#Kinderchat, glue, glitter, gogurt, bringing daily joy to twitter. Find us Mondays, 9 pm EST and 8:30PM London time when we talk all things Early Years!
Amy here, multitasking with one eye on the Olympics, in The Canada. I did well in math as a student, but did REALLY understand. As a tchr now, this disappoints me. #Kinderchat
Rachael from Ontario
I always enjoyed math...it was easy for me to use the algorithm and find the answer. Now I am enjoying learning how the math works and learning to explain thinking as we discover math concepts in K.
A1: I like to slide math in when we’re not even looking for it. In our songs, in our poems, while we walk to phys ed or music and we look for patterns or count steps. I’m sneaky like that #kinderchat
All day long! So many ways, math journals for writing, counting to make sure all Ss lined up after recess, noticing patterns of all kinds, how many Ss r ready to learn & how many we still need to be ready...I could go on & on #Kinderchat
I have it on right in-front of me! But then again... In Canada you probably have to have cable -- here in the US NBC can be picked up via antenna #KinderChat
A1. We count who is present or who is in line before we leave the room, we graph our emotions after recess, talk about patterns we see or create, play board games, we measure how far our cars flew off the ramp...
Q1: One way that I would incorporate math into other subjects is by showing students an art painting and having them point out all of the geometric shapes that they might find. #kinderchat
I've done that with my class. It's very simple and they don't realize it's math. We also draw pictures and I tell them that drawing a picture is using shapes which is using math. #kinderchat
I had a total McGuyver set up the other night to watch 3 things at once, none of which were being broadcast on the regular channel. Phone, iPad, laptop, Apple TV. I was dizzy! #Kinderchat
A2: I use whatever I can get my hands on! We have tonnes of counters, things for measurement, blocks for 3d shapes, etc. plus it depends on the lesson. #kinderchat
And literature! The book Actual Size is a great piece for measurement. I always have my Ss stamp their hands onto the gorilla hand and compare the two #Kinderchat
For K I found unifix cubes so handy. Unifix cubes and 100s charts. Go from making long lines of unifix to making color patterns to counting 10s. #kinderchat
As an aspiring T... I'd use unifix cubes, blocks, etc... #KinderChat I LOVED unifix cubes!! However, I did not like them so much whe we used them for math... Haha #KinderChat
A2: We have numerous different bins of loose parts, number lines, ten frames, five frames, double ten frames, rekenreks, dot images, pattern blocks, snap cubes and graphing board cars with numbers on them (sign out system) and more!!
Haaa that’s exactly why I’m content w just phone! It really does give you a headache after awhile doesn’t it?! Not sure how they do it all day #Kinderchat
A2 Unifix cubes and 2 sided chips (red/yellow) with 5-and 10- frames plus a regular die or 10-sided die the most. Counters of all kinds, and we use ourselves for many activities, too! #Kinderchat
Also warm ups. But also I encourage them to right down their own findings when they are doing focused or free exploration 'tubbing' Tubbing is basically different manips in containers and the Ss can count, add, subtract, make patterns, ect. like math centers #Kinderchat
In reply to
@CarrieMarshall1, @krissymbutler, @MrsArnote
A2 Besides the curriculum materials and manipulatives, we also use linking cubes to measure things, use pattern blocks for patterns and build new shapes, and have calendar time, #Kinderchat
A2: Some of the math materials I would use are magnets, snap cubes, counters, and 3D shapes. I remember using these manipulatives and as a visual learner like myself, they really helped. #kinderchat
A3: For our curriculum we use Math Makes Sense. Buuuuttt… I add on my own things. Some concepts take longer for us to understand than others. #kinderchat
I add a lot to Math Expressions because it's a spiraling curriculum and I din't have most of the components when I moved into the classroom I'm in now. #Kinderchat
A2 Besides the curriculum materials and manipulatives that we have, we are currently using everyday objects to help identify 3D shapes! -party hat, ball, can of soup, dice, etc. #Kinderchat
I use MIF also. I like it a lot, but still give my kids way more hands on opportunities than presented in the lessons. I don't think they could ever get enough of that. #Kinderchat
I did a presentation on that for my masters. It’s interesting- there are few theories education has grasped on to that have little to no research. #fascinating#kinderchat
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@happycampergirl, @krissymbutler, @brielle_leon1
It's become one of my pet projects - debunking the myth of learning styles. I can't believe that teacher prep programs CONTINUE to teach that this is a real thing. #kinderchat
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@CarrieMarshall1, @krissymbutler, @brielle_leon1
I use MIF also. I like it a lot, but still give my kids way more hands on opportunities than presented in the lessons. I don't think they could ever get enough of that. #Kinderchat
A3 We have Math Expressions so it comes with a TON of manipulatives- number tiles, 3D shapes, the list goes on. Outside of the curriculum we use linking cubes for measuring! So fun. :) Dice, pattern blocks, #Kinderchat
I make sure to use academic vocab through out the school campus. Instead of saying stop at the pole, I'll say stop at the cylinder. Or, oh it's triangular pizza today 😂 #Kinderchat
Especially considering we are the foundation of number sense! I don't know how we can expect kids to have number sense wo much time spent composing/decomposing numbers #Kinderchat
I would use the app Splash Math in my classroom. When my nephew was in kindergarten he used this in his class occasionally and he loved it! It helped him learn that you can find fun in math. #kinderchat
A3: I would use the app Splash Math in my classroom. When my nephew was in kindergarten he used this in his class occasionally and he loved it! It helped him learn that you can find fun in math. #kinderchat
That’s my concern. Before I left the classroom it was basically a hands on approach, with Number Talks and no work book. Can’t get started on that #kinderchat
I love it too! I loved when I got engaged (and now married) bc I could say: it's not a diamond. This is a diamond (and show my ring). 😂
Although, playing cards have diamonds... #Kinderchat
A4: There is a little woodworking store in Bar Harbor, Maine that I always stop at when we’re going through each summer. I can’t resist all of the little odds and ends they sell #kinderchat#Irealizemostpeoplecantgothere
A4 I had some things to begin with and have asked my principal for more things. Donor's Choose has also been a great source for building my math resources #Kinderchat
Sorry to all my chat friends #gafe4littles#InnovatingPlay#kinderchat still no power so I can't update or participate as the cold and usage drains my battery.
A3 anything and everything... For February, we also use candy hearts. I try to find something special for each season or month. #gottoteachthemnottoeatthem#Kinderchat
A4 I can spend quite some time searching TPT and Pinterest for additional practice materials on the harder concepts. I've also been finding and printing activities and sorting games to make during the summer for next year. #kinderchat
It takes off the pressure, yes. And sometimes kids just take a bit longer to learn a concept. That’s my beef with education these days. Who says all Ks need to understand part part whole before they’re 6? What if they don’t get it until they’re 7? Are they failures? #kinderchat
In reply to
@MissTaylorOCT, @happycampergirl, @krissymbutler, @brielle_leon1
A4. It was mostly my own materials for the first two years then we were given math kits from our board for this school year and that has helped ease up on my pocketbook. :)
Checking in way late! Sara in Canada here and I have to say no matter what Math Their Way is my hands down favourite math resource! Loose parts, play, free exploration, language development an oldie but SUCH a goodie #kinderchat
Exactly! That's how I feel with our VA standards. My principal and I have had the discussion that many of our students aren't developmentally there with what they want them to know. #kinderchat
In reply to
@CarrieMarshall1, @MissTaylorOCT, @happycampergirl, @brielle_leon1
It takes off the pressure, yes. And sometimes kids just take a bit longer to learn a concept. That’s my beef with education these days. Who says all Ks need to understand part part whole before they’re 6? What if they don’t get it until they’re 7? Are they failures? #kinderchat
In reply to
@MissTaylorOCT, @happycampergirl, @krissymbutler, @brielle_leon1
I have my moms original but it’s hard to find all the extras that go with it since it’s not in print anymore. the book online in a PDF on their website next year I want to try the “work jobs” that tie in with it too #kinderchat
Q5: Math centers are a work in progress in my classroom. We got off to a rough start so I do them based on table groups, not ability and I pull who I need to work with. Sometimes my math centers are the work we didn't get to in math the prior day. #kinderchat
A5: I have a math area. On the shelves are a variety of counters- bears, buttons, wooden things, etc. We use them for pretty much every math outcome we have. They are always available. I add games here and there as well #kinderchat
I missed the exact Q but looks like it asked about supplies. I also save the caps from water bottles, gaterade, and whatever. You can count and sort them, or even write numbers & words on them. You'd be surprised what kind of math manips you can find for zero $ #Kinderchat
A5: I would split the class up into different groups and at each center have a different project with a different type of manipulative. Perhaps making it some sort of theme that pertains to an upcoming holiday or season to make it a bit more interesting #kinderchat
I don't do math centres...per se.
We do small groups with planned activities to help build number sense and also have loose parts bins our students use during morning entry.
Throughout exploration time, we travel around and reinforce math concepts during play.
A5 Every year looks different, depending on needs of my Ss. Must haves-dice, small manipulatives, 5- and 10- frames. I love that I can change seasonal manipluatives and it completely changes things for Ss, even when it is still practicing the same skill #Kinderchat
Same! Except with that word 'tubbing' lol. I let some Ss pick a tube and others pick a friend. Then, I either pull a group and go to a center with take observational notes and teach in the moment #Kinderchat
A5 im struggling with my set up this year.. I teach 2 classes out of 2 schools.. my 1 set up is my usual a few different tables with math materials and provocations and then an area with me or ea for more directed exploration. My other class tho..they are a challenge #kinderchat
Must haves I go back to the 100s charts. Blank for coloring and numbered for cutting. That combined w unifix will hold their interests a long time #kinderchat Put play/game centers in and work w the small targeted skill group
That is our morning entry routine. Grab a loose parts bin and start talking with friends and playing with the loose parts. Some of them start counting or patterning... #kinderchat
In reply to
@krissymbutler, @CarrieMarshall1, @happycampergirl, @brielle_leon1
More and more I feel less like a teacher and more like a secondary parent, social worker and psychologist. We have spent months on social emotional topics because that's where we are...
We cannot move past social problems to start focussing on reading and math #kinderchat
In reply to
@CarrieMarshall1, @happycampergirl, @krissymbutler, @brielle_leon1
Here’s the other thing about math their way.. my K teacher used it when I was in school. That and the “Work Jobs” also by Mary Barratta and 24 years later I still remember doing math in kindergarten. That is an impactful math lesson #kinderchat
You can buy them! I bought a pack of two large plastic ones big enough for kids to stand in the boxes.. I’ve also just made one out of poster board works as good #kinderchat
Oh ya- it’s great! Just a blank paper w 100 squares forming a square. First step is to just color it, then they find patterns and designs within the 100s square, then they start numbering them #kinderchat
I just have to share (again) these math blocks I bought at convention this year each number is proportionally sized to the 10 blew my mind can stack to show all the friendly number pairs or other addition #kinderchat
That takes awhile (I just occasionally point in direction, not too much instruction) then they can cut the lines and make a 100 line. So great for seeing patterns. Can use as a dice game board then #kinderchat
A6: more coding materials would be nice.
Materials that don't fall apart from rough use...(some of my boys are rough with materials or they go 'missing')
A6: Like @krissymbutler I want more rekenreks! I have a small one and a large one I "requisitioned" from our math lab. But I’d like small ones for the whole class #kinderchat
For the teachers in training, keep in mind when you get your own classroom that you might have to create your own math curriculum, or supplement a lesson because it might be too short or difficult for the Ss to grasp. #kinderchat