#ALedchat is a weekly chat on Twitter about education topics. It is held each Monday from 9-10pmCST. While the discussion on #ALedchat continues on Twitter well beyond our weekly one-hour chat session, this platform affords us the opportunity to extend, expand and share the conversation with an even greater audience. Educators from across the state of Alabama, and the world, can come here to find encouragement, support, resources, professional growth opportunities and advice, while providing the same to their colleagues.
Corey Appelbaum, Director of District Partnerships in Alabama and Florida with @BrightBytes, joining from back home in St Pete, FL tonight but heading back to the Yellowhammer State later on this week! #ALEdChat
Corey Appelbaum, Director of District Partnerships in Alabama and Florida with @BrightBytes, joining from back home in St Pete, FL tonight but heading back to the Yellowhammer State later on this week! #ALEdChat
Corey Appelbaum, Director of District Partnerships in Alabama and Florida with @BrightBytes, joining from back home in St Pete, FL tonight but heading back to the Yellowhammer State later on this week! #ALEdChat
My name is Jackie Flowers, Florence City Schools, Director of Instruction & Professional Learning @Florencek12#FCSLearn. I am one of the co-moderators of #ALEdChat. Thank you all for joining us tonight!
Corey Appelbaum, Director of District Partnerships in Alabama and Florida with @BrightBytes, joining from back home in St Pete, FL tonight but heading back to the Yellowhammer State later on this week! #ALEdChat
A1: Grade levels collaborate to develop a scope & sequence as a guide for insuring all standards are effectively covered during the year. Standards/Can Dos are documented & communicated in instruction. Common planning, peer obs, ELEOT, etc also keep standards in focus. #ALedchat
A1: We are working to ensure that everyone clearly understands their standards and the expectations to focus on standards during planning and instruction. #ALedchat
A1: Grade levels collaborate to develop a scope & sequence as a guide for insuring all standards are effectively covered during the year. Standards/Can Dos are documented & communicated in instruction. Common planning, peer obs, ELEOT, etc also keep standards in focus. #ALedchat
A1: ELEOT observations and educator effectiveness. Instructional rounds tied into monthly PST meetings chunking data and searching for subgroups that are on the verge of falling into the cracks. #ALEdChat
A1: We develop learning targets based on the AL Course of Study. The LTs are reviewed yearly. This video year we have a committee working on them all year. Use instructional time to discuss #aledchat
A1 jumping in late... Our district does things different from school to school. Some schools have scales posted, some do learning boards. During ISM, Ss are asked about what and why they're learning at all schools #aledchat
A2: Teams collaborate during the summer for vertical alignment in regards to specific content. Peer observations are also utilized throughout the year for new teachers and in areas of concern. Peer obs focus on standards
& instructional practices. #ALedchat
A1 jumping in late... Our district does things different from school to school. Some schools have scales posted, some do learning boards. During ISM, Ss are asked about what and why they're learning at all schools #aledchat
A1: Our school has content area planning, grade level planning, goal setting, individualized coaching with our Academic Specialist (the amazing @AliciaMelton801), common grading procedures, and working toward writing outstanding assessments. #aledchat
A2: We are working to get stronger in this area. We are implementing A+ which requires a stronger focus on this area. We want to improve in this area. #ALedchat
A2: We try to set aside time during summer PD, district PD, and school PD for this. It's never is enough though. We want to get better at this! #aledchat
A2: we use pacing guides and have vertical meetings twice per year. Teachers do peer observations on the grade level above/below. End of the year/beginning of the year meetings to analyze data and make instructional changes according to data #ALedchat
A2 I think vertical articulation was underutilized in my previous school. Only used in pre school and end of year PD days. If Ts loop, teams should (and can easily) take advantage of their knowledge. Also, cross grade level planning could be beneficial. #aledchat
A1: Our school has content area planning, grade level planning, goal setting, individualized coaching with our Academic Specialist (the amazing @AliciaMelton801), common grading procedures, and working toward writing outstanding assessments. #aledchat
Q2: Academic Leaders participate & all teachers are welcome in summer. Their voices are represented by the AL even if they cannot attend. We also have vertical teaming on Data Days four times a year. Our four profaeesional development days are spilt but still vertical. #ALEdChat
A2: This is right on the path of how our school system operates. Feedback going into the school year from the central office all the way to the students. Collaboration makes it all come to fruition #ALedchat
A1 jumping in late... Our district does things different from school to school. Some schools have scales posted, some do learning boards. During ISM, Ss are asked about what and why they're learning at all schools #aledchat
A2: we use pacing guides and have vertical meetings twice per year. Teachers do peer observations on the grade level above/below. End of the year/beginning of the year meetings to analyze data and make instructional changes according to data #ALedchat
A2 I think vertical articulation was underutilized in my previous school. Only used in pre school and end of year PD days. If Ts loop, teams should (and can easily) take advantage of their knowledge. Also, cross grade level planning could be beneficial. #aledchat
A2: Our district has quarterly vertical curriculum planning during the year. We utilize peer observations and ELEOT to determine instructional strengths and needs. It's hard to all get together but so worth it! #aledchat
A2 I think vertical articulation was underutilized in my previous school. Only used in pre school and end of year PD days. If Ts loop, teams should (and can easily) take advantage of their knowledge. Also, cross grade level planning could be beneficial. #aledchat
A2: We try to set aside time during summer PD, district PD, and school PD for this. It's never is enough though. We want to get better at this! #aledchat
A2: This is right on the path of how our school system operates. Feedback going into the school year from the central office all the way to the students. Collaboration makes it all come to fruition #ALedchat
A2 I think vertical articulation was underutilized in my previous school. Only used in pre school and end of year PD days. If Ts loop, teams should (and can easily) take advantage of their knowledge. Also, cross grade level planning could be beneficial. #aledchat
A2: Our district has quarterly vertical curriculum planning during the year. We utilize peer observations and ELEOT to determine instructional strengths and needs. It's hard to all get together but so worth it! #aledchat
A3: Only Scantron (originally as the universal screener; now as the state assessment) is district (now state) mandated, other than that, we write our own as content areas. Working toward writing better, more relevant and accurate summative assessments. #aledchat
A3: District uses STAR and DIBELS assessments. As a school, we do F&P(K-5) and Seravallo (3-5). We also have sentence dictations and math common assessments #aledchat
Are you training your teachers in writing items or just identifying solid, grade level questions that represent how the standard should be measured? Also, no DIBELS etc...in lower levels? #ALedchat
A3: Only Scantron (originally as the universal screener; now as the state assessment) is district (now state) mandated, other than that, we write our own as content areas. Working toward writing better, more relevant and accurate summative assessments. #aledchat
Secondary core content area teachers (and some admins) all in one room. There are guided questions, but the conversation typically turns very organic. When we are all in the same room we can discuss real, relevant issues and ideas. #aledchat
A3: District uses STAR and DIBELS assessments. As a school, we do F&P(K-5) and Seravallo (3-5). We also have sentence dictations and math common assessments #aledchat
A4: Item analysis is completed following interim assessments to provide specific reteaching of standards not mastered. Scantron results are also utilized for individual and small group standards/skills instruction. #fillthegaps#ALedchat
Secondary core content area teachers (and some admins) all in one room. There are guided questions, but the conversation typically turns very organic. When we are all in the same room we can discuss real, relevant issues and ideas. #aledchat
Sorry, I was answering for our middle school. Many other assessments district-wide. The goal is to train, model, and teach great assessment writing through current research and best practices, but more so, ensuring pure representation of standards. #aledchat
A4: We are working in truly understanding the benefit of using data to drive instruction, remediation and enrichment opportunities. Very time consuming, but hopefully worth it in the end. #ALedchat
A4: Item analysis is completed following interim assessments to provide specific reteaching of standards not mastered. Scantron results are also utilized for individual and small group standards/skills instruction. #fillthegaps#ALedchat
Data analysis, action plan, small group instruction, individual learning paths, differentiated instruction, culture, #SEL , targeted instruction, work in progress, etc #ALEdChat
A4: We are working in truly understanding the benefit of using data to drive instruction, remediation and enrichment opportunities. Very time consuming, but hopefully worth it in the end. #ALedchat
I@habe to ask, does anyone other than me have a hard time seeing other tweets load besides me? I see my notifications of reply tweets but won’t see the tweets until I go into my notifications at 10. 🤪 🍌s #ALedchat
Q5: How is assessment data utilized to determine and impact areas of weakness within the curriculum for grade levels, classes, your school, and/or district? #ALedchat
A4- teachers analyze data from interim assessments to reteach students and adjust future lessons. We use Scantron results for he same. Students set personal growth goals. #aledchat
I feel this is where I am seeing interest in my onsite meetings presenting about #BrightBytes, which is a lot less time consuming at the district level to achieve this goal and is backed by research, not just what you want the data to say or identify #ALedchAt
Gives you a one up on the relationship aspect -knowing who AND where your Ss are coming from. So, you can jump into academics faster. T has ability to share with new team about the previous year for planning purposes. T possibly needs to learn new content. #aledchat
Q5: something we recently started doing was comparing assessment data to classroom data— who is actually performing on grade level, how does it affect instruction, how to use it in small group instructional address deficits #ALedchat
A5: In data discussions, we identify overall areas of need-specific skills/standards-that grade levels or classrooms need to adjust instruction. Data can certainly be used to identify weaknesses in curr and instruction. #aledchat
I am creeping on this #ALedchat so hard right now! 😂 Assessment, curriculum, data, and small group tweets are going out all at once. It is like Christmas in November for me!
I am creeping on this #ALedchat so hard right now! 😂 Assessment, curriculum, data, and small group tweets are going out all at once. It is like Christmas in November for me!
Q5: something we recently started doing was comparing assessment data to classroom data— who is actually performing on grade level, how does it affect instruction, how to use it in small group instructional address deficits #ALedchat
I am creeping on this #ALedchat so hard right now! 😂 Assessment, curriculum, data, and small group tweets are going out all at once. It is like Christmas in November for me!
Data analysis, action plan, follow through. Important reflective question: Is it the learning or the instruction? Looking diagonally at cohort learning and vertically at instruction can help to narrow the answer to that question. #ALEdChat
Q5: How is assessment data utilized to determine and impact areas of weakness within the curriculum for grade levels, classes, your school, and/or district? #ALedchat
Q5: something we recently started doing was comparing assessment data to classroom data— who is actually performing on grade level, how does it affect instruction, how to use it in small group instructional address deficits #ALedchat
A5: Examples...Non-HR (library, admins, EL, instructional para, etc) push in for fluency practice in specific grades for 6 Minute Solution. They also provide supports by pushing into classrooms and by providing interventions to fill gaps. #RHElevate#tieredinstruction#ALedchat
Q5: something we recently started doing was comparing assessment data to classroom data— who is actually performing on grade level, how does it affect instruction, how to use it in small group instructional address deficits #ALedchat
I am creeping on this #ALedchat so hard right now! 😂 Assessment, curriculum, data, and small group tweets are going out all at once. It is like Christmas in November for me!
Q6:we utilize paraprofessionals to help as reading aides for some grades; EL, reading specialists, and interventionists have targeted groups; one of our schools is implementing walk to read and everyone has a role during reading instruction #ALedchat
Q5: something we recently started doing was comparing assessment data to classroom data— who is actually performing on grade level, how does it affect instruction, how to use it in small group instructional address deficits #ALedchat
A6: Be efficient and play to your strengths! People are the vital piece. Analyze symptomatic student issues, treat the symptoms as best as possible utilizing the most up-to-date and worthwhile tools in your toolbox. Not an easy task but very worth it for the student. #aledchat
A6: We use contract tutors to teach Tier 3 reading and math. They are amazing! We use Spire and Language Live for reading, and we use Do the Math and TransMath for math. #aledchat
Teacher empowerment and professional learning, instructional partner support, partnership with admin at all levels, opportunities and a means to support students in their learning. #1 thing is teaching and learning, schools would not exist without it. #ALEdChat
A7: We are changing the mindset. We want all teachers to be responsible for all students. We are in this together. We use book challenges and encourage a love of reading to increase reading school wide #aledchat
A6 @Richarddufour had the right idea when he asked the question, “what do we do when our children do t learn.” And with growth, we also have to know what’s next when they do. If we can systematically answer that, we are in great shape and if we can’t, we’re not, period. #ALedchat
Q6:we utilize paraprofessionals to help as reading aides for some grades; EL, reading specialists, and interventionists have targeted groups; one of our schools is implementing walk to read and everyone has a role during reading instruction #ALedchat
A7: I think you have to be creative and willing to think outside the box. Recently our school has starting pulling non homeroom teachers as well as admins to do daily reading focusing on fluency. Takes 6 min. Super quick and fun to build those relationships. #aledchat
A6: Be efficient and play to your strengths! People are the vital piece. Analyze symptomatic student issues, treat the symptoms as best as possible utilizing the most up-to-date and worthwhile tools in your toolbox. Not an easy task but very worth it for the student. #aledchat
A7: Every student needs an advocate! We have to consider ALL students to ensure we are empowering them. We want every student to have (at least) one adult in the building fighting for them, caring for their attendance, grades, and investing in their school experience. #aledchat
A6 @Richarddufour had the right idea when he asked the question, “what do we do when our children do t learn.” And with growth, we also have to know what’s next when they do. If we can systematically answer that, we are in great shape and if we can’t, we’re not, period. #ALedchat
A8: I believe this takes a caring, thoughtful, and intentional adult to see the and call out the greatness in a student. Good is not good enough when greatness is still within you, and the goal is to bring out the greatness in all students. #aledchat
Q8: build relationships.
Know their names and know something about them. Relationships matter with adults AND kids, even our youngest learners! #ALEdChat
Believe in them, LISTEN, and love them. Tell them they can achieve and be anything they want to be in life! BELIEVE! I am leaving proof and so is @DrJimmyShaw. #AllKidsCanLearn When we believe, they will believe. #ALEdChat#SEL
A8: #TeachersBattleGround You build Ss to believe in themselves; to strive for growth and to never settle. You set attainable goals and celebrate when they are met. You transition from being the motivator to Ss being self-motivated! Let each student taste THEIR success. #ALedchat
A8: #TeachersBattleGround You build Ss to believe in themselves; to strive for growth and to never settle. You set attainable goals and celebrate when they are met. You transition from being the motivator to Ss being self-motivated! Let each student taste THEIR success. #ALedchat
Thank you all for joining us for #ALedchat tonight! We enjoy learning with you each week! Please remember we will not be chatting next week. Enjoy time with your family & take time to remember those who have served and are serving our country. #veteransday#thankyouforserving