A chat that offers middle school teachers a chance to have a collaborative discussion about a different topic each week. Our topics change from week to week, ranging from Common Core State Standards to Character Education. During the chat, participants exchanges ideas and resources. The chat group ranges in size each week from 10 to 50+ participants. Discussion can be general talking about instructional style or process to specific. Recently members of the chat group help each other create lessons.
Hello! My name is Megan and I am a pre-service teacher studying at Eastern Illinois University! My favorite ice cream is an Oberweis chocolate peanut butter shake! #mschat
Hello #mschat! Lauren from NY - 6th grade English teacher and author of EMPOWER Your Students, which is about social & emotional learning rooted in students’ own values.
Hey all, Phil from Northern VA. I teach 7th grade US History II and am also the founder of #waledchat which starts right after this. Favorite ice cream? VANILLA! #mschat
Jonathan, clinical psychologist from NY, I teach medical students and psychology interns at the VA. I am also the co-author of EMPOWER Your Students. https://t.co/vpbGRantG6. #mschat
#mschat A2: My volleyball coach gave me lots of life lessons on the way to games or at team dinners. She gave me hints to help me socially, and she taught me how to ask other kids questions when I wasn't sure what to say.
Agreed! There are so many things we worry about today that teachers did not bother themselves with when I was in school... don't know if that is good or bad but it IS different! #mschat
#mschat A2. I was involved with choir and orchestra in Middle School and I loved when I saw my teachers and other administration support me by attending my concerts. It showed me how teachers do not only care about the grades and assignments, but they care about their students.
A1) I'll be honest here: Junior high (as it was then) may have been my worst years in school. Tough age for my peers, sure, and I was quiet and sensitive. But frankly the principal and vice principal were bullies. Some good teachers didn't make up for the bad climate. #mschat
A2: My 8th grade English teacher saw past my behaviors, past my dyslexia, and she saw me as a person...she raised me up, pushed me, empowered me, and most importantly never gave up on me. She was my life line. Now I teach middle school to be someone else's lifeline. #mschat
A1: I remember being easily embarrassed, easily excited, and naturally skeptical. I remember being crazy with friends, my first crush, and a few really awesome projects. I remember first sports successes too. #mschat
A1: Middle school was full of tough times. It was a struggle for me to get used to 7 different teachers and understanding routine of each. I really struggled. #mschat
A1: I remember weird friend groups, getting a PS2 for my 13th birthday, getting rejected from Jazz Band, playing football, and going undefeated in 8th grade wrestling. Some ups, some downs. #mschat
A2: A teacher moved heaven and earth to let me advance beyond my grade level even though I was just 11. It opened doors that I’m still benefiting from. #mschat
A2: Mr. Rosini saw my hard work in math to work from a C up to a B. The last day of the quarter I had a 79.4 and he curved it to an 80 (I was one of those compliant A students so struggling was new to me). I will never forget his kindness and his recognition of my work! #mschat
A1: I had such a phenomenal middle school experience, which is probably why I ended up teaching there.💙 We had - & still have! - diverse learning opportunities that mirrored the diversity of our students. #mschat
A1. I remember my middle school yrs as a balance of struggle & support, challenge & triumph. I was way socially awkward. But my favorite teacher, Ms. Meekins, was there in 7th grade 2 help me out--even as my nemesis was there 2 bully me as well. #mschat
A2: A special ed teacher actually helped me get into a routine. I was not a special ed student nor was I in this teacher's class, but they took the time to help me become more successful. #mschat
A1: MS was quite a bit different when I was in school, Much more conformance and rigidity, not about authentic learning or #growthmindset, but for the progressive few Ts! #mschat
A3: I think you have to model it for this generation... let the kids see you with your teacher friends, take time for (and be a part of) those 'non-academic' times with your students... #mschat
#mschat A2: I remember my middle school years to be drama-filled. I was meeting so many new people and making different friends, but then there was always drama among the girls. I remember fighting over boys, clothes, and other friends.
A2) I can't think of one single thing that helped me "survive," but do remember my 8th grade LA teacher reading to the class a piece I had written because she thought it was so good. Peers responded kindly. So: respected for my strengths, if not my weaknesses. #mschat
A1: I remember being a part of every club and my team teachers giving me a “hall monitor” pas because I was never in class. (History Day, PJAS. Mathcounts, band, etc) I was cared for and connected to my teachers. I didn’t have much to do with most of the other ss. #mschat
I was just talking to a ms kid about this today. I think there's such an irregularity to kids' capabilities at this age. Today they're super capable; tomorrow they aren't. And their soft skills all fall out in 6th and return in 8th (- 11th) #mschat
A2: I had a math teacher really put in some extra time with me. Speak to me after class, encourage me to seek extra help. It was my favorite subject, but I slacked a bit... #mschat
A2: While I was in middle school, I thought all my classes were so boring except my SS teacher. He seems so excited to teach everyday and truly loved what he was teaching. I try to teach with enthusiasm so my students feel the same way #mschat
#mschat A1: I remember my middle school years to be drama-filled. I was meeting so many new people and making different friends, but then there was always drama among the girls. I remember fighting over boys, clothes, and other friends.
A2. Ms. Meekins drew back 2 me on my papers in ELA. I would doodle and she would doodle back. My band teacher gave me confidence & helped me feel like I belonged --even as I wore a orange & blue polyester band uniform w/ a beret while i played tuba #mschat
#mschat Creating a culture in our classrooms of #Interdependence helps our students break down barriers. We can help them learn the best way to connect by modeling it for them and with them. https://t.co/yyXD3mPsDc
A3 When we do labs I try to mix up the groups and encourage collaboration. It is fun to see Ss who don't usually work together laughing and having fun. #mschat
A1: I remember having to learn in portables or in one of the four classrooms in the aux gym during construction & playing sports for the first time. Balancing between athletics & academics drove me to succeed in both. #mschat
I feel like it's the age when I remember the academic parts the least. There's just so much other stuff going on. (That's terrific to talk to kids about this, btw!) #mschat
My school has 3 grade level "learning communities" and I have made a conscious effort to learn the names of students in other LCs to ensure I can be an advocate for them, too. #mschat
A3: Providing opportunities for Ss to share experiences. We do Good News Bad News Any News every Friday, which provides Ss an outlet to share & feel like they are part of a community. #mschat
A3-by helping Ss see the connections they have with each other and people around them. Biogiraffe strives to provide these resources for FREE to ms Ts and work with you to make the best resources possible. We strive to help Ss see their part in global society! #mschat#biogiraffe
A3: Ts can help Ss develop an awareness to the value they place on relationships, and then support their efforts to enact their relationship values, preferably integrated into the curriculum. #mschat
Agreed! Switching up groups is big! I move seats pretty often, but I also use sticks (of the popsicle variety) to choose partners daily, usually twice a day! #mschat
A3: Providing opportunities for Ss to share experiences. We do Good News Bad News Any News every Friday, which provides Ss an outlet to share & feel like they are part of a community. #mschat
@erintobul and I built an advisory program to deliberately teach/experience SEL It includes formatives and surveys to measure growth Be innovative, be brave, be deliberate! #mschat
A3. Be kid-centered first. Genuinely care. Learn every kid's name. Ask how they're doing. Listen. Get out there where they are. An SEL program can B good but it all starts w/ simple, daily actions 2 build relationships #mschat
I love this. It actually illustrates the point of the chat perfectly. If our students feel comfortable taking risks and mistakes happen, they grow from it and feel a part of something larger. Thanks #mschat!
A3 Instead of “community building activities,” I integrate opportunities for building community by doing meaningful learning together. Read more: https://t.co/5phcSbXyVw#mschat
#mschat A3: I think that having an advisory period is crucial for middle schoolers. One unit during advisory could be on building relationships and could be incorporated into the curriculum this way.
A3) First, curious whether this loneliness is just an observation, is any different than in the past, and whether this perception actually reflects their feelings. Studies on this?
Covering social-emotional aspects helps put their learning (and feelings) in perspective. #mschat
Awesome! Our school looked at @CharacterDotOrg -using their application guided us through some critical steps in setting up a program. We were recently honored as a National School of Character! #mschat
In reply to
@ellendamore, @erintobul, @CharacterDotOrg
A3.2 In addition to self-reflection, my students reflect on the contributions their peers have made to their experience. Here’s how that activity works: https://t.co/y2kYJvCFCc#mschat
A2: A special ed teacher actually helped me get into a routine. I was not a special ed student nor was I in this teacher's class, but they took the time to help me become more successful. #mschat
A3. Be kid-centered first. Genuinely care. Learn every kid's name. Ask how they're doing. Listen. Get out there where they are. An SEL program can B good but it all starts w/ simple, daily actions 2 build relationships #mschat
I've said this many times but I wish we could send 6/7 graders off to a farm for 2 years and then come back and use those experiences to learn in 8th. Their brains/bodies seem too busy for anything but hands-on learning. #mschat
Can I just say that I was totally disappointed that the CMU connection were all presenting at 11am at MAMSE!!! I wanted to learn from you and @cnzigler, too. #mschat
#mschat A4: Probably the most viewed thing I've ever written helps students handle social justice issues through the movie @DisneyZootopiahttps://t.co/SbTQEAlyJF#SEL I plan on doing it again this year.
A4 Its important to have conversations about social aspects in class, especially in an advisory Ss want to share their views & ask ?s but often lack the forum #mschat
A4: We recently wrapped up a social justice research project in which Ss had to research problems they were passionate about & the people/organizations working to solve them. They then took the time to reflect on ways they could be part of the change. So powerful. #mschat
I don't care for the focus on grades, but the real story is the teacher building you up. Reminds me of 6th grade (was still elementary school) when I was put in an advanced class for the first time. It upset me to be struggling. But I'll never forget excelling by the end. #mschat
(note: I love middle school and have only taught 6-10 in my full time jobs, by choice. It's just spring and I despair of the littles sometimes) #mschat
A4: I love @Newsela for providing appropriate, attainable articles covering current events, especially hot topics. Great way to have age-appropriate dialogue AND continue to meet content standards. #mschat
A4: We had open and honest discussions with our Ss about how to handle social justice issues and the recent school shootings. I answered questions honestly and provided a comfortable space for them to speak honestly and respectfully. Well worth the time. #mschat
A4: My grad program (stu develop in higher ed) hosts Social Justice Lunches. I wonder if something like that could work at the middle school level. #mschat
A4: My co-author and I have been giving a lot of thought to how Ts can respond to Parkland and incidents like them. Here's what we came up with: https://t.co/kTxvcvH1Bp. #mschat
A4: As a class we debrief these events as they occur. They are tough conversations to have, but Ss need to know that they’re not the only ones scared when the PA randomly goes off in the middle of the hour. #mschat
Hi, I'm Gillian! I teach speech and language. This is my first chat and I'm afraid I'm already a little behind...my favorite is anything chocolate!!! #mschat
A4: We also tie a lot of these issues back to the books we’ve read this year. So many of my students read @angiecthomas The Hate U Give & @getnicced Dear Martin, & the conversations about these deaths of young black men are brought up in the context of these as well. #mschat
Yet I remember being so disappointed in myself when I caught myself acting weird (as in, still like a kid) and a kid chastising me. Like I blew my whole opportunity to get by for the rest of my time in the school. Man, we were tough on ourselves! #mschat
In reply to
@LaurenPorosoff, @OohShiny_Sarah, @mschat
Empathy and belonging are 2 ways we help students with feeling safe and significant. Help others takes your mind off your fears. Taking the time to teach them to understand what others are feeling then reaching out to make them feel wanted, #mschat
Right?! I was so bummed I didn’t get a chance to see you. I’m hoping to be more involved with MAMSE in the future, so hopefully we’ll get a chance to connect F2F soon.:) #mschat
Kids need to be in on conversations like this one. Nothing about 'em without 'em! So I welcome any way to involve them and give the rest of us an opportunity to listen. #mschat
In reply to
@DrKnicki, @OohShiny_Sarah, @LaurenPorosoff, @Flipgrid
A4: My grad program (stu develop in higher ed) hosts Social Justice Lunches. I wonder if something like that could work at the middle school level. #mschat
so true. In 7th grade, I fell in love with research and the library and writing papers, but I still had a secret playdate where I played Barbies with a friend I could trust never to discuss it at school. #mschat
In reply to
@JeremyDBond, @LaurenPorosoff, @mschat
A4: My co-author and I have been giving a lot of thought to how Ts can respond to Parkland and incidents like them. Here's what we came up with: https://t.co/kTxvcvH1Bp. #mschat
A4: As part of our RISE (home-grown character ed) program, we watch videos every Monday and discuss them in homeroom. We had an activity in SS classes and a ribbon display to remember the tragedy in FL. I was shocked that the Ss didn't ask more questions! #mschat
A1: MS was rough! I was awkward and shy. Kids made fun of my clothes, facial hair, & my name. When I first started working in MS, I realized it was my purpose in life to be there so I can help those awesomely awkward kids! I love it! #mschat
We have a Justice League led by our 6th, 7th and 8th grade student leaders. They worked VERY hard for 2 wks to prepare and engage our school and admin to participate in a walkout/rally. It went VERY well and they were proud of their work! #mschat
Right now I can only speak for home... tired of tripping on those exercise balls because can't just sit on chairs... yet, something tells me they have it right. #mschat
Good night all, I must away, have a wonderful Friday and very happy weekend! Keep kids at the center of all teaching and learning, they are the reason we do what we do :) #mschat
A5: I am always trying to incorporate voice and choice into my classroom now that way everyone can celebrate how unique they are. One activity may be my "build your own totalitarian state" where students build/run their own dictatorships to help teach WWII. #mschat
A5: As a social studies teacher, whenever we get into our culture unit, we discuss the cultures that make our class so diverse. Make sure to discuss our differences, but focus on how we are all similar to one another. #mschat
Agreed! I always do a reflection survey- this year may be a @Flipgrid to hear what my students have to say about this year, and what can be done better! #mschat
In reply to
@JeremyDBond, @OohShiny_Sarah, @LaurenPorosoff, @Flipgrid, @Flipgrid
#mschat A5: I've had a great deal of luck with teaching The Outsiders @se4realhinton. We do quite a bit with group behaviors (Alpha, Omega, Beta, Gamma) and how we all fit. Students tend to really relate to the "everyone's an outsider" idea.
Exactly! We tend to assign blame on whatever contemporary trend -- when kids have always struggled with loneliness. That said, it's important to consider the impacts of the digital world, positive and negative. #mschat
A5 Not really, the goal is to make individuality & respect a part of our daily work Weaving those 2 aspects into class create a continuous flow of questions, confidence, and respect #mschat
A4. We respond w/ caring people who stop & give time. Most times it's spontaneous & responsive. Other times, it's through consistent clubs: UBU diversity group, grief group, boys mentoring club, girls mentoring group...whatever it takes #mschat
A5 When my students create academic portfolios based on their own definitions of meaningful learning, they notice their own values and also appreciate each other’s. #mschathttps://t.co/sQ9DwyrLJE
A5: I try to leave as much room for choice as possible in lessons, assignments, & even seating arrangements. Giving Ss the opportunity to take ownership of their learning builds so much confidence over time. #mschat
A4b. We promoted Walk Up after students exercised their right 2 walk out: walk up 2 someone and learn their name, say hello, words of kindness. #mschat
A5-Biogiraffe provides FREE resources on people around the world to augment your lessons.This would be great to help Ss see the similarities/differences they have with people from various cultures. Check out our newest Biogiraffes on 2 people from India. #mschat#biogiraffe
The #studentchoice#studentvoice philosophies have had such a huge impact on the middle school classroom Making Ss more invested in what is happening since they are helping to lead #mschat
Oh man, that is a SAD story! Something about the demarcation from 7th grade -- when I remember still "pretending" -- to 8th, when it was drained out of you and you're totally gripped in adolescence. I think we're a little bit in mourning for a while. #mschat
In reply to
@LaurenPorosoff, @OohShiny_Sarah, @mschat
We have a Justice League led by our 6th, 7th and 8th grade student leaders. They worked VERY hard for 2 wks to prepare and engage our school and admin to participate in a walkout/rally. It went VERY well and they were proud of their work! #mschat
A5: I do a lot of exploratory learning in math at the beginning of the year. Love how Ss explain how they "see" it and it usually is very different from others. But we are all together in it! #mschat
Our unit, Know Oneself, has activities to help Ss understand their positive attributes. And Know Each Other helps them find connections through similarities, interest through differences and relationships through appreciation of both. #mschat
That’s a really interesting way of framing it. We have coming-of-age ceremonies that celebrate our entrance into adulthood (or at least adolescence) but nothing to mourn childhood. That should be a thing. #mschat
In reply to
@JeremyDBond, @OohShiny_Sarah, @mschat
A5: In addition to reading The Outsiders and Seedfolks, my 7th graders engage in the Socratic Seminar. We read articles and do research for 4 days on a particularly heavy social justice issue and then go to the seminar on day 5. THEY LOVE IT & it empowers them! #mschat
#mschat A6: I'd love to see a resurgence in chivalry. I'm not sure that is going to be a popular answer, but we're amongst friends, right? I also think that eye contact has suffered w/social media usage (irony alert, my virtual friends).
A6: I have incorporated @ronclarkacademy's Essential 55 into my classroom routine. It is important to teach Ss the basic rules of ediquite and politeness to make them more successful socially. #mschat
I think 7th grade starts to feel real. Childhood is over, real life has begun. School work gets harder, friendships break down... I think the "sorting" in school (advanced classes, honors) aids in that break down, unfortunately #mschat
In reply to
@JeremyDBond, @LaurenPorosoff, @OohShiny_Sarah, @mschat
A6-Let's focus on people and the contributions they made and experiences they have. We need to take the "people" out of the Social Studies and provide Ss with bullet point facts. Let's keep the Soul in Social Studies! #mschat#biogiraffehttps://t.co/whW43GDbLG
A6 @MsAmberChandler beat me to the post! Chivalry is not dead, it just needs to be updated No longer just from boys to girls, but should be from individual to individual #mschat
A6: I have incorporated @ronclarkacademy's Essential 55 into my classroom routine. It is important to teach Ss the basic rules of ediquite and politeness to make them more successful socially. #mschat
A6: Our school has a student mentor program with our autistic students that works to create empathy toward one another and celebrate our differences. #mschat
A6: I think writing courtesy could use a comeback. Helping teach our students how to formulate an appropriate, well structured email sets them up for success not only in school but in life. #mschat
By adulthood I began to see that even the new we're excited to enter, like getting married, meant mourning the old. I remember talking to my to-be wife about this: Why were we blue sometimes? Imagine what it's like for a kid, not fully developed, who doesn't even want it. #mschat
In reply to
@LaurenPorosoff, @OohShiny_Sarah, @mschat
Get the book, read the stories, share them with your students. DM me your email address and I'll share the resources we created when we went school-wide with this initiative. #mschat
A6 Skills that need to be taught.... 1) Empathy. All day every day.
2) Solidarity on issues of social justice.
3) The willingness to do that work even though it’s hard, because it matters.
Do you think it's helped going back to a middle school format, as my old junior high is now? So you're not entering a new school just as that's happening. #mschat
In reply to
@DrKnicki, @LaurenPorosoff, @OohShiny_Sarah, @mschat
A6: I remember having recess in MS. My Ss eat, and usually rush to the library or just sit at their lunch tables. More physical movement and peer interactions are needed for these growing kids! #mschat
A6 I think basic manners and social conventions should be highlighted. They absorb so much inappropriateness and need help sorting it out and replacing those behaviors to be good citizens #mschat
Only as a parent observer, it seems to be the way 6th graders are nurtured and 8th graders are prepping for high school. So I'm curious about that mushy middle of 7th. #mschat
In reply to
@DrKnicki, @LaurenPorosoff, @OohShiny_Sarah, @mschat
Thanks for the conversation tonight #mschat! I hope you'll join me over in #waledchat starting in just a few minutes with guest hosts @misskoplin and @ToddRisser!
Our buildings are separated K-5, then 6-8, and 9-12. Lots of struggle in 6th grade adjusting! I don't feel like there's consideration for the need to practice with that transition #mschat
In reply to
@LaurenPorosoff, @JeremyDBond, @OohShiny_Sarah, @mschat
You might enjoy reading about Motivational Interviewing. Tell me more about Socratic Seminar. Must one forgone worldly pleasures like the ancient Hellene to pursue virtue and truth? #mschat
Listen. Actively listen to them. Validate their feelings and frustrations and fears by engaging them in thoughtful dialogue (I use Socratic Seminar) to collaborate on potential solutions.
A6: I spend the better part of the first few weeks of school, 15 minutes per class teaching my Ss how to have a proper conversation with a peer and then with an adult. It's ugly and uncomfortable for about 10 days and then on days 11-13 a light bulb goes off. 💡 #mschat
A6: I think writing courtesy could use a comeback. Helping teach our students how to formulate an appropriate, well structured email sets them up for success not only in school but in life. #mschat