#Kinderchat Archive
#Kinderchat, glue, glitter, gogurt, bringing daily joy to twitter. Find us Mondays, 9 pm EST and 8:30PM London time when we talk all things Early Years!
Monday June 5, 2017
3:30 PM EDT
Good evening how are we all hope you have had a good Monday? ☀️☀️🌨🌦we had a mixed bag weather wise!
Hi! yes same here, sunshine and heavy showers.
How are you Kierna feels like ages since we've chatted!
I can't believe I have only 4 weeks left of this school year - it has flown by.
It has been ages! All good, in the midst of parent meetings and getting ready for new ch visiting etc. You?
Just before I got ready for the chat one of my cats attacked me - have a lovely big scratch on my arm!
busy here too we have school visits this week so exciting for children but I'll miss them! Also started my new research project!
Ooh that sounds exciting - what is it about?
I know it's exciting I'm looking forward to holiday club always get great trips out! But first I need a holiday!
of courser NYC here you come! Can't wait to hear all about it & follow along...
Ooooo no! One of mine is lying in between my and hubs keeping my leg warm haha!
I have them both beside me but Charly gets very jealous of Jerry & I bore the brunt of it!
Its about how we nurture the children through the ages in our setting and how we build shared understanding of what is involved
Ah I am sooooooooo excited we fly on Saturday I can't wait!!!
That sounds like a good topic indeed, will be interested to read it when you're all finished. Oh my this Sat? Wow!
research is so not my 'thing'! But am sure you'll be great at it. How long are you away for?
Yes can't believe we're actually going!!! 💵🇺🇸🗽eeek! My sis and I have wanted to go since we were about 10!
You will have a ball & linking in nicely - it will be warm no doubt too!
I have to be totally honest and say that I am not a fan of hot weather but I did enjoy it being dry recently.
Hopefully I'll be able to do it justice! We're away for a week! We have lots of great trips and lion king on broadway planned
Whaaaaaat! I love love the hot weather I think I was supposed to be born in much warmer climate haha!
Just walking about the streets felt like a film set to me but it's 19 years since I was there!
Nope. Give me cold and dry weather any day.
Ah sounds great! We're staying right beside Times Square so pretty central to everything.
I don't think I could work long term in the kind of heat we had a few weeks back, it was hard to keep the ch hydrated
it looks like you and me tonight so let's just chat about the summer plans then!
Well I do like it when it's frosty and cold but I love the hot summer sunshine too! love my vitamin D!
Yeah agree with that it's hard for children in heat I worry so much about their skin too so lather them in suncream loads!
I do love sunshine - Iceland was perfect to me, blue skies and dry cold weather.
Ha good plan! When is the book festival this year? Lunch again? 😃
yes, us too would rather someone has reaction to suncream than got burnt.
Ah I am soooooo excited to go!
Yes! Am going twice this year; 14-20 and then back for last weekend, so whenever suits.
Oooo ok well maybe we could wait to see the programme and see who we fancy seeing?
Yes - it's out next week so will let you know, wonder which authors we can stalk this year!!
I actually read The Snow Beast today by special request!
we ended up buying sun hats to keep in nursery and on those really hot days they were a blessing.
she is gorgeous - my poor Jerry is so black she blends into the sofa!
Ah we do love Lola she is very cuddly!
looking forward to hearing all about it - Haven't met anyone yet who didn't enjoy their visit.
I always end up feeling guilty about wanting to be inside the cool classroom on sunny days!
sun cream and ice pops that how we survived the really warm weather a few week back.
Yeah I know butchildrwnfind it tough outside when it's really hot.
are you all packed already? Even the longer flight is so exciting!
yes, you could try it in NY ;)
Yeah all packed even have my books ready on my kindle! So all prepared! I love the build up to a holiday makes it so exciting!
water play is a must in the warm weather, the ch were disgusted that the water butt was empty for so long.
me too - sometimes it's just as exciting!
Awwwww that's a shame I love water when it's hot! We ended up filling loads of tubs for ASC was like a foot spa!
lovely, think playgrounds with water features must be lovely in summer they can really enjoy them w/o getting cold.
usually the late afternoons were a bit cooler so your ASC probably got best of it.
OK - have enjoyed catching up with you & chatting about your holidays but think it's time to call a halt tonight.
Yeah it started to get cooler for us around 5ish I loved it lots of fun play outside all day!
have a brilliant time & hope it's more than you hoped for & see you in August for a good catch up.
No problem it was lovely to catch up with you we'll chat soon! Lola sends kisses to jerry and charly