#oelmachat Archive
#oelmachat is the biweekly chat of the Ohio Educational Library Media Association. Starting September 6, 2016, we chat every other Tuesday at 7pm EST about topics of relevance to K-12 teacher librarians.
Thursday July 28, 2016 7:00 PM EDT
Welcome to our focused on Librarians Who Google! Please introduce yourself, where you live, and your fav. Google Apps tool!
Hi -- Nancy, Teacher-Librarian in Columbus, OH, here! Still learning Google Apps, not sure of my fave yet. Docs?
My name is Angela and I am your moderator tonight! I am a Google for Edu Certified Trainer and love Google Keep for note taking!
Lori Lee Zanesville High School, Google Cert Trainer. Favorite app Forms
Hi ! Jill Burket at Revere Local Schools. First time in a group chat!
Jessica Klinker, Columbus, Ohio, Favorite is still probably Docs, but love Hangouts, Classroom, and Forms, as well!
Hi, OELMA! Lorri checking in tonight. Teach in Hudson. Google Keep is one of my current fav tools right now.
my favorite Google app right now is probably Classroom.
Great to see some new faces on tonight! Great topic !
With many of us in ed. now-Chromebooks and Google Apps for Edu are the biggest edtech thing happening!
I will have to check out Google Keep. I have never seen it used before!
School Lib. need to be leaders in this! Google has certifications we can earn through their PD website. https://t.co/YIFla3NtKD
Yes, I think they are changing what we as Ts expect in our tech tools, too! More FREE, collaborative... https://t.co/rN5zzhNZbk
With many of us in ed. now-Chromebooks and Google Apps for Edu are the biggest edtech thing happening!
It has been the biggest game changer in my educational career.
1st certifications: There are Google Educator Levels 1 and 2-all exams are online and at a low cost of $10-$25 each.
Just went through training here at SPARCC. Fabulous!
The next certification is the Google for Education Certified Trainer. Goal is creating Google PD for others in education!
If you are interested in this one-wait until 9/2016 to apply, as Google is changing requirements. Level 1 and 2 will be required.
Hello, my name is Laurie Ollhoff and I am from WAUSAU , WI. I really like Google Chat.
Okay so Q1 is coming up now that we know a little about the certification program through Google...
Hi Laurie, Thanks for joining us from WI!
Q1: Why should school librarians earn certifications through Google for Edu? What are some benefits?
Yes, I love that crosses all device platforms and saves automatically in the cloud; Has changed the way I work
A1: Though I have learned a lot about through trial and error, I think getting formally trained would increase my knowledge
I just finished four days of facilitating tech sessions focused on GAFE. Educators felt accomplished as they left!
A1: You become the expert and are able to provide PD in many areas. You develop collaborations with teachers more easily.
A1: Being able to support Ss and Ts using Chromebooks and GAFE tools and being able to use the tools in the most relevant way.
Yes, I think getting trained also helps us add to our ability to be PD leaders in our districts https://t.co/8QRygez74T
I just finished four days of facilitating tech sessions focused on GAFE. Educators felt accomplished as they left!
A1: Benefit: being a leader on staff, providing PD that helps teachers integrate tech to benefit Ss https://t.co/q3x4xBPaGK
Q1: Why should school librarians earn certifications through Google for Edu? What are some benefits?
A1: Having some formal training probably would have given me a bit more confidence as I stepped into the sessions.
A1:I find that I became the go-to person in my school when it came to anything Google/Chrome. I can support my staff in more ways
Yes! This is what I see and love it! Teachers are so appreciative!
It's always great when Ts (and admins) know we can do more than recommend good books! https://t.co/lauJ2NqSe5
A1:I find that I became the go-to person in my school when it came to anything Google/Chrome. I can support my staff in more ways
I also think it changes the way teachers see our role...we are tech coaches! No need for a new position in a school-we do that!
i feel like I can answer many more of the questions that come to me on a daily basis!
Agree! One of THE most valuable parts of using and all associated tools! https://t.co/5xz9foJBu4
Yes, I love that crosses all device platforms and saves automatically in the cloud; Has changed the way I work
Yes. Admins know my value and I am respected in all areas library related.
Q2 is coming up! Great sharing going on tonight!
Q2: What type of lessons can school lib. teach using Google tools while integrating library/research topics? Reply with A2:...
A2: I LOVE the research tool in Slides and Docs.It helps me teach so many research skills and inserting images and citations.
A2: There are many features within Google Docs that support writing and research. Google Voice, Research tool, Outline, more!
Had a teacher that came to me on a regular basis; was impressed with her willingness to try new GAFE
A2: Group research projects has become much easier since Ss can easily share their work using
A2: I have used Google classroom to support EdCamps, researching the Underground Railroad, and creating My Reading Life projects
A2:Also the integration of Google Classroom with INFOhio databases allows for great reseach lessons.
A2: It's also much easier for Ts to give Ss feedback using Comments and Add-ons like Doctopus and Goobric.
A2: I enjoy giving alternative ideas using GAFE such as an online doc instead of a printed brochure. Easier to collab. too!
A2 looking forward to workshop on on 8/8 with my colleagues
A2: I use Google tools to teach digital citizenship to my students.
Yes, that is awesome! Gale databases have linked up with Google, as well! https://t.co/A57IigypAZ
A2:Also the integration of Google Classroom with INFOhio databases allows for great reseach lessons.
I hope everyone in Ohio has added the Chrome app to their Student Chromebooks!
A2: Book discussions, etc. are also so much easier with tools such as Classroom, Hangouts, even Docs...
Yes, I recently was informed of the GALE connection.
No more "My partner is absent today, so I can't work on/present the project, because they have it" https://t.co/DbdMHgKJ7q
I agree! Elementary Ss like that they can work on projects from home and get feedback from me and others Ss. https://t.co/FBBS98tLDp
A2: is anyone using Forms for assessments?
Don't forget about Forms for formative assessments of skills you are teaching
A2: Most universities use Google Apps as well-esp. gmail for students. Let's prepare them now!
I would love to know more about My Reading Life projects...
Did you know Gale's Student Resources in Context, Opposing Viewpoints, etc. also have Chrome apps? https://t.co/NUWqlzpohF
I hope everyone in Ohio has added the Chrome app to their Student Chromebooks!
great minds type alike! How do you you like it?
A2: What about setting up a Google Classroom for your library? Post new books, activities, and more about your library!
Yes, in fact, I had teachers creating their quizzes today.
Yes! And then Flubaroo and/or other grading tools to score them! https://t.co/nXeuhj7Pxp
A2: is anyone using Forms for assessments?
I use forms a great deal for self-reflection of projects. https://t.co/uX5EWRaJV0
A2: is anyone using Forms for assessments?
Forms are my favorite! Now self grading quizzes are built in.
I need to learn how to do that to share with schools
Also, ask Ts you collaborate with to share their Classrooms; can post tools, links, etc. for their Ss https://t.co/4H0EM4ocnx
A2: What about setting up a Google Classroom for your library? Post new books, activities, and more about your library!
now self grading quizzes built in
Ss created slideshows to share with others things about themselves as readers. This year I'm changing it a bit...
that will be an easy sell!
Awesome! I haven't played around with that new feature yet!
Q3 is a big idea question...I think we can handle it!
Q3: What do you think Google for Edu could change/enhance to help school lib. specifically?
A3: not a Google pro but I'd like a kid friendly interface for K-4
A3: Can you imagine if Google & Goodreads paired up? Something that made it easier for Ss to see/post book reviews/book trailers?
A3: I would love to see some digital citizenship curriculum created that uses Google Apps so we can teach skills through Google!
A3: One of the first things it did for me was in the area of management. Published calendars and forms for requests
A3: I would like Google Search set up specifically for students leveled by grade chunks, K-2, 3-5, and do on
Love this idea! https://t.co/IpgQbsPfU9
A3: Can you imagine if Google & Goodreads paired up? Something that made it easier for Ss to see/post book reviews/book trailers?
A3: Would love to see Sites a little more usable for kids. I know they are updating it, maybe it will be a little more friendly.
A3: I also would love to see Google for Edu support the role of the school lib. more-many of us are trainers in our schools.
A3: Our old email system had an unsend feature, where you could unsend an email from anyone who hadn't read yet. Wish Gmail had!
I've created a few from scratch using Slides, Docs and Forms.
this is coming soon! I agree!
I also wish Google Scholar was more current and student-friendly.
A2. I have had success setting up a class w a reg ed tchr, inviting tchr to co teach then using GC 2gether. Easy collaboration.
There might be a lab for this.
Laurie might not know of since she is from WI? Does WI have a state research/database site for Ss?
A3: For elementary Ss promoting collaboration and the ability to use across different platforms/ in different spaces
Me, too! Sites is still too clunky for me, even!
We only have a few more minutes so let's end with sharing the BEST thing you LOVE about using/teaching Google Apps w/staff & Ss.
Hands-down, the best thing about is the collaboration! I can co-plan with Ts and Ss w/o having as many F2F meetings!
I love the ease of sharing folders and files to work on projects with others!
A4:I love the collaboration, the integration of EVERYTHING with my Drive, and that Chromebooks are so easy to use and manage.
Love the sense of accomplishment I see when my younger students learn how to create Google Slide presentations on their own.
It is so user friendly and gets your class/teachers/schools all on the same page. Collaboration is the game changer!
A4: I love that I can share things with other Ss and Ts in my school, district, and beyond and we can collaborate.
A4: not sexy but shared calendars are a lifesaver
We have just a few Chromebooks but (knock wood) not one problem in 1-2. Awesome.
Well we are almost out of time-wow! What a great tonight! YES! is moderator for a great topic on 8/11!
Well we are almost out of time-wow! What a great tonight! YES! is moderator for a great topic on 8/11!
The last few days were a testament to that during Tech Week.
thanks Jessica and good night all!
Goodnight everyone and keep leading the way with Google as your resource!
Thanks! That was fun and informative!