Our mission for our 21st century chat is to create a positive 21st century learning environment for our students by sharing resources and ideas that has worked in our classrooms. Join us every Sunday from 8:00-9:00 PM (EST) on Twitter using the hashtag #21stedchat. All are welcome!
Welcome to #21stedchat tonight we will be discussing Tech Integration PK-16. Please introduce yourselves include how your school year has gone so far. @Edu_Thompson is on the road home tonight so we will need a retweeter.
My Name is Therese Jung and I am a pre-service teacher! I am so excited to learn more about meaningful implementation of tech in the classroom #21stedchat#EDUC331
In the broadest sense, educational technology includes the theory and practice of using technology that enhances student learning and engagement #21stedchat#EDUC331
Technology is meant to enhance learning, not take over learning. As @bford2011 said, if we have to force it then it's not effortless. It should be easily manageable and work well with the lesson #21stedchat#EDUC331
I've been introduced to three different technology integration frameworks (TPACK, SMAR, Triple E), and I'm curious to hear what has worked best for others #21stedchat
We use SAMR. A lot teachers think they are doing an awesome job using technology, but when asked to categorize it more times than not fall in the substitution category. Substitution is a great place to start but many struggle getting past that.
I don't necessarily turn away from a framework. I've done TPACK without naming it for a long time. Maybe it's that I see them as all very similar. But if you do good teaching it is a mix of all three. #21stedchat
Ignore SAMR. Look more at TPACK. Realize that tech tools are not always the best ways for students to learn or for you to teach. Have multiple tool options for students and let the choose #21stedchat
I am also an #oldguy and don't like to get hung up on the jargon of the day. Seen too many things come and go. But good teaching comes with your own style based on different things you have learned. And it may change from class to class. #21stedchat
I agree that sometimes people get caught up on the framework and lose track of the main purpose of integrating technology, which is to increase student motivation, understanding and learning
In reply to
@dprindle, @BrookeAhnaS, @jung_therese
Use what gives students the most freedom. Allow students to pick the wrong tool and let them explain why it was wrong. If you want career and college ready students, that is the skill they need #21stedchat
Collaboration and communication would be skills I would want students to take away. My content area is English, and collaboration with other students is incredibly important when it comes to digging into and understanding books and comprehension skills #21stedchat#EDUC331
A3: I would like students to come away with collaboration and creation skills. Hard skills such as using spreadsheets, photo editing, integrating apps to share with others internally and externally #21stedchat
Q4: Are you being taught at in teacher prep programs to integrate tech? If not what would resources would be helpful to you? Preservice or inservice T's? #21stedchat
Brook and I are currently taking #EDUC331 Educational Technology and Assessment! It has been a very eye-opening course, but any resources you've found helpful would be greatly appreciated also! #21stedchat
We are being taught how to integrate technology but I know that the learning doesn't stop there. I think doing constant research into new and better technology resources would be a good idea to continue growing our resources #21stedchat#EDUC331
Thanks everyone for another great #21stedchat join us next week when @Edu_Thompson discusses the Classroom Environment and Student Learning. Sunday 8 PM ET US. Have a great week!