#LangChat is dedicated to the discussion of topics associated with issues and trends in world language instruction and learning. Educators, administrators, learners, and aficionados of world languages are encouraged to participate and share their experiences and input on various topics such as new ways to teach vocabulary, using music in the language classroom, and making standards-based grading valid. This chat is also unique in that it brings together language educators worldwide and from different contexts (elementary, secondary, higher education, etc.) and languages.
A1 What can I afford? Which conferences do I always go to? Which ones have the best PD for CI teaching? Which ones can I present a good proposal for a workshop at? Which ones can I get to see my teacher friends, Latin and otherwise? #langchat
So if you're at #actfl18, stop by @MSU_MAFLT#langchat Dr. Amanda Lanier will be there and she's amaaaazing. If you have any questions on the program after visiting their table let me know ;) #langchat
A1: I definitely like to go to local conferences! @GWATFL is like a big reunion every time! Then I try to go to a bigger conference either regional or national every year or every other year #langchat
A1: I've cut back on the # of conferences I attend (I got burned out from attending so many last year), so for me, it is the ones from which I know I'm going to benefit the most professionally as a teacher #langchat
A1: this is my first year having attended #IFLTA18 conference and I was pleasantly surprised by what a great conference it was. So many CI sessions :) #langchat
#langchat A1 I have to make sure that a conference schedule is available ahead of time too, making sure there are things that interest me. Or of course I'll go if I'm presenting/demo teaching :P
“Cucharas” was a hit in AP Spanish (the “cards” had irregular verb forms on them). After writing a persuasive essay and practicing the imperfect subjunctive this week, they were ready for a game! #SPSconnects#langchat#community
A1: If I have to choose, for me, a CI conference has priority over even a Latin conference like ACL Summer Institute, b/c I want to develop as a CI tchr #langchat
I went last year with only attending 1, and it was during the summer! Didn't make it to any during the school year. But there have been years where I've gone to dare I say it TOO MANY! the cost adds up #langchat
A1: This year, I teach several subjects, so I decided to attend a science conference. My school paid a percentage toward it. Martina here from Texas! #langchat
A2: I like to hear familiar #langchat faces in person! I also try to think about my goals for the year and pick sessions that align well with them in larger conferences #langchat
A2 Is it something I can bring to my students right away? I need new ideas all the time for developing my students' Latin proficiency. Practical things. Also anything about low-prep ideas. #langchat
A2 I'm all about divide and conquer - via shared Google folders of pages and pages of notes, plus unpacking over happy hour. I've never conferenced solo! #langchat
A2: I like to hear familiar #langchat faces in person! I also try to think about my goals for the year and pick sessions that align well with them in larger conferences #langchat
A2: I try to go into a conference with a plan ahead of time - do I want to attend sessions based on a specific topic? do I want to attend sessions based on specific presenters? #langchat
Q2: aahhh this is hard! Sometimes I feel like I'm hearing the same thing just in a diff wrapper. Really interested in AP even though I teach #Middles Trying to improve in the area of assessments #langchat
A2 I'm all about divide and conquer - via shared Google folders of pages and pages of notes, plus unpacking over happy hour. I've never conferenced solo! #langchat
A2: I also know not to try to attend a presentation every session - that can lead to conference burnout. I limit how many sessions I attend, & spend the rest of the time hanging out/networking #langchat
A3: My district has a great teacher lead PD over the summer and right before spring semester, I mostly look for ease of administrative tasks, but always take away a new tech tool! #langchat
A3 Listening to demos in other languages or picking up activities through other languages. Some of the best ideas I've learned are from Tina Hargaden's French-based workshops and many Spanish teachers as well. The fact I can apply these to Latin is quite amazing #langchat
A3: That is where I learn the most! I need to see how others are doing things in a content area which is not mine. I can then adapt & apply that to my classroom #langchat
I haven't been to edcamps in a long time now (we need some out here in WNY!) but they are good resources especially about technology-based activities! #langchat
Thanksgiving Movie Talk -I know other people have shared this video too, but I wanted to share the workload with Slides & printables! #langchathttps://t.co/tp902UWL3M
A3: Also, it's great to see what is overlapping in other classrooms so going to presentations that might not be language related can show us where our pedagogies are overlapping :) #langchat
A3: I'm also super interested in what goes on at other types of conferences because I know that us language teachers have SO MUCH FUN at ours! #langchat
Oh my goodness I love that so much! "Teachers are digital immigrants teaching students who appear to be digital natives" That is food for thought #TruthBomb@walledtech#langchat
A3: I love when my comfort zone is challenged in PD bc it reminds me how the students feel when we challenge their comfort zone(s) in our classes. #langchat
A4 Take good notes. Read through live tweets. Save links to Google Drive presentations in an easy-to-find place. Save the handouts in a folder which they usually give you. #langchat
I know @MartinaBex did a session at the end of #iflt18 "I went to a conference now what?" I didn't go to it, but heard GREAT things about it. Maybe she has some insights on this question #langchat
A3: after attending the science conference, I actually brought back a bit of electronics to apply in my language class too! We can always learn new things from other subjects and educators. #langchat
A4 same as @silvius_toda I try and implement at least ONE thing asap. other things I return to my notes and try and catch up again with my networks! #langchat
I did that with #IFLT18 this year, but it was because I had to do a write up for the @MSU_MAFLT to get some grad credit, but it helped me go back and check it at the beginning of the year #langchat
A4: I have to SCHEDULE new things to try in my planner and lesson plans or they won't happen #langchat maybe we should try accountability partners for new ideas?
A4: I reread my notes every night and tried to make sure I always automatically presented my faves in my next PLC/dept mtg to share the excitement (and hold myself accountable to myself) 😃 #langchat
I had the opportunity to preview the new Triángulo AP and loved the many proficiency based surprises. A textbook that supports current SLA trends. Don’t forget to visit @WaysidePublish booth at #actfl18#langchathttps://t.co/4jKKIcMvg6
A5: If a conference has a mobile app, I definitely use that to help plan. For a conference like ACTFL, which is HUGE, the program is the size of an IKEA catalog! #langchat
A4 I always keep a running notes page on a Google Doc for each conference and save links, ideas, etc. it’s fun to go back to conferences from years ago and see things I never got to try but want to now! #langchat
A5: If a conference has a mobile app, I definitely use that to help plan. For a conference like ACTFL, which is HUGE, the program is the size of an IKEA catalog! #langchat
I went to a @SolutionTree PLC conference this summer. My school has formed interdisciplinary groups of teachers working together. This conference was great for learning about and strengthening PLC process. I hope to transfer this skill to World Language PLC groups #langchat
A5 Okay - still not sure if this is what this Q is asking. How do you make it easier to navigate? Find things that interest you and go from there. Like Keith said use the apps to pick what you want to see. Read the abstracts! Titles can be misleading! #langchat
A5: triaging/color coding my notes and materials at the end of each day: Green- ready to implement right away, yellow - needs some tweaking, red- I need some love from someone to help me learn more 😃 #langchat
A5 go to sessions that meet MY professional needs. If I’m sitting in a session that just isn’t doing it for me, I respectfully leave. Thanks @SenorG for the tip! #langchat
A5: triaging/color coding my notes and materials at the end of each day: Green- ready to implement right away, yellow - needs some tweaking, red- I need some love from someone to help me learn more 😃 #langchat
This textbook gives the tools, suggestions and variety that the current AP Spanish instructor needs to make class interesting and relevant. Great job @WaysidePublish ! #langchat#spanishteachers
TA: I think there's a lot of ways that I glow, but I grow by reading! Reading PD books on brains, and management, and techniques and theoretical underpinnings. Good thing I'm a nerd and all of that IS pleasure reading :) #langchat
TA: Teachers are amazingly enthusiastic and tireless about their profession/passion. I know that's obvious to all of you but thank you for the reminder. I'll spread the word! #langchat
Definitely spread the word, #langchat#mfltwiterrati friends attending #ACTFL18 —@profeashley has done a phenomenal job with this podcast and I couldn’t be prouder of her for all that work to create wonderful PD for #wlteachers 💗
#ACTFL18 I'm following from New England! Learn, connect with one another and SHARE here :) Please let everyone know about #inspiredproficiency podcast! There are 21 episodes out! We will wrap up this season in Dec. and are planning Season 3 for March-June 2019! #langchat