This chat is moderated by Grapevine-Colleyville ISD educators where we discuss current education trends and deepen our learning. 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 8:30 PM CST September to May @msbearce @SBarkerEDU
Good evening & welcome to tonight's #gcisdchat! For the next hour, @MrsA_GCISD and I will be talking about using student voice to improve instruction #gcisdvoice
A1: Toshalis and Nakkula (2012) believed student voice to be the “antithesis of depersonalized, standardized, and homogenized educational experiences because it begins and ends with the thoughts, feelings, visions, and actions of the student themselves” (p. 23) #gcisdchat
A1: to me, student voice is about listening to students…teachers asking students for feedback then making changes to instruction based on their input #gcisdchat
A1 It means students having an active role in their learning. Teachers knowing student interests and motivations and using those to design, co-design lessons. #gcisdchat
A2: instructional technology took 3 laptop models to high school students and asked for their input before the most recent student laptops were purchased #gcisdchat
Hi! Jumping in a little late. Suzanne Newell in C&I. A2 In our dept, we’ve begun asking students to provide input on things from course development to new course naming, and other ways of working toward more student-owned learning opportunities. #gcisdchat
Q2- Giving students our learning objective, then choices of how we learn it and having them choose. Also having students vote on the class celebration! #gcisdchat
A2 Student voice has decided performances, projects, grouping...
tshirt design, team names - lots of areas that give value to the opinions of the Ss. #gcisdchat
A2: deciding on classroom library organization, where they like to sit in flexible seating or around be room, how they want to learn & show knowledge of content, etc...#gcisdchat
"Give value to the opinions of Ss." You pointed out that student voice is more than just asking for student opinions, but taking those ideas further by putting them into action. #gcisdchat
A3: I have been blessed w/getting to use SV in both elem & middle classrooms & to see how differently, yet how the same it impacts is so exciting! It drives the learning in both! #gcisdchat
A3 Our #kidtweet team has told me how they feel so important having a leadership role on campus and playing a part in telling the #GESshineon story! #gcisdchat
A4 If you don't listen - you have lost. Relationships are built upon the trust and respect found in student voice. The feedback received needs to be valued! #gcisdchat
A4: It is not another thing we "do" but really who we are, a mindset. Also, that without knowing they are probably using tools to hear the voices of their students already. #gcisdchat
Q3: Students expected that I would ask for their ideas and opinions, and they were always willing to share! It made our class less about 'me' and more about 'us' #gcisdchat
A3: student voice has given me more ways to reflect on my first year teaching. It’s a reminder that it’s not MY classroom but OUR classroom. I love getting feedback and input from students #gcisdchat
A3 SV deepens and strengthens the rapport a T has with her Ss and the Ss have w/ each other. The impact transcends every strategy you could ever implement. #gcisdchat
A4: It is not another thing we "do" but really who we are, a mindset. Also, that without knowing they are probably using tools to hear the voices of their students already. #gcisdchat
Q4: it’s a learning process for Ts & we all understand that feeling of losing control! Start out small or go big, just try it. Breathe and No, you won’t mess the kids up. You learn and grow outside your comfort zone! #gcisdchat
A4: someone new to student voice should know the importance of students knowing that you respect them enough to make changes based on their input #gcisdchat
A4 Voice is more than giving students choice. It's about knowing your Ss, soliciting input, and acting on feedback to increase levels of engagement & learning. #gcisdchat
A1: Students are heard and respected by their peers and teachers. The aim to share opinions and ideas to turn on that 💡 and make connections. #gcisdchat
A4 I would want someone new to know that if you don't show the students that their voice was heard (through conversation or action) then in the long run it can negatively impact, rather than improve, instruction #gcisdchat
This is what I find so exciting and refreshing about it! The changes that are needed do not have to fall on our shoulders. Many times the Ss are problem solvers on their own, if we listen. #gcisdchat#worksmarternotharder :)
A4 I’d want any #stuvoice rookies to know that having collaborative/vulnerable exchanges with kids is the only way to build real trust in the classroom. It’s worth the risk and has a huge payoff in learning. #gcisdchat
A3: student voice has given me more ways to reflect on my first year teaching. It’s a reminder that it’s not MY classroom but OUR classroom. I love getting feedback and input from students #gcisdchat
A4: Just jump in and try it! You will be glad you did. Just post a question in your room & allow kids to respond with stickies. It can be that simple! #gcisdchat
A1: Students are heard and respected by their peers and teachers. The aim to share opinions and ideas to turn on that 💡 and make connections. #gcisdchat
A4 it is the same idea with formative assessment, if you aren't going to read it, process what it's telling you, and then act on it or use it then don't ask them. it then becomes pointless and can even work against the culture you are trying to build #gcisdchat
A4 I’d want any #stuvoice rookies to know that having collaborative/vulnerable exchanges with kids is the only way to build real trust in the classroom. It’s worth the risk and has a huge payoff in learning. #gcisdchat
A5 I like to keep it simple. What should we continue doing? What should we consider changing? I try to steer away from questions that ask what you liked, etc. I try to phrase them in a way that leads more to the information I really need. #gcisdchat
A2: By giving students opportunities to share their opinions on a variety of topics from flexible seating to how they understood today’s lesson and the big idea. It’s embedded almost everywhere. #gcisdchat
A5: Honestly, during one specific class period I struggled with I just said during Circle Up one day, "This system we have going on in here is not working for us. I do not know how else to help you. Can you help me?" Then the floodgates opened. #gcisdchat
A5: In honor of MLK I asked Ss to post 1 of his quotes and why it was significant to them. It’s hard to express how thoughtful and touching their responses were and how it’s given me more insight into who they are as a human being as well as what is important to them. #gcisdchat
A5 Even in my new role, I’ve been trying to remember to ask my colleagues what I can do better. They can often see my work more objectively than I can. It’s the same for Ss with Ts in the classroom. They are our mirrors. #gcisdchat
A5: Honestly, during one specific class period I struggled with I just said during Circle Up one day, "This system we have going on in here is not working for us. I do not know how else to help you. Can you help me?" Then the floodgates opened. #gcisdchat
A5 Addressing procedure, projects, planning, and pathways - how do we make it better. The answers have improved the culture. Ss will tell you the + and call out the problematic. #gcisdchat
A5: Another I do at end of nine wks tells them MY goal is to build the love of reading & writing in them & I ask if they love it more than when they walked in. I get more than just a yes or no & has helped me meet their indiv. needs. #gcisdchat
A3: It not only gives them a voice in their learning but it allows me to reflect and change what is needed to make their learning more meaningful. #gcisdchat
Allowing choice is the beginnings of giving students a voice in their learning. Next step, find out why they chose the option they did. How does that grow them as a learner? #gcisdcaht
@MrsA_GCISD This Q is why I keep a parking lot up in my room but I’ve struggled with Ss utilizing the tool. Hmmm... I just thought of a problem/Q that needs asking! #gcisdchat
A6 The more I have asked and opened the floor to discourse instruction has improved because Ss start to ask more questions and even get better at asking the 'right' questions bc we've practicing thinking that way #gcisdchat
YES! I just recently did this with flipgrid while doing a Goose Chase and because the other Ss were telling me what to change for next period to make it better, each class period benefitted. GAME CHANGER! #gcisdchat
A6: Ss are very willing to say what’s working and what’s including what we spent unnecessary time on and where they wanted more. #moregrammar#morereading#gcisdchat
A6: It shouldn't surprise me, yet it still does, how incredibly insightful and in tune these Ss are with their own needs. It truly helps me see things I would have not seen otherwise in ways to help them. #gcisdchat
A7: I hope to elicit #stuvoice and feedback during our future design of curriculum and course work in ELA. Let Ss design learningfor themselves and posterity! #gcisdchat
A7 I need to figure out how to (or if I should) involve a student panel of some sort to inform the professional learning our dept provides to teachers AND what addl insights Ss have on our instructional resources we design and share. #gcisdchat
SV can lead to the dev. of participative and democratic skills which prepare Ss for future careers and to participate in community as active citizens. Ts should include student voice practices to improve citizenship education and the development of 21st-century skills #gcisdchat
A8: As a first year teacher, I know I have a lot of room to grow. But it's always encouraging to hear from other teachers who are excelling with #stuvoice#gcisdchat
A7 I need to figure out how to (or if I should) involve a student panel of some sort to inform the professional learning our dept provides to teachers AND what addl insights Ss have on our instructional resources we design and share. #gcisdchat
A6: I see students becoming more motivated and take ownership of their own learning. When they see how their voice matters and how I heard them, it’s seen and it’s powerful. #gcisdchat
Innovative ideas! The possibilities are endless when we involve our students and ask for both their input and give them the responsibility of making their ideas happen! #gcisdchat
A7 I need to figure out how to (or if I should) involve a student panel of some sort to inform the professional learning our dept provides to teachers AND what addl insights Ss have on our instructional resources we design and share. #gcisdchat
A6: I also think our Ss are becoming more aware of how much we value their input and expect it, so they are starting to speak it. Our Student Voice Wall at CMS is a great example of how it is valued campus wide. Trust is there! #gcisdchat
A6: I also think our Ss are becoming more aware of how much we value their input and expect it, so they are starting to speak it. Our Student Voice Wall at CMS is a great example of how it is valued campus wide. Trust is there! #gcisdchat
I wonder what could happen if all the folks on this chat recruited one colleague to join the voice movement. Your enthusiasm is contagious. And your testimony about the power of it will be convincing. I challenge us...! #gcisdchat
I need more information on this research. Student voice should represent that of all students. If teachers are unknowingly influenced by the dominant culture that is something we should be explicit about in our conversations around student voice. #gcisdchat
A7: As a first year teacher, I have had the opportunity to learn from the best and try out student voice ideas in my classroom. I want to push myself to discover new ways to promote student voice. It’s a never ending plethora of ideas! #gcisdchat