How and why do you use video in the classroom? K-12 educators are finding that video is a powerful tool to illustrate learning. Join us for #SchoolTubeChat to offer ideas, ask questions, and find out how others are leveraging the power of video.
Welcome to #SchoolTubeChat! I'm looking forward to sharing the best K-12 VIDEO LESSONS & STUDENT WORK!
I'm Don Goble from St. Louis, MO. I am a multimedia teacher & a #PowerofVideo & #MediaLiteracy advocate. I'll be your moderator tonight. #edtech
Please introduce yourself
We will be using the Q/A question and answer process tonight. Please make sure to add the A & # to your answer as well as #SchoolTubeChat so we can curate your awesome resources using our partner @participate.
Welcome to #SchoolTubeChat! I'm looking forward to sharing the best K-12 VIDEO LESSONS & STUDENT WORK!
I'm Don Goble from St. Louis, MO. I am a multimedia teacher & a #PowerofVideo & #MediaLiteracy advocate. I'll be your moderator tonight. #edtech
Please introduce yourself
Pumped to announce @SchoolTube will soon be posting a "share your best videos of the school year" sweepstakes, selected by SchoolTube staff! This is a chance to be nationally recognized on SchoolTube's home page & be eligible for Best Buy gift cards. Woah! #SchoolTubeChat
A1-I have enjoyed teaching my students #appleclips app to create social studies projects bc it increases their voice & choice plus it makes history cool again! #SchoolTubeChat
A1: "Interview an Expert" basically says ANYONE can be an expert at something, so let's video record it! Great for turn & talk "interviews: after a book reading, lesson, lab, any class activity.
Hi, Jen from NC here. Q1. Some years I@have my kids practice creating news stories using classic fairy tales as the basis for them. Those are some of my favorite projects. #SchoolTubeChat
A1: Using iMovie Trailer, I always start every new semester with the "iAm" project. Great pre-assessment on tech skills, get to know your students, & students LOVE telling you about themselves. Tremendous built-in #medialiteracy lessons.
There is a great company called Nepris in Texas that actually sets up experts to join your class via video chat! I’ve had a few financial planners in my Economics classroom #SchoolTubeChat
I love assignments that my students learn without realizing they are learning. I appreciate an assignment that gives choice of creativity! #SchoolTubeChat
A1: Activities that give students as much latitude as possible. Widespread access to video is such a new medium, the less we structure the further they'll dig to figure out the most effective manner to express their understanding. #schooltubechat
I have some students work on a similar project. They’re doing live news reports from Herot as a final project for Beowulf. #powerofvideo#SchoolTubeChat
Vimeo is blocked in our school and YouTube is blocked in so many. I want as many eyes on my students work which is why we use SchoolTube. #SchoolTubeChat#powerofvideo#medialiteracy
A2. We always start with iMovie and had Final Cut till this year. Now we have Premier Pro, which we got mid year and it’s been hard to transition. We will start with Premier next year. We publish to YouTube. #SchoolTubeChat
Love this resource! We hosted a workshop and right off the bat, Billy and I made it clear that we have zero background in cinematography aside from YouTube and #AppleEDUchat resources! It gave everyone in the room the confidence to try! #schooltubechat
A2: Coolest thing of ever seen. The girls come up wanting to know if they can include color and black-and-white in the same shot. I said I have no idea but that we can with Final Cut and they did.
A3: I really hesitate to publish to YouTube because so many schools block it. I don't want to get around filters & I don't want my students to circumvent the system. #medialiteracy suggests to cast a wide net to the largest audience possible. That's @SchoolTube. #SchoolTubeChat
A3 #SchoolTubeChat No hesitations about publishing student video online. It allows students to have a real impact, large audience and to get authentic feedback. Best way to teach #medialiteracy is to embrace the medium. #AppleEDUChat
Asking students to pair visual to text is a powerful critical thinking skill. Then asking them to create their OWN visuals to text allows them to dive deeper. #SchoolTubeChat#powerofvideo#medialiteracy
A3 #SchoolTubeChat Our biggest challenge posting HS student video online is which platform will get the most traffic. Increasingly that means @instagram#medialiteracy
A2- We love creating #classroomclips If you are new to creating with your class using the #AppleClips app my
#schooltubechat Blog post will help but really just jump in your students will pick it up so easily and quickly!
I always forget about the relationship between keynote and video production which is insane because any time I'm illustrating a concept, it's my go to! Such a great reminder that we're talking visual communication first and foremost! #schooltubechat Thanks, @Mrreiff !
A3: I would say motivating students to want to publish work. They take pride in their selfies and videos from home, but sometimes not the same pride in their school work! Trying to get them to see the purpose can be tough! #schooltubechat
Another essential point, @dgoble2001 It's all about more effectively, more efficiently communicating a message through multiple channels, enabling each medium to amplify and exerted the meaning of the others! #schooltubechat
Asking students to pair visual to text is a powerful critical thinking skill. Then asking them to create their OWN visuals to text allows them to dive deeper. #SchoolTubeChat#powerofvideo#medialiteracy
We have seen tons of students embed videos (or at least include links) in their online portfolios. Today, we only allow verified educators to create "channels". This fall, we plan to let students create channels as well...R&D in progress! #SchoolTubeChat
Yes, totally! I'm happy to discuss more with you. Thousands around the world have found ways to implement this idea.
I have this amazing clip of a group of boys on the edge of their seats counting down as their video uploads! It’s as amazing to relive as it was to witness! #SchoolTubeChat
Yes, we need to add this topic for sure. The integration of video has permeated all classes and we need to learn from each other on these workflows and challenges. #SchoolTubeChat#powerofvideo#medialiteracy
DON'T FORGET! @SchoolTube will soon be posting a "Share Your Best Videos of the School Year" Sweepstakes, selected by SchoolTube staff! This is a chance to be nationally recognized on SchoolTube's home page & be eligible for Best Buy gift cards! #SchoolTubeChat#stuvoice#edtech