#worldgeochat is a weekly chat focused on teaching geography and global studies. Chats vary between geography specific topics as well as general teaching and education topics. ALL are welcome in worldgeochat!
Welcome to #worldgeochat! Tonight we are talking about a wide variety of topics as part of our Geo Potpourri chat. Please take a second to tell us who you are and where you are from.
Ed, 7th grade world geography teacher in the suburbs of Chicago. I’m looking forward to some new ideas to try and resources to check out! The questions for tonight’s chat can be found here: https://t.co/gJY7wurP9c#worldgeochat
Hi! I'm Melissa from Atchison, KS. I teach 6-8 Soc Studies. Missed the past few #worldgeochat s--going to be jumping in & out this evening but looking fwd to seeing what everyone shares!
A1: Also, I like for students to create their own playlists based on the course novel or topics that we're discussing ... but rn I have the Black Panther & Wonder Woman soundtracks on loop in class! #worldgeochat
A1 I like YouTube and use all kinds of international music/ cultural folk songs/ foreign language music in class. I just played Great Big Sea in class yesterday. #worldgeochat
A1: I like to tune into music that is currently popular in each one of the countries we are covering in Geography. Plus going and watching the music video for them is interesting for students. It's one thing to hear the language it's another 2 enjoy the music. #worldgeochat
A1: for music we have themed days:
Musical Monday
Taylor Swift Tuesday
Hump Day Coldplay
Throwback Thursday
Free Choice Friday
I use a lot of Crash Course and TED & TEDx Talks #worldgeochat
A1: @GeographyNow is so awesome, much respect for what he’s been doing. Depending on the topic, @cgpgrey OverSimplified are good too. Plus, gotta love johnhon37 (and some shameless self promotion) #worldgeochat
I use a series of clips from the @ThisAmerLife podcast, "The Problem We All Live With" when teaching about the distribution of African Americans in the US - and the impacts institutional policies have on where people live. #worldgeochathttps://t.co/FMO7r331wi
Fav Podcasts - @TalkinSS & @VisionsOfEd
Don't have a fav YouTube channel yet.
Love using ANY music from around the world, or music to set the mood. Audio is so important to learners!
A1 We have some great @eol podcasts we’ve augmented with transcripts, images, and teaching strategies. This one one the crawfish is probably my favorite. #worldgeochathttps://t.co/gpanA4gmqY
A1: we’re in the middle of WWI, so I used the Metallica channel on YouTube today to show a live version of One from a couple years ago when @Metallica performed in Beijing! Also use @RealSnarkyPuppy on YouTube to show jazz. Ss loved it! #worldgeochat
More Perfect also has a great podcast on gerrymandering and the math behind the efficiency gap. It's short and perfect for a class period. #worldgeochathttps://t.co/YwaCeS06qN
A1: TED Talks are great ... my Ss love practicing their sketchnoting with the videos & I love that I can upload them to the class Team Drive for later viewing! #worldgeochat
A2: the ones that feature local/modern examples. I love to have the students place themselves in the course of study. Today we were learning about bulk-reducing products and cost (input/market) - so we took a look at workout clothing costs! #worldgeochat
A2: a picture of somewhere I’ve #traveled, a song, a music video, an audio recordingof someone speaking on the subject at hand, a cartoon, a probing question #worldgeochat
A2: Some of our best hooks are thought-provoking maps (sometimes without the title, or without a key, or showing a trend over time). I simply ask students what they notice and what they wonder. #worldgeochat
A2: I love using clips from popular films to draw them in ... like today, to introduce our discussion on purges & genocide, I showed a quick selection of scenes from the first Purge movie #theywerehooked#worldgeochat
A2 - I have always felt that a quick analysis or creation is awesome. I really want to incorporate a play-doh activity before the end of the year. I think it could fit in really well with the remaining geo topics. #worldgeochat
A2 the first time we use the @CIA world factbook I close the blinds lock the door and get hushed telling them our tech guy hacked in so they can have access to the same data as our agents. Some legitimately buy it... which is awesome but scary #worldgeochat
A2: The Secret Door is a great one too, mask the location and students have to use the 360 to determine where they are based on the images provided. #worldgeochat
I love starting class a picture or a story. So many things to do with an image to get Ss talking.
And I love storytelling, and when it's done the right way, it is an art form!
I use a lot from @burgessdave ...I have completely redecorated the classroom for la Dia de los Muertos..or have taken the kids outside geocaching. The whole point is to get them super excited for the learning. Teaching like a pirate helps. 👍❤️☺️
A2: I also love posting a controversial and/or debatable topic or question for the students to create an argument for ... then let them share out (I get to see their background knowledge & they get to practice their speaking skills!) #winwin#worldgeochat
So good. From the beginning of the year I tell them that every map has a story to tell. Their job by the end of the year is to become experts at analyzing and evaluating that story. #worldgeochat
A3 I have been experimenting more with @goformative and message boards for students to leave quick responses. I also really like the old school turn and talk, but with a geo mix where they have to turn and find (on google earth) an example before they go. #worldgeochat
A3: I'm a sucker for journal writing ... I let the students take a moment to write down a final reflection of the day's activities or answer a reflection question #worldgeochat
A2 Ss (and I) love simulations, especially to introduce an idea. They get up in arms bc there is usually some sort of twist (I've done sims on communism in Russia & diff forms of economy for Geo. Just did one on Roman gov't today!) #worldgeochat
A2 Our “Current Event Connection” series is a daily way to get students making interdisciplinary connections with bell-ringer questions. #worldgeochathttps://t.co/WG9MHwhwfn
A3: I swear by @Flipgrid for my closures. I will post prompts or media (images/video) that calls for students to reflect and describe. This boosts student voice and reduces paperwork for all! #worldgeochat
A3: Closing activities often entail turning to a neighbor to explain the concept/learning goal for the day. Saying it out loud and in conversation helps them spot errors in their thinking a become comfortable with explaining in their own terms. #worldgeochat
A3: leaning more toward creative closure activities this year, with tech tools; using @SutoriApp@nearpod and plenty of google ed suite apps #worldgeochat
A3 Some form of reflection is a must. I like 3-2-1. Could be 3 things you remember, 2 things that surprised, 1 question. You can make it anything you want. #worldgeochat
A3: I’m also a fan of using @Socrative to open and close a lesson. We can see live where we’ve grown in learning since the start of the period. Low stakes practice at its finest. #worldgeochat
A2 Have Ss draw a mental map of the world & id “important” places then have them c/c their mental maps w/ a partner. After discussing the similarities & differences, share various map perspectives w/ them. Including my favorite here. #worldgeochat
A3 "Let'sprayanddon'tforgetyourhomeworkhaveagoodday." Lol. Honestly, I'm horrible w/ closure activities. I occasionally have Ss write on post-its what they learned during the day's activity. That's on a good day. #worldgeochat
Ask students to ask a question they would like for further clarification. Wonder page. Come back to those wonders later for an inquiry based point of study #worldgeochat
A4 Very informal, but I ask that eye contact be made. I think partner and group conversations are very important. When presenting in front of the room, they need to have hips and shoulders facing the audience and be engaging. #worldgeochat
A4: I love when students just volunteer to speak, however sometimes I call on them. I blend small and whole group discussions as well as use Flipgrid to promote student voice. Socratic Seminars are some of my most-favorite things as the discussion is deep and vast! #worldgeochat
I heard a great closer on a podcast the other day. A google slides with a premade space for every student to write, insert an image, or leave a video. Really good stuff!
In reply to
@cheffernan75, @AriMarucci, @SutoriApp, @nearpod
A4: depends on the activity ... my class can get chaotic when Ss are brain dumping, but if we're having round-table discussions we'll talking chips #worldgeochat
A4 just did something with @Flipgrid a couple days ago, Ss: “why can’t we just write it?” Me: “speaking and listening is important and it’s got common core standards” #worldgeochat
A4 Try to mix it up. For in-class, reminders to share air time both in small and whole group. Use audio, video, and online disc. which level the playing field for quieter Ss or those who need time to think through responses.
A4: The goal is to have a classroom environment that hinges around student-to-student discourse. We establish protocols early in the year to make sure thinking happens out loud. #worldgeochat
I’ve found small table groups the best arrangement to foster this discourse. Seminars are great, but I want everyone talking and thinking as much as possible. #worldgeochat
I have the students set up norms and I try to give them opportunities to be the talkers with mere facilitation from me. Some are better regulators and can get others out of their shell #worldgeochat
A4: we review manners, etiquette, how to have an effective class discussion, and that it’s ok to have different opinions and still discuss topics civilly; Ss want to learn how to do this! #worldgeochat
A4. It’s simple but it’s everyday- journaling- think, pair, share- every day I want to hear every student’s voice. In small groups or a large discussion. #worldgeochat
I have found that students are increasingly more terrified to talk, let alone in front of peers, in the classroom. They have to get ready for the real world, this is a skill they must have. #worldgeochat
A4 Put Ss in groups of 4. Student “A” has 1 min to topic talk. After 1st S talks each S takes turn discussing S “A’s” point for 30 sec. After 1 round, S “B” starts same scenario, etc. Allows tchr to know who's speaking at all times & teaches speaking&istening skills #worldgeochat
A4 posted levels for what discussion is, in circle discussions use a squishie that gets passed around to the student speaking they choose from hands up who speaks next. Students have to listen to participate #worldgeochat
A4 Listening is the tough one. Have Ss share out what someone else said helps. Ss need help learning how to respond & build on conversation rather than just waiting to say what they wanted.
A4 - Was in a SS Leadership meeting today and we worked on a new Literacy Framework, which include reading, writing, LISTENING and SPEAKING. Looking forward to working with Ts to add these skills into their lessons. #worldgeochat
A4: Practice it. My students collaborate and do group work and present projects all the time. They have to work together and use creativity to problem-solve how to present. #worldgeochat
A4: Establishing an environment with teacher as lead learner also fosters intellectual curiosity. When students feel like they can ask questions at any point in the lesson or discussion, speaking and listening skills are working right! #worldgeochat
Ooo! That reminded me of something I used to do--listen and keep tab of who is contributing--then create a word cloud like wordle to visually show contributions.
I love this thanks for sharing. Also great for tracking for reports. I post on student site to promote the quiet students to try and add to the discussion next time #worldgeochat
A4 Another great way to track smaller group discussion is to use something like @audioboom to record conv. Also, students can have file to refer to for related assignments.
Ha, yes! I challenge them to use (insert any crazy awesome vocabulary term here) in causal conversation in this hallway or at the dinner table. Like “irredentism.” Go blow some minds at you lunch table with that one. #worldgeochat
A5 - I didn’t know I was a political cartoon junkie until I got back into US History. I love to have students search for the symbolism and sarcasm of the cartoon. A5b I’ll be listening here, I don’t have many go-to resources here. #worldgeochat
Ha, yes! I challenge them to use (insert any crazy awesome vocabulary term here) in causal conversation in this hallway or at the dinner table. Like “irredentism.” Go blow some minds at your lunch table with that one. #worldgeochat
Historical Context
Intended Audience
POV (emotion and bias)
I love getting them from previous AP tests, local newspaper, and the internet in general. #worldgeochat
I pull from current local newspaper and have try to come up with criteria for a political cartoon first then as a class break them down and look at how they were used historically then student create their own #worldgeochat
A5a I have my online hs students create a political cartoon as an assessment for the essential question on clash of cultures in modern global issues. #worldgeochat
A5 political cartoons are fantastic bell ringers. Mix them in to DBQ essays for US History. I have thrown cartoons kids have never seen on assessments as a true test of basic achievement vs mastery #worldgeochat
A2: since I teach in units and we do a lot through @CanvasLMS, my hooks are course images that deal with the unit. Currently teaching eco development and industrialization and have an industrial revolution image. #worldgeochat
Today we broke down lyrics from South Pacific - the musical to prime prejudicial though post-WWII in APUSH. Not a cartoon, but super powerful. Used the same HIPP process as if it were a cartoon though #worldgeochat
A5 Embarrassingly my political cartoon source is google images. I usually know what one I’m looking for and just put in a general search. #worldgeochat
I challenge them to blow their parents minds at home by showing them what smarties they are. I challenge parents to ask the kids to explain things to them as well. It builds a well rounded community of learning. #worldgeochat
A3: hate to admit it that I don’t do closures often. The favorite one I’ve done was to have the students create a FlipGrid on how they can love a more sustainable life after teaching the #SDGs! Had some great feedback from the Ss!! #worldgeochat
6A We spend time discussing staged photos vs action shots. Photos are a great way to raise awareness and cause controversy. Ss need to understand the intentions behind a photo and the audience. #worldgeochat
#worldgeochat@TeachingLC does PDs throughout the US. If one is offered in your area, I recommend attending. Take some time a look at all the resources the website provides for Ss and Ts.
A5. My go to for political cartoons is https://t.co/s4S84dKhhf but I also love New York Times Upfront section at the end- kids grab them before I even get a chance to see! #worldgeochat
A6 I use the 3-2-1 Snapshot method to analyze pics. 3 observations, 2 inferences, 1 prediction on what image you see. Again, I usually just search images. (been collecting them for years) #worldgeochat
A6A same as w/ political cartoons. Show students how to analyze photos thru a geography lens rather than a traditional historical lens #worldgeochat & can use these Qs to analyze thru geo lens https://t.co/znjOleqvrT#worldgeochat
Something I learned from @MsHolmesTeach
Have Ss write about what's going on in a picture from different POVs. Pick a person or object & tell the story from their perspective! #worldgeochat
A4: I’ve begun adopting project based learning and have the students share what they have learned to their classmates. Both my classes have begun to speak more as they have gotten more comfortable. I also engage the students with open question for them to respond! #worldgeochat
They were moved... one came up to me later and told me that was her favorite bell ringer of the year, my APUSH course is known for having some powerful ones - the test doesn’t filter history, neither do I. #worldgeochat
A6 A: Depends on topic & objective. So many options!
B: 1st teach Ss advanced image search skills & creative commons sources. 2nd teach some photography basics and encourage Ss to take their own (if applicable)
No real "go to" source, as so much is available.
A6: OPTIC and for #worldgeo I ask “What do you see, and what would it be like to live there?” I also use the #freyer model with a photo in the middle #worldgeochat
speaking of thru the lens, i like to use cheap paper plates as a base for art and have students draw images of what they see through the lens.... ie we just did views on a safari for our Africa unit. Ss had fun with their art. #worldgeochat
A6B Depends on the topic but Library of Congress a great place for photos. Also at https://t.co/s98DuuDT0w you can click on a country & find 1000s of photos #worldgeochat
A6. See, Think, Wonder. All the time. But now they investigate their wonders. And chunking an image, showing only bits at a time to focus on people’s expressions #worldgeochat
Yes, learning to use the geography lens! This is the graphic from @NatGeoEducation’s #GeoInquiry resources for educators that I think captures it perfectly. #worldgeochat
A6a: learned a great method at NYSMSA conference this year - take photo and break it into 4 or more quadrants, put them in a PowerPoint or Slides, shown students one quadrant at a time; it’s a mystery and Ss have so much fun examining a doc this way #worldgeochat
6A: it's a layered process ...
1 - What do you see from first glance?
2 - Take a couple minutes to study the image
3 - Write down observations
4 - Share out to partner/group/class
A5: when I use political cartoons, I have the students relate the cartoons back to our topics. They have to make connections and make their own opinion about the cartoon. My go to is always google search. #worldgeochat
Yes, learning to use the geography lens! This is the graphic from @NatGeoEducation’s #GeoInquiry resources for educators that I think captures it perfectly. #worldgeochat
I do a lot of See, Think ,Wonder and I use @NatGeoEducation national geographic magazines, top 100 photos and another book from national geographic a lot. As well as my own pictures of the community and my travels #worldgeochat
6B: pull images from various sites across the web or pull from books ... just used a book on Chinese propaganda under Mao as ref for Ss working on posters for the ministries in 1984 #worldgeochat
Yes! The drawback to that site is that you can lose a whole spring break doing nothing but looking at photos around the globe. It can be rather addictive :) #worldgeochat
I use that strategy all the time! It's great to give just a piece of the puzzle. The NY Times Photo of the Week is always great for that!
A7 I also had great success earlier this year with Google Tour Builder when we discussed refugees.
I have gotten a lot more out of the Google Geo Tools after reading this book: https://t.co/1BOnPf1rwQ#worldgeochat
A1: since we talk a lot about current events in #APHG, I use CNN student news. It helps the students to see real world connections (ahem UNCLOS and the South China Sea). #worldgeochat
A5 Thought of another photo analysis is to use Google Draw, block out most of image, and reveal only small sections at a time to discuss. Fun to see how thought process changes when Ss see whole image.
@GoogleForEdu had their free pioneer program come to our school and show the world in augmented reality. They also could look at major things that happened in history. If you have not had Google come to your school go sign up for their Pioneer program. #worldgeochat
A7: my Econ students are currently learning about entrepreneurship and creating entrepreneur projects. Right now we are 3D printing product samples for their presentations next week. I’ve also taken my #APHG students on a virtual tour with my class virtual goggles #worldgeochat
Thank you all so much for joining us tonight! I know I learned a ton and I can way to use these new resources and strategies with my students! Thank you all for sharing!
#worldgeochat A7 Using @Skype, @Apple FaceTime & @Google Hangouts. Provided the opportunity to work with classes throughout the world. Our next opportunity is 4/4. Our sociology class will be speaking with a class in Argentina 🇦🇷 about the issue of gender inequality.
A7 similar to @LFU_MissCox I have had success mixing in tech for my gamification, but I’m going old school google sheets with built in formulas. Haven’t plunged into classcraft #worldgeochat
Using this tech has really brought the light to their eyes. Many had no idea what the printers were and have never had a chance to use them before. #worldgeochat
A7 Our district has adopted Schoology as our LMS. Has great assessments. You can imbed lots of tech tools. It was a godsend the last two weeks with my broken foot. #worldgeochat