#2ndaryELA Archive
#2ndaryELA is a group of middle and high school English Language Arts teachers looking to share ideas and best practices. We chat every Tuesday night at 8 pm EST using #2ndaryELA. We'd love for you to join us!
Tuesday October 18, 2016 8:00 PM EDT
Don't forget: use on responses & replies 2 others, label yr responses w/A1, A2, & follow anyone chatting w/us 2night
I'm Hillary! I teach 8th grade in Indiana ☺️
Hello! I'm a preservice teacher at Grove City College in PA. Soon to be student teaching 8th and 9th grade.
Pease MS, San Antonio, TX. 7th grade ELA in 90 min block. And, AVID, too.
I'm Brynn Allison, chat co-host. 8 yrs teaching HS English & reading interventions in Philly. Blog: https://t.co/cyx1WlwPgI
Hi, Sarah! I teach future Ts at in MO - Good luck student teaching!
Hi I'm Lindsey! I teach 5th reading in Van Alstyne, Texas
I'm Amber, a 2ndary instructional coach in Texas.
Oops, forgot. 17 years teaching. All MS.
Shared your wisdom today w teachers in Ohio. This is a great group.
Hello I'm Evelyn from California. I teach HS English & Avid 😊
Jennifer from MO, teaching future Ts
our Facebook group is 2000+ members strong. Join us to continue the conversation all week long. https://t.co/5Vm1htM31S
Hello ! I'm Kim from MD and teach 11th grade Am Lit. I'll teach AP lit in the spring. Read my blog here: https://t.co/R1PLt614Na
Hi! Susan here; I teach 11th grade American Lit; AP Lang & Comp one hour north of NYC
I'm Tom. 9th grade ELA in Huntsville, TX.
How all you Ts have time to blog I will never know! Love hearing all about your teaching ventures, though!
Kara Guiff, 26 years teaching K-9 SpEd resource, Intervention, and co-teaching. Currently 7/8 https://t.co/Fn7jpw8ZJj
Kara Guiff, 26 years teaching K-9 SpEd resource, Intervention, and co-teaching. Currently 7/8 https://t.co/tE7XR9c4Te
Q1: What does “close reading” mean in your classroom?
A1: Close reading means reading & rereading text to analyze literal & figurative meaning. Ss do this to form deeper connections
A1 Close reading in my classroom means to read the text with a specific focus, questions after reading go beyond explicit info
A1. Close reading to me has always been repeated reading and talking w fellow readers.
Is this w/ NF & Fiction texts in your class?
It means reading a text more than once. Each time with a specific purpose.
A1) Close Reading means my students analyze the text, by focusing on key details in order to gain a deeper understanding.
A1: Close reading is slowing down reading to carefully notice details. Love this introductory activity: https://t.co/vuSwbrJwTZ
A1: dissecting a text and analyzing author's craft
A1: several draft readings with a different purpose each time with chunking in one of the readings.
Hi! I'm Dawn, and I teach 10th grade American Lit, AP Lang & Comp in Indianapolis.
A1 - close reading includes making and forming connections with a text, hopefully connecting it w/ events in the SS lives
As a part of my research for a workshop, "Why do you use Google Apps?"
Close reading is reading with purpose. I.e. Observing text features, specific elements, deeper meaning. Beyond the literal.
Such a cute idea! Is this your blog or just one you found?
Agreed! Questions go beyond literal comprehension. https://t.co/9wvEO2Pon4
A1 Close reading in my classroom means to read the text with a specific focus, questions after reading go beyond explicit info
A1 Close reading is reading with purpose. I.e. Observing text features, specific elements, deeper meaning. Beyond the literal.
Do you have Ss do something each time? Sticky notes? Journal?
nice to see a fellow IN teacher! 🤓
Libby from IN. Just observing tonight. I'm a data/literacy coach at elementary level now. Working with Ts and Ss on close reading
A1 In the big picture- reading/marking text with a defined purpose. Changes depending on what we are studying.
Close readg: several readings of the text. Each reading is for a different purpose. Analyzing text to determine author's purpose.
A2) My students are currently doing a Close Reading of nonfiction articles about the upcoming election! 💙❤️
Q2: What types of texts do you ask students to do a close reading of? For what purpose?
Ts, plz fill out short survey to share thoughts of chat as PLN https://t.co/gGsoheqZw4 Help w/ research! Share exp!
Ts, plz fill out short survey to share thoughts of chat as PLN https://t.co/gGsoheqZw4 Help w/ research! Share exp!
A2: We close read ALL text: fiction, nonfiction, poetry. We do this to look at author's intentions and reader's experience.
Found this idea on Pinterest! It's meant for younger students but worked well for a HS urban summer audience
A1: To me, close reading means the Ss are v involved in the reading and think critically about the reading
I use for EVERYTHING! No more flash drives, no more lost docs - every lesson, preso, etc. done w/ Google
A1. I think it's funny that close reading seems like a new goal. Hasn't reading closely always been a goal in ELA?
A2 My students generally *have* to use our textbook - SpringBoard. We're not allowed much deviation.
I agree it could work with any age! Everyone loves Oreos!
A2 Shorter, complex texts so poems or excerpts from a larger work are perfect.
A2: I try to keep texts short for close reading. Poems, stories, speeches and excerpts of longer texts
A2: We regularly close read our class novels and our Article of the Week readings.
A2: My only close reading teaching experience was with Shakespeare. Unfamiliar language lends itself to a careful, second look!
Yes, they are active readers!
A1 Close reading=inquiry into how a text achieves its effects & what is revealed about writer's purposes
Absolutely LOVE this idea! is great for current articles, & Ss should def know about election!
A2: I have my students read all sorts of text: informational, fiction, poetry, speeches.
A2 - we focus more on close reading class novels and shorter works to help build their endurance
A2: Persuasive text - identify & evaluate arguments. Poetry - meaning through specific word choice.
A2: I've found that shorter texts/excerpts work best for my students. Sometimes I'll pull a paragraph or two from a larger text.
Please fill this out if you participate in this great chat community! I want to share how Twitter chats… https://t.co/nDpw0NhWFG
Ts, plz fill out short survey to share thoughts of chat as PLN https://t.co/gGsoheqZw4 Help w/ research! Share exp!
A2 ALL types of text! This week we've read folktale for theme/pt of view, a speech for big ideas about life goals
I'm working on this - using Study Sync. What's your fave way to annotate?
A3) I teach annotating the text, by having students use the app xodo. They are able to make annotations on the digital prompt.
That's unfortunate. I was on a committee that nixed Springboard for our county.
That's awesome! I love how you share specifically what you're doing! Never heard of Xodo app - Gotta check it out!
Q3: How do you teach text annotation to your students?
A3: I use direct instruction, modeling, step-by-step examples and mentor texts to teach annotation. https://t.co/C9ieJygMTV
A2: Gallagher's Article of the Week is a great strategy for jumping into close reading.
Absolutely! But made it a priority & gave it a label
A4) I follow the standard annotation strategies from both my Avid and English students
A3 I model and do a "think aloud" as we read a text to teach annotation
Ugh! How do your Ss respond?
A3: Modeling! Then baby steps to "find" certain things on their own. I make it like a scavenger hunt at first...
A3:Modeling on a song students would be familiar with. Using different colored markers can help keep beginner students organized
Ooohhh....speeches would be great for this! Which ones specifically do you do?
Close read all text, but focus changes with unit. Rhetorical analysis most difficult for Ss. Jigsaw works well sometimes. Share out. Talk.
A3: Think Alouds and help Ss set purpose. Generally Ss share in partners before disc with class.
A3: I model annotation for my students, taking them through my thought process as I'm reading.
Q3 Color marking; marginalia sorted left hand= elements of argument (nonfiction); right hand=style/lit devices. Plus doodling
My Ss and I find the book dry - but I create things to teach the same thing in a "lively" way. :)
Do you ever do texts that might not be traditionally classified as "texts" like videos?
Of course you do bc you know Ss need that!
A3: This year I'm starting with & 's Notice and Note for .
Hello! I'm a little late, but I made it! Altamese, 11th grade ELA teacher
brain🌩 PBL 4spring2discover "can poetry impact the 🌎?" Want 2 focus on word choice, context, impacting our town. Any 💡?
We're about to annotate P Henry's Speech to 2nd VA Convention. We'll focus on rhetorical appeals.
This is the 2nd time I've heard of Xodo today. Better check it out for myself!
A3: Use software to insert questions into the assignments, forcing Ss to stop, think, and annotate their answers
Our next FREE webinar is 11/16 ! 10 ways to incorporate music in 10 mins of class/prep time. Sign up: https://t.co/SAzy6BfUKu
Q4: Do you have a standardized method of annotation or so you allow students to develop their own?
A4: I use standard marks & allow Ss to create their own. I encourage students to write in the margins. https://t.co/i6WU21swry
A3: I also heard of another annotation app - Diigo? I haven't tried it...
A3 Think aloud and lots of examples with diff text. And, diff ways to interact with text. Options=tools. Find what works for Ss
I had to do this for my college Ss because they still didn't REALLY understand how to approach complex text!
A4 No one set way of annotating, will vary from assignment to assignment.
A4: I always start with standard (6th grade) but then Adv. Ss eventually are "weaned".
Love this! Makes it fun, even for those who struggle!
A1: I'm still figuring out close reading! Right now, it looks like reading for understanding, then analysis.
A4 cont having all students use the same markings on the same assignment makes for an easy visual check of understanding
What about campaign ads? Interesting......
A2: My students close read a lot of nonfiction texts to look for rhetorical devices.
A4: Love this idea for poetry that I got the other night https://t.co/5GSWPVhEox
A1: I have students make literal annotations on the left and figurate annotations on the right then connect the two
Welcome! Better late than never!
A3 I require comments, ?'s. No summaries. 's Question: What do you notice? after 1st rd. I call these "Noticings."
I like it! Very simple. Can even share and collaborate
A3: We start w/ a question, followed by a search for the answer in the text. We highlight potential answers as we read.
A4: I've started with some standard marks. This is my 1st year to really do it seriously, so it's still a learning process for me
Q5: For what types of assignments do you require text annotation? How do you grade these assignments?
A5: I don't grade annotation. It is the Ss thought process in understanding text. Instead, I grade a related writing assignment.
A5: My fav assignments require students to annotate and closely read short stories for deeper meaning. https://t.co/JqXpbr2Hmg
A5 Usually require text annotation before writing about that text, also do annotation as part of revision in the writing process
A4: The highlighting method is the first (and only) one I've learned, but I would love to teach my students more!
Love this! "Noticings" are great! Makes me think of curiosity and how we lose it as we get older
A5: We are reading a Novel and annotating it according to the 4 embedded assessment options at the end of the unit.
A5: Like I do not grade annotation, but rather what the Ss do with it.
What novel are you reading?
Do you ever have Ss share their annotations w/each other to compare?
A5: I grade writing using annotations as text evidence. Sometimes if Ss use pos-it's w/textbook, they attach to handout
A5: We annotate short passages mostly. I'm looking to see that Ss are documenting their thought process through their annotations
What if they are not "going deep?" How do you encourage that?
Thanks for chatting with us tonight. Next week's chat: Project Based Learning at 8pm EST
A5: My team uses annotation for lessons relating to short answer response; we don't read any novels. I wish we did.
Oooohhh! Can't wait til next week! LOVE !!!
Do you not have room for differentiation or wiggle room of any kind?
Sort of - more like said - using the anno as evid. We're just beg. to do our own - great strategy!
Those of you who just participated in , plz fill out short survey about value of this chat as https://t.co/gGsoheIAnC Thanks!
A5 says n SO WHAT DO THEY REALLY KNOW?-Ss pick annt & turn in for feedback. Sometimes take ideas, develop deep thoughts
Nice chatting ! Always get great ideas from you all. Thanks!
So true! Glad to chat with you too!