#vachat Archive
#vachat is a great way for Virginia educators to share teaching strategies, educational resources, and more.
Monday March 14, 2016
8:00 PM EDT
Welcome to ! Introduce yourself to the group!
Also serve on the Committee
Tiawana co-moderator tonight
Christine. Elementary gifted specialist. Charlottesville.
David, MS Principal in Chesterfield and co-moderator tonight. Welcome to
please use for all responses and A1...A2...A3... In your response
please use for all responses and A1...A2...A3... In your response
Hey - I'm Margaret, HS Tech Coach from Fairfax. Trying to join in for a bit tonight!
Hi John in Charlottesville
Good evening. Middle school principal in Yorktown VA
“: Hi John in Charlottesville ”welcome John
“: Hi John in Charlottesville ”welcome John
Ben, Social Science teacher from Loudoun
Q1: What program would you implement if school funding was not an issue in your current building.
Q2 Share w/the group 1 bill that has the biggest impact on your school
A1 - I think I would find time for more job-embedded PD. We need time & coverage to get it done! Work toward S centered learning
work getting a full time social worker that could support our kids emotional need.
A1: Students could go out and earn full-time HS credit for working in the food industry as a part II to our Culinary program.
A1: I would hire the world’s best teachers, then get out of the way. After all, it’s people, not programs…
sounds like a great idea. Ts & Ss would benefit.
A1: Multi-age classes with built-in student choice whenever possible.
Could you not develop an in-house program where students could volunteer in the cafeteria for credit?
Q3: How do you engage your local school board, city council in your school daily, weekly, monthly happenings?
A1; Any program that brings back funding for field trips. Would love to get kids out for geology field trip
A1: in a perfect world all programs curriculum would be integrated b/w departments and use relevant skills
A1: Re-Vamp the entire org. system to create many mini public charter quadrants using choice theory as a basis.
field trips would be great at making lessons come alive
A1: Brand new clothes for homework tickets and free food for all enrolled students
Funding for field trips can be done easily. Alumni, businesses, parents, grandparents, etc.
A3: include them in your weekly bulletin, & monthly newsletter. Invite then in for a Monthly meeting
Mods, are we answering multiple questions at once, or are we waiting to tackle Q2?
I think the number one thing for school districts to do is trim the fat. In a lot public schools there is fat.
A3 I think you need to tell your story! Publicize! We often don't want to "brag" but we need to show the great happening!
A3 con't Social media has made this easier - schedule posts, unite with a hashtag. Be purposeful - share a wide variety
A1: class loads similar to college so students only have to worry about 3 classes at a time.
Does your local city council care about public education? Where do there children go to school?
A3 - Also, invite them! I think we are often surprised when folks accept these invitations and it's important!
A little confusion with the 1st 3. Our apologies.
This is so important. Communication is critical to our schools success. https://t.co/zQMUoLrHag
A3 I think you need to tell your story! Publicize! We often don't want to "brag" but we need to show the great happening!
Let the students invite them.
A1: more opportunities for apprenticeships.
I d like to think so. I have engaged with them a few times. We have to make sure we are sharing vital info
Love this idea. How powerful &b how can u turn THAT down?
A2: The need for students to be industry certified in something in order to graduate with standard diploma.
Your answer not valid in places of low parental involvement and low income
A2: A bill that impacts classrooms daily? Req. that 40% of VA teacher evaluations be based on student “learning” (i.e. test scores)
Yes! We send invites to our student work showcase so that they can see the amazing things our Ts & Ss do everyday.
You would be surprise! I know in my area business donate funds to schools, very needy ones.
sometimes I agree other times I don't. Student achievement is important. what would you replace it with?
A1: SOL tests in the language of EVERY student enrolled in our school! 20+ languages.
Our community has nonprofits organizations get the funding. They don't have a problem obtaining it.
Teachers should be evaluated based on what they know and do
Q4 What would you tell your local reps regarding the impact funding has on your school?
The biggest thing: teachers don't get out of their classrooms much. They don't know how to rub elbows.
I've done the private school elbow rubbing and the funding is so much easier in the private sector.
I work in a community just like this. https://t.co/4l9udEuwyd
many communities do not have parents, grandparents, and alumni willing to fund fieldtrips for public schools.
A4: It's important 4 them to see firsthand the impact of funding. Invite decision makers into the school. Student voice is powerful
A4: Teachers are worth more to our evolution of society than athletes are, so why does our pay reflect otherwise?
A4: ask local representative to be a principal for a day... for 3 months. What are your thoughts now.
Emphasize and expect deep knowledge, passion for, and application of three things: Content, Pedagogy, and Rapport
I disagree. :-)! Where do you want to go? Do other schools desire to go too? Can the org. dev. $$.
Grants, too! Even in low income areas, parents work for banks, etc.
I like that idea! Or a student or a teacher :)
Often times companies fund local npos, etc.
Our local arts council has field trip funds.
Q5: How are you keeping Ts & your school community engage in what's happening in the General Assembly regarding public education?
A4: Field trips are not a day off for play, so why do we need separate funds for them? They R in fact on the job training.
Check out coming in April. Great PD opportunity for teachers. Please share with your PLNs, schools, other educators
A5: Anyone share the dates, topics with staff & colleagues
A5: our local news housed in the same city does a pretty great job including info in their nightly broadcasts.
A5: Our county's Ed. Association keeps us well informed.
twitter is the Best real time PD.
It will be at Marshall HS in Falls Church in April. We move around each year for events! We have fall & spring edcamps!
Q6 Moving forward, how do you plan on having your voice heard by your local politicians?
I use to coach at Marshall HS (Cheerleading). Will try to make it. https://t.co/Ah18AP3Qtw
It will be at Marshall HS in Falls Church in April. We move around each year for events! We have fall & spring edcamps!
“: A5: Our county's Ed. Association keeps us well informed. ” yes many county has local education associations.
“: A5: Our county's Ed. Association keeps us well informed. ” yes many county has local education associations.
A6: I vote, I picket, I lobby legislature. I tell myself I will make a difference so I will never stop trying.
A6: stay informed. Communicate your why to stakeholders- parents, stakeholders alike.
Final questions coming up in 2 minutes... Your call to action
Q7-What would be a call-to-action you would ask of your representatives to be implemented for the 2016-2017 school year.
Thank you for the platform to share in the name of student achievement.
Thanks for moderating & Gotta run now! Have a great week everyone!
A7: My call-to-action is for my representative a minimum of 25% of your time in public schools you make the laws for per session.
A7: Urgency to make school a place for learning and exploring again, and less about the test scores.
Thanks for joining us for tonight! See you next week.