Hello #kaganchat I’m Eli, Lead Learner/Principal of @MVESWolfPack in Las Cruces, NM. I look forward to chatting with my #KaganPals each month in this chat!
A1: The whole of human knowledge already exists and is easy to access on the internet. We don’t need children to regurgitate that knowledge.We need children who grow up to be curious adults who can use that knowledge to think of new ideas and new solutions to problems. #kaganchat
A1 students are so used to blurting out, at everything moving at a frantic pace- they need Thinking Skills to slow them down and help them realize where they are in the learning process. #KaganChat
A1 Thinking skills allow some “structure” and accountability to actually think through before acting or speaking. We live in such a fast paced world now that slowing down to think is a task in itself often #KaganChat
A1: lots of answers... my priority response is: kids need to FEEL what it means to think! Own their ideas and see how their thinking relates to their learning. #KaganChat
I teach math. Thinking skills are an essential foundation to understanding mathematical concepts on paper and in real life. My kids don’t come knowing them. They have to be taught. #kaganchat
A1: Agree with the point that students can access facts and info on the internet. Let’s help to develop critical and creative thinking skills that will benefit them throughout their lives. #kaganchat
Problem solving! We teach them in academics and in life to the students. Usually around Christmas, they don’t have to ask me the mundane questions. They figure it out. #kaganchat#thinkingskills
A2: I think it is so important for students to be able to read critically. As a society we are being bombarded by false information and sweeping generalizations. Learning how to navigate that critically is going to be crucial for their future. #kaganchat
A2 As a principal I don’t think there’s a thinking skill I don’t work with in trying to teach really because it really just depends who I’m working w/ whether it be T’s or S’s in all grades #KaganChat
A2: I emphasize problem solving. It’s open ended, even in math, and has the greatest real world application. Let’s face it. We’ve created a lot of problems in this world and our young people will have to be pretty creative in solving them. #KaganChat
A2: A thinking skill that Dr. Kagan identifies in the thinking skills training is shifting perspectives. This involves being able to see issues from various points of view. Another important thinking skill needed! #kaganchat
It’s such a key piece of good instruction and practice. And being really true to it. Something I’ve been very intentional modeling w/ my staff this year #KaganChat
A2. Establishing foundations in ELA and we are using thinking skills to compare and contrast across texts. Within text makes sense for most but applying across texts stretches the thinker. #KaganChat
A3: With understanding information, I use RoundTable consensus because team members can help check for understanding by evaluating team member responses for accuracy. In first grade, my favorite way to use this structure is sorting. #KaganChat
A3: Using structures RallyTable and RallyCoach are great ways to engage students in categorizing skills. Paraphrase Passport definitely challenges the students to respect and shift perspectives. #KaganChat
Recalling is most popular in math. We don’t go back over the same standards. They learn it, then they’re done. We have to recall for retention. Love using a quick QQT or Fan-N-Pick with concepts we are spiraling back through. #kaganchat
@KaganOnline A3 Jot Thoughts for brainstorming and categorizing, Fan ‘n Pick & Quiz Quiz Trade for recall, All Write Round Robin for summarizing. #KaganADED#KaganChat
A3: I have been married to Pair Share this week. My students are new to structures so I’m weaving in the simplest structures and building from there. Today they shared their top 3 details in a writing activity. #KaganChat
Alison joining from KY! Here is a pic from our admin meeting where I did NHT with principals and directors ;) for a thinking question! #ridersallin#KaganChat
A4 without really knowing the objective to really think of the functions I’d say Sage and Scribe, Numbered Heads, Find the Fiction or Placemat Consensus #kaganchat
A4: That is the beauty of the structures. You get to put your content with the structure so many times your content determines the thinking skill. The good news is all students will be engaged with the thinking skills and not just a few! #kaganchat
A5 #kaganchat I love Placmat Consensus, Both Record RallyRobin, and Jot Thoughts for brainstorming. Tell Me Two and Who Am I are faves for questioning (and, of course, RoundRobin with question cubes as manipulatives)!
A5: Jot Thoughts and Continuous RoundRobin are definitely “go-tos” for brainstorming. Predicting- Timed RoundRobin. Questioning- Team Interview (in role) #kaganchat
A6 #kaganchat I love the Question Matrix materials that Kagan publishes. I also love using Kagan’s Same-Different materials to help students start analyzing details more critically.
A6: The greatest resource I use is the Ss brains and voices. Kagan structures coordinate those resources elevating the thinking power. The possibilities are almost endless! #KaganChat
Q5: utilize activities like post-it throw down and mind mapping. Activities like these help students learn to work together and learn from each other. #KaganChat
When I hear something negative said about another student, I make them go learn 5 new things about the student. Learning personal things about others makes it harder to be mean. #kaganchat
A7 - greet students by name every morning and my morning message always ends with “be kind to everyone”. Before morning meeting the SS have to shake hands with at least 3 people and say “good morning, I’m glad you’re here today!” #KaganChat
A7 not to sound cheesy but all the social skills embedded in kagan structures just creates a climate and culture of acceptance and kindness! #kaganchat#ridersallin
Bonus #kaganchat I strive to take a moment to let people know I appreciate what they do, even if it’s just a simple text message or a brief note on a Post-It.
I think when we live a life of thankfulness and gratefulness for what we have it sets the stage for us to be kind to others. Always working on this!! #kaganchat
Congratulations to Sarah Pritchett @mrs_spritchett ! You are the randomly selected WINNER for participating in #KaganChat Weekly Challenges! Please DM us your email for more information. #KaganADED