TNedchat is a way for educators in Tennessee to share thoughts, resources, and information. The weekly chat is moderated by Jessica Warner (@jessawarner) and Samantha Bates (@sjsbates).
A1: CC & EX-C activities allow students to immerse themselves in their passions. As Ts, knowing the Ss passions helps us connect to with them more in the classroom. #tnedchat
A1: CC & EX-C activities allow students to immerse themselves in their passions. As Ts, knowing the Ss passions helps us connect to with them more in the classroom. #tnedchat
A1: Co/Extra-curricular activities provide Ss with the opportunity to explore their interests, work toward common goals, and build relationships with peers across grade levels. #TnEdChat
A1: Like @Gregbagby my extra curricular activities helped me find my niche during those awkward teen years. They also helped me begin exploring what would become my passions. #TnEdChat
A1: It’s all about the relationships! For me, this is the time to get to know kids. I have no interest in anime, or DnD but bc I’ve provided this safe space for them to be themselves...these vulnerable kids have flourished & made strong bonds. #TnEdChat
A1 They give kids an opportunity to excel in ways that they may not in the classroom in addition to providing production, teamwork, experiences, and lifelong bonds. #TNEdchat
A1: It’s all about the relationships! For me, this is the time to get to know kids. I have no interest in anime, or DnD but bc I’ve provided this safe space for them to be themselves...these vulnerable kids have flourished & made strong bonds. #TnEdChat
A1: in my school years content was taught in silos. It took graduate school to learn to assimilate knowledge across disciplines and see the connections. Co-curricular would have made academic learning relevant earlier. #TnEdChat
A2 Co-curricular are related in some way to the courses, complement the learning students are doing in school, debate club, Model UN, National Honor Society, vs extra, outside of school day, not related to content, sports, band, other clubs #tnedchat
In reply to
@Gregbagby, @nathan_stevens, @specialtechie, @mospillman, @CoachStone12, @aoewill, @MickShuran, @nikkicrussell17, @pnabbie, @juliedavisEDU
A2: I think CC is where Ts get to blend learning between themselves and other classes. extra curricular is more of their choice. They choose to be part of one, not necessarily the other... Maybe? #tnedchat
A2: This is actually the first time that I’ve heard about co-curricular activities. My best attempt at making a distinction between the two would be: co-curriculars work in conjunction with academic skills, whereas extracurriculars focus on skills beyond the classroom? #TnEdChat
A1: Practice and show off diff strengths than learning in classroom. Gives them a chance to be with other adults and other kids. Reinforces soft skills in a diff environment. #TnEdChat
A2 I think Ss get more opportunity to express and lead. You can slow down if needed. Time to really dive into the personDevelop strong relationships with Ss that might otherwise have them. Personal goals vs. grades. #TNEdchat
So Band and Choir were big Co- classes at my school... even Dance and Drama and Art. We used it as a part of their grades. Right or wrong I don't know. #TnEdChat
In reply to
@Rdene915, @nathan_stevens, @specialtechie, @mospillman, @CoachStone12, @aoewill, @MickShuran, @nikkicrussell17, @pnabbie, @juliedavisEDU
A2: For me, CO-curricular is me working with another adult(s) providing more enriching learning moments, while extra-curricular is something I can do outside of what I teach and more student driven (as far as what we do after school). #tnedchat
A2 Cocurricular are an extension of the curriculumn in a different structer. Extra curricular something beyond the grade, and the scope and sequence #TNEdchat
A2: Extra curricular- mostly done outside school hours, little connection between school and activity. Co curricular- some connection between school and activity. No diff in learning though. #tnedchat
A2: Co-curric: partnership between curriculums to help Ss make connections/deepen their understanding of what they are learning. Extra-curric: beyond (extension) content/classroom for both Ts and Ss to share/explore interests and passions. #TnEdChat
A2: Extra curricular- mostly done outside school hours, little connection between school and activity. Co curricular- some connection between school and activity. No diff in learning though. #tnedchat
A3: I co-sponsor our school’s Jr. Beta Club. Now, I’m curious as to where Beta truly falls on the co/extra-curricular spectrum, as it highlights both academic achievement and personal talents and passions? Perhaps it’s a hybrid?🤷 #TnEdChat
A3: CC- my mystery project Icreated involved all core classes and the theater dept. I also co-taught an ESS class (English & SS). I was also the drama club advisor at my last school. #tnedchat
A3: I run a positive culture club. Was going to start a #steam club this year, but our schedule isn’t conducive this year. Gives me an extra year to plan! Also run a science fair with a bunch of awesome tt who are my fav people in the school! #TnEdChat
A3: Here is what I lead/sponsor for my kiddos: anime/gaming club, rock climbing, Spanish club, culture club, and soon to be Student led Advocacy group!! My heart and energy comes from these afterschool connections. #tnedchat
A2: I see you A3, but I'm stuck on "co-curricular" from Q2. It makes me think of integration of standards, subjects, or studies. Extra-curricular makes me think of sports, clubs, and team activities. #tnedchat
A3: I oversee after school programs Media specialist @TheHubRBHS has a passion for books and finer things. She is doing a series with interested Ss. Last one related types of cheese w genres of books. Next one is international snacks and books. ❤️#TnEdChat
A4: I usually talk to the coach/advisor of the activity. We come to a solution together thet helps the student not only survive, but thrive both in class, and activity. I think anytime you can incorporate passions with curriculum, everyone wins! #tnedchat
A3.B: I’ve tried to create an e-sport team but the district’s internet restrictions kept us from doing it. We had a dozen kids meeting & building computers to play these $$& making/scholarship potential no avail. #esports needs to be recognized as valuable. #TNEdchat
A4: Thriving extra-curricular Ss but struggling in school/class, find some connection to their extra curricular! Find some way to include both & you might have a winner. Used to love when my SPED/ESOL Ss would rock w/coding. Everyone wants to be good at something! #Tnedchat
A3: How about organizing an edcamp, moderating a twitter chat, or leading thru blogging or presenting. Are any of those extra-curricular or co-curricular? #tnedchat
A4: Ts should break the monotony & step our of the comfort zone to change pedagogy to meet the Ss where he/she is interested & incorporate interactive learning...if you engage them, they will learn #tnedchat
A4 Work with the co/extra teacher to support that student. So often the line is .. No More Extra. If a S is thriving, we have an obligation to understand why and see if we can some how extend into the classroom. Most often it is a relationship that facilitates this. #TNEdchat
It was for was extra, not required & allowed me to introduce them to new concepts that interested them & let them apply new learning...we treated it like a club that was open to all #tnedchat
A4: The extra responsibility that comes with participating in extra activities is definitely something that Ss have to navigate and take seriously. Communication with coaches is huge. #TnEdChat
A4: The student has to trust the sponsor of the club & s/he needs to meet with him/her privately to see what’s going on. From there, an action plan needs to be made. #tnedchat
A4: one thing I found helpful is to be interested in my Ss extracurricular activities. Seems only fair if I expect them to be interested in my class. Mutual teaching and learning=mutual respect #TnEdChat
A5) I have seen kids benched in 5th grade basketball because of "lack of skill". Isn't that why they are playing 5th grade basketball to build skill? #TnEdChat
A5: That is is good, but doesn't help w/almighty $. I'm competitive, but realized things can be just fun or competitive. Makes me think of Sue Heck from The Middle
A5: I say let the kids decide, but with the final decision heavily peppered with sponsor wisdom since it’s our job to navigate any paperwork, driving detail, or money. I’m all about healthy competition to spur innovation and personal improvements. #tnedchat
A5 Some of it is expected/predetermined. But, it is the responsibikity of the coach/adult to make sure students are growing as people. Strage coincidence, these are often the most successful teams, units, squads. #TNEdchat
A5) Maybe competition is the driving force for the clubs, Robotics competition, Latin competition, Band competitions/ Math Bowl, Quiz Bowl, Spelling Bee, Geography Bee. All the sports Is this a good thing? #TnEdChat
A4: Building relationships and motivational factors can help, as many will claim, but eventually the priority has to be on the learning. If the high school star athlete is reading on a third grade level, what have we really gained? Whose interests have we really served? #tnedchat
A5: I’ve never thought about this...healthy competition can be good bc it can encourage one to improve skill & apply effort, I’m not a fan of everyone gets a trophy but I also want Ss to be able to participate & have fun — interested to see the responses #tnedchat
A5: I say let the kids decide, but with the final decision heavily peppered with sponsor wisdom since it’s our job to navigate any paperwork, driving detail, or money. I’m all about healthy competition to spur innovation and personal improvements. #tnedchat
I want everyone to get a trophy... if they earn it. And everyone get an A... we when are they supposed to Master it? According to who's schedule? #TnEdChat
A5) I think the training years should be just that... we are competing in school sports at a younger and younger age. Just hope the kids aren't on the travel team as well.#TnEdChat
Bedtime varies by child & family...I’ve never required much sleep but husband has always needed 8 hours. @Gregbagby I’d like to go back to the 8-9 bc high school is 11-12 — now that’s a tad rough #tnedchat
A6:Ss have to want to be a part, have to want to show up, & have to show up even in the non ‘fun’ times. Ideally parents would be willing to support their child’s interest. If not, Ss have to be doubly committed, especially at the HS level bc I include volunteering . #tnedchat