #satchat
A3 By using the empathy design process you’ll be teaching the standards you need to and the SDG’s! Ss can choose an SDG and become real world problem solvers while mastering standards! #satchat@eedowd27@betavt
A3: #SDGs are opportunity for interdisciplinary learning. #SDGs have been born out of the needs our world has developed. Within science & SS will be the catalysts for those needs. Math for solution development & LAL for expression of learning. #satchat
Such a great reminder! As an “off-the-charts” extrovert, I gained my greatest insights to personality differences by raising an introverted child. The key points in this article ring true and have shifted many aspects of the way I teach children. Thanks for sharing! #satchat
A3 in Va state standards in social studies and science are pretty robust and pretty easy to make connections / what books do kids explore together or by choice that connect to the SDG goals- The Long Walk to Water for ex - big question is how to un-silo standards? #satchat
A3 #satchat Giving experiences to feel a part of a global picture. I am thinking about being human and being a citizen of the world. These experiences get at the heart of what matters most.
A3 By using the empathy design process you’ll be teaching the standards you need to and the SDG’s! Ss can choose an SDG and become real world problem solvers while mastering standards! #satchat@eedowd27@betavt
Q3- To address standards, reading, writing and research using the SDGs on social studies and science topics works well. Creating presentations about the goals allow for speaking and listening skills to be honed. #SatChat
A3: The #NGSS has many standards tied to @SustDev regarding renewable energy, resources, water, waste, etc. however, the engineering focus allows us to engage students in project development to solve such issues. I created lessons last year based on these concepts. #satchat
A3. There are numerous cross content opportunities within a curriculum for all students at all grade levels, beginning at Pre-K. Peace, Poverty, Hunger, Diversity...We just need to brainstorm as a school, as a district...#satchat
Lurk on! Looking forward to seeing you again in March! I'm going to be organizing an #SDG meet up on the evening of the 15th. I'll keep you posted. #satchat
#satchat Waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka. #pacman
#satchat A3: I would say that the SDGs can be addressed immediately without changes to the standards. As @betavt said, they are flexible. I would add, though, that a faculty leader at school should lead a meeting on how to easily incorporate them across the curriculum.
Yes, but I’m reflecting on HOW. If I’m struggling with food security how engaged will I be serving for the food security of others. I mean; that would be an amazing gift of love, but I also think that’s a lot of anxiety and pressure for a district to put on families #satchat
A3. PBL and Design Thinking are strategies that can be used to solve real problems (draw awareness/learn/empower) within your school or community. Learning must be relevant for kids. #satchat
A3 Curriculum integration. If we are preparing our students to be productive citizens then they must be exposed to real-world topics. So infusing the SDGs will support the development while focusing on solving global issues and transforming our world. #satchat
A3-2: #SDGs play a dominate role in our #STEAM curriculum and class learning experiences. In a effort to foster globally aware Ss, the #SDGs help drive the focus for learning. #innovatingEDU#satchat
I’m sorry it looks like that to you.
“Am I saying relationships don’t matter at all or cannot perhaps improve a learning environment? No. Not at all. But you don’t need a relationship with another person to learn.”
A3:Being math, I struggle but our social studies Ts do many projects focused around these SDG’s. They do a great job of pulling in the cross curricular side and Ss needing to solve math problems to help with their solutions. I see this helping the cross curricular world! #SatChat
Most welcome - UDL everywhere is a mantra that I learned a few years ago but we without a specific handicap sometimes forget / my husband’s wheelchair bound - wake up call for me every day #satchat
I think it’s the power dynamics for me. Social pressure. That makes sense when centering a majority of the students and families in the district but how much time and attention is spent considering the impact to other families? #satchat
A4: Student voice in very important and there a number of ways to incorporate. One idea would be creating awareness presentations to different audiences. #SatChat
Yes, but I’m reflecting on HOW. If I’m struggling with food security how engaged will I be serving for the food security of others. I mean; that would be an amazing gift of love, but I also think that’s a lot of anxiety and pressure for a district to put on families #satchat
Absolutely, the beauty of the goals is that they apply to all communities, at the same time looking globally to compare and be inspired by solutions being tried. #satchat
A3 Here is a screenshot of criteria for effective #science lessons based on contemporary research, besides the obvious content connections (human impacts, environment, energy...) consider how #SDG 's meet other criteria (phenomena, relevance, student ideas) #satchat#NGSSchat
A3 Different spin on Q3... Take opportunity & conduct research w/students to discern what state or local standards are in a particular development area. More ambitious: Employ *action* research to create a standard if one doesn't already exist, then work towards it. #satchat
A3:Being math, I struggle but our social studies Ts do many projects focused around these SDG’s. They do a great job of pulling in the cross curricular side and Ss needing to solve math problems to help with their solutions. I see this helping the cross curricular world! #SatChat
A4: Kicking off my unit, I asked students how old they would be in 2030. We identified what they might be doing- college, career, we discussed their active role in solving these problems. Then they began the work & proposing ideas that could work after choosing a goal #satchat
A4 - So far in my experience students are easily embracing the #SDGs and leading the momentum in many of our grade levels. Our students understand this is their world and they are going to have to help guide the future. Their voices are everywhere in our schools. #satchat
A4. Sustainability is such an important topic going forward. If we can make our children aware of the issues and opportunities, they will be the ones that will make others aware, and bring about change #satchat
#satchat#A4 Student voice is present when we ask what they think & what their ideas are. I think about exploring Ss voices through the work theY'RE doing. Sharing loudly, involving locaL/ global experts to help increase knowledge, while modeling how to become an advocate.
A4: I think this comes from shifting towards project-based or individualized learning. How do you co-create learning spaces with your students, and others in the building/district. #satchat#sdgs
A4: Technology and social media platforms. Ts can create class accounts on Instagram for example. Ss can post. Class YouTube account. Use green screen and @DoInkTweets for creative backgrounds. Endless. #satchat#GlobalGoals
A4: It would be cool to have students share their insight on the UN Sustainability Development Goals throughout the school year using a platform like @Flipgridhttps://t.co/PCumHLtyvH#satchat
A4: I think this comes from shifting towards project-based or individualized learning. How do you co-create learning spaces with your students, and others in the building/district. #satchat#sdgs
Ah, must be designed right. If you're struggling with food insecurity, it might make one empathetic, but I wouldn't necessarily make that a choice for global. That's local. Which can be part of global. :) #satchat
Lesson planning can be tough. That’s why we’re here to help!
We’re hosting a 3-WEEK PROJECT DESIGN CLINIC to start the year off right.
Join the #TeachSDGs community to get started: https://t.co/kt6wBDYNZl
#satchat A school could partner with a community member who has ties to an area where water is in short supply, etc. Since by def, a global citizen connects locally & globally, this would be a great way to get buy-in. I’ve seen schools do this in the media - great!
A4: we need to empower Ss to find solutions to world issues and begin to take responsibility for the world of which they are becoming the global leaders- educating them about #SDGs and then allowing them to explore solutions. Empower them! #satchat
A4 Student voice will come through the form of your instruction. How are the SDGs introduced to students? Allow students to make connections, compare and contrast, persuasive essay writing...They need to be exposed to the content in order to have a voice. #satchat
A4 Let Ss decide which SDG resonates with them and they can study/develop/work on that one. Tap into Ss individual passions and what inspires them to learn and act. #Satchat#satchat@eedowd27@betavt
Q4- In my class, what began as a requirement to teach a SDG lesson in a placement turned into my elementary students asking to help with the goals. Food drive organized & helping with a collection of plastic to recycle. They also blogged together to voice their opinions #satchat
A4. Provide ways for kids to connect with the professionals or adults to help learn and solve problems; they share experiences thru podcasts, blogs and presentations! #satchat
If one is starting global before managing local issues, one will likely never get there. What if students / families have a say in setting the balance? #satchat
A4. One way is by making kids aware of SDGs and through student voice, ask kids what they think is important within our school...Create a project...Create a learning experience #satchat
The horse guy is bad but a fringe contender arrived this week, @leftyjennyc and her fuckability tirade was cool and good and would make her a bubble account #satchat
A4: It would be cool to have students share their insight on the UN Sustainability Development Goals throughout the school year using a platform like @Flipgridhttps://t.co/PCumHLtyvH#satchat
#satchat A4 Ask them. Give opps like planning out grants for passion projects to hear amazing ideas! The most passionate 2nd graders secured a composting program for our school last year through a grant. Ts gave them the space to take it on.
Yes. And at the same time; which families and students? Because the students aren’t monolithic. Often times that’s where I see districts stumble #satchat
A:4 Any created product is student voice. You get away from answer and respond. Voice is in their imagination and however they explain. The hard part is forcing them to be authentic vs. What they think we want. #satchat
A4 Allowing kids to speaks on the SDGs. Ask them how they feel about it? Why is it important? We have to stop always being their voice and allow them to have a say so in things. They have to see themselves in the SDGs to connect. #satchat
#satchat A4: Encourage learners to choose the SDGs on which they want to place focus initially. Be prepared with examples as K12 learners need those as a springboard. Go from there.
#satchat A4 Choice for Ss; Engage them to identify focus areas; these relate to all subjects + potential for creating new relationships with community; speaking & LISTENING - much needed right now!
A4 If students tried tough task of rank ordering the 17 goals to set relative priorities, justifying their leading option(s) w/reasons & evidence, their voices could reveal most relevant next steps. #satchat
A:4 Any created product is student voice. You get away from answer and respond. Voice is in their imagination and however they explain. The hard part is forcing them to be authentic vs. What they think we want. #satchat
Well, a survey comes to mind. Discussions, focus groups. I wouldn't say 100% need to be for this or not affected. How this is framed / introduced into curriculum can probably be done in a way that supports most, if not all, students. #satchat
A3: I am always of the thought that it starts from the top. If school leaders are empathic and leading future leaders (educators), it makes for great educators to demonstrate empathy and compassion to the young wonders. #satchat
A3 By using the empathy design process you’ll be teaching the standards you need to and the SDG’s! Ss can choose an SDG and become real world problem solvers while mastering standards! #satchat@eedowd27@betavt
Has anyone incorporated a Daily 5 for math into their elem curricula? What does it look like for you? We have math meetings, but I feel stations would better empower students to take ownership of their learning. #satchat
People are being price gauged by big pharma and it needs to stop. They say their high prices fund R&D, but they don't — they enrich executives and shareholders. That is why I joined with @SenSanders and my colleagues to introduce legislation that would bring down drugs prices.
A4 Our Spirit Club does research and then chooses the issues they want to work on. This year they're working with an NGO to grow mangroves close to one of our beaches in order help sustain habitats. #satchat
I might look at how geography affected historic cultures / demographics / regions and then compare that to how we view these same cultures today. #satchat
The problem with surveys: they tend to center the paradigm of students as a monolith. If there are only a few students who are not white, their voices get muted. #satchat
The thing about #satchat that everyone is missing is that we are on the verge of runaway climate change and we need a complete re-think of the global economy to ensure a just society & avoid planetary catastrophe.
A5. We have used school lunch composting, student recycling program, and helping w/ community resources. This is an area we can grow - just need to connect with others. #satchat
Sorry to leave #satchat earlier! This was such a pleasant surprise (and my first #satchat) this morning! Eager to go back and read more from everyone. Currently working on an Ed.D. in Educational Sustainability so this all ties in! Thanks for a great morning, all!
A4) What an opportunity to have English Learners speak about their own life experiences! @BrittanyRNelson weren’t we just discussing this??
I also think about Ss who are going through these issues right in their communities. How often do they get their story told? #SatChat
A4 kids who know their voice mattters, agency is theirs to own learning, they have influence - when they do work on powerful problems, they sustain curiosity, develop inquiry skills, add knowledge across content #satchat#notmultiplechoice
The thing about #satchat that everyone is missing is that we are on the verge of runaway climate change and we need a complete re-think of the global economy to ensure a just society & avoid planetary catastrophe.
A4: Perhaps through an education foundation you could offer scholarships that students could apply for that would give them some money to fund a project to attack the goals locally #satchat
A4. Sustainability is such an important topic going forward. If we can make our children aware of the issues and opportunities, they will be the ones that will make others aware, and bring about change #satchat
A4: Even by providing the opportunity to learn about the SDGs and Ss feel they have a voice, is allowing them to be heard. It only takes sparking interest in one student that then creates the solution. The more interest we spark, the more chances we have at success! #satchat
A4: Every child can connect with global goals on a local scale. They should be investigating and identifying local problems that inspire them to take action. We need to step back and let them take the wheel! Students can solve real world problems. 🌎 #satchat@Belouga_
Definitely. But I think as white folx we are afraid to look at our students with that lens and amplify certain voices. That still puts the power in our hands; how do we just listen and recognize the experiences of some students aren’t normative but are valued? #satchat
Missed this important #satchat. Looking for ways to connect with @TeachSDGs ambassadors to effect the change we desperately need. This morning, I’m off to take Ss for a talk in science @RockefellerUniv
A4. By meeting people live & making personal connections, Ss are learning in a way that really wasn’t possible years ago. The learning is no longer abstract. It’s right there in front of them. Something as simple as a Skype call can make all the difference. Pure magic. #satchat
A5 We introduce the empathy design process through STEAM lessons in our upper elementary classes ~Ss can work on problem solving real world issues. #satchat@eedowd27
A5 We introduce the empathy design process through STEAM lessons in our upper elementary classes ~Ss can work on problem solving real world issues. #satchat@eedowd27
A5: #TeachSDGs through awareness experiences. We have leveraged our VR to provide Ss with a window to the world beyond our community to spark empathy & compassion for global peers & to foster proactive solution finding. #GoogleEarth#theblu@bytespeed#satchat
I think we really need to focus on getting students to understand how the worlds problems are relevant. We have to make them understand the worlds problems are our problems #sdgs#satchat
#dems have to define what they mean when they lie to us and say there's no "crisis" at the border...only a "challenge". How dumb do they think we are? #satchat
A5: Resources Goal #14 with Ts in mind! @sanctuaries National Marine Sanctuary System to preserve and protect America's ocean and Great Lakes + @noaaocean
NOAA's National Ocean science agency for the ocean and coasts. Not while gov. is shut down! #satchat
Through incorporating SDGs into schools, you also find out where your own students needs help. It helps them open up and be honest about their own struggles. It also makes teachers more aware and sympathetic to what some of their students are going through. #Satchat
A4 empowering students and sharing with them goals of #SDG is imperative. Creating an environment where students show creativity, passion, and concern for these issues is almost collegial. #satchat
A6: Assessment can be tied to anything, but using the @SustDev goals to drive it makes the learning all that much more meaningful. Defining the problem can be just as important as solving... there are also so many cross-curricular connections it has endless possibilities.#satchat
A6: Great opportunity to authentic assessments with SDGs, this is a real-world application allowing for many ways to gauge understanding. Have Ss create plans to accomplish these goals #SatChat
A5 While not previously connected to exploring sustainable development goals in my experience, https://t.co/32HwGmQykl site could facilitate deep-diving into fact finding en route to action steps. E.G., https://t.co/7Ubb05GOs7#satchat
A1 we use the sustainable goals to develop products for our student-run business when we are not working in the https://t.co/znbNqHPWZw garden! #satchat
This summer I shared the #SDGs at all of our School Board retreats. They are essential to our schools work and should not be left out of the conversation #satchat
A5. I think within our school, Creating community partnerships and Exposure to Reading materials/Books. I say the biggest resource is a small team and the voice to ASK. People, organizations, companies will help our students. #satchat
Someone told me - different conversation - same idea - that whoever has the power must be involved and speak up for change. We must try. We'll stumble but if we don't try, how does the majority ever shift its mindset? #satchat
A1 we use the sustainable goals to develop products for our student-run business when we are not working in the https://t.co/znbNqHPWZw garden! #satchat
#satchat A5: Our thematic units are broad with topics like global challenges, beauty and aesthetics, identity, among others. We learn about issues of homelessness, hunger by reading authentic articles from French news sources. We interviewed a UN Peacekeeper in Darfur once, too.
Bingo! You have to start local. Students want investment on their struggles. They feel their struggles and concerns are being heard and now their ready to branch out and change those same struggles for others! Very powerful! #SatChat
How do we get the younger generation to see further in the future? We have been so focused on the short term, it is hard to get them to see the importance of "down the road" #satchat#SDGs
Excellent point. At first my students thought these were problems only faced in developing countries. Yet many in our backyard face problems from poverty, inequality, etc. This is for both our local and global community #satchat
Thanks Guy. I also got to present the goals to the local Rotary in the town I grew up in this summer (thanks to my mom). It was a cool experience - nobody had heard of them. #satchat
A6 - Assessment, regardless if they incorporate the #SDGs, need to be authentic. The #SDGs allow a perfect platform for this to occur. They provide the “why” I think that schools (society) have been missing #satchat
A6. Assessments need to be performance based and authentic- focused on action. Ex Presentation on solutions to a problem. Most powerful learning is when their action. #satchat
A6: I think it's less about assessing #SDGs and more about setting goals, action plans and timelines and evaluating the progress. What are the steps achieved to attain the goal?
Faithfulness was one of my favorite books of 2018. Next on my list is Enlightment Now. It follows the same train of thought as Factfulness exploring ways that the world is actually getting better. #satchat
This summer I shared the #SDGs at all of our School Board retreats. They are essential to our schools work and should not be left out of the conversation #satchat
A6 Having dug a little deeper into the SDG site, I see how tone of resource below might entice young people & provide pointers toward habits to change -- along w/opportunities for reflective self-assessment. https://t.co/ZtnoTZRwQy#satchat
A6- I learned that when teaching the UN Sustainable Goals it was not about tests and quizzes and memorizing terms or figures. It was about ACTION. Many made plans/ projects on how to help meet these goals and to identify the issues. Real world assessment. #satchat
#satchat Assessment of process, not product, OR students may not stretch to achieve more ambitious goals. Need to have a focus on the learning, not the grade.
A6: Have students capture the unique ways they are showing what they know about the UN Sustainable Development Goals throughout the school year in various subject areas. Then have them post to their very own YouTube channel #Satchat
The key thing is that I’m trained in Global Health and was a Cowen Scholar. When we say Global in health, we mean our own backyard as well. I teach my public health students this all the time. Global includes your own community in an SDG and Public Health world. #Satchat
A6 - Assessment, regardless if they incorporate the #SDGs, need to be authentic. The #SDGs allow a perfect platform for this to occur. They provide the “why” I think that schools (society) have been missing #satchat
A6: @AsiaSocietyEDU has created global competency rubrics. These can be used alongside authentic PBL units. Seek authentic assessment opportunities and feedback from experts in the community and around the world too. Tech makes this possible. https://t.co/3mbdadJFWG#satchat
I agree this is a great first step, but we must be able to take it up a notch. Students seeing things is great, but they must experience them first hand to make it truly relevant. Now...how do we do that? #satchat
A6 Student self assessment should be a big part of whatever assessing we do of teaching the SDG’s. Ss can reflect on their thinking process and how they addressed and tackled the issue! #satchat@eedowd27
A6: Have students capture the unique ways they are showing what they know about the UN Sustainable Development Goals throughout the school year in various subject areas. Then have them post to their very own YouTube channel #Satchat
I’m still trying to wrap my head around the idea of a life without peanut butter ON PURPOSE...wait...IS there life without peanut butter? I mean...is it really worth living? #satchat#FoodForThought#LifeItself
I started my 1st #whole30January Any tips? I haven't had peanut butter in months, don't even think about it, then I read an article on legumes and immediately crave it 😂 Anyone else out there have rebel tendencies? 🙋♀️Read @gretchenrubin if you don't know what I'm talking about!
I agree. The #SDGs can make the learning real and purposeful for students. They allow students to think about a variety of areas where learning can be applied in order to make a positive difference. #satchat
The key thing is that I’m trained in Global Health and was a Cowen Scholar. When we say Global in health, we mean our own backyard as well. I teach my public health students this all the time. Global includes your own community in an SDG and Public Health world. #Satchat
A6- I learned that when teaching the UN Sustainable Goals it was not about tests and quizzes and memorizing terms or figures. It was about ACTION. Many made plans/ projects on how to help meet these goals and to identify the issues. Real world assessment. #satchat
A4. Personal Narratives: Encourage students to tell stories and share them with one another. Document these narratives; use essay writing, voice recorders, or other creative formats. #satchat
A1: Use @SDGoals to engage students while integrating curricula. How can [green] STEAM subjects explore the SDGs from different disciplinary lenses? #satchat
Q5- With my elementary students, content about the SDGs can be challenging at their level, so I found articles on Newsela related to the topics. We also used DoInk and the green screen to create advertisements explaining each goal. #satchat
A5 when & if students begin 2 look 4 SDG goals in their own world, they may find them in immigrant families in their community, in info abt musicians they love,in small social vids that interest them -immigrant who climbed building in France 2 save dangling toddler #satchat
Kids need to be asked to DO THINGS (take action outside of the classroom) to prove that they're SDG savvy. That will matter much more than taking a test. #satchat
#satchat Q6 what actions did you take towards your goals? share with authentic audience - outcomes, successes, obstacles, new learning and most importantly - next actionable steps!
A6: Meaningful and purposeful assessment that results in proactive solution building is needed across all contents, connected to #SDGs or not. If you can Google it, don’t assess it- assessments should be rooted in skills to be #FutureReady#satchat
Thank you PLN for a fantastic convo
Thank you @betavt@eedowd27 for guest moderating
We are back next week (1/19) @ 7:30AM EST
I hope to see you then!
A6 Student self assessment should be a big part of whatever assessing we do of teaching the SDG’s. Ss can reflect on their thinking process and how they addressed and tackled the issue! #satchat@eedowd27
A1: The UN Sustaunable Goals can help focus stakeholders in the educational world as they help support relevant learning experiences for students. #satchat
Thanks for a great chat! I cannot wait to dig deeper into SDGs! I learned so much. The mini-me has awoken for the day and needs food! And so my Saturday job begins! Go KC Chiefs! 😃 #satchat
A6- I learned that when teaching the UN Sustainable Goals it was not about tests and quizzes and memorizing terms or figures. It was about ACTION. Many made plans/ projects on how to help meet these goals and to identify the issues. Real world assessment. #satchat
A6: The bigger question? Are we preparing kids to think and act globally? Are we giving them the space to inquire about and solve real world problems? Are they making a difference now and not just in the future? #satchat#wwprsd#njed@Belouga_@MattMurrie@pammoran
I agree we are seeing more of it...let me ask you a question (for which I have no real answer) do you think students seeing celebrities and alike throwing money at the problem is helpful or harmful to the #SDGs movement? #satchat
My pleasure! Enjoy and share what you explore with the @TeachSDGs Together we all ignite passion in our students through what matters most in our communities! #satchat
Steven J. Gould has a bit on this: "It is dangerous for a scholar even to imagine that he might attain complete neutrality, for then one stops being vigilant about personal preferences and their influences—and then one truly falls victim to the dictates of prejudice."
I agree we are seeing more of it...let me ask you a question (for which I have no real answer) do you think students seeing celebrities and alike throwing money at the problem is helpful or harmful to the #SDGs movement? #satchat
Does anyone use stations or a Daily 5 setup in math? What does it look like? We use math meetings, but research says stations would be more interactive and empower Ss to own their learning. #edchat#satchat#elemchat
@TheBradCurrie "posting to their own You Tube channel" is great idea. I did a project and Ss created Instagram/ Twitter to advocate for their project. Sadly, I think snapchat is the SM of choice for teens. A S just told me that NBC snapchat is where he gets his news. #satchat
A6: Have students capture the unique ways they are showing what they know about the UN Sustainable Development Goals throughout the school year in various subject areas. Then have them post to their very own YouTube channel #Satchat
I would love the see the results. It would be interesting to have them focus on topics like fossil fuels and project what. if anything will take it's place? #satchat
A6: @AsiaSocietyEDU has created global competency rubrics. These can be used alongside authentic PBL units. Seek authentic assessment opportunities and feedback from experts in the community and around the world too. Tech makes this possible. https://t.co/3mbdadJFWG#satchat
While many ppl believe they’re surrounded by #angels having helped them out of tight spots, you may fall on the more skeptical side. Coincidence, you’ll usually think. Nothing more than being in the right place at the right time. Until, that is, you meet your own angel. #satchat
#satchat A6: For French assessments, learners have had to write short answers in French on cultural topics that include SDG topics when we have discussed them in French with notes to review. Otherwise, they interpret texts on SDG topics.
Extension or next step: Interview someone from different circumstances. Work towards empathy. Tell *their* story compellingly a la StoryCorps. #satchathttps://t.co/vLQXmYXEfK
A4. Personal Narratives: Encourage students to tell stories and share them with one another. Document these narratives; use essay writing, voice recorders, or other creative formats. #satchat