Q1: (I only put that so my search column will show it.) I wonder what school will look like in 20 years? We haven't yet adapted to Google replacing us as holders of knowledge, but when we do, then what? #saskedchat
Hi everyone! Brooke from Dilke. Sub with @PrairieSouth and @horizonsd205. No volleyball this week so I get to spend my Thursday with all you lovely people. #saskedchat
#saskedchat - repeating my question to get us started - What does Personalized Learning mean to you? Been doing some reading like this https://t.co/bkU1ZOp5Cu
A1: I’m focussed on our PostModern fragmentation of a common educational experience. The public purse is beginning to support a diversity of separate schools, and home schooling. I wonder what 20 years will do to public systems. #saskedchat
#saskedchat - that is something that seems to be highlighted by some people - that every minute of the school day is individually customized or should be.
It means being aware of your learners, and being able to help build connections between the curricula (including the first 28 pages, or whatever it is) and those learners in ways that help motivate and engage them. #saskedchat
I think that like all things there needs to be a variety of practices in the classroom. Exposure to form of personalize learning will become meaningful if it fits with that class #saskedchat
A1: My students use the RAZ Kids reading program. Each student reads books that correspond to their Fountas and Pinnell reading level (they have the option of other levels too). To me this is one example of personalized learning. #saskedchat
Whoops, missed the start of #saskedchat . I'm here though, #saskedchat . Just in case you were worried I wasn't going to make #saskedchat tonight. No worries. I made it to #saskedchat . Yay for 280 characters...
A1: Actually have no clue what to expect in 20 yrs. Honestly if education changes at the same pace as last 100 yrs, won't be much different.#saskedchat
I believe total customization, in the way some see it, is impossible. However, letting go of some past practices & a solid feedback cycle can help. #saskedchat
I agree. I think that the technological change of the past decade will finally make real change in classrooms (which it really hasn't yet, mostly) but I have no idea if the changes will be for good or ill. #saskedchat 280 characters is going to cause a lot of run on sentences.
A2: Now that is an interesting question. Given that we're building models that know better (sometimes) than we do what we should buy/order/consume next, what does this mean for developing learning plans? #saskedchat
I think it could go to open space designs & Ss learn at their own pace and use their google implants in the frontal lobe to do their research faster. #saskedchat OR Google owns everything & we do whatever they say;)
Agreed. Providing choices opens up possibilities but I’m not going to have 14 different possible learning activities every day in Sci 10, for example. #saskedchat
A2: AI could be a game changer in education and personalized learning. Changing standardized testing, assessment and personalized curriculum. Actually, it’s a little scary, if you go too deep with this. #saskedchat
Good evening, #saskedchat ! Last day of LST contract with PVSD before heading west to live and sub in @WCPS72 . Middle years Jill-of-all-trades joining in to avoid packing!
THAT is a good question! AI could actually help with personalization, but needs a framework of goals and info on students. And more than what ads they click on! #saskedchat
And yet, the promise of an personalized revolution in education has been made before - https://t.co/DBvIdakK04 - and nothing much has changed. #saskedchat
Certainly while there has been change that is noticable for those of us who look, but real, meaningful systemic change in how we "do school" crawls along. #saskedchat
It’s Open Mic Night - so far we’ve been talking Personalized Learning. Here is the last questions - To add to this discussion Q2 - How does/where does Artificial Intelligence fit within the realm of Personalized Learning? #saskedchat
AI also needs information fed into it - the more you shop Amazon, the better it gets at predicting the kind of deals you'll click on. At some point, will be be using kids to feed the machine instead of vice versa? #saskedchat
I would hazard to say that, systemically, any changes have been more organizational than deeply impacting learning & we have yet to really disrupt anything at a foundational level #saskedchat
A1. I think technology should augment traditional ways of showing our learning - essay writing off or online, live in person presentations vs video recording. Personalized learning should work to student strengths but also aim to build skills needed as an adult. #saskedchat
I think it needs to move beyond curriculum. Why don't we let kids collect credits from multiple schools? Why do they have to be in class to demonstrate learning? Why does the stock photo of kids sitting in desks in rows with their hands up go on every ed news story? #saskedchat
I would hazard to say that, systemically, any changes have been more organizational than deeply impacting learning & we have yet to really disrupt anything at a foundational level #saskedchat
That’s a great question! I believe we, as educators, are too focused on incremental changes when AI is making foundational changes in other areas. #saskedchat
A2: I think computers will have an unknown, but significant level of AI before too long. The Google algorithms we rely on now presage that. Students ask specific questions and gain results I once mined from keyword searches. #saskedchat
That’s part of it. Inquiry, interest-based, flexible seating, external credits for grad options. It’s actually quite exciting, if it is implemented in a strong way (big if) #saskedchat
Look at all the courses offered now on sites like https://t.co/VgMGjfByIS . Email notified me that there are 138 new courses this week. How does this fit in to traditional classroom? Should it? #saskedchat
I think what it's going to take is a school district that's hit rock bottom and willing to try anything to improve. Those of us who are seeing success with incremental changes have no impetus toward wholesale switching. #saskedchat
You heard about The Map, I assume? The one being used in China as they push for a mall out there, and shows the GTH as much fuller than it is? #saskedchat
why is there still a mindset that students are only learning if they know the "right" answer? Why is there still an environment for pure direct teaching? Why when talking about anything new do people refer to it as a "fad" only to believe traditional will return #saskedchat
And yet, you get school divs in the US given freedom to innovate who are tossing the Carnegie unit and focusing on mastery demonstration. I think there's hope on the horizon. #saskedchat
With Special Credit options already available in Saskatchewan, tapping into new courses is very doable. I think it is a great way to leverage student self direction. #saskedchat
In reply to
@amiereid, @ianhecht, @brynmw, @FNGraham
I've found that framing the subtraction problem (why is it always that one?) as "shopkeeper math" helps parents understand why learning a different way can actually be useful. #saskedchat
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@HeculuckDave, @mrchadklein, @brynmw, @FNGraham
I’d say because the traditional usually does return in some form and until it is replaced, people will continue to look at that as the norm. #saskedchat
In reply to
@BKorchinski, @FNGraham, @ianhecht, @brynmw
And to add to your question. Who creates the curricula for places like this? Oil-companies? Creationists? Me? And what are the standards for attainment? They may be awesome, or garbage. Who accredits? So much to be worked out. #saskedchat
In reply to
@amiereid, @ianhecht, @brynmw, @FNGraham
It is a great way but, as an admin, not as easy as it sound to do. There is difficulty, sometimes, getting them recognized - kinda like Twitter chats like #saskedchat for PD!
In reply to
@stangea, @amiereid, @ianhecht, @brynmw, @FNGraham
Well, thinking about 100 years from now... Technology may see us holding remote classes via internet like has started in post-sec. Less need for teachers or just more specialized and different organization to help divisions that cover large areas. Double edged sword? #saskedchat
In reply to
@kellywchris, @ianhecht, @brynmw, @FNGraham
Ugh. After reading that Alberta home schoolers are bringing in Ken Ham to talk "creation science" to their annual conference, this is definitely a question worth asking. #saskedchat
In reply to
@tgrantt, @amiereid, @brynmw, @FNGraham
I believe in 20-30 years from now, school will be like going shopping - you will do some online and some in a local shop - it will fit the need of the learner with AI being part of the connectivity piece. #saskedchat
In reply to
@amiereid, @ianhecht, @brynmw, @FNGraham
Part of that is the past proposed changes in ed have not lasted. And some of us old folks from last century feel ‘we’ve seen this before, it will pass’. I’m not one of those, btw. #saskedchat
This is perfect, particularly for rural students who may not have access to the wide variety of courses available to their urban counterparts. #saskedchat
In reply to
@kellywchris, @amiereid, @brynmw, @FNGraham
And my fav "We tried this before, and it all cycled back again." No. There has been nothing like the current change since electricity distribution. #saskedchat
In reply to
@BKorchinski, @FNGraham, @ianhecht, @brynmw
Flipping can work a little at all grades, traditional current events discussions and accessing previous knowledge flips the lesson, but I’m reluctant to endorse homework time for learning when we know many home environments can’t support it. #saskedchat
I wonder if the emphasis on research-supported change will soften the pendulum swing somewhat. I have a feeling that some previous changes were vendor-driven, rather than rigorously researched. #saskedchat
In reply to
@tgrantt, @BKorchinski, @FNGraham, @brynmw
As long as we have a forward thinking Ministry that creates graduation requirements that meet the needs of students and does not marginalize anyone. #saskedchat
In reply to
@ianhecht, @kellywchris, @brynmw, @FNGraham
We often discuss academic approaches to teaching but this year it has been all about classroom mgmt in my room. Is behaviour and teaching to social-emotional conflict becoming more prevalent and how are you dealing with it?
A3: We discuss this occasionally in the staffroom - are parents abrogating their responsibilities to teach these skills to their students before they come to school, or are students fundamentally different now? #saskedchat
We often discuss academic approaches to teaching but this year it has been all about classroom mgmt in my room. Is behaviour and teaching to social-emotional conflict becoming more prevalent and how are you dealing with it?
Will it be the educators or will parents see the need for the changes? I think that is a big part of getting change to occur - parental willingness to look forward not backward. #saskedchat
A3: I think there's an increase of emotional issues like I've never seen, and I know for a variety of reasons, but frustrating when it's always expected schools to be the fixing Freud #saskedchat We tyry to deal as a team-T, LF, Admin, Councellor,
I know when I get my next classroom, improving my classroom management will be a major goal. Working with students to understand needs, and come to agreements that work #saskedchat
Yes I do think social-emotional conflict is becoming more prevelant. Well, perhaps it has always been there, but young people are airing their feelings more in class, rather than internalizing or coping. Blame internet? I’m not sure, #saskedchat
A3: It is a great question! I have a related one: Is Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development still considered current? I'm curious if (as it seems to me) some children now never have a fear of punishment, so does their moral development progress normally? #saskedchat
A3 - Just had a similar discussion with a parent - could it be that parents - many who were from the latchkey generation - don’t have particular parenting skills or background? #saskedchat
A3. Everything takes practice. We need to give students LOTS of opportunities to resolve conflict in productive ways. Do you model positive conflict resolution for your students? https://t.co/qahpL6io1B#saskedchat