Hello! Nick from Clay Center, Kansas checking in! I taught fourth and fifth grade for four years, and just began my journey as a full-time School Counselor this year. Kagan was a big part of my classroom and I continue to infuse into my counseling curriculum. #kaganchat
A1: Along with achievement, I consider physical needs of Ss, personalities, behavior, and if someone is having trouble making friends. I also have different pairings for students when we meet at the carpet for workshop. I use Sit Spots to label A/B partners. #KaganChat
A1-Testing, observation, leadership capabilities, and personality traits were things I considered when forming teams. I felt it was important to not only have academically sound students, but also leaders who could bring out the best in my hesitant learners. #kaganchat
#kaganchat A1 Besides the typical factors I like to consider the previous interactions of students. I like to expose my students to the experiences of students they wouldn’t choose to interact with on their own.
I considered behavior, subject matter, interests, relationships, upcoming standards, kids who needed to see examples of other students social skills. #kaganchat
A1 As a principal my answer is very different for this one because it just depends on what it is we are working on w/ staff. But when in the classroom the other factors to consider are things like behaviors, student likes/needs, etc. #KaganChat
A2-I feel that Classbuilding is the foundation for an OUTSTANDING classroom environment. Students need to build relationships with students in a non-academic sense. As a fourth-grade teacher I would have my students choose the Classbuilding for the week. #kaganchat
A2: classbuilding structures have really helped students become comfortable working with anyone in class and learn each other’s names which I think we take for granted. #KaganChat
A2- As a counselor, it has built a foundation for my lessons, as it's the first thing we do before each lesson. Classbuilding builds a community, even if it's for 50 minutes. #kaganchat
A2 I have been fortunate to work with many teachers this year and they all agree that Ss are more compassionate and encouraging of ALL of classmates. Additionally they are hearing great conversations with elaboration and academic vocabulary. #kaganchat
A2-I feel that Classbuilding is the foundation for an OUTSTANDING classroom environment. Students need to build relationships with students in a non-academic sense. As a fourth-grade teacher I would have my students choose the Classbuilding for the week. #kaganchat
A2: Utilizing kagan structures has increased my students confidence, built there academic and general vocabulary, and reinforces social skills. While still increasing content knowledge. @KaganOnline#KaganChat
A2: My school has currently had days 1-4 with 5 upcoming. Opportunities for students to interact socially and learn good habits from others. Relationships are key to create a safe learning environment. #kaganchat
A2: My school has currently had days 1-4 with 5 upcoming. Opportunities for students to interact socially and learn good habits from others. Relationships are key to creating a safe learning environment. #kaganchat
A2 As the new principal at my school this year and making an intentional focus on culture this year utilizing classbuilding with my team has been a vital piece of this year and the feedback from a lot of staff members has been very positive #KaganChat
A3: To help Ss who are having difficulty working well with others, I begin with empathy and then step in to give words to each partner so they get the feeling of success. I’ve gone so far as saying, “Say...And now you respond...And then you say...” #KaganChat
A2 Kagan Structures give my students ways to meanfully collaborate. As a teacher they make the environment in my classroom positive and productive! #KaganChat#gesshineon
A3-I teach student how to "mirror", which is another name for reflective listening, where students have to understand the perspective of the other student. I have students reflect back to each other the processes we go through during structures, content, etc. #kaganchat
A3: To help Ss who are having difficulty working well with others, I begin with empathy and then step in to give words to each partner so they get the feeling of success. I’ve gone so far as saying, “Say...And now you respond...And then you say...” #KaganChat
A3: LOTS and LOTS of Classbuilding and Teambuilding, making sure to pick topics they can't help but WANT to talk about. With some students, a simple reminder that doing 25% of the work is easier than 100% of the work. #KaganChat
A3 - I have had private conversations with them.. using I messages. Usually that will do the trick. If not, I pull the S from a structure- when S realizes they can’t participate- attitude changes!#KaganChat
A3 I agree with @BillAtKagan... sometimes we need to figure out what is keeping the kids from participating. Making sure the topics are accessible is a great start! #kaganchat
A3: Sometimes I put Ss who have difficult relationships on the same team. They learn about one another during teambuilding. They must work together and end up relying on one another. Changes perspectives! Builds trust! #kaganchat
A3 This is SO true! Ran into a few former S last month and they mentioned being "forced to work together" when they were in my class. So cute, they said it started their friendship...before they struggled to be in the same room. #kaganchat
A4: Kagan Structures have helped Ss develop the ability to recognize other Ss’ successes and learn how to encourage others with positive words. They’ve done it so much within the structures that they do it now spontaneously! #KaganChat
@KaganOnline A3: up the teambuilding and classbuilding! Don’t give up on them...they just need more time and practice working together and getting along with others! #kaganchat
A4 a social skill we working on is looking at the person you are talking to or listening to. Structures help with this ALL the time! Kids have a tendency to look away as they talk to someone 😢#KaganChat
A4-Communication (voice levels, tone of voice, etc), teamwork, collaboration, listening-skills, encouragement, conflict/resolution, and complimenting. Rally Coach, Quiz-Quiz-Trade, Mix-Pair-Share, Showdown, and Sage-N-Scribe all built these social skills! #kaganchat
A social skill we work on daily is looking at the person you are talking to or listening to. Sad to say, so many kids look away as they talk... in too big of a hurry! #KaganChat
As a math teacher, Kagan structures taught my students to think deeper and become teachers of their learning. Doing a worksheet is easy, but explaining your process out loud brings a whole new meaning to learning! The structures helped meet Common Core standards! #kaganchat
As a math teacher, Kagan structures taught my students to think deeper and become teachers of their learning. Doing a worksheet is easy, but explaining your process out loud brings a whole new meaning to learning! The structures helped meet Common Core standards! #kaganchat
A5: Tream tubs have changed my life! I got rid of desks and replaced them with tables and team tubs. I have scissors, crayons, pencils, glue, dry erase markers, and little erasers. And no more messy desks! #KaganChat
A5: Always have tubs but only have them on table when needed. Keeping them in a set location allowed me to add or removevitems as needed. Colored pencils, tape, highlighters and mini stapler were necessary for INB #kaganchat
A5: I didn't use team tubs (S struggled to keep their hands off extra materials & I might have some OCD tendencies) - instead we had locations around the room where materials were stored. 1 S responsible for picking up each material. #kaganchat
@KaganOnline A4: if your class needs more help with #socialskills this year, we just published a book with kagan focusing on personal and social skills! 👍 It is in the 2018 catalog under new products!!!! #kaganchat
@KaganOnline A4: if your class needs more help with #socialskills this year, we just published a book with kagan focusing on personal and social skills! 👍 It is in the 2018 catalog under new products!!!! #kaganchat
A5 Yes but I need to make them more relevant. Right now they have markers, pencils, pens, rulers, talking chips and I’m not sure what else. I want to be sure they have spinners, staplers, hole punches, and other necessary supplies for T’s #KaganChat
A6: circulate and listen/monitor...use what you hear to extend learning or address misconceptions. Make notes on students who need additional support in structures so you can monitor their acquisition of the standards. #kaganchat
A6-Have students initial their work. Have partners star if they agree. Formatively monitor student's work by observing and asking individual students to explain their processes, or have students explains their partner's processes. This keeps students VERY accountable. #kaganchat
So sorry to be so late tonight! I look forward to reading what I missed but will jump in now. I'm Kathy from Springfield MO; happy to think about how structures improve engagement & positive culture for all students! #Kaganchat
ABonus: it’s always been my policy to travel for my birthday! Any travel memory would be my favorite... San Francisco, Sedona... the list continues! #Kaganchat
B-Happy birthday! My favorite birthday memory would have to be the pool parties I had each year at our community pool. We'd invite my entire family and friends, and swim into the night! It was simple, but some of my best memories are from the pool! #kaganchat
Thanks for participating in our January #Kaganchat tonight. Remember to check back every Tuesday for the weekly #Kaganchat Challenge & join us again Tuesday, February 27 for the next monthly #Kaganchat.