Weekly chat for excited 1st grade teachers who love to learn and share ideas. Participants are interested in a variety of topics including literacy, math, technology, play, inquiry, and being the best educators they can be!
Happy Sunday! It's time for #1stchat. I'm Val from Michigan and I'll be moderating the chat tonight. Tonight's topic: Formative Assessment. Please introduce yourself.
I have to share this awesome bulletin board with you all! My students made it from start to finish!! I love it soooo much! At least it’s springy in my room:) #1stchat
A1: Formative assessment is continuous, ongoing, relevant assessment used by the teacher to diagnose or adjust instruction for the best success of all students. #1stchat
A1 Formative assessment is any tool that is used to drive instruction. It could be listening to a S read and adjusting text levels. It could be conferencing with a S and planning next steps for instruction. #1stchat
I have to share this awesome bulletin board with you all! My students made it from start to finish!! I love it soooo much! At least it’s springy in my room:) #1stchat
A1 Formative Assessment is a process used by teachers and students during instruction that provides feedback that informs/guides ongoing teaching and learning. #1stchat
A1: Formative assessment is the student practice piece of learning. We must allow time for students to practice the skills. FA helps me to determine the level of understanding my students have and how I will guide my instruction prior to summative assessments #1stchat#sbpdchat
A1 formative Assessments help teachers see where their students are in their learning to see what they need to go back and cover for total understanding #1stchat
Q1 A1: formative assessments are ways of tracking student learning in order to know how to proceed in other instruction following a lesson. This is a great way to also see if something needs to be retaught. #1stchat
A2: Formative assessment is not just weekly quizzes and multiple choice exams. Formative assessment should be comprised of activities that engage students and provide meaningful feedback for teachers. #1stchat
A2: Formative assessment is not standardized. Formative assessment is not always a test. Formative assessment is not high stakes and should be time for a proud showing of works, not nerves like "those other tests." #1stchat
A2: Formative assessment is not just structured pen and paper tests but can also be done in other ways in which students can share their thinking. Their should be multiple formats in which students demonstrate what they are learning. #1stchat
A2. An aha moment for me regarding formative assessment was this: It's not formative assessment unless you do something with the information/data. #1stchat
A2. An aha moment for me regarding formative assessment was this: It's not formative assessment unless you do something with the information/data. #1stchat
A2. An aha moment for me regarding formative assessment was this: It's not formative assessment unless you do something with the information/data. #1stchat
A3: The role of feedback is for students to gain a greater sense of their personal strengths and weaknesses and for teachers to recognize and modify their strategies in order to bring out the best in their classroom. #1stchat
A3: To me, feedback involves conversation with students. In that conversation, more information can be gathered. Sometimes feedback gives the students the aha moment they need. #1stchat
As teachers, we can gain information about our students progress from FA but it is also important to tell students how they are progressing towards learning goals as well. That way they know how and what areas they can grow in and what they are doing well in. #1stchat
A3: Feedback can be very beneficial at this stage. It’s important to understand which student you are working with and the way they are able to respond as well. I have some students who take feedback as an opportunity to grow. #1stchat
A3: (continued) Students should be aware of their areas for growth. We can only get better if we know what we need to work on. And we ALL have areas to grow! #1stchat
A3: I like to conference with students or do a casual chat if I notice something during FA. I also love using @seesaw for Exit Tickets or a review so that I can see what students need. Being able to provide immediate feedback that parents can also see is great! #1stchat
A3 Feedback is crucial. Ss need to know how to fix their mistakes. Or Ss can explain their thinking and Ts can have a better understanding of next steps. #1stchat
The role of feedback on a formative assessment is to see what the students are not understanding so that you can go back and reteach to make sure they understand. #1stchat
A3 Often students don't know what they don't know yet. Formative assessments give Ts information to guide students to the right directions. Self-awareness in students are also crucial. #1stchat
A3. Her are some classroom examples of feedback: Exit tickets, thumbs up/thumbs down, Chalk talks, Self Assessment/Reflection, Think-Pair-Share, and more. #1stchat
A3: Another thing that my kids love is sending a challenge question home to parents on @Classdojo. Then the parents send back their child's response. It helps assess and encourages parent/child talk. #1stchat
A3. Her are some classroom examples of feedback: Exit tickets, thumbs up/thumbs down, Chalk talks, Self Assessment/Reflection, Think-Pair-Share, and more. #1stchat
A4: It helps students to realize where they are headed and things they can work towards. Self-assessment is also really satisfying for students who have achieved mastery! #1stchat
A4: YES! I also like showing them how far they've come and what they already know. I just LOVE the look on their faces when they see all that they've accomplished. #1stchat
A4: Self reflection lets students think about their learning, pay attention to what they are doing and be able to walk through the steps of the process. #1stchat
A4 Ss self assessment should be a part of FA. It provides Ss an opportunity to develop a growth mindset. They can reflect and start to set their own goals for learning #1stchat
A4: Student self assessment allows students to be agents in their own learning by tracking their own progress. They are able to see for themselves whether they feel like they understand something or not. #1stchat
My students set a behavior goal & plan. They also assess their own reading & set a goal. I need to get more ideas for other areas. @Woods1stgrade#1stchat
I did start it, used it at the first conference....so, this year I did get a little further. I love it, I just have to make myself use it regularly. Kids love it too. #1stchat
I always start off thinking I'll help kids keep a data notebook or a way to reflect and share with parents during student-led conferences, but I never get it started. :(
I've used this mostly in math and writing. Ex. After spending time on introductions in writing students can self-assess their level of understanding. Students in the the yellow area then work with me in small groups for extra support. #1stchat
Some of what I used was in this https://t.co/BHZ5urmsz1 I also created my own charts with the assessments we use at school. I placed the EOY . Most they take 3 times a yr. I did fluency (words and math facts) Spelling inventory and GR level #1stchat
A5: I love to use individual student white boards, thumbs up, exit tickets and other random in the moment ways to formatively assess my kiddos. For me....it’s being in the know ALL THE TIME. #1stchat
A5: Jeopardy style games are always fun or any other type of game. As I mentioned before, I use the challenge sent home. I also post things around the room and students move around to talk about the topics. #1stchat
A5 I love using @Seesaw for Formative Assessment. My students record their thinking in math. They also record themselves reading. I love being able to conference using their videos #1stchat
A5:for a phonemic awareness warm up that I do twice a day,for one of the activities,students open or shut their eyes to indicate rhyming words, same blends, beginning sounds etc. students can have a chance to show what they know using a silly face or closing their eyes. #1stchat
The students use their white boards to solve math problems so I can see if they understand what it is we are doing. I can have them correct their answer right then and there. #1stchat