#games4ed Archive
#games4ed discussions cover ways in which gaming can be used in education. Games mirror the way the human mind was designed to learn. They motivate players to take risks and actions, persevere through failures, set and achieve increasingly difficult goals, and devote attention, time, and effort to acquiring knowledge and skills. All this while the game is tracking the player’s actions and assessing the player’s achievements and skills. Isn’t this what we want from education?
Thursday February 25, 2016 8:00 PM EST
dank memes and education?
Excited for the chat tonight!
Ready to Cruz into or maybe to trump it?
Welcome to to tonight's topic is gaming in teacher prep
Steve, doofus from nj. Happy to be here. I teach game design and development to awesome middle school kids
Are you ready for the chat that will make people say Steve Issssss...... Who??
I too would like tp particapate in this roll call
Garrett Zimmer - ON CAN. Game Dev, Minecraft Expert, Edu Games with Minecraft, and out of classroom Educator.
John, doofus at Virginia Tech. I'm planning to study game-based learning!
Amanda here from Texas. I teach little genius third graders.
akash from wams middle school, and a professional memer
Maria from WI - Spanish teacher - I was a pre-service teacher 3 years ago! Time flies!!
Mark, computer science, VR in Edu advocate in OH. Glad to have found an affinity group in
Hi Rebecca Gauthier for Green Bay I teach middle school world history. Just got my gamificaction off the ground this week!
welcome to the chat Mitch
well you have come to the right place
Hope is awesome tonight, at a campus meeting and sadly missing. Hope some folks swing by, if so let me know how it goes.
First time checking out the chat. Glad to be here
Bill, middle school social studies teacher from NJ
will you be at per chance?
Green Bay, WI?! Let's go!!
Heya Mitch! We's talking Games tonight :D
Jen Weible, Ed Tech and STEM at Central Michigan
what a coincidence. I was a pre-service teacher 25 years ago!
Nice! how is it going so far?
I won't :( I wish. I'll have to catch you and at again this year
Spinning the pinned for Q1
hahaha! I am not even 25 yet :P
we will take good care of your students!
haha yup Green Bay but I am a huge New England Patriots fan
Q1. How was play viewed in your teacher education program?
so far the kids are eating it up! Didn't plan it out much so just trying to keep up w/ my kids
What!?!? That doesn't even make sense?! That's like blasphemy :) tanget
A1: non existent. Teachers are prepared to teach so standardized and boring.
I kinda remember those days :)
Q1: Though I don;t have a program, when in class, I always enjoyed a good educational game.
if i was a teacher A1: it would be a buffer of creativity and relaxing, so they can prepare for more learning
OMG! Hey Melissa! Are you eating all the Cinne-Scotch Ripples on me?
A1: I attended and remember learning about the importance of play my freshman year. It's super important to learning!
oh boy! I grew up in Chicago so I always tell people at least I'm not a Bears fan blach
A1: that question makes me feel old. My studies didn't focus on play at all.
I wouldn't go back to it...I was at school for 12+ hours today...
Q1. What play? All work and no play...
A1) the right games are fun, engaging and educational.
it's a coffee choco pb blend!
A1: Way back when I was young, you didn't play much in teacher ed - a few review games but strictly not for fun!
don't worry we will feel young by the end of the chat. I am a time lord
A1: it was encouraged but they didn't really show us how to do it
Think I missed Q1 - was hoping it would show up in the cool new section of
OMG! you got PB AND COFFEE in there? I'm Jelly! so that's my kinds of eats and treats. Enjoy!
ooh - as the moderator, If I toss it out it will show up there... I see....
can't say we talked about play much Thankfully I connected with some great people on Twitter! and many more!
its a Q would appreciate - how was play in your teacher ed programs :)
that could be me. But I am also a Sith Lord
Q1: how was play in your teacher ed programs? :)
Q1. How was play viewed in your teacher education program?
Is the games4ed Chat link different now?
A1: Play in my teacher ed program? We played with math manipulatives a bit. That's all I really remember :/
A1:It wasn't mentioned explicitly, but sitting in a lecture based class felt like a really. boring. game. With tests.
We talked a little about simulations but didn't get a lot of direction on how to do it.
How many points deducted for asking the Q to be RT'd?
has just begun! Great topic for educators tonight...
Q1: how was play in your teacher ed programs? :)
Q2. How were playing games viewed when you were learning about how to teach? In class or student teaching applies
I'd be interested in hearing if newer programs (not to say yer all old) are beginning to teach more about Gamebased Learning now!
A1:Play was it's own unit in elementary ed
As we get older, it seems to be that in some classes games are more limited, while in others, it is encouradged!
Q2: How were playing games viewed when you were learning about how to teach? In class or student teaching applies
I can't remember if we studied particularly but it's something I researched for my master's program this year!
A2: really taxing my brain thinking back that far. More interested in listening to the current pre-service Ts on this one :)
Join in the conversation now https://t.co/eLR37Go2VV
Tonight Feb 25th 8PM ET Topic: Gaming in Pre-Service Tchg Host: Nathan Stevens
A1 in alt route we had to design a game for students that weren't Jeopardy. I recently emailed the prof to thank him!
A2 I learned corporate training. Games and simulations were integral
A2: umm im guessing here, but as a means to distract the student form reaching their potential. which is blasphemy
I think there's justifcation to that. Not all classes fit with gaming. Trying to 1sizeFitsAll won't work.
isn't that the purpose of a chat
I just had a student teacher this year and there wasn't game based learning in his program
That's great - someone with the right idea for sure - glad to see more pre-service teachers getting on board
A2: L2 Learning lends itself well to gaming and play. In all my studies and T observations I saw many Tt incorporate games
I tihnk it's gotta change!
A2: Games in teacher edu was viewed as a distant "might have potential" uncharted island
A2: I think a staple in any Language class is the...flyswatter game...I don't think that really counts though :P
A2. Games were encouraged
I am so glad times and teaching philosophies have changed!!
A2: not sure that I recall a for or against view / moreso that I don't recall much talk about games - hope I am just forgetting
A2: part 2: it might not be seen for the full usage, maybe create products that makes learning with play. i'm no teacher..maybe?
- if you're around would love for to be added as mod for tonight
Hi Everyone! So excited to be here! A1: There was no topic of games or gaming in the curriculum, and many peers viewed it poorly.
Hi, Rachelle, late from Pittsburgh, A1 I did not have much in my teacher ed programs, some games for foreign languages, not many
A2: The go-to was "Jeopardy" style reviews as they were safe increments into fun w/o chaos for Teachers
Sorry for being late!!! Hi everyone!!! I'm Joanne, a preservice teacher living in Michigan!!!
I do know that tonight's chat makes me want to teach pre-service teachers! Who's hiring adjuncts?
I had a class that had Jeopardy in it just today!
Welcome and glad you could join us!
Conor! THE pre-service teacher!!! Great to see you as always! P.S. just hit level 9
A2 Preservice games were for review, not learning new content through play. Also teacher as game show host model :/
Ppt jeopardy woed by transitions! !
still learning how to teach, but games haven't been fully embraced yet! I did see my psych teacher use them though! Kids loved it!
YES!! So awesome to see you too! I deleted Ingress for space reasons... but I have a new phone now...
A2 That goes back many years for me, interested in other answers for more current practices :)
Hope you can report back and tell us that the emphasis evolves! And we're always here for you!
I GBL in my adjunct courses, esp &
I know! is a pre-service Teacher prof , has them working with my middle and HS Ss on MineCraft servers!
KEITH!!!! Good evening, sir :)
We all are still learning how to teach :) That's why we are here tonight!! Never stop looking for new ideas!
A2 I trained in 2002 as a foreign languages teAcher in England, games = an essential part of our training https://t.co/fZZ5XbDlMe
Q2. How were playing games viewed when you were learning about how to teach? In class or student teaching applies
Ok that is enough of the time in the way back machine, time for a current question
Remember to use the A1: format with your response as now curates questions and answers
They all may be way back machine questions for me tonight :)
Q3. How soon in a program should Pre-service teachers learn how to integrate gaming?
Late to chat- A1: Play viewed as important but in class play needed to be structured and purposeful
. Haven't gone Jeopardy route for years, I'll ping my Students for input on it too
I saw there was no correlation between teacher age and amount of class play. Not sure where.
Q3: How soon in a program should pre-service teachers learn how to integrate games?
This is a really inspirational thought! Thank u for reminding me of my roots! Teachers r always learning! https://t.co/2iPuACvu3b
We all are still learning how to teach :) That's why we are here tonight!! Never stop looking for new ideas!
Q3: Immediately. Through modeling. Immerse them as much as possible as soon as possible
how many people caught the Sherman and Mr. Peabody joke in intro for Q3. Just curious
A3: pre-service teacher ed should probably start with a game, so perhaps 30 seconds in?
Loving it; collapsible panels like a FAQ page for each Q. Nice work Participate team.
A3: pre-service teaching should start as a full on ARG, right
Games misconstrued - verbally poopoo'd games while having us play a matching game.
They rock, don't they? been adding features as fast as they are suggested :) in action
A3: ASAP. like a language, if it's taught early it will become like second nature
A3: well im assuming, when the child has capability to decipher needs and wants, then their horizons expand
I think Kahoot has taken over that one - and gives you data easily downloaded for each student
RURIK is in the house :) Hello, friend!
A3 I've seen Pre-s T's hit with Tech & Gaming before they were ready only to reject it forever. It needs to be embedded throughout
A3: I include digital games to support learning in the course I teach. teaches a course on gaming, too
A3 Ts should be taught all S-centered strategies from PBL to GBL
Great point - if we start with it, then it is not some 'new thing' it's just what we do!
A3: Pre-service teacher training should be about how to engage students, w/ games as a possible tool
A3: As long as the game will enhance students' learning, go for it! Suggest it to your mentor teacher! https://t.co/PspNvLSN6p
Q3. How soon in a program should Pre-service teachers learn how to integrate gaming?
A3: PreTs should be intro'd to the power of gamifing right away! Just think if ed programs used 2 teach how 2 teach
I knew you would have a good answer to this one! https://t.co/RBiTOPSNJe
A3 I've seen Pre-s T's hit with Tech & Gaming before they were ready only to reject it forever. It needs to be embedded throughout
A3. Start with play and end with play!
causing trouble like always. - just reclaimed my territory.
hey , gonna make the second half tonight! i know i've missed some great thoughts... starting to catch up
and play in the middle :)
A3: I think preTs should learn how to use games to enhance student creativity, teach coding or make them assessment co-designers
A3: It fits into "Teaching Methods" but should NOT be presented as "Go GAMES or you don't care/lazy/old fashioned"
A3: I like to share how games can be great anchor texts for reading, too - make connections to different content areas
q3 ideally Ss have already had experience with before they chose to become teachers, if they're already familiar, not foreign
awesome ! I just hit level 9 due to the difficulty with achievements. immediately was halfway to level 10 :)
A3 And digital quizzes aren't games. (quizlet)
how about all play? Let's really shake things up
Q3b should gaming in the classroom be a separate class to focus on mult types or integrated where is may be skimmed
A3 When our Students decide to become teachers, they should already be expecting to be taught Gamebased Learning! Never too soon!
I would love for pre service teachers to play a "classroom" role playing game- with different types of teaching challenges
similar to - is it banished to own class as "thing" or integrated through w consequence of dilution?
of course that would be my answer, but my spot on the continuum may be a bit skewed
My masters courses had "Games & Learning" as sep course; perfect level 2 for interested T's
best used though for both when it is seemless - so need both?
that's an interesting idea... haven't they already been "playing" school since they were kids?
I agree. Like every great resource...
that is the question for a lot of topics in higher Ed
A3b - I think there really needs to be more than skimming! those who aren't gamers need to learn so much!
right, i think there's some middle ground, but it is often too easy to adopt either extreme
some kids are really good at playing school. Some even like that game. Others, not so much.
Ss making history stories today in , some asked to use , I answered, Of Course!
Elementary teachers would say that recess is the most important class of the day!! I wish my High School had it
interesting thought which makes you assume there would be more emphasis in pre-service now, but not so much
& some who are good at playing school dont become Ts which is too bad, profession loses creative ppl
or at least more self directed / passion driven - choosing learning path feels like play!
i wish my faculty meetings had recess!
Well justifiably Post Sec is slower to adopt. We need to make it an imperative for them as Alums we need to speak!
not sure those are always the ones we want to become teachers
Sometimes I think many forget the value of play for people of all ages.
how great would that be! I'd love to play with my colleagues more! - let's play!
Q4. What types of games should we focus on teaching to Pre-service teachers? Where should they start?
Q4. What types of games should we focus on teaching to Pre-service teachers? Where should they start?
Some of my WORST ss grew up to be inspiring ts-not always playing games but gaming the system
Love this! The No's should be a thing of the past. We can teach kids to use any tools properly, https://t.co/2XB0QRUKdi
Ss making history stories today in , some asked to use , I answered, Of Course!
A4: Let the Pre-service Teachers play the games themselves as students. They'll replicate what they resonate with.
let me try this: teaching prof has attracted ppl who tend to reinforce traditions of schooling - good/bad
I tend to be a little competitive...not sure if that would help my relationship w/them :P
A4: I can think of many 'games' we shouldn't focus on
A4: I think we need to expose pre-service teachers to a wide variety of games, not quizzes masked as games
that's my point, some people who reject schooling as student are great teachers who buck system
A4. Social games and movement based games to get students engaged and collaborating
A3 Ive noticed this topic is becoming a more frequent offering at conferences and brought up at Learn benefits
A4: I think teachers should be exposed to ARGs and VR - open up to some of what's possible
A4 games that pre-service teachers design themselves. get programs to emphasize design as a teaching disposition
A4: maybe just maybe, as punishment for not doing hw the guys have to play dance-dance revolution in front of girls and vice versa
should we develop a list of of starter games to get them into the right mode
A4: We need pre-service teachers to play AAA games that could be used in school
A4 - Depends on the subject Ts will be teaching. Sad truth is not all games are = for all grades. Should be variety 4 teachers
A4: start with something simple because if it's too complex it may intimidate teachers who are not comfortable with games
A4: Games that incorporate technology, especially free App based ones
A4 has a clear ELA connection, games easy to mod (HedBanz), & 's Sortify & Time Zone X playful assessments
A4 Have them start w/universally useful games, then collab/focus on specific games relatd to area,& share
Q4: I also like to introduce students to schools that embrace gamification like Quest to Learn
A4: Games that incorporate instant feedback would be great for pre-service teachers to find
A4 args and vr...how to incorporate virtual worlds
YES! but play games first to understand true game mechanics that make games fun
omg yea! Pre-Serv teachers need to understand what makes kids engage in games! Is Not GFX --> https://t.co/BEhcIvveBn
A4: I think we need to expose pre-service teachers to a wide variety of games, not quizzes masked as games
that would certainly serve as an icebreaker of sorts :)
A4b should pre-service teachers focus on physical games or digital games when starting?
we certainly could and should
yes. i find less value in segmenting game types, more in understand how play mechanics support disciplinary practices
Q4: Mission US, Quandary and Lure of the Labyrinth
A4: When it comes to educational games, pre-service teachers should spend a lot of time playing, evaluating, critiquing
A4 Games with affordances for playfulness that bring students to zone of proximal development
A4) We should introduce the basics of game design to students. Introduce them to sites they can use with students.
Agreed! Find out what games the Ss are playing and incorporate those game mechanics 2 the classroom
i think that distinction matters less than understanding connections among play & academic practices
A4: hold a game night. Discuss how each game was itself a learning experience.
There's so much out there!
Vett some quality sites which showcase students creating. https://t.co/V3QRAmiSZj
A4: When it comes to educational games, pre-service teachers should spend a lot of time playing, evaluating, critiquing
A4: Everyone talking about teachers as game designers are speaking my language for sure!
But can't be TOO Simple! Gaming should be a challenge, that's a big part of appeal. Need to embrace it https://t.co/aEIpkx64pE
A4: start with something simple because if it's too complex it may intimidate teachers who are not comfortable with games
A4b: physical, its better for torture :)
you should! You're doing cool things teaching the teachers!
A4: There are so many "gaming" resources! My ed professor inspired me with Twitter posts and having me join this !!!
Q4b: Depends - what fits the subject and learning objectives. Not become the new "today is tech day"
Remember, if you are suggesting actual games or resources, post link - links are curated via for future reference
Q4: I like for them to explore how Ss can create games in Scratch, Alice or Kodu to show understanding of learning instead of test
A4b prt 2: why yes I am fun at parties
agreed, that's my fear. thus tool becomes panacea, not means to understand topic or phenomena
I think framing a discussion of instruction after pre-services Ts play (gotta bind the cohort anyways) set a great critical stage
"This was actually fun!"- Student writing a historical interactive fiction game in class today
I like to think of the kids as game designers, too
Preaching to the choir! https://t.co/ixZkRx4wYI
agreed, that's my fear. thus tool becomes panacea, not means to understand topic or phenomena
A4: Glad mentioned - great tool for Ts and Ss
what do you mean by "critical stage," i'm curious
A4 - Digital games. Realistically it's what the kids are playing today, and we need to speak to them. https://t.co/2D7cTObrpx
A4b should pre-service teachers focus on physical games or digital games when starting?
I meant simple for the teacher to set up. it should still challenge the students.
Was just reading about this working on indep study abt Ss engagment,
A4: and yes, I think everyone should start with the Oregon Trail!
Q5. How should we teach Pre-service teachers to build games?
You're right! Game Devs should hear this too. We need games that are aligned to Ts Needs https://t.co/qasSY4zF6h
I meant simple for the teacher to set up. it should still challenge the students.
One of my fondest memories of school was playing "The Great Stock Market Game' in Social Studies
there are simple games like tic tac toe that when modded are vry complex. "simplicity" is deceptive
should building a game become a game itself? That would be idea
I like the new brain pop games too!
was just checking them out, looks fun. Best practices, ideas?
A5: Introducing pre service teachers to game creation sites will help them create games. Then students can create the games
A5 same way we teach pre-service Ts to build any learning - driven by student-interest, aligned to standards, culturally relevant
A5) Let them think about game iterations. Think about how students are going to work together and to share their work.
A4: I see them going back to old-school on a daily basis - Magic, card games, cut throat risk and monopoly
oh my.... That is a paradox
and if dysentery doesn't get them they move on to Carmen Santiego?
You're so right Remi! Lets talk about Modding in soon! Adds a whole new level!
You're so right Remi! Lets talk about Modding in soon! Adds a whole new level!
A5: There are great programs that allow Tt to input content and it will provide a game like
Brian Costello made it! I guess, mention dysentary and his ears perk up :)
A5: I think they need to spend time deconstructing a good game- goals, rules, "flow"
A5 I like to introduce PTs to the Floors app on the iPad
Oh yeah. Where in the world is she?
and if dysentery doesn't get them they move on to Carmen Santiego?
no it's not! My 1st class on lesson planning was like that- the whole length of the class mirrored a lesson plan
introduces the idea of design literacies. what are the design practices that make you fluent to mod?
A5 First, we frame teachers as designers. Many peers think they just stand up and talk, like they experienced. Get them to game!
A5) How will games fit into their content area? How do we capture student enthusiasm for games.
Reminds me of the stock market game we played in accounting- competed against othr hi schoolers across Mi! https://t.co/lWy3O1KfFV
One of my fondest memories of school was playing "The Great Stock Market Game' in Social Studies
she is locked in my locker
sorry, what game is that?
I seemed to have missed Q5. Can someone spare a retweet?
Absolutely! Students could author conversations
I really like the book Rules of Play
I looked at it yesterday and drooled. Wish boxes would hook a fella up
re A5 surprised no one has mentioned equity as purpose and critical ed perspectives that critique power. games r powerful metaphor
Q5 I think the easiest start for teachers looking to build games and understand mechanics is https://t.co/rzSSC8kvWd
Awesome for systems thinking, empathy, and close reading and writing. Ss are taught reader agency
Q5 I think the easiest start for teachers looking to build games and understand mechanics is https://t.co/rKLTkRbmdo
loved playing the trail! I always tried to play it differently each time
I was hoping they'd hook me up :) get the free app to start playing & scrounge up some change for a kit
should have included Minecraft! I love creating stuff in Minecraft
How should we teach Pre-service teachers to build games?
While I'm thinking of it, any of you good folks heading to ?
have you seen it reminds me of Mario builder it's amazing
I would love to do a breakout game with my students, too!
My Bachelors in I-Commerce we played a sim game for a whole semester! Was amazing to compete for real!
sorry guys gotta head out, i think i have enough to write in my blog. thx for the wonderful chat!
it's amazing & easy to use. You can design levels and play them
A5 Model some of our games, then let them work on it, try things out on own,
Students create together with us! :P
Thanks to I did receive a badge to go, but do not think I can w/school , how is it
Last one quick: Q7. What types of games are easiest for Pre-service teachers are easiest to start creating?
Anyone interested in learning more about teaching game design, please hit me up - always happy to talk
It's power and potential as a GAME Design Platform is exceptional. Redstone, Spatial, ELA, Social Ect
would be cool to have students design levels with certain area & perimeters
A7) and similar probably the easiest for Pre service teachers to get into...
just rest for 2 days and maybe hunt you will be fine!
I would love to teach a pre-service class on teachers and students as game designers or guest speak for a class.
I'm literally so far behind the chat it's hilarious! I need a dictation typist! too many thoughts :D
Bigger would be for them to share them globally. https://t.co/BDubyyamLX
would be cool to have students design levels with certain area & perimeters
let me know your schedule!
Q7. What types of games are easiest for Pre-service teachers are easiest to start creating?
Thanks for joining us tonight. Keep the discussion going
Were there really 7 questions? how did i miss 5 and 6, or is that a missing questions game
Yikes - it's already the end of the chat :( Thanks everyone for playing
there were actually 9 questions