#mtedchat Archive

#MTedchat strengthens Montana's network of innovative and connected educators.

Tuesday May 1, 2018
10:00 PM EDT

  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:00 PM EDT
    Welcome to #MTedchat! Topic tonight is “Inquiring Minds: Making Learning Memorable" Take a moment to introduce yourself: name/role/location.
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:00 PM EDT
    Let's chat!! "Inquiring Minds: Making Learning Memorable" #MTedchat on tonight at 8:00 PM MT @AmandaRapstad @St006C @SarahRainey406 @tabor_sarah
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:02 PM EDT
    Moderator tonight: @NVradenburg. Be looking for Qs coming from @NVradenburg to join the convo. #MTedchat
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:03 PM EDT
    Remember #MTedchat in partnership with @MontanaPBS offers Renewal Units. https://t.co/rnb9CJoePV
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:04 PM EDT
    Chat will be in a Q1/A1 format. Don’t forget to include the #MTedchat hashtag!
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:05 PM EDT
    Q1: In the context of the classroom, how do you define the term inquiry? #MTedchat
  • cristama - Moderator May 1 @ 10:05 PM EDT
    Hi everyone! Crista Anderson, Dixon school principal. Just finished our school board meeting… Last one for the school year. Crazy how fast it goes. #MTedchat
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:05 PM EDT
    Hi! I'm Nikki, instructional coach for @MontanaPBS Welcome to #mtedchat
  • St006C May 1 @ 10:06 PM EDT
    Courteny K Teacher WA. Just got home frokm Kinder registration for NEXT year! #mtedchat
  • kinsey80 May 1 @ 10:06 PM EDT
    Hello. Kelly from Lockwood. Hope all is well #MTedchat
  • SarahRainey406 May 1 @ 10:06 PM EDT
    Sarah Rainey- 6-8 Digital Literacy teacher from billings. #MTedchat
  • MrsKimStout May 1 @ 10:07 PM EDT
    Kim Stout, 4th grade Helena. Hi #mtedchat!
  • niemeyermr406 May 1 @ 10:07 PM EDT
    Travis Niemeyer, K-5 principal from Billings. #MTedchat
  • ItzzName May 1 @ 10:07 PM EDT
    Kim Stout, 4th grade Helena. Hi #mtedchat!
  • cristama - Moderator May 1 @ 10:08 PM EDT
    A1: In the classroom, I define inquiry as curiosity driven, experiential learning. Inquiry starts with wonder and leads to investigation #mtedchat
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:10 PM EDT
    A1 To me inquiry is guided curiosity #mtedchat
  • AmandaRapstad May 1 @ 10:10 PM EDT
    Amanda, 4th grade teacher in Belgrade #MTedchat
  • niemeyermr406 May 1 @ 10:11 PM EDT
    Hi Nikki! Excited for the chat tonight! #mtedchat
    In reply to @NVradenburg
  • SarahRainey406 May 1 @ 10:11 PM EDT
    A1: In education, I see Inquiry as investigation, exploration and analysis all done through student curiosity #MTedchat
    In reply to @NVradenburg
  • niemeyermr406 May 1 @ 10:12 PM EDT
    Goes WAY too fast doesn't it. Need some ideas for keeping some energy here at the end of the year. #mtedchat
    In reply to @cristama
  • MrsKimStout May 1 @ 10:13 PM EDT
    A1: Learning through student investigation. Student centered! #MTedchat
  • cristama - Moderator May 1 @ 10:14 PM EDT
    This year that seems particularly true… The weather has driven more inside. Cabin fever does not help with spring motivation. #mtedchat
    In reply to @niemeyermr406
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:15 PM EDT
    Q2: Why is inquiry an important part of instruction? How does it support learning? #MTedchat
  • kinsey80 May 1 @ 10:15 PM EDT
    Rt 1 please #MTedchat
  • niemeyermr406 May 1 @ 10:15 PM EDT
    A1) Inquiry = student derived, student driven: questions, wonderings & curiosities to be explored and uncovered through processes and means valued by the student. #MTedchat
  • AmandaRapstad May 1 @ 10:15 PM EDT
    A1 investigation and exploration based on student interest #mtedchat
  • cristama - Moderator May 1 @ 10:15 PM EDT
    Trying to participate in the chat on my phone, and I’m wondering if Twitter changed its search API again. Definitely not getting the whole conversation :-( #mtedchat
  • cristama - Moderator May 1 @ 10:16 PM EDT
    Q1: In the context of the classroom, how do you define the term inquiry? #MTedchat
    In reply to @kinsey80
  • niemeyermr406 May 1 @ 10:17 PM EDT
    A2) Inquiry provides a platform for students to continue their learning beyond the scope of the lesson and/or provides more clarity and focus to the lesson from S questions & wonderings. #MTedchat
  • SarahRainey406 May 1 @ 10:18 PM EDT
    A2: Inquiry increases S motivation and engagement. Also, Ss to take ownership of learning and learn how to persevere when it gets hard #MTedchat
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:19 PM EDT
    A2 Inquiry supports student learning by putting the student and their curiosities in the drivers seat. It leads to a much more student centered learning environment. #mtedchat
  • AmandaRapstad May 1 @ 10:20 PM EDT
    A2 Inquiry is an important part of school because it's an important part of life. Ss will have questions that they need to explore the answer to all throughout their life whether it's something they need to know how to do for work, for necessity or for fun. #MTedchat
  • cristama - Moderator May 1 @ 10:20 PM EDT
    A1: Inquiry is authentic learning by design. Stimulus is provided that engages the learners curiosity… When a problem is then posed to focus the curiosity... investigation leads to understanding. Questioning plays huge part. #mtedchat
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:22 PM EDT
    Well said! Finding answers on our own is a very important life skill! #mtedchat
    • AmandaRapstad May 1 @ 10:20 PM EDT
      A2 Inquiry is an important part of school because it's an important part of life. Ss will have questions that they need to explore the answer to all throughout their life whether it's something they need to know how to do for work, for necessity or for fun. #MTedchat
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:23 PM EDT
    I think questioning is the key to effective inquiry learning. Asking those guiding questions that help Ss dig deeper. #mtedchat
    In reply to @cristama
  • MrsKimStout May 1 @ 10:23 PM EDT
    A2: It is important to foster open ended learning, and guide students through mastery of skills. #MTedchat
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:25 PM EDT
    Q3: Describe a practice you use, or have seen used, that incorporates inquiry learning? #MTedchat
  • AmandaRapstad May 1 @ 10:26 PM EDT
    A3 I think the most obvious use is Genius Hour. We also have a wonder wall where students can post questions and look up the answers when we have tech. #mtedchat
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:26 PM EDT
    A3 I began my day with a Daily Wonder. I projected images from @PBSLrnMedia for Ss to draw and write about and then discuss their thinking with a partner, then the group. One of my favorite routines! #mtedchat
  • niemeyermr406 May 1 @ 10:27 PM EDT
    A2) I like @SarahRainey406 idea of motivation...your own queries will drive you to find answers which often leads to more questions taking learning deeper and make it more rich as it now takes on its own meaningful purpose to the learner. #MTedchat
  • MrsKimStout May 1 @ 10:28 PM EDT
    A3: Genius Hour for sure! #mtedchat
  • St006C May 1 @ 10:28 PM EDT
    A2) Because the learning happens when the process of getting to the end happens! #mtedchat
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:28 PM EDT
    Genius Hour is such a rich learning experience for Ss! #mtedchat
    • AmandaRapstad May 1 @ 10:26 PM EDT
      A3 I think the most obvious use is Genius Hour. We also have a wonder wall where students can post questions and look up the answers when we have tech. #mtedchat
  • MrsKimStout May 1 @ 10:29 PM EDT
    I’m struggling tonight too! :-(. #MTedchat
    In reply to @cristama
  • SarahRainey406 May 1 @ 10:29 PM EDT
    A3: Genius hour is the perfect example of inquiry. When Ss lead the learning, amazing things happen! #MTedchat
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:30 PM EDT
    AND Genius Hour is pretty easy on the lesson plans too! #mtedchat
    • SarahRainey406 May 1 @ 10:29 PM EDT
      A3: Genius hour is the perfect example of inquiry. When Ss lead the learning, amazing things happen! #MTedchat
  • niemeyermr406 May 1 @ 10:30 PM EDT
    A3) Our Lead21 reading was great w/inquiry. I think I'd want Ss to keep an inquiry notebook - like any interactive S notebook in science or other areas - that just interests them and list wonderings and curiosities. #MTedchat
  • MrsKimStout May 1 @ 10:30 PM EDT
    That is definitely helping. I’m trying to keep up as best as I can! :-). #MTedchat
    In reply to @NVradenburg, @cristama
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:31 PM EDT
    A wonderful idea! Write those ideas down! I loved that Lucy Calkins writing workshop had Ss keep a writer's notebook for ideas that came to them throughout the day. #mtedchat
    • niemeyermr406 May 1 @ 10:30 PM EDT
      A3) Our Lead21 reading was great w/inquiry. I think I'd want Ss to keep an inquiry notebook - like any interactive S notebook in science or other areas - that just interests them and list wonderings and curiosities. #MTedchat
  • niemeyermr406 May 1 @ 10:33 PM EDT
    Sometimes we forget some of our best practices (i.e. interactive notebooks, student blogs, etc) as new "initiatives" tend to be introduced. Our plates become too full. #MTedchat
    In reply to @NVradenburg
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:34 PM EDT
    Agreed. There are just SO many options! It's a great time to be in education, I think! #mtedchat
    In reply to @niemeyermr406
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:35 PM EDT
    Q4: What do you find most challenging about constructing inquiry experiences for student learning? Solutions you have found? #MTedchat
  • niemeyermr406 May 1 @ 10:36 PM EDT
    A4) The hardest part for me, but most intriguing and fun, has always been the right scaffolding - the best way to ask questions to lead to deeper questions, rich convo, and more significant learning (experiences & what sticks). #MTedchat
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:38 PM EDT
    A4 There are always Ss that aren't comfortable w/open ended and inquiry based. They need more support moving from the "worksheet epidemic" of their past and being comfortable w/ more than one "right" answer. Takes time and patience but they get there. #mtedchat
    • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:35 PM EDT
      Q4: What do you find most challenging about constructing inquiry experiences for student learning? Solutions you have found? #MTedchat
  • SarahRainey406 May 1 @ 10:38 PM EDT
    A4: The hardest thing for me is engaging the reluctant learner. For some of these Ss I find they can rise to the challenge when I group them with other reluctant learners. It's so satisfying to see them step up to the plate. #MTedchat
  • cristama - Moderator May 1 @ 10:38 PM EDT
    I always appreciate it using the 5E Inquiry Model (still do when designing professional development) https://t.co/zuluhy0HaG #mtedchat
  • AmandaRapstad May 1 @ 10:38 PM EDT
    A4 Time and access to tech are my biggest hurdles. We try to maximize our inquiry time on the days we have iPads. I also struggle with balancing standards that I have to teach with time for inquiry and innovation. #mtedchat
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:39 PM EDT
    Is there a way to teach those standards WITH inquiry? Or are there some that it just does not seem to be the best strategy? #mtedchat
    In reply to @AmandaRapstad
  • cristama - Moderator May 1 @ 10:40 PM EDT
    A3: this site offers some great tools… Check it out, not just for inquiry but as a neat way to achieve engagement and personalize learning #mtedchat @DIY https://t.co/ILBu1BiPSi
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:41 PM EDT
    I shared https://t.co/8U8PnoHj96 in my FB Live video today! LOVE it! #mtedchat
  • niemeyermr406 May 1 @ 10:42 PM EDT
    Yes! That first E - engage - I remember trying to come up with stories, an intriguing question that really made kids think and try - but usually fail and have to persevere, revise thinking, etc. Learned a lot of this from the ExxonMobile Phil Mickelson Academy. #MTedchat
    In reply to @cristama
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:44 PM EDT
    Here is my "moments of wonder" slide deck using images from @PBSLrnMedia #mtedchat
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:45 PM EDT
    Q5: Inquiry is essential in adult learning as well. What are some ways we can capitalize on inquiry in professional development? #MTedchat
  • DennisDill May 1 @ 10:47 PM EDT
    Sometimes the reluctant learner just needs something worth learning ... something that is meaningful to them. #MTedchat
    In reply to @SarahRainey406
  • St006C May 1 @ 10:47 PM EDT
    Sorry #mtedchat I am not seeing everything tonight!
  • St006C May 1 @ 10:48 PM EDT
    No worries. I just wanted to let you know why I wasn't always responding! :) #mtedchat
    In reply to @NVradenburg
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:48 PM EDT
    A5 Anytime we use student data to guide our lesson planning and even our personal PD we engage in the inquiry process. #mtedchat
    • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:45 PM EDT
      Q5: Inquiry is essential in adult learning as well. What are some ways we can capitalize on inquiry in professional development? #MTedchat
  • AmandaRapstad May 1 @ 10:49 PM EDT
    A5 Edcamps are a great example of inquiry in Professional Development. #mtedchat
  • niemeyermr406 May 1 @ 10:49 PM EDT
    A5) Posing questions to our adult learners as we do our S learners. Honoring their voice and providing time to discuss and dig into the content. Utilizing the experts we have among us as well. #MTedchat
  • St006C May 1 @ 10:50 PM EDT
    A5) Connect with a PLN! Explore something new along side your PLN! I'm reading #culturize by @casas_jimmy with my #CYS #innovatingplay #gafe4littles community! #mtedchat
    • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:45 PM EDT
      Q5: Inquiry is essential in adult learning as well. What are some ways we can capitalize on inquiry in professional development? #MTedchat
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:50 PM EDT
    They sure are! LOVE the Edcamp model for PD. Excited to host #pbsedcamp in Billings in a couple of weeks and in Bozeman this summer! #mtedchat @MontanaPBS
  • SarahRainey406 May 1 @ 10:50 PM EDT
    A5: I love inquiry for adult learning. Edcamps are just one example that we can use for beneficial adult learning. #MTedchat
  • cristama - Moderator May 1 @ 10:51 PM EDT
    A4: One of my biggest challenges always, is to stay in a realistic timeframe for the lesson. I fall into the explore stage and can stay forever... need to push to scaffold lesson by encouraging elaboration, explanation and evaluation.. esp w/collab learning. #mtedchat
    • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:35 PM EDT
      Q4: What do you find most challenging about constructing inquiry experiences for student learning? Solutions you have found? #MTedchat
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:52 PM EDT
    Q6: What are some go-to resources you use, people you turn to, or inspirations you’ve found to support incorporating inquiry into practice? #MTedchat
  • St006C May 1 @ 10:52 PM EDT
    This is especially important as I see (perceive) more and more that Ts are expected to attain perfection and teach it "right" all the time #mtedchat
    In reply to @niemeyermr406
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:55 PM EDT
    A6 All those passionate Sci Ts! @TriSciCurious @mtkristigaines @ChristineOShe14 model wonderful inquiry based learning in Sci that can be used in ALL subjects! #mtedchat
    • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:52 PM EDT
      Q6: What are some go-to resources you use, people you turn to, or inspirations you’ve found to support incorporating inquiry into practice? #MTedchat
  • niemeyermr406 May 1 @ 10:55 PM EDT
    A6) We actually did an EdCamp PD for for a PIR day with the staff. Various staff signed up to teach on something they were passionate about - we reviewed format - and went. Ts loved it! Led to a second day of the same. #mtedchat
  • AmandaRapstad May 1 @ 10:56 PM EDT
    A6 @jmattmiller email lists are always giving me great ideas for people to follow in this area as did #ditchsummit and of course all my #MTedchat people especially @NVradenburg
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 10:58 PM EDT
    Challenge: Connect here to continue the dialogue through 24/7 digital PD. Encourage colleagues to join #MTedchat and connect to grow.
  • niemeyermr406 May 1 @ 11:00 PM EDT
    A6) My greatest struggle as a principal and doing this with staff is to ensure the topic(s) are meaningful to them; also providing the openness inquiry requires. #MTedchat Any ideas would be welcome!
  • NVradenburg - Moderator May 1 @ 11:00 PM EDT
    As always, we are glad you could join us for #MTedchat tonight! Find the transcript on @participatechat https://t.co/OoBqTUAHVk